6 fundamental policy elements (subtypes and evaluation criteria) 415 FINAL

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indirect costs

lower wages mean collecting fewer taxes so those working must pay more

BS Evaluation criteria: Stigmatization

negative attributes are made to those so identified

3. Implications for adequacy, equity, and efficiency

not useful in service delivery. our subject is only a means to the outcome,, not the end product itself

Go evaluation criteria: Inclusion of performance standards and target specifications

objectives must include: -target specifications: objectives must clearly specify who and how many are to be affected or changed -performance standards: statements about the extent of the program is expected to have

self-help privization SD

occurs when community groups and neighborhood orgs respond to a need not being provided (or partially provided) by the public sector ex) soup kitchens and food pantries

BS Evaluation criteria: trade-offs

occurs when the policy system has to suffer some disadvantage in order to get an advantage

ER Subtypes: 4. Prior contributions

payment in advance provides for the future and the individual is protected because the risk is spread among a large group of people

BS Subtypes: 5. Subsidies

payment made to third party (federal funds to private hospitals)

administrative discretion

personal judgment to procedural decition making

BS Subtypes: 7. Protective regulations

Grants of exclusive or near-exclusive right to a certain market as a result of lack of competition

The Value-critical approach

-embraces multiple perspectives (good fit for social work) -helps us look for and uncover shortcomings, inconsistency, and problems with everyday program operations

client-controlled organizations

-habitat for humanity -national welfare rights group-making sure people are actually getting the help that is already established and available through public policy

SD Subtypes: 4. Referral agency

-special agency whose sole purpose is to ensure that clients get to the appropriate agency -attempts to resolve accessibility issues -most helpful w/ advocacy ex) american cancer society

Financing Subtypes: 4. Tax revenue appropriation

-taxation is collecting money by law from citizens to pay for government-supported activities in the public interest -from categorical grants or block grants

BS Evaluation criteria: political risk

-the level of public visablity of benefit form may be an issue here -who would you fund or feel bad for? -Deserving poor (injured old people) -Not deserving poor (criminals, drug addicts)

How do you evaluate a social program

equity, adequacy, efficiency

Financing evaluation criteria: Stability in broad econmic change: inflation/depression and demographic change

ex) -social security is stable bc it has remained funded for 80 years -rising cost in health care makes Medicare face long-term funding issues (issues in continuity)

BS Evaluation criteria: Substitutability

example, food stamps are not used to obtain more groceries, instead families are buying the same amount of groceries and spending money on other commodities----the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level.

Financing evaluation criteria: Continuity in funding

+the unbroken and consistent existence or operation of something over a period of time - isuues of stability

ER Subtypes: 1.Means/asset tests

-*best known and widely used Asset testing?

Financing Subtypes: 3. Voluntary contributions

-Charitable givings -tax exemption 501(c)(3)

Fit of goals and objectives with the social problem analysis: problem definition and variables (Consequences) in causal anaylsis

-definition of a social problem: the equivalence between the terms in the social problem definition and the terms in which the goals and objectives are defined. -the equivalance between the outcome objectives and the independent variables in the causal sequence of the social problem.

Financing Subtypes: 6. Private endowment

-Not-for-profit can establish endowments -funds owned by and invested by the organization -foundations are another source of funding

ER Subtypes: 2. administrative rule

-[made to clarify the law and they restrict personal discretion] -Food stamp program- the eligibility rules are almost fully spelled out - TANF- more complex because they are means tested

SD Subtypes: 5. Indigenous worker staffing

-a non-professional who has personal experience with the social problem -18 months is how long an indigenous worker can hold allies with clients EX) AA

ER Subtypes: 5. professional discretion

-almost every licensed profession controls some of the eligibility/entitlement process -and a professional's decision could be challenged in an administrative or judicial hearing

ER Evaluation Criteria: a. Over-/Underutilization

-bad eligibility rules create overutilization - overutilization: more people using the program, serious cost overruns ex) Medicare -underutilization: program benefit is not taken up by people for whom they are intended -ex) program is poorly informed to public ex) Low Income Energy Assistance Program

SD Evaluation Criteria: e. Client/consumer empowerment

-can have a positive affect -They use it in for citizens to monitor children in long term care

GO Subtypes: 2.Long term/short term

-can relates to funding Dare program is supposed to have a long term affect but it's short term bc it's given at a young age

BS Subtypes: 2. Hard benifits: Cash, goods, commodities

-cash: negotiable currency, exchangeable without loss in value -goods/commodities: tangible benefits (Food, shelter, clothing)

SD Evaluation Criteria: f. Consumer participation in decision making

-citizens and consumers should be participating in organizational decision making -this increases the accountability of the org. the problem with accountablity ( two fold)

SD Subtypes: 9. Citizen participation

-citizens and consumers should be participating in organizational decision making -increases accountability

SD Evaluation Criteria: b. integration/continuity

-if systems or program parts are not integrated, clients/consumers may be continually shuffled around. -TANF integrates by having determining eligibility and deliver benefits in the same agency (all under one roof) -Continuous: the services are ongoing -ex) Social Security Disability Insurance, it's discontinuous because not everyone can receive medicaid right away

SD: fit with social problem analysis

-in the most fundamental sense, providing a solution to a social problem is the main reason for being that a social program or social policy can claim Answer: service delivery provides the means by which that solution can be implemented

Financing Subtypes: 1. prepayments and the insurence principle

-insured in some way against a defined risk -shaped by broader social objective, rather than self-interest of the individual participant -medicare is financed by taxes on employment, which are then paid into an account from which claims are paid. ex) old age, unemployment, disability

GO Subtypes: 3.Intermediate/ Ultimate

-intermediate objects: objectives that will focus on what to do Ex) focus on and increase family strengths, mobilize the family's own resources -i'm guessing ultimate is the ultimate goal

Client centered management or Inverted Hierarchy

-main problem with centralized systems is that they are centered on their own structure and survival and has little to time or enegy to be client-/consumer-centered, much less to care for its practitioner staff. -Rapp and Poertner have proposed an inverted hierarchy [ clear expectations, manageable working conditions, rewards based environment, hands on management]

Financing Subtypes: 2. Publicly regulated private contracts

-mainly for-profit -raise capital through either the stock market or private investments firms to provide social services while gathering a profit for companies -ex) medical, child care, nursing home care, employment services and education sectors

SD Evaluation Criteria: d. Accountability

-organizations should be accountable for their actions and decisions the system of accountability: 1. it is possible to identify which member decided not to respond to the abuse report 2. it is possible for both the staff member and immediate superior for a quick superior to identify the specific organizational policy that justified that decision 3. agency policy (pg. 131) 4. administrative hearing if there's a disagreement

ER Evaluation Criteria: e. Incentives for procreational and marital breakup and/or generational dependence

-procreational: the theory people may have children to qualify or increase benefits ex) Preventive disincentive: family caps in TANF -marital breakups: are benefits causing divorce rates? there are actually lower rates of divorce. People slitting is small, but maybe some people? -generational dependence: citizens who now receive public benefits were reared in families who depend on public benefits and that this current generation will produce children who also will live at the expense of public benefit

SD Subtypes: 1. Centralization

-pyramidal -ceo with support staff and line staff -easy to know where authority resides -large distance for communication

ER Subtypes: 6. Judicial decision

-ruling clients in or out of program benefits and services -(can sometimes prevent administrative rules from excluding people from benefits) -can also positively assert eligibility where none existed before ex) brown vs board (equal opportunity in education)

SD Evaluation Criteria: c. Accessibility

-services should be easily accessible to people who need them. -obstacles may include geographic location, literacy (native in other languages besides English) -

eligibility inclusion and exclution

-some programs like social security have extended benefits to the worker's dependents and those who have earned very low wages over a lifetime -eligibility rules have also been used to cut back social programs -(Old AFDC converted to the time-limited TANF)

what's the problem with accountability in participation in decision making in service service delivery?

-two fold -1.it doesn't happen very often; laypersons or service consumers are not given significant power over policy-making decisions -2. if they are given power, they may not be very interested in taking that much responsibility.

means tested are among what three major dimensions

-type of resource counted -concept underlying needs -beneficiary unit

Fit with social problem analysis

-voluntary contributors have a strong fit with problem analysis -

SD Subtypes: 2. Federation

-where two or more organizations agree to cooperate and coordinate their services and/or financing in certain specified ways -voluntary agreement -each organization maintains authority over their internal program operations unless specified in the federation agreement ex) service administration hospice

ER Subtypes: 3. Private contract provision

-workers' compensation system- employers have to purchase private insurance policies -Purchase-of-service contracting (POSC)

due process requirements

1. the seriousness of grievance to the person receiving the welfare benefit 2.the need for any particular due process procedure in order to resolve the grievance fairly 3. the cost in time, money, and other resources to the administrative agency

BS Subtypes: 3. Positive Discrimination

Benefits directed to protect groups to redress past inequities

GO Subtypes: 4.Manifest/Latent

Latent goals (bad)- sociologist POV, the latent goal would be to gradually depopulated section 8 housing so they can tear down and make luxury housing in inner cities -having inner city section 8 is better for low-income families and increase opportunity, but real estate could make more money if people with money were living there Manifest goals example: safe, adequate, and affordable housing available to the poor (section 8)

BS Subtypes: 4. Credits/vouchers

Prepayments or postpayments to purveyors of benefits and/or services

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ER Evaluation Criteria: d. Disincentive for work

The argument about weather cash benefits in social welfare income maintenance program cause people to choose benefits over work for wages -is the program giving individuals benefit making them not want to work?

SD Evaluation Criteria: a. has an articulate program/policy design

What are the different designs? disadvantages and advantages

SD Subtypes: 3. Case management

a single person- a case manager- is responsible for organizing and delivering benefit packages -must assess client's needs -plan for provision of services and benefits -Acquire commitments from and make referrals to other agencies to meet needs

SD Subtypes: 6. Racially oriented agencies

a whole organization is exclusively devoted to the special social welfare needs of specific groups -racial, ethnic, and religious agencies -

supportive staff

accounting, legal, computer support, to keep things up and going

line staff

administrative officers (program directors and supervisors)

social welfare benefits

any kind of income transfer in a non-market exchange

Financing Subtypes: 5. Fees for service

are broader and generally allow much more flexibility in how funds are spent

procedural rights

are those elements in decision-making process that are required for decisions to be made with the openness, fairness, and impartiality that natural justice demands

SD Evaluation Criteria: g. Coping with racial, gender, and ethnic diversity

assume that everyone has their bias, -professionals have been socialized into whatever cultural prejudices concerning ethnic groups and races, minorities and their families, and community of origin -organizations need to maintain constant sensitivity to these issues including evaluating outcome data to find hidden discrimination and seek external consultation for help with this.

GO evaluation criteria: concern with outcomes, not services provided

but outcomes can never be only means to ends; rather they must be statements of outcomes able to "stand on their own," so to speak; be achievements acceptable in their own right

Means test

income and assets are totaled to see if they are less that some standard for what a person needs


can be used at purveyor(s) chosen by beneficiary


can be used by a beneficiary only at purveyor(s) chosen by the organization providing the credit

Go implications of equity

citizens must be treated similarly by a social policy or a social program as a matter of fairness and justice.

SD Subtypes: 8. Due process protections for clients' procedural rights

fair hearing procedure: the right to... 1. take action of programs biases 2. appear in a hearing 3. counsel 4. confront and cross-examine witness 5. an open or public proceeding 6. decition based on the record and written findings of (fact and conclusions of law)

BS Evaluation criteria: Consumer sovereignty

from a consumers point of view, a major difference is the degree to which a choice can be exercised with regard to the goods or services delivered

BS Evaluation criteria: Target efficiency

from the benefit giver's point of view, the major difference is the ability to exercise control over the nature of the article and the way it is consumed


funding directs money to be spent towards one purpose only and must be spent on the purpose

perverse incentives

funding sources that inadvertently increase the problem they are trying to address

GO Subtypes: 1.Principles or purpose

goals and objectives are the purpose of the social -it is important to grasp the goals and objectives of a program to answer... "what is the purpose of this program or policy?"

Go evaluation criteria: Clarity, Measurability, Manipulability

goals and objectives must have... -clarity: well defined terms -measurably: only objectives need to be measurable -Manipulability: use of research to make objectives stronger

BS Subtypes: 6. Government loan guarantees

government promise to repay loan in event signatory defaults

ER Subtypes: 7. Attactment to workforce

if program is eligibility is aimed for only people in the work force, -EX) Unemployment Insurance program supposed to benefit those with a signficant work history

direct costs

illiterate workers get paid less so they must turn to benefits, such as food stamps

Implications of goals and objectives for adequacy, equity, and efficiency

implications (SUGGESTIONS) of... -adequacy: the goals and objectives are actually achieved and then asking to what extent the social problem will be reduced -Equity: citizens must be treated similarly by a social policy or a social program as a matter of fairness and justice. -Efficiency: cannont be logically aplied

BS Evaluation criteria: Adaptability across users

in kind benefit may not be so adaptable across diverse users -benefits given to city homeowners vs rural areas

financial risk

in which a program will cost more than entity that fiances it wants to pay, or can pay

absolute equity

in which citizens receive benefits of services in absolutely equal amounts irrespective of their needs

proportional equity

in which citizens receive benefits or services that are "in proportion" to their relative need for them,

BS Subtypes: 9. Power over decisions

right to make decisions that serve self-interests of a particular group with which decision maker is affiliated

BS Subtypes: 1. Personal social services: expert services

skilled, knowledgeable performances by credentialed professionals

The value-committed approach

starts with a strong held position about how things ought to be does not embrace multiple perspectives

BS Evaluation criteria: cost-effectiveness

the benefit is delivered at a cost that is effectively the lowest relative to the other forms and means of delivery

ER Evaluation Criteria: b. overwhelming costs

the elder population has risen because the baby boomers are now older... this creates an overwhelming costs in medicare.

GO implications of adequacy

the goals and objectives are actually achieved and then asking to what extent the social problem will be reduced

SD Subtypes: 7. Administrative fair hearing

this procedure is one in which a client or applicant is given the opportunity to appeal to an administrative tribunal or judge who hears arguments of both sides -reviews agency policy, practices, and enabling legislation -practitioners should be prepared to help clients get fair hearings

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