5. Motivation

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Views of motivation

1. Participant or trait centered view - motivated behavior primarily a function of individual characteristics 2. Situation-centered view - motivated behavior determined by situational factors 3. Interactional view - motivated behavior resulted from interaction of participant and situational factors

Major motives for exercise participants

Joining - health factors/ feeling better - weight loss - fitness - self-challenge Continuing - enjoyment - like instructor/ type of activity - social factors

Motivational rewards

What motivates you? - intrinsic vs. extrinsic - controlled vs. not controlled


how people explain their success and failures

Internal vs. External Attributes

internal - realize your effort made you successful (better to have internal b/c you can control it) external - attribute success to something out of your control

Developing a realistic view of motivation

• Motivation is key variable in learning and performance • Other physical and psychological factors beyond motivation influence behavior and must be considered • Some motivational factors are more easily influenced than others

Keys to the Achievement Goal Theory

• focus extra attention on task-oriented goals • foster mastery or task motivational climates • approach vs. avoidance (of failure) orientation

5 Guidelines for Building Motivation

1. Both situations and traits motivate people 2. People have multiple motives for involvement 3. Change the environment to enhance motivation (competitive or recreational) 4. Leaders influence motivation directly and indirectly 5. Use behavior modification to change undesirable participant motives

Implications for professional practice

1. Recognize interaction of personal and situational factors influencing achievement behavior 2. Emphasize mastery (task) goals and downplay outcome goals 3. Monitor and alter attributional feedback 4. Asses and correct inappropriate attributions 5. Determine when competitive goals are appropriate 6. Enhance feelings of competence and control

Achievement Goal Theory

Ego Goal Orientation: motivated by comparing yourself to others (or competitive goal orientation) Task Goal Orientation: achieve success by getting better - focus on improving relative to your past performance (or mastery goal orientation)

Achievement Motivation

an individuals orientation to strive for task success, persist in the face of failure, and experience pride in accomplishments


direction and intensity of effort

What does achievement motivation influence?

• choice of activities • effort to pursue goals • intensity of effort • persistance (in the face of failure)

Major motives for sport participants

• improving skills • having fun • being with friends • experience thrills/ excitement • achieving success • developing fitness

How to identify participant motives

• observe participants • talk informally to others • ask participants directly

Attribution categories

• stability - stable or unstable • locus of causality - internal or external • locus of control - in ones control or out of ones control

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