Hemorrhagic shock usually begins when blood loss is:
2000 ml
50. How much degrees has Gustillo Tscherne classification of open fractures ? a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) this classification does not exsist
541. Where is the common place of tendon rupture: a) in muscle-tendon junction and in tendon insertion b) approximately in the middle of tendon c) only in tendon insertion d) only in muscle-tendon junction
Staging C P Y
C stage given by clinical examination P stage given by pathologic examinantion of surgical specimen Y stage assessed after neoadjuvant therapy
Malignant tumor at epithelium in stomach:
Radioactive iodine can not be used for treatment of: spr odp a) papillary carcinoma b) follicular carcinoma c) anaplastic carcinoma d) medullary carcinoma
D but also C
First trimordial peak after polytrauma: Second trimordial peak after polytrauma: Third trimordial peak
Death seconds to minutes Death minutes to hours after injury Days to weeks
Fontaine`s stages
What is about the treatment with kumarine derivates? a) Optimal INR is 2-3 b) works as vitamin K agonist c) increase efficiency of factors II, VII, IX, X
Google this shit
What is the difference in Wallace and Lund Browder charts?
Lund Browder charts takes the age of patient into account. In burns
Which neuroendocrine tumor is least likelly to metaztasise?
Neuroliomma, schwannoma
114. The patient after decompensation in pulmonary circulation can be electively operated: a) after 3 weeks from the decompensation b) after 2 weeks c) after 3 moths d) after 6 months
115. In the patients after myocardial infarction is the risk of new ischaemia after operation until 3 months: a) 30% b) 50% c) 70% d) 5%
236. Most often used prophylactic A TB is: a) cafzolin b) tetracyklin c) nakomycin d) chloramfenikol
272. Typical sign in acute appendicitis is a) Blumberg sign b) Homans sign c) Payr sign d) all from above
298. Spica is used for: a) femor immobilization b) fingers immobilization c) humerus immobilization d) clavicle immobilization
423. Hypospady is: a) congenital disease urethral opening on the ventral side of the penis in the area of anterior urethra b) congenital disease urethral opening on the dorsal side of the penis in the area of anterior urethra c) depression of the urinary bladder d) depression of the urinary bladder together with incontinency
434. Protein denaturation and cell death in burn trauma happen: a) in temperatures over 55 C b) in temperatures over 50 C c) in temperatures over 45 C d) in temperatures over 43 C
443. In substituting the patient with fluids we give, according to Par kland scheme, in first 24 hours: a) 4 ml x weight of the patient in kg x BSAP in % b) 40 ml x weight of the patient in kg x BSAP in % c) 400 ml x weight of the patient in kg x BSAP in % d) independently of burn extent patienr has to get 3 l of fluids in 24 hours
496. Ogilvie's syndrome is: a) acute colon pseudoobstruction, paralytic ileus, mainly in proximal part of colon b) treated with urgent surgery c) always treated medicamentously d) when there is a risk of caecal perforation from extreme distension, caecostomy is more appropriate than colonoscopic decompression
507. What we use for neutralization of heparine effect? a) protamine sulfate b) vitamine K c) usually fresh frozen plasma d) usually full blood
512. Amputation in Lisfranc's joint is: a) exarticulation of tarsometatarsal joint b) tarsal amputation c) metatasrsal amputation d) exarticulation of foot digits
513. Amputation in Chopart's joint is: a) disarticulation of talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joint b) exarticulation of tarsometatarsal joint c) amputation of transmetatarsal bones d) exarticulation of foot digits
526. T ransversal patella fractures are usually treated with: a) stable osteosynthesis with screws b) conservative therapy (plaster or orthesis) c) cerclage d) external fixator
53. Pulmonal atelectasis after abdominal operations: a) in 25% of patients b) in 50% of patients c) in 5% of patients d) in 75% of patients
534. Periprothetic fractures are special type of fractures. They usually occur near implanted endoprothesis. Classification is called according to city where it was accepted. It is: a) Vancouver b) Paris c) Montreal d) Hamburg
570. What is pentaplegia? a) paralysis of diaphragma and all extremities b) paralysis of extremities c) paralysis of ipsilateral extremities d) paralysis of extremities with incontinence
602. Bennett's fracture is: a) fracture of I. metacarpal b) fracture of II. metacarpal c) fracture of III. metacarpal d) fracture of IV. metacarpal
668. For suturing skin during amputation for gangrene in we don't use: a) tweezers b) needleholder c) scissors d) suture material
681. Fontaine's stage I I is called: a) claudication stage b) stage of rest pain c) stage of gangrene d) asymptomatic stage
713. The most common E C G change in massive pulmonary embolism is: a) T wave inversion in chest leads b) normal T wave c) wider QRS complex d) P wave
85. Healing of the wound per tertiam intentionem is: a) healing of the primary sutured wound after the evacuation of abscess by secondary suture b) non-complicated healing of the wound with ATB c) healing of the wound with fever d) creation of fistula in the wound
86. A TB prophylaxis in colorectal surgery is applied: a) immediately before surgical procedure b) 24 hours before surgical procedure c) 48 hours befor surgical procedure d) 12 hours before surgical procedure
Fontaine classification stage I of chronic limb ischemia is characterised: a) stenosis of closure of vessels without symptoms b) claudicatio intermidients after walking apwcific distance c) rest or nigh pain d) ischemia-> with trophic changes or necrosis
For bleeding from upper GIT is used: a) Forrest classification b) Fontaine classification c) Strasberg classification d) Birsmuth classification
Lowenbergg sign is positive if values are a) 80-100 torr b) 120 to 140 torr c) above 150 torr d) 180 torr
The start of strong anaesthesis and muscle relaxation in subarachnoidal block: a) to 5 min b) to 10 min c) to 15 min d) to 20 min
What does belong to the neurologic complications of regional anesthesia: a) meningitis b) transient ischemic attack c) vertebro - algic syndrome d) intravertebral abscess
What is the time period stated in secondary early suture: a) from 10 till 20 days b) from 7 till 10 days c) until 10 days d) more than 20 days
What kind of anastomosis is performed after right hemicolectomy: a) Ileo-transversoanastomosis b) Ileo-coloanastomosis c) Colo-rectoanastomosis d) Ileo-sigmoanastomosis
Which pancreatic tumor is associated with Whipple trias: a) insulinoma b) glucagonoma c) gastrinoma d) somatostatinoma
Which thyroid carcinoma is developed from parafollicular C cells? a) medullary b) anaplastic c) follicular d) papillary
a) between cricoid and thyroid cartilage
106. According to the risk factors in anesthesiologic examination we distiguish: a) groups ASA 1-5, and ASA 1 patients have the highest risk b) groups ASA 1-5, and ASA 5 patients have the highest risk c) gropus ASA 1-3, and ASA 1 patients have the highest rist d) groups according to GCS
119. The cor rection of metabolic alkalosis in gastric atonia is done by: a) by solutions of glucosis b) by saline c) by plasmaexpanders d) total parenteral nutrition
166. Slash wound is: a) vulnus morsum b) vulnus scissum c) vulnus sectum d) vulnus sclopetarium
342. Resuscitation of the circulation in children is initiated if heart rate is: a) 20/ min b) 60/min c) 0/min. d) 100/min
343. Proportion of inbreaths and ches compressions in one rescuer in K PR in children is: a) 2:15 b) 2:30 c) 1:3 d) 1:15
410. Stranguria means: a) impossible urination b) burning sensation during urination c) bloody urine d) incontinency of urine
547. T ransscissio tendinis means: a) tendon rupture b) light tendon rupture c) tendon contusion d) tendon intersection
562. How many vertebrae has cervical spine?: a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8
61. Mortality in patients with massive asspiration and following pneumonia is: a) 30% b) 50% c) 70% d) 10%
652. Value of ABI index is in a healthy person: a) 07-0.8 b) 0.9-1.0 c) more than 1.3 d) less than 0.5
655. We know Fontaine's: a) criteria b) stages c) fames d) indices
663. Pirogov's amputation is: a) resection of ossis cuboideum b) resection in level of talus c) resection in calcaneal level d) exarticulation in the ankle joint
685. Fontaine's stage IV is: a) rest interval b) stage of gangrene c) asymptomatic stage d) claudication stage
688. Fontaine's stage I I is divided into: a) II a, b, c b) II a, b c) II c d) II a
709. Where is contrast agent injected into when ascending phlebography is performed: a) arteria dorsalis pedis b) v. dorsalis pedis c) vena femoralis d) arteria femoralis
80. The incidence of postoperative myocardial infaction is: a) 4% b) 0.4% c) 14% d) 20%
84. Healing of the wound per secundam intentionem is: a) non-complicated healing of the wound after primary suture b) primary healing of the sutured wound after evacuation of abscess c) healing of the wound after lavage of the wound by desinfection solution d) healinmg of the wound with prophylactic drainage
Erysipelas can result in: a) gangrene b) chronic lymphedema c) skin cancer d) crural ulcer
In diagnostic of panaritium is important: a) CT scan b) history, clinical examination, eventually X-rays c) history, actual epidemiologic situation, level of CA 19-9 d) history, recommendation document from general practitioner
Liver contains: a) 7 segments b) 8 segments c) Right and left lobe d) 8 lobes
Miles operation consists of: a) Colo-rectoanastomosis b) Amputation of the rectum c) Axial transversostomy d) Ileo-transversoanastomosis
Recurring erysipelas can cause: a) skin cancer b) ulcer c) ulcer that can lead to cancer d) diabetic foot e) gangrene
V phlegmona a) affected are tendineal capsules of 2. and 3. or 3. and 4. finger b) affected are the tendineal capsules of 1. and 5. finger c) affected are allways 2 adjacent tendineal capsules, 1st and 2nd, 2nd and 3rd. or 4th and 5th finger d) is superficial panaritium
What is not distributive shock: a) Neurogenic b) Hemorrhagic c) Septic d) Anaphylactic
Which surgeon was the first to win nobel prize a) prof. Billroth b) prof. Emil Theodor Kocher c) prof. Steiner d) prof. Barnard
10. Refractory stage of hypovolemic shock arise: a) 15-30% volume loss b) 30-40% volume loss c) 40-50% volume loss d) 15% volume loss
17. The patient after commotio cerebri has: a) fever b) reduced bowel peristalsis c) retrograde amnesia d) increased apetite
20. For examination of basal nutritional metabolism in surgical patient can be used: a) Quirck - Larsson formula b) Aspen formula c) Harris Benedict formula d) McLaren formula
238. A TB prophylaxis should last: a) min. 5 days b) min. 2 weeks c) max. 24 hours d) max. 3 days
24. Operations in gastrointestinal tract perforations belong to procedures which are: a) elective b) acute c) urgent d) none of a, b and c
253. Vulnus scissum is a) chopping wound b) laceration wound c) biting wound d) cutting wound
256. Vulnus sectum is: a) cutting wound b) lacareation wound c) chopping wound d) gunshot wound
294. Stella dorsi is used in treatment of: a) femur fracture b) humerus fracture c) clavicle fracture d) scapulla fracture
338. Distension of abdomen and high level of diaphragmas endangers children with respiratory failure: a) in first week of life b) in first month of life c) 2 years d) 5 years
345. Heimlich maneuver in children is used: a) in all ages b) in children older than 1 year c) in older children d) is not used
353. Intraperitoneal bleeding in patients with negative clinical finding is seen approximately in: a) 5% of patients b) 10% of patients c) 20% of patients d) 30% of patients
37. Classification of desinfection according to the grade of effectivity: a) classification total and zero b) there is no classification c) total and partial d) minimal and maximal
524. Hoff's fracture is: a) supracondylar femoral fracture b) fracture of patella c) transversal fracture of femoral condyli d) fracture of femur and tibia
578. Uncertain signs of lumbar spine fracture is: a) positive X-ray b) crepitus c) pain and swelling d) all above
656. Fontaine's stages are divided into: a) 2 stages b) 5 criteria c) 4 stages d) 3 indeces
670. F lexion contracture occurs after: a) femoral exarticulation b) amputation of thigh c) amputation in crural area d) transmetatarsal amputation
674. Prevention of phantom pain is: a) application of anesthetic into nerve area b) nerve suture c) use of analgetics d) use of antibiotics
704. Perthes' test is used to determine: a) passability of lymphatic system b) passability of arterial system c) passability of deep venous system d) arteriovenular communications
708. Where is contrast agent injected into when retrograde descending phlebography is performed: a) v. poplitea b) femoral artery c) v. femoralis d) a. dorsalis pedis
712. Gold standard for diagnosing pulmonary embolism is: a) plethysmography b) Doppler examination c) angiopulmography d) ECG
Acute rejection: a) is not prevented by immunosuppressive drugs b) always occur in the first year after transplantation c) is mediated primarily by T lymphocytes d) is prevented ny screening the recipient for performed antibody
Baushins valve is: a) mitral valve b) valve of papilla Vateri c) ileocecal valve d) none answer is correct
CTSI ( CT severity index) score in acute pancreatitis: a) Bolzano score b) Basel score c) Balthazar score d) Balzer score
In gas gangrene, clostridia: a) streptokinase b) hyaluronidase c) lecithinase d) all is correct
Localised Soft tissue "diseases" are all except: a) Foruncles b) folliculitis c) cellulitis d) lymphadenitis
Lowenberg`s sign is performed by: a) pressing planta pedis b) pressing calf by hand c) pressing calf by blood pressure cuff d) dorsal flexion in ankle
Typical position for a patient with perforated duodenal ulcer is: a) laying on the back with extension of the limbs b) laying on the stomach c) laying on the back with the flexion of lower limbs d) laying on he side with flexion of the limbs
What is the time period specified in the primary delayed suture: a) until 4 days b) from 2 till 4 days c) from 4 till 7 days d) more than 7 days
Which carcinoma of thyroid gland is most aggressive: a) papillary carcinoma most common b) follicular carcinoma c) anaplastic carcinoma d) medullary carcinoma
Which is not used for long time nutrition: a) Esophageostomy b) Gastrostomy c) Duodenostomy d) Jejunostomy
567. Which spinal nerve comes out neuroforamen C5-C6? a) C4 b) C5 c) C6 d) C7
c All cervical nerves except C8 emerge above their corresponding vertebrae, while the C8 nerve emerges below the C7 vertebra
11. The haemor rhagy by subdural hematoma is: a) hidden b) between pia and dura mater c) below the fascia of the muscle d) in patients with coagulopathy
173. Replantation means: a) translocation of cutaneous lobe b) transplantation of the big toe instead of a thumb c) transplantation from the cadaverous donor d) microsurgical suture of completely amputed part of the body
211. What is not a crystaloid solution: a) saline b) Ringer solution c) Hartmann solution d) dextran
235. For antibiotic prophylaxis is not used: a) penicilins b) cefalosporins c) chinolones d) macrolides
360. Pringle maneuver is: a) releasin duodenom from retroperitoneum b) mobilisation of liver by cutting triangular ligaments and falciforme hepatis ligament c) cutting lig. teres hepatis d) compression of the portalm triad with fingers or clamps
371. Two stroke spleen rupture means: a) Rupture of the spleen on two and more sites b) rupture of two and more arteries going into spleen c) rupture of the spleen capsule and subsequent bleeding into abdominal cavity d) creation of subcapsular rupture and haematoma and latter rupture
42. Tscherne classification involves: a) damage of the bone only b) x-ray picture of the fracture c) prognosis of the treatment d) damage of the soft tissues in closed fractures as well
525. When we puncture in knee area in case of intraarticular fracture we get: a) pus b) synovial exudate c) pure blood d) blood with fat
539. Luxatio tendinis occurs as a result of: a) disruption of tendon vagina b) disruption of muscular fascia c) muscular rupture d) only tendon rupture
563. How many spinal nerves has cervical spine? a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8
6. Distributive shock is characterised with: a) blood volume problem b) blood pump problem c) bradycardia d) blood vessel problem
653. Value of ABI for critical ischemia is: a) 0.7-0.9 b) 0.6-0.8 c) more than 1.0 d) less than 0.5
675. Phantom pain after amputation occurs in: a) 40% b) 30% c) 20% d) 80%
682. Fontaine's stage I I I is called: a) claudication stage b) asymptomatic stage c) stage of gangrene d) stage of rest pain
689. Fontaine's stage I Ia claudications are after distance of : a) 500 m b) 100 m c) 50 m d) 200 m
7. Grade of anesthesia required for surgery a. stage I b. stage II c. stage III d. stage IV
705. Linton's test is used to determine: a) arteriovenular communications b) passability of arterial system c) passability of lymphatic system d) passability of deep venous system
711. Angiopulmography is used to diagnose: a) peripheral vascular disorders b) central venous pressure c) defects in gas exchange of O2 and CO2 d) pulmonary embolism
75. Incidence of preoperative arhytmias is: a) 50% b) 40% c) 70% d) 20%
Ankle Brachial Index is: a) one of the diagnostic methods used for chronic limb ischemia b) normal ABI is 0.9-1 c) in case of multi level occlusion ABI < 0,5 d) all answers are correct
Billroth I resection of the stomach includes: a) Gastro-enteroanastomosis b) Entero-enteroanastomosis c) Oeophago- gastroanastomosis d) Gastro-duodenoanastomosis
In perforative sigmoidal diverticulitis is usually performed: a) Miles operation b) Dixon operation c) Billorth operation d) Hartmann operation
Open book fracture of pelvis a) transcondylar traction b) embolism of injured vessels c) giving volumexpanders d) applying of pelvic clip
Recommended place for lumbar punction is: a) between 2 and 3 lumbar vertebrae b) between 4. and 5. lumbar vertebrae c) between 1 and 2 lumbar vertebrae d) between 3 and 4 lumbal vertebrae
Synchronous metastasis means: a) presence of distant metastasis without known origin of primary tumor b) primary tumor is found consequently after removal of metastasis c) metastasis are found consequently after removal of primary tumor d) primary tumor and metastasis are present at the same time
V - phlegemonia is: a) inflammation of the foot affected by DM b) inflammation of perirenal fascias without covers of the testicles c) inflammation of the knee d) inflammation of the tendons covers of the hand
What does not belong to first order septic mediator : a) IL-1 b) IL-6 c) TNF alpha d) prostaglandins
What is used for thrombolytic treatment: a) Urokinaze b) Streptokinaze c) ASA (acetylosalicylic acid) d) rTPA ( recombinant of tissue plasminogen activator)
Which one does not belong to soft tissue : a) folliculitis b) carbuncles c) serolitis? d) lymphadenitis
In thyroid carcinoma; which type is associated with MEN II?
medullary carcinoma
358. Most commonly injured organ in blunt and penetrating abdomnial injuries is: a) spleen b) liver c) panreas d) small intestine