7: Marketing, Layout and Design, and Patient Satisfaction

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what is the average number of people who hear about a problem for every one formal complain to management


what are expectations

a blend of desires for what a service can be and what a service should be

what type of outcome is satisfaction

a humanistic outcome

how is equitable performance seen

a minimal expectation

impact of dissatisfaction

a negative outcome that has deleterious effects on a business and can be multiplicative

service recovery

actions taken by the business to address a service failure

how to display understanding

active listening, offer a sincere apology, patients want to know how this is going to be avoided in the future/fixing the problem

important of a patient satisfaction

an important and desired outcome of pharmacy services

what is a service failure

any type of error, mistake, deficiency or problem occurring during the provision or performance of a service

how can we make sure we respond to problems quickly

avoid ping-ponging, empower your employees to resolve minor problems

performance that doest meet expectations

bad sergvice

how is perceived performance analyzed

balanced against expectations to form the disconfirmation decision and when performance exceeds the minimum level or is at least above the zone fo tolerance it directly leads to satisfaction

how do patients judge performance

based on their expectations

what level of service/type of performance do we want to provide

between equitable and ideal

example of times to involve a manager in fixing a problem

big things like dispensing the wrong prescription

can service failure be avoided

can be considered inevitable because of the heavy reliance of human service providers and the near impossibility of quality inspection prior to consumption

problem tih dissatisfaction

can be multiplicative and problematic because it reduces likelihood the patient will come back and there's a chance for spillover

types of disconfirmation of expectatinos

can be positive or negative

what can cause service failures relating to problematic customers

can be unrealistic expectations, a mismatch between expectations and anything the service organization can provide

how can we adjust expectations

communicating clearly about the service and product mix helps adjust expectations, those with unbelievably high expectations can be lowered and those with low expectations can be raised

impact of a consumers expectations

consumers with low expectations are believed to be easily satisfied and those with high expectations are likely yo be disappointed

negative emotions and behavioral intentions resulting from service failure

customer dissatisfaction, customer switching, increased costs, lower employee performance, lower employee morale

result of performance that exceeds expectations

delight, positive confirmation, where true market advantage comes in

what do expectations and perceived performance result in

disconfirmation which can be positive or negative and is what ultimately leads to satisfaction

how to provide appropriate communication/explanation

display. understanding

what happens when expectations aren't met


what. does below equitable performance result in


result of performance that doest meet expectations

dissatisfaction, negative disconfirmation

impact of negative word of mouth

dissatisfied patients have the ability to significantly affect your pharmacy negatively. how many people tell about a positive experience is usually less than the number of people they'll tell about a negative experience

what are the 3 components of perceived justic

distributive, procedural and interactional justice

levels of patient comparison with expectatinos

doesnt meet expectations, meets expectations, exceeds expectations

how to approach/ensure interactional justice

don't get defensive, accept responsibility and offer compensation in a pleasant manner

customer needs and requests service failure

employee responses to individual consumer needs and special requests whether implicit or explicit, when we don't meet expectations of the patient it results in service failure

how to avoid unprompted and unsolicited employee actions service failures

employee training and hiring

lower employee performance as a result of service failure

employees like to excel and putting them in situations where service failure happens can be problematic

how to fix the problem

encourage and track complaints, learn from your recovery process, learn from consumers/market research, make improvements to the service

how can performance be described

equitable, ideal or expected

what does procedural justice address

even though a customer may be satisfied with the type of recovery strategy. offered, recovery evaluation may be poor due to the time and effort spent trying to obtain recompense or recovery outcome

unprompted and unsolicited employee actions service failure

events and employee behaviors, both good and bad, that are totally unexpected by the customer

procedural justice

examines the process that's undertaken to arrive at the final outcome

performance that exceeds expectations

excellent service

equitable performance

expectations about what should be received, what consumers perceive as a fair performance level

expectations confirmation theory

expectations lead to perceived performance then disconfirmation or satisfaction, or expectations lead to disconfirmation then satisfaction

ideal performance

expectations of the best performanc epossible

service delivery system failures service failure

failures in the core service offering of the firm, anything we do when providing services to our patients

how can service recovery activities be characterized

fixing the patient or fixing the problem

distributive justice

focuses on the specific outcome of the firm's recovery. effort, a form of equity in exchange

what must be part fo training for management and front line personnel

handling complaints

what essentially is procedural justice

how difficult are you going to make it for the recovery, what steps did they have to take such as filling out paperwork or talking to multiple different people


how we do

example of a small problem employees can address

if a prescription took long so the patient had to come back

why should everyone be trained on how to handle complaints

if its handled well we can potentially turn it into an advantage and if they handle it poorly it can be even worse than the initial dissatisfying event

where is error free service often expected

in health care even though its impossible

factors that contribute to patient/consumer satisfaction

individual's personal characteristics, price, service quality, product quality and situational factors

why is satisfaction important to pharmacists and managers

influence repeat patronage/purchases, satisfied patients are more likely to say good things to friends and family, associated with higher market share, ability to charge higher prices, higher ROI and profitability, may affect pharmacy reimbursement among other outcomes

service failures relating to problematic customers

instances where neither the staff nor service organization is at fault for the service failure

above ideal peformance

likely not able to be performed

customer switching

may go to another pharmacy

result of performance that meets expectations

mild satisfaction, simple confirmation, no market advantage

pharmacist control of product quality

more control with prescription products, not as much with commercial products

increased costs from service failure

not simply from a potential for litigation but anything we might do to mitigate the cost of the service failure to recover from it

how many customers complain

only half of dissatisfied consumers will complain, 10% to management or corporate office and 90% to front line peersonnel

why do we need to respond quickly

patients with complaints want their issue resolved quickly, patients whose problems are solved more quickly are most satisfied

what is usually part of the outcome of beyond satisfaction

positive word of mouth

benefit of satisfied patients saying good things to other people

positive word of mouth is often more effective at attracting new patients than other forms of promotional activities

result of merely adequate service

provides no competitive advantage, results in satisfied patients but may not be adequate in a competitive market

how do we avoid ping-ponging

quickly get patients to the person who can address their complain and create a solution for them

what are consumers who have suffered as a result of service failures seek

redress, some type of perceived justice defined as the process in which consumers weigh their inputs against their outputs when forming recovery evaluations

how to fix the patient

respond quickly, provide appropriate communication/explanation, treat the patient fairly

what is satisfaction

results when a consumer/patient evaluates a purchase made and concludes the product/service meet expectations

positive disconfirmation


levels of service considered merely adequate

service deemed minimally acceptable and zone of tolerance

level of service given by the pharmacy from least to most

service deemed minimally acceptable, zone of tolerance, service most desired by patient

what type of service failure do we focus on the most

service delivery system failures when thinking about how we control and manage service provision to avoid failures

what are the types of service failure

service delivery system failures, customer needs and requests, unprompted and unsolicited employee actions, failures relating to problematic customers

performance that meets expectations

service is okay

who is service recovery especially important for

service providers whom ensuring an error free service is impossible, practically all service organizations

importance of expectations

should be clear that expectations about service delivery and outcome are an important aspect of satisfaction

what does interactional justice involve

soft skills

who has control of factors contributing to patient satisfaction

some factors are under the pharmacist's control like price, product quality and service quality

what types of things for reimbusrmenet may. include satisfaction

star ratings and other quality metrics

how to avoid service failures due to customer needs and requests

teach employees good consumer relations and how to be good listeners which is important when its an implicit request

interactional justice

the manner in which the service recovery process is implemented and how recovery outcomes are presented

things beyond the pharmacist's control that impact patient satisfaction

the situation in which the service is provided and the person assessing the service, individual personal characteristics, situational factors

what is the customer looking for in service recovery

they feel wronged in some way so how are you going to return them to their previous state

why. are service failures important

they trigger negative emotions and negative behavioral intentions for customers

what is the primary way for a manager to detect dissatisfaction

through complaint

what is the idea of the expectations confirmation theory

trying to get at satisfaction but understanding it from the perspective of expectations and perceived performance

anything below service deemed minimally acceptable


why do patients want to know how a problem is going to be avoided in the future

want to know it won't happen again to them or anyone else


what patients place on us

expected performance

what performance is likely to be

what essentially is distributive justice

what specifically did the offending firm offer the customer in the form of compensation for the service failure and did the compensation offset the costs/inconveniences of the service failure

when does negative disconfirmation occur

when performance doesnt meet expectations, patient is dissatisfied

when does positive disconfirmation occur

when performance exceeds expectations, patient is satisfied

when does patient delight occur

when performance far exceeds expectations

what can lead to dissatisfaction

when we have outrageous expectations we can't meet well have negative disconfirmation then dissatisfaction

lower employee morale as a result of service failure

when you have customers with complaints following service failures especially if employees aren't the ones responsible but have to deal with it it can result in lower morale which could lead to increased turnover which can increase costs

when do complaints need to be managed

you have a time frame when a complaint is logged that you might be able to turn it into a positive experience

what must you do if you're trying to make service and satisfaction part of your marketing message

you have to get above the zone of tolerance

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