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Which of the following is not one of the stated anatomical changes associated with bipedalism?

A narrowed and elongated pelvis

This tool industry includes the earliest hand axes and is associated with Homo erectus:


Which of the following is NOT true about New World Monkeys?

All are diurnal.

Which of the following is TRUE about Old World Monkeys?

All have tails but none are prehensile.

Examples of individuals influential in the development of anthropology include:

All the above

What are current threats to primates?

All the above

What are the functions of primate grooming?

All the above

What did Darwin observe that became part of his theory of natural selection?

All the above

What distinguishes anthropology from other social sciences and guards against culture-bound behavior?

All the above

Which benefits did fire provide for early hominins?

All the above

Which of the following distinguishes anthropoids from prosimians?

All the above

Which of the following is true?

All the above

Cro-magnons best fit into which group?

Anatomically modern Homo sapiens

The use of anthropological knowledge and methods to solve practical problems by collaborating with the communities in which they work is the main objective of which area of anthropology?

Applied Anthropology

These hominids had a similar brain size to anatomically modern humans but are distinguished by a thick skull, prominent brow ridges, and lack of a prominent chin.

Archaic Homo sapiens

Developed over 2,000 years ago in Ancient Greece, the Great Chain of Being was an early form of classification used in Europe. It comes from the work of:


These hominids have only been found in Africa and were clearly bipedal and lived in open savannah wilderness. They may have used digging sticks as tools and include gracile and robust varieties.


An individual with a blood type of "B" may have the following genotype(s):


Members of the primate order include all of the following except:


What were the technologies that Europeans developed that allowed them to travel to distant places and thus encounter distant (and different) peoples?

Better-equipped ships

Through which significant feature of evolution do we define the earliest direct human ancestor?


Which of the following is not one of the stated advantages of bidpedalism?

Bipedalism increases surface area that is exposed to the sun

Which of the following is not one of the three criteria of the Linnaeus Classificatory System?

Body size

Which of the following is not part of the basic primate pattern?

Claws instead of fingernails and toenails

The first anthropology department in the United States was founded in 1896 at:

Columbia University

The majority of archaeologists in the United States are employed in which sector?

Cultural Resource Management

Which of the following is true regarding the Dozier School for Boys in Marianna, Florida?

Death records show over 100 boys between the ages of 6-18 died at the facility.

Who went to Rwanda in 1966 to study gorillas?

Dian Fossey

What was the major reason mentioned as to why academic and modern anthropology emerged in the United States?

Ethnocentrism against Native Americans

The study of the interaction between humans and nonhuman primates:


Which of the following is not part of the basic primate pattern?

Eyes facing to the side

Bonobos are patriarchal and generally resolve conflict with violence, while chimpanzees are matriarchal and resolve conflict with sex.


Cultural anthropologists only study indigenous peoples who have had limited contact with the "modern" industrial world.


Early travel accounts by Europeans (before scientific anthropology) tended to be very accurate in terms of the descriptions of the peoples encountered.


Mendel argued that inheritance involved a blending of genes, whereas Darwin considered it more particulate.


Microevolution focuses upon the formation of new species (speciation) and on the evolutionary relationships between groups of species.


The biological study of evolution makes religious stories of creation unimportant in understanding the culture of the people who hold these beliefs.


The law of independent assortment assumes that units controlling the expression of visible traits come in pairs, one from each parent, and retain their separate identities over the generations rather than blending into a combination of parental traits in offspring.


The most important part about archaeology is simply finding artifacts but not really finding out about the culture of the people who the artifacts belong to.


When two or more genes contribute to the phenotypic expression of a single character it is referred to as monogenetic.


Which is not true about the cats at the Ernest Hemingway House and Museum in Key West?

Gene flow (not genetic drift) is the evolutionary process that best accounts for the high proportion of polydactyl cats.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding Kennewick Man:

His skull resembled members of the contemporary Umatilla Tribe.

The archaeological study of societies with written records is referred to as:

Historical archaeology

These hominids were the earliest known to manufacture and use stone tools and may have been tertiary scavengers.

Homo habilis

Which of the following is not true regarding DNA?

Humans have a total 23 chromosomes in each cell.

Which of the following it true regarding the case of the sickle-cell trait and sickle-cell anemia?

It was first identified by geneticists in Chicago in 1910 who observed that the disease disproportionately affected African Americans. Later it was discovered that populations in Central Africa had the sickle cell allele at high frequencies.

The subfield of anthropology that relates to the study of human languages-looking at their structure, history, and relation to social and cultural contexts is:

Linguistic anthropology

A kind of cell division that produces the sex cells, each of which has half the number of chromosomes found in other cells of the organism. Only mutations that occur in this process of cell division are of evolutionary consequence:


Tools in this tradition are associated with both Neanderthals (archaic Homo sapiens) and anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens sapiens):


The ultimate source of evolutionary change that constantly introduces new variation:


The first stone tool industry that starts the Lower Paleolithic:


While primatology is a diverse discipline that is mostly associated with anthropology, it also tends to be closely associated with all of the following other fields except for:


The earliest bipeds appear during which geological epoch?

Pliocene (5-2.6 mya)

These hominids are the earliest bipeds found both within and outside of Africa and were fully upright. They had an expanded braincase relative to the size of the face and a brain close in size to that of modern humans. They lived during the beginning of the Ice Age. Group of answer choices


These hominids have only been found in Africa and may have been the earliest bipeds. They lived in a forested environment with woodland pockets and had opposable grasping toes.


Who was the first to use a phonograph to study primate vocalizations?

Richard Garner

A 35-40-year-old Neanderthal male buried with many different species of flowers and herbs, evidenced by pollen remains. Found in modern day Iraq:

Shanidar burial IV

Which of the following is NOT true about apes?

Some have tails

This perspective assumes that modern humans originated through a process of "simultaneous" local transition from Homo erectus to Homo sapiens throughout the inhabited world.

The Multiregional/Continuity Hypothesis

What do all four fields of anthropology share?

They all involve the study of the underlying similarities and differences among people from a field-based context.

Which of the following is not true about Neanderthal culture?

They were brute savages who showed no signs of care for the injured.

Which of the following it not true regarding recent studies of the genetic origins of blue eyes (La Brana 1) or the case of "Cheddar Man"?

Today, around 90% of indigenous British ancestry can be linked to the ancestral population of Cheddar Man.

Anthropology includes the study of nonhuman primates (living and fossil).


Charles Lyell's Principles of Geology (1863) included a drawing of, and reconstruction of a Neanderthal man.


Gene flow increases the variation within a population but decreases variation between populations. Genetic drift decreases the variation within populations but increases variation between population.


Homozygous refers to a chromosome pair that bears identical alleles for a single gene.


In 1863, Thomas Henry Huxley published Man's Place in Nature where he put human and nonhuman primates into Darwin's story and compiled what could be thought of as the first 'textbook" in biological anthropology


In ethnography, the anthropologist only passively observes the people he or she is studying but does not get involved with or participate in any aspects of the culture he or she is studying.


It is important to conserve primates not only to save specific species, but primates are also important for the survival of forest ecosystems.


Monkeys played a role in Ancient Egyptian religion as one of the more important animal forms into which the gods might be transformed.


The Neanderthals lacked long-distance weaponry and were limited to hunting with thrusting spears and their remains show injuries like those observed in modern rodeo performers (high proportion of head and neck injuries). Group of answer choices


Most complete early hominin skeleton ever found and the individual died during the early Pleistocene in the area of what is now Kenya; identified as Homo erectus/Homo ergaster:

Turkana boy

The last part of the Old Stone Age, featuring tool industries characterized by long slim blades and an explosion of creative symbolic forms. Marks the beginning of behavioral modernity:

Upper Paleolithic

According to this culture's creation story, the world was formed from a watery, formless chaos and marshy waste, and Olorun ordered another god to make the world while he made people in Heaven. Group of answer choices


The idea that one must suspend judgment of other people's practices in order to understand them in their own cultural terms refers to:

cultural relativism

Cultural behaviors in primates are based entirely on genetics and instinct and not learned behaviors.


Complete three-dimensional vision from binocular vision and nerve connections that run from each eye to both sides of the brain allowing nerve cells to integrate the images derived from each eye is referred to as stereoscopic vision. Group of answer choices


Thomas Malthus believed that populations expand exponentially while resources increase linearly. At some point, populations expand beyond the capacity for resource production.


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