445 Final Exam Review
what reliability features does WS-RM specification define?
- At-Least-Once delivery, At-Most-Once delivery, and Exactly-Once delivery - Guaranteed message ordering for delivery
what security features are supported in WCF's SSL protocol? Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) defines communication protocols that can provide...
- Data confidentiality - Data integrity
what is (are) the major dependability feature(s) added into the Windows Communications Foundations?
- WS-Security - Reliable Sessions (WS-R) - Interoperability (WS-I)
what security mechanism(s) does IIS support?
- access control list - IP address restrictions - domain name restrictions - encrypted HTTP connections
what are the new features implemented in Atom? Select all that apply.
- allow autoupdate - allow autodiscovery
which of the followings belong(s) to security attributes? select all that apply.
- confidentiality - vulnerability - safety
what reliability features does WS-ReliableMessaging specification define? What kinds of errors can be handled by WS-ReliableMessaging (WS-RM) in WCF? Check all that apply.
- lost messages - duplicated messages - messages received out of order
what error control codes are separable codes?
- parity check - checksum
what is (are) the problem(s) associated with the standard Windows Forms Security mechanism?
- passwords are stored in clear text - sequential comparisons of user name and password - unmanageable if accessibility needs to be changed frequently
what is required for a well-formed XML document?
- unique root element - each element has opening/closing tags - no overlapped tags
(1) Will this piece of code create an in-memory tree to store the entire contents of the XML file "Course.xml"? (2) What line of code (see the numbers right to the code) reads a new node into the memory? (3) What does the method "reader.MoveToNextAttribute()" at line 7 return, if the node has no more attribute?
1. no 2. line 3 3. false
What is an empty element in XML? Select all that apply.
An element without text content between the element tags An element without a child element
what are CDATA and PCDATA in an XML document?
CDATA will not be checked for syntax errors by XML parsers, while PCDATA will be checked for syntax errors
What XML processing model reads the entire XML document into the memory?
DOM (Document Object Model)
what XML processing model reads the entire XML document into the memory?
DOM (Document Object Model)
why do we need to invent XML Schema after DTD has been invented?
DTD does not follow XML syntax
Why do we need to invent XML Schema after DTD has been invented? Select all that apply.
DTD is limited to string type of data. DTD files do not follow XML syntax.
What is XHTML?
It is extensible HTML that allows using a DTD file to extend the features of HTML.
what web pages perform the computations on the server side? select all that apply.
pure HTML form
what web computing technology is obsolete?
pure HTML with server support
what attributes are called security attributes?
safety, vulnerability, confidentiality, data integrity
what dependability functions are implemented in WCF?
security and reliability
how are the special markup characters presented in XML files? what are CDATA and PCDATA? what are their differences? what is the difference between entity reference and CDATA?
special markup characters are presented as an entity reference or a character reference to differentiate them. CDATA is data that appears between a pair of special tags "<![CDATA[" and "]]>" PCDATA is any data that are not in CDATA tags. They are used to handle the appearances of reserved characters.
what types of data can cookies store?
string data
Which of the followings are valid JSON value? Select all that apply.
25 "25" -25
Assume we have five (5) different Web data structures. We choose one structure as the intermediate structure and we translate all other structures to and from this structure. How many converters we need to have?
which of the following sequences does not make sense logically or semantically?
<deny users="*"/> <allow users="bob"/>
Which of the following is an empty element in XML?
<image></ image > <image /> <image source = "Photo.jpeg" />
what type of files does not create a web page, instead, adds an item in an existing web page?
ASCX file (user controls)
explain the types of files that exist in an ASP.Net web site application and what the functions of each type file are.
ASPX files: a web form creating a GUI page for users to interact with. ASCX files: creates a custom control built from an HTML page with server-side script or code behind the page. Web.config file: contains configuration settings to control the applications behavior. Global.asax: contains event handlers to respond the global events. DLL: contains common library functions in the Windows environment C# files: event handlers behind the other pages handling events XHTML files: markup pages for the ASPX pages
What are key languages used in html 5? Select all that apply.
CSS JavaScript
in the System.Web.Caching namespace, what class is used for defining a parameters type in a method of another class?
CacheDependency class
Google's Protocol Buffers are similar in syntax to...
Class definition of an object-oriented programming language.
What does the Out-Of-Browser computing model mean?
Computing is done on client's machine.
what are DOM, SAX, and XPath models? list their strengths and weaknesses. what .Net FCL classes and methods exist for reading and writing XML files?
DOM: reads an entire document into memory for random access. Its a problem if the XML document is large, which takes up a lot of memory. It represents a document as a rooted tree of nodes. SAX: simply used for reading XML contents and is less focused on the structure. Its streamed based and has a forward-only and read-only API to XML documents. You can read line by line until you find what you're looking for. XPath: a language for accessing parts of an XML document in a way that a file system accesses its files using a path. We can identify certain nodes within a document as well as attributes. You can not write in XPath. filestream and XML classes
What design pattern in the javax.xml.parsers package allows the entire XML tree to be read into memory?
in order to write data into a file system, we need a class that directly communicates with the file system, which is outside ASP.Net application. what class plays this role?
FileStream class
What are the main components of ASPX GUI design? Select all that apply.
HTML control Server control
What is the capacity (expressivity) of XSL as a programming language? Select all that apply.
It is able to express conditions using if-then-else constructs. It is able to express loops. It is Turing complete and thus is able to express general computing.
What is XHTML (Extensible HTML)?
It is the HTML with a type definition file.
Which language does not conform to XML?
What are the problems with the client-side's transformation from XML to HTML? Select all that apply.
Need to modify the XML file. Rely on browser to have an XSLT processor.
What are the main problems with the client side XSL transformation? Select all that apply.
Not all browsers have a built-in XSLT processor. The XML file has to be modified to reference the XSL file.
What mechanism is used in Google search engine for defining data and data structure?
Protocol Buffers
what is quality of service and what are dependability attributes?
QoS is the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears on its ability to meet a stated or implied need. More frequently used from the user's perspective. Dependability attributes are more frequently used by system designers because dependability also includes the concepts of impairments that impact the dependability attributes and the means that improve the dependability attributes. Both used interchangeably.
What are the potential problems of using client-side scripting? Select all that apply.
Script code is not reusable. Interpretation is slower than executing compiled code. Security and proprietary issues.
What are the major components of cloud computing? Select all that apply.
Software as a Service Platform as a Service Infrastructure as a Service
How does a WSDL/SOAP service normally return a value to the caller?
Use HTTP | Response.
what is WS-* Specification? what components are included in WS-* Specification?
WCF supports multiple security methods at different layers. the security methods includes authentication, authorization, confidentiality, and integrity. the layers in which security mechanisms are deployed include message layer and transport layer.
what type of file allows the application to parameterize its behavior, so that the behavior can be modified without recompiling the source code?
what type of file overrides its occurrence in the parent directory?
What method of XmlTextWriter Class should be called if you want to create an XML node with a child node?
what type of file does the following piece of code most likely belong to? Code: <Book> <Title>name of book</Title> <Author>name of author</Author> <Year>year</Year> <ISBN>1234</ISBN> </Book>
XML instance file
what is XML? what are XML element and attributes?
XML is a universal metalanguage used to define other Web services standards, protocol, interfaces, documents, and data. It is made of plain-text and self-describing. XML elements are used to define the data that are integral to the document. XML attributes are used to define out-of-band data which give additional information.
what .Net class contains the method to obtain the root element of an XML document?
XMLDocument class
what .Net class contains the method called WriteElementString?
XMLTextWriter class
compare and contrast XML DTD and XML XSD. what .Net FCL classes and methods exist for validating XML files?
XSD is a more powerful alternative to DTD that defines the structure and types of an XML document. DTD is not XML-based which required separate tools to process DTD documents, whereas XSD is XML-based. XSD is extendable and reusable. DTD is limited to only string type, whereas XSD supports basic types and can define other complex types. XMLReader and its .Create(...) method can be used to perform validation, supporting both DTD and XSD files
what is WS-transaction?
a collection of actions, including information exchange and status modification. It must be treated as a unit or atomic operation for ensuring database integrity. transactions are at application level, consisting of sequences of operations.
what is an XML namespace? why is it useful? how is a namespace defined?
a namespace is declared as an attribute of an element. it binds a prefix name (qualifier) to a schema definition and then uses that prefix whenever required. Its used to limit the scope of a name of a DTD or schema to eliminate conflict.
an XML document can be best illustrated as...
a rooted tree
what are the challenges for using an application state variable in Global.asax file?
addressing the problem of simultaneous write on the variable addressing the performance problem if the lock mechanism is used
how is the Windows-based security implemented in a Web application?
all access to a web application or web service must go through IIS, which assigns every request an access token. the access token enables the Windows OS to perform ACL (access control list) checks on resources targeted by the request.
an application state variable allows you to store an object into the server memory, which can be accessed by...
all sessions in the current application, but no the other applications
the Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) can be used to transform an XML file to...
another XML file, with the same or a different structure an HTML file
what is wrong with using application state variables for caching purposes? select all that apply.
application state variables do not have automated caching management support. application state variables are not thread safe.
Web.config file in ASP.Net application is used for...
authentication and authorization
FileStream class uses a stream buffer of bytes to connect to the file system. what XML class/classes can be used to read the stream buffer?
both XMLTextReader and XMLDocument
where are cached objects saved in Web.config?
can be in cache, memory, and disk
reliability ensures...
continuity of service in [0,t]
in Windows Communication Foundation, the scope of a transaction flow is...
defined using an object of TransactionScope class
in what circumstance should such an encryption system be used, where the decoding key is public and the encoding key is private?
digital signature is needed
DES (Data Encryption Standard) is used for low-level security purpose only, because its...
encryption key is short
where can we program the animations in a Windows phone app?
in XAMIL file
The purpose of using CDATA is to allow special characters to appear...
in the element's text between the opening tag and closing tag.
how are digital signature and confidentiality implemented in a public key security system?
in the public key security system, anyone who wants to send a confidential document to the receiver uses the public key to encrypt the document digital signature, which encryption is held private, whereas the decryption key is made public. nobody, except the sender, can create the encrypted document, but everyone can decrypt the document.
where are RSS and Atom feeds currently used? Select all that apply.
input and output RESTful services
where can attributes be placed in an XML document?
inside the opening tag of an element
an attribute with an element...
is never implicitly qualified by the qualifier of the element
a Document Type Definition file...
is used to define the structure of an XML file
what does the fragment caching do in ASP.Net?
it caches a part of the XHTML page defined by a user control
what does the output caching do in ASP.Net?
it caches the entire XHTML page
what is WS-Reliability? what issues the WS-Reliability specification address?
it is a SOAP-based specification that fulfills reliable messaging requirements critical to SOC applications of web services.
how is the form-based security implemented in a Web application?
it used the Web.config file to define the detailed security policies. the system.web section can be used to define authentication and authorization to a web application.
how is a user control page shared among multiple ASPX pages?
link the reference to the user control page into each ASPX page
compare and contrast RSS and Atom feeds. what are their similarities and differences. where are they being used?
most noncontainer elements of RSS are string types, whereas Atom's noncontainer elements allow more flexibility in associating with different types of data. Atom has automated features like autoupdate that automatically adds timestamp when a feed is changed, and autodiscovery is for clients who know the URI of a web page to find the location of that page's associated Atom feed automatically. both are used for describing/representing feed data and are used in RESTful services.
A mashup can take data from (Select all that apply)
multiple data sources. multiple services and APIs.
An XML document has a tree structure. It...
must have a unique root
what type of data is a session state variable designed to store?
objects defined by a class
if you plan to implement a thick-client architecture, what is the best technology to use?
out-of-browser computing
What namespace inherits and merges all names from other namespaces into the current schema?
what does the following line of code in a DTD file mean? Code: <!ELEMENT instructor(name, course+, officeHours*, phone | email)
the XML instance file must have an element <course>
what data does the Output Caching technique cache?
the entire web page generated from the ASPX page
what is the dependability of a system?
the system's ability to deliver specified services to the end users so that they can justifiably rely on and trust the services provided by the system. it includes 3 aspects of a system: attributes, means, and impairments.
in order to tolerate (or correct) one bit error, the hamming distance of code C must be at least...
what is the purpose of defining a default namespace in an XML file?
to reduce the number of namespace qualifiers prefixed to the element names
what methods can be used for storing the session ID in the client browser?
use cookies to store the session ID. put the session ID in the URL as part of the address.
how do you add a DLL class into your web site application?
use the "add reference" option in Visual Studio to include the class
why do we need a user control at all? what function of a user control cannot be replaced by a server control?
user controls can be shared by multiple ASPX pages, its sharable and reusable.
when do you use the add() method in the Cache class? select all that apply.
when we want to add a dependency object into an existing cache object.
what is the scope of a session state variable?
within all pages in the session