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Which of the following most directly led to the creation of the American Party? (A) Th e increased number of Irish immigrants in the United States (B) Publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin (C) Enactment of the Compromise of 1850 (D) John Brown's raid at Harpers Ferry (E) Passage of the Fugitive Slave Act


Improvements in transportation and communication during the fi rst part of the 19th century affected economic relations between regions of the United States by (A) making the regions more interdependent (B) making the regions more self-sufficient and independent (C) making industrial regions economically dominant over agricultural regions (D) making agricultural regions economically dominant over industrial regions (E) furthering individual states' ability to regulate interstate commerce


Th e Free-Soil Party's platform could best be described as (A) opposing the expansion of slavery into western territories (B) calling for the expansion of the Homestead Act, providing cheaper land sales in the West (C) calling for the restriction of immigrants coming into the United States (D) advocating the notion of popular sovereignty in western territories (E) opposing protective tariff s and high domestic excise taxes


The quote "I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestioned ability of a man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor" best illustrates which 19th-century movement? (A) Transcendentalism (B) Pragmatism (C) The social gospel (D) Th e Gospel of Wealth (E) Social Darwinism


Which of the following best describes the goal of John Brown's raid of Harpers Ferry? (A) Raiding the military arsenal to supply later slave uprisings (B) Liberating the slaves being held there (C) Defeating the southern militias stationed in the region (D) Taking the pro-slavery governor hostage to bargain for the release of slaves within the state (E) Preventing pro-slavery groups from influencing popular sovereignty in western territories


Uncle Tom's Cabin was authored by (A) Henry David Thoreau (B) Henry Ward Beecher (C) Harriet Beecher Stowe (D) Emily Dickinson (E) Elijah Lovejoy


Which of the following was not true of the Kansas-Nebraska Act? (A) It was overturned by the Dred Scott decision. (B) It repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820. (C) It allowed for popular sovereignty within the region. (D) It allowed for the creation of a transcontinental railroad. (E) It was an attempt to gain southern support for Stephen Douglas.


The Kansas-Nebraska Act was unpopular in northern states because (A) it furthered the Missouri Compromise (B) it could increase the number of slave states (C) it created a transcontinental railroad in the south (D) the northern states disapproved of Stephen Douglas seeking southern support (E) it weakened the infl uence of northern business interests


Which of the following most accurately summarizes James Buchanan's legacy as president? (A) A sympathizer of abolitionism who pandered needlessly to the proslavery South (B) A strict constitutionalist, which may have limited his ability to preserve the Union (C) An accomplished leader in fiscal matters, but weak in diplomacy between the states (D) A strong proponent of education and the expansion of colleges (E) A great unifier of the Democratic Party, though faced with insurmountable challenges


Which of the following provisions was not considered part of personal liberty laws during the mid-19th century? (A) Forbidding the use of state jails to imprison alleged fugitives (B) Citing the state's right of nullifi cation (C) Interfering with state offi cials to stop them from enforcing the strict law against fugitives (D) Forcing bounty hunters to provide proof that captives were fugitives (E) Ensuring that the accused was given the right to trial by jury


Which of the following statements was not an argument against the Fugitive Slave Act? (A) Th e law made it easy for freedmen to be kidnapped. (B) Th e law violated the Dred Scott decision. (C) Accused fugitive slaves lacked the rights of due process. (D) Methods of returning fugitive slaves were cruel and dehumanizing. (E) Th e practice further institutionalized the practice of slavery


Dred Scott sued for his freedom, arguing that (A) the institution of slavery was immoral and unjust (B) he had been forced into slavery through illegal means (C) he had been a resident of a state where slavery was illegal (D) slavery was a violation of constitutional rights (E) his owner had abused and tortured him


The British activity of rounders evolved into which American leisure activity during the first part of the 19th century? (A) Horse racing (B) Boxing (C) Baseball (D) Lacrosse (E) Wrestling


The Freeport Doctrine stipulated that (A) popular sovereignty superseded the Kansas-Nebraska Act (B) the Dred Scott decision voided the notion of popular sovereignty (C) slavery could be prevented by states passing laws unfriendly toward the practice (D) the Kansas-Nebraska Act was unconstitutional under the Dred Scott decision (E) the Fugitive Slave Act was unconstitutional in territories gained from Mexico


Which of the following actions was not considered part of the Compromise of 1850? (A) Citizens of New Mexico and Utah were granted popular sovereignty. (B) Slave trade was abolished in Washington, D.C. (C) Texas's borders were extended to Santa Fe. (D) California was admitted into the Union as a free state. (E) The Fugitive Slave Act was created.


Which of the following did not lead to the creation of the Monroe Doctrine? (A) France's desire to reassert itself in the Western Hemisphere (B) Russia's ambitions in the Pacifi c Northwest (C) England's interest in annexing Texas (D) Emergence of independent Latin American states (E) Formation of the Holy Alliance in Europe


Which of the following statements about Uncle Tom's Cabin is the most accurate? (A) It was written in response to John Brown's raid at Harpers Ferry. (B) It illustrated the political beliefs of the Know-Nothing Party. (C) It motivated others to write novels refuting the book's assertions. (D) Th e author was forced to publish the work under a pseudonym. (E) It was ill received in both the North and South.


During the early 1800s, immigration in the United States was unrestricted primarily because (A) such restrictions were deemed unconstitutional (B) labor unions called for new immigrant labor (C) southern plantations needed additional workers (D) the industrial economy was creating new jobs (E) the view that the United States was a melting pot became prominent


The Dred Scott decision ruled that (A) accused fugitive slaves had a right to trial by jury (B) only Congress had the right to prohibit slavery (C) the federal ban on the importation of slaves was unconstitutional (D) African-Americans were not citizens and did not have legal protection (E) state laws banning slavery were illegal


Which of the following was not a cause of the fi nancial crash of 1857? (A) Influx of gold from the California Gold Rush (B) Overproduction of grain (C) Land and railroad speculation (D) Decline in the price of cotton overseas (E) Infl ation of currency


Which of the following was not a position supported by the Republican Party prior to the Civil War? (A) Higher wages for labor (B) Protective tariffs (C) Construction of a transcontinental railroad (D) Stemming the influx of immigrants (E) Halting the expansion of slavery


Which of the following was not a theme found in Uncle Tom's Cabin? (A) The notions of Christian values within the abolitionist movement (B) Feminist beliefs that females were equal in intellect and bravery (C) Th e evils of the Fugitive Slave Act (D) Th e role of the North and South working together to end slavery (E) Representation of slavery as a dehumanizing institution


Why did the Mormons choose Utah as the place to establish their communities? (A) Utah's high mountains offered protection from the severe western weather. (B) Utah contained large, expansive quantities of land for agriculture. (C) Utah had many river systems for transportation. (D) Utah's remote location made it less likely to be settled by other groups. (E) Th e church's founder was given the land as a charter by the federal government.


Which of the following statements best explains Abraham Lincoln's opposition to the Crittenden Compromise? (A) It was deemed a violation of states' rights. (B) It allowed for popular sovereignty to be overturned after a territory gained statehood. (C) It would cause Kentucky to secede from the Union. (D) It would reinstate the Missouri Compromise. (E) It allowed for the institution of slavery to expand.


Which of the following would not be considered an event illustrating the tensions that directly led to the Civil War? (A) Bleeding Kansas (B) Bleeding Sumner (C) John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry (D) Publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin (E) Nat Turner's rebellion


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