3g E: U13: (***) past simple or present perfect

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A: When ________ (he/arrive)? B: He ______*?*________ (arrive) at 2:00 0'clock.


My brother __________ (write) several plays. He _____*?*______ (just/finish) his second tragedy.

has just finished

He __________ (just/go) out.

has just gone

A: Do you know that lady who ___*?*__ (just/leave) the shop? B: Yes, that is Miss Thrift. Is she a customer of yours? A: Not exactly. She _______ (be) in here several times but she _____ (never/buy) anything.

has just left

A: Do you know that lady who _______ (leave) the shop? B: Yes, that is Miss Thrift. Is she a customer of yours? A: Not exactly. She ___________ (be) in here several times but she ____*?*______ (never/buy) anything.

has never bought

A: The clock is slow. B: It isn't slow, it ______________ (stop).

has stopped

Here are your shoes; I ___________ (just/clean) them.

have just cleaned

A: I _________ (not know) that you ____ (know) Mrs Pitt. ________ (how long/you/know) her? B: I ____*?*______ (know) her for ten years.

have known

A: This is my house. B: How long _____ (you/live) here? A: I ___*?*___ (live) here since 1970.

have lived

A: I ___*?*_____ (lose) my black gloves. ________ (you/see) them anywhere? B: No, I'm afraid I haven't. When _________. (when/last/you/wear) them? A: I ______ (wear) them at the theatre last night. B: Perhaps you ________ (leave) them at the theatre.

have lost

We ___________ (miss) the bus. Now we'll have to walk.

have missed

I ______________ (never/drink) whisky.

have never drunk

A: _______________ (you/wear) your hair long when you were at school? B: Yes, my mother ___________ (insist) on it. But when I __________ (leave) school I __________ (cut) my hair and ____*?*_____ (wear) it short ever since.

have worn

I __________ (write) the letter but I can't find a stamp.

have written

A: This is my house. B: How long ___*?*___ (you/live) here? A: I _______ (live) here since 1970.

have you lived

A: _______________ (you/wear) your hair long when you were at school? B: Yes, my mother ___________ (insist) on it. But when I _______*?*______ (leave) school I _______ (cut) my hair and _________ (wear) it short ever since.


A: _______ (you/be) here before? B: Yes, I _________ (spend) my holiday here last year. A: _______*?*______ (you/have) a good time? B: No, it ________ (stop) raining.

Did you have

A: __*?*______ (you/like) your last job? B: I _______ (like) it at first but then I _____ (quarrel) with my employer and he _________ (dismiss) me. A: How long ______ (you/be) there? B: I _________ (be) there for two weeks.

Did you like

______*?*_______ (you/lock) the door before you left the house?

Did you lock

____________ (you/see) the moon last night?

Did you see

A: _____ (the newspaper/come)? B: Yes, Ann is reading it.

Has the newspaper come

A: __*?*_____ (you/be) here before? B: Yes, I _________ (spend) my holiday here last year. A: ___________ (you/have) a good time? B: No, it ________ (stop) raining.

Have you been

_____*?*______ (you/have) breakfast yet? Yes, I __________ (have) it at 8.00.

Have you had

A: I _________ (not know) that you ____ (know) Mrs Pitt. ___*?* ______ (how long/you/know) her? B: I _________ (know) her for ten years.

How long have you known

A: He _________ (serve) in the First World War. B: _____*?*________ (when/that war/begin)? A: It ________ (begin) in 1914 and ______ (last) for four years.

When did that war begin

The actors ___*?*______ (arrive) yesterday and _______ (start) rehearsals early this morning.


A: He _________ (serve) in the First World War. B: _____________ (when/that war/begin)? A: It ___*?*_____ (begin) in 1914 and ______ (last) for four years.


The concert ____*?*_____ (begin) at 2:30 and ________ (last) for two hours. Everyone _______ (enjoy) it very much.


A: I ___*?*__ (buy) this in Bond Street. B: How much ______ (pay) for it? A: I _____ (pay) £100.


He ___________ (break) his leg in a skiing accident last year.


Chopin ____*?*________ (compose) some of his music in Majorca. Majorca: An island in Spain


A: _______________ (you/wear) your hair long when you were at school? B: Yes, my mother ___________ (insist) on it. But when I __________ (leave) school I ____*?*______ (cut) my hair and _________ (wear) it short ever since.


I _____*?*______ (do) this sort of work when I _________ (be) an apprentice.


A: When ___*?*_______ (he/arrive)? B: He ____________ (arrive) at 2.00.

did he arrive

A: He _______ (leave) the house at 8.00. B: Where ____*?*________ (he/go)? A: I __________ (not see) where he ________ (go).

did he go

A: Where ___*?*____ (find) this knife? B: I _________ (find) it in the garden. A: Why __________ (you/not leave) it there?

did you find

A: I ________ (lose) my black gloves. ________ (you/see) them anywhere? B: No, I'm afraid I haven't. When ____*?*_____. (when/last/you/wear) them? A: I ______ (wear) them at the theatre last night. B: Perhaps you ________ (leave) them at the theatre.

did you last wear

A: I ______ (buy) this in Bond Street. B: How much _____*?*___ (pay) for it? A: I ____ (pay) £100.

did you pay

A: I _________ (fly) over Loch Ness last week. B: _____*?*______ (you/see) the Loch Ness monster?

did you see

A: ________*?*_________ (you/wear) your hair long when you were at school? B: Yes, my mother ___________ (insist) on it. But when I ___________ (leave) school I _______ (cut) my hair and _________ (wear) it short ever since.

did you wear

A: I ____*?*_____ (not know) that you ____ (know) Mrs Pitt. _________ (how long/you/know) her? B: I _________ (know) her for ten years.

didn't know

A: He _______ (leave) the house at 8.00. B: Where ___________ (go)? A: I ____*?*_______ (not see) where he ________ (go).

didn't see

A: Where _________ (find) this knife? B: I __________ (find) it in the garden. A: Why ____*?*______ (you/not leave) it there?

didn't you leave

A: ________ (you/like) your last job? B: I _______ (like) it at first but then I ____ (quarrel) with my employer and he ___*?*_______ (dismiss) me. A: How long ______ (you/be) there? B: I _________ (be) there for two weeks.


I __________ (read) his books when I was at school. I _____*?*_______ (enjoy) them very much.


The concert ________ (begin) at 2.30 and _________ (last) for two hours. Everyone ___*?*____ (enjoy) it very much.


A: I ____*?*_______ (fly) over Loch Ness last week. B: _________ (you/see) the Loch Ness monster?


A: Where _________ (find) this knife? B: I ____*?*______ (find) it in the garden. A: Why __________ (you/not leave) it there?


I __________ (leave) home at 8.00 and ____*?*_____ (get) here at twelve.


__________ (you/have) breakfast yet? Yes, I _____*?*______ (have) it at 8.00.


A: Do you know that lady who _______ (leave) the shop? B: Yes, that is Miss Thrift. Is she a customer of yours? A: Not exactly. She _____*?*______ (be) in here several times but she __________ (never/buy) anything.

has been

It _________ (be) very cold this year. I wonder when it is going to get warmer.

has been

Mr Pound is the bank manager. He _________ (be) here for five years.

has been

The play ____________ (just/begin). You are a little late.

has just begun

My brother ____*?*_______ (write) several plays. He __________ (just/finish) his second tragedy.

has written

He _____*?*_________ (not smoke) for two weeks. He is trying to give it up.

hasn't smoked

A: I ________ (lose) my black gloves. ___*?*_____ (you/see) them anywhere? B: No, I'm afraid I haven't. When _________. (when/last/you/wear) them? A: I ______ (wear) them at the theatre last night. B: Perhaps you ________ (leave) them at the theatre.

have you seen

I can't go out because I ___________ (not finish) my work.

haven't finished

A: Where is Tom? B: I _____________ (not see) him today.

haven't seen

I ______*?*_______ (not see) him for three years. I wonder where he is.

haven't seen

A: _______________ (you/wear) your hair long when you were at school? B: Yes, my mother _______*?*______ (insist) on it. But when I ___________ (leave) school I _______ (cut) my hair and _________ (wear) it short ever since.


A: I _________ (not know) that you _*?*___ (know) Mrs Pitt. _________ (how long/you/know) her? B: I _________ (know) her for ten years.


A: He _________ (serve) in the First World War. B: _____________ (when/that war/begin)? A: It _______ (begin) in 1914 and ___*?*____ (last) for four years.


The concert ________ (begin) at 2.30 and ___*?*______ (last) for two hours. Everyone _______ (enjoy) it very much.


A: He ___*?*______ (leave) the house at 8.00. B: Where __________ (go)? A: I __________ (not see) where he ________ (go).


A: I ________ (lose) my black gloves. ________ (you/see) them anywhere? B: No, I'm afraid I haven't. When ________. (when/last/you/wear) them? A: I _______ (wear) them at the theatre last night. B: Perhaps you ____*?*____ (leave) them at the theatre.


I _____*?*_____ (leave) home at 8.00 and ________ (get) here at twelve.


A: ________ (you/like) your last job? B: I ___*?*____ (like) it at first but then I _____ (quarrel) with my employer and he _________ (dismiss) me. A: How long ______ (you/be) there? B: I _________ (be) there for two weeks.


He ____*?*______ (live) in London for two years and then, _________ (go) to Edinburgh.


I ___________ (meet) him last June.


A: _______ (you/be) here before? B: Yes, I _________ (spend) my holiday here last year. A: ___________ (you/have) a good time? B: No, it _____*?*_____ (stop) raining.

never stopped

A: I ____ (buy) this in Bond Street. B: How much _____ (pay) for it? A: I __*?*___ (pay) £100.


A: ________ (you/like) your last job? B: I _______ (like) it at first but then I __*?*___ (quarrel) with my employer and he _________ (dismiss) me. A: How long ______ (you/be) there? B: I _________ (be) there for two weeks.


I _____*?*______ (read) his books when I was at school. I ___________ (enjoy) them very much.


Mr Count _______ (work) as a cashier for twenty-five years. Then he ____*?*_______ (retire) and ___________ (go) to live in the country.


A: He __*?*_______ (serve) in the First World War. B: _____________ (when/that war/begin)? A: It ________ (begin) in 1914 and ______ (last) for four years.


A: _______ (you/be) here before? B: Yes, I _____*?*______ (spend) my holiday here last year. A: ___________ (you/have) a good time? B: No, it ________ (stop) raining.


The actors _________ (arrive) yesterday and __*?*_____ (start) rehearsals early this morning. (It is afternoon now)


A: ________ (you/like) your last job? B: I _______ (like) it at first but then I ____ (quarrel) with my employer and he __________ (dismiss) me. A: How long ______ (you/be) there? B: I ____*?*_____ (be) there for two weeks.


I _________ (do) this sort of work when I ____*?*_______ (be) an apprentice.


A: He _______ (leave) the house at 8.00. B: Where ___________ (go)? A: I __________ (not see) where he __*?*_______ (go).


He __________ (live) in London for two years and then, ____*?*_______ (go) to Edinburgh.


He ___________ (go) out ten minutes ago.


Mr Count _______ (work) as a cashier for twenty-five years. Then he ___________ (retire) and ____*?*_______ (go) to live in the country.


A: ________ (you/like) your last job? B: I _______ (like) it at first but then I ____ (quarrel) with my employer and he __________ (dismiss) me. A: How long ___*?*___ (you/be) there? B: I _________ (be) there for two weeks.


A: I ________ (lose) my black gloves. ________ (you/see) them anywhere? B: No, I'm afraid I haven't. When ________. (when/last/you/wear) them? A: I ___*?*____ (wear) them at the theatre last night. B: Perhaps you ________ (leave) them at the theatre.


Mr Count ___*?*______ (work) as a cashier for twenty-five years. Then he _________ (retire) and ___________ (go) to live in the country.


Cervantes ___________ (write) Don Quixote.


Shakespeare _________ (write) a lot of plays.


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