Playing with preposition

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Según las aerolíneas, el transporte aéreo es SIMPLEMENTE tan seguro como cualquier otra forma de transporte.

According to the airlines, air travel is just as safe as any other form of transport.

...... suffering .. miscarriage very recently, I have been struck .... a number of things, as well .....working out how .... cope with the pain and anxiety this has brought.

After a by as to

....... more than two weeks of stubborn(O......) denials ...... Saudi Arabia that it had anything to do with Khashoggi's disappearance (C......), statements carried on the state news agency in the early hours of Saturday finally acknowledged (A......) his death - the result, it said, of a "fistfight" inside the consulate on 2 October.

After obstinate from concealment avowed

Las aerolíneas tienen la obligación legal de verificar el pasaporte de cada pasajero.

Airlines are under a legal obligation to check each passenger's passport.

Todos los teléfonos móviles deben dejarse fuera de la sala de examen. (TO)

All mobile phones are to be left outside the examination room.

Y , lamentablemente, está siendo pagado por los más débiles.

And , unfortunately, it is being paid by the weakest.

Y como todos los procesos, el de Barcelona esta siendo construido paso a paso.

And like all processes, the Barcelona one is being built step by step.

Y para empeorar las cosas,

And to make matters worse,

De todos modos, supongo que encontraremos una ganga de última hora, como todos los años.

Anyway, I suppose we will find a last minute bargain, like every year.

Aparentemente, ser súper alto es tanto una desventaja como una ventaja.

Apparently, being super-tall is as much a disadvantage as an advantage.

Al parecer, todo el almacén se incendió el mes pasado.

Apparently, the entire warehouse went up in flames last month.

De niño jugaba al fútbol.

As a boy I used to play football.

Como se vio despues

As it turned out

Al final resultó que, el examen fue bastante fácil, así que no hacia falta haber pasado todo ese tiempo revisando.

As it turned out, the exam was quite easy, so I need not have spent all that time revising.

A- o--e, (a principios de) Wednesday, the party was o-- t---- to capture the House of Representatives by a healthy (w---------) margin, (echando) f------- more than 30 GOP-held seats and winning the total vote by about 9 percentage points. But the GOP gained ground in the Senate, easily defeating (h------) at least three Democratic incumbents (h------) in states Trump won in 2016. And while the Democrats elected a slate of new governors, chipping away at the GOP's n------(all over the country) advantage, their gains in statehouses were less than party strategists had hoped.

As of early on track wholesome flipping hitting holders nationwide

---- adults, we allow friendships to grow or (reduce) w...... gradually because to cut ......... short (suddenly) a...... is to risk g....... offence.

As, wane them abruptly giving

Al menos temporalmente y probablemente para siempre.

At least temporarily and probably for good.

She never doubted that she would be able to meet the challenge. TIME __________________________________ that she would be able to meet the challenge.

At no time did she doubt

En ningún momento un empleado le pedirá su contraseña por correo electrónico. (At....)

At no time will an employee ask for your password via email.

I had only just got on the train when it left! BARELY __________________________________ on the train when it left!

Barely had I got

Al ser miembro del club, obtengo reserva prioritaria para los partidos en casa. (participe clauses)

Being a member of the club, I get priority booking for home matches.

Reservar en línea es solo (S)un poco más barato que reservar por teléfono.

Booking online is only slightly cheaper than booking by phone.

B........... is the a......... of taking people's money when they b.. and paying them money if they w....

Bookmaking activity bet win

Pero añadió que era una de sus ambiciones.

But He added that it was one of his ambitions

Pero el tuyo es bastante nuevo. Realmente me opongo a cambiar algo por que sí.

But yours is quite new. I really object to changing something for the sake of it.

A mediados de la semana, las temperaturas subirán a 30.

By the middle of the week, temperatures will rise to 30.

Los niños han comparado un robot móvil utilizado en la escuela para enseñarles la programación de computadoras a un gigante dulce.

Children have likened a mobile robot used in school to teach them computer programming to a giant sweet.

Clare estaba realmente molesta por no haber recibido una invitación a la boda.

Clare was really upset at not getting an invitation to the wedding.

Actualmente, hay más de (W.O) un millón de libros impresos. Añadir a estos otro libro publicado cada año.

Currently, there are well over a million books in print. Add to these another book published each year.

Danny convenció a su amigo a inscribirse en el curso de supervivencia en el interior.

Danny talked his friend into signing up for the outback survival course.

D...... d...... he's quite insecure. (en el fondo)

Deep down

¿De verdad logró Sally convencerla de ver esa película de terror?

Did Sally actually manage to convince her to watch that horror film?

¿Crees que hemos dejado suficiente tiempo para terminar el proyecto?

Do you think we have allowed enough time to finish the project?

No actúes como si no supieras nada al respecto.

Don't act like you didn't know anything about it.

Durante el invierno preferiría ver fútbol que jugar.

During the winter I'd sooner watch football than play it.

Comido caliente, sabe aún más delicioso.

Eaten hot, it tastes even more delicious.

Incluso si hoy ha sido un mal día, no necesita irse a la cama deprimido porque su optimismo no valió la pena.

Even if today has been a bad day, you need not go to bed depressed because your optimism didn't pay off.

Todos (E)están hartos del comportamiento caprichoso de Sarah.

Everyone is fed up with Sarah's moody behaviour.

Todo el mundo se dejó engañar (taken) por las afirmaciones de mi vecino de que una vez fue un cantante famoso.

Everyone was taken in by my neighbour's claims about once being a famous singer.

F.... e....., you didn't have a perfectly happy c...........: but your childhood is ........ now. If you don't like it, fair enough, but that's hardly a justification t.. attack the whole thing.

Fair enough childhood over to

Lejos de ser desanimada por su lesión en el tobillo, se decidió a continuar con ella. (became)

Far from being put off by her ankle injury, She became determined to continue with it.

Primero tienes que saber a qué te enfrentas.

First you have to know what you are up against.

F....... f...... means complete or fully d............ The students will become fully-fledged chartered a............ (contables) after five years.

Fully fledged developed accountants

George actúa como si no le importara la escuela, pero en secreto quiere hacerlo bien.

George acts like he doesn't care about school, but secretly he wants to do well.

Gerry parece no entender lo importante que es la cortesía en este trabajo. (lack)

Gerry seems to lack understanding of how important politeness is in this job

Dada la elección, me gustaría viajar muchísimo más viajar en tren que en avión. (sooner)

Given the choice, I would far sooner travel by train than by air.

Apenas había llegado a casa cuando los cielos se abrieron.

Hardly had I reached home when the heavens opened.

She´s never been in greater need of a friend than now. HARDLY __________________________________ in greater need of a friend.

Hardly has she ever been

Harriet apenas podía recordar nada sobre sus vacaciones de infancia en España.

Harriet could hardly remember anything about her childhood holiday in Spain.

¿Te han probado los ojos recientemente? NO, no me los he mirado en un par de años.

Have you had your eyes tested recently? NO, I haven't had them tested for a couple of years.

¿Has leído su última novela? Es tan aburrido Y SIMPLEMENTE igual que todos lAS OTRAS.

Have you read his latest novel? It is so boring and just like all the others.

Habiendo dejado el teatro más tarde de lo que esperábamos, perdimos el último tren. (participe clauses)

Having left the theatre later than we expected, we missed the last train.

Habiendo entrenado realmente duro, estaba decepcionada por no haber sido elegida para el equipo.

Having trained really hard, she was disappointed not to be chosen for the team.

Él se enoja fácilmente, así que no me atrevo a criticarlo. (NO DONT)

He gets annoyed easily, so I daren't criticize him.

Se está volviendo loco. Sigue hablando solo y respondiendo a sus propias preguntas.

He is going mad. He keeps talking to himself and answering his own questions.

El vivia en el norte de Escocia.

He lived in the north of Scotland

Él telefoneó para decir que lamentaba haber tomado mi auto sin preguntar.

He phoned to say he was sorry for taking my car without asking.

Sin embargo, tal planeta, aparte de la Tierra, aún tiene que ser descubierto. .

However, such a planet, other than the Earth, has yet to be discovered.

Me preocupa que no pueda causar una buena impresión en la entrevista.

I am worried I might not make a good impression in the interview.

Formal Phrases (sending an answer to and article): IAWIRTYAI...

I am writing in response to your article in...

Puedo venir siempre y cuando me traigas de vuelta antes del mediodia.

I can come as long as you drive me back before noon

No soporto que me hagan lo que considero una pérdida de tiempo.

I can't stand being made to do what I consider to be a waste of time.

Me quejé al camarero por tener que esperar tanto tiempo para mi comida.

I complained to the waiter about having to wait so long for my food.

Me habria venido bien con una taza de café.

I could have done with a cup of tea.

No pude entender (round) mi última pregunta.

I couldn't get my head around the last question.

Me atrevo a decir que tengo otro trabajo.

I dare to tell I have another job.

No me atreví a admitir que había dejado caer su computadora portátil.

I didn't dare to admit that I had dropped his laptop.

No hice mucho trabajo ayer.

I didn't get much work done yesterday.

No creo haya ningun sentido intentar resolver este problema.

I don't think that there is any point in trying to solve this problem.

No creo que tenga sentido hacer eso.

I don't think there is any point in doing that.

No creo que debamos arriesgarnos a conducir al aeropuerto en caso de que haya un atasco de tráfico.

I don't think we should risk driving to the airport in case there is a traffic jam.

Encuentro que es más difícil estudiar a medida que envejezco.

I find it is more difficult to study as I become older.

Intenté ayudarla a hacer su tarea de matemáticas.

I had a go at helping Her to do her maths homework.

Había olvidado que tenía este par de tijeras en mi equipaje de mano.

I had forgotten I had this pair of scissors in my hand-luggage.

Tengo la última palabra.

I have final say.

Nunca habia tenido unas vacaciones tan aburridas. No fue NI DE LEJOS TAN BUENA como pensé que sería.

I have never had such a boring holiday. It was nowhere near as good as I thought it would be.

No tengo información de un modo u otro, pero preferiría que lo hiciera antes que no hacerlo.

I have no information one way or the other, but I would rather he do it than not do it

No tengo ninguna intención de aguantar esto.

I have no intention of putting up with this.

Sé que ya ha sobrevivido algunas condiciones bastante peligrosa en viajes anteriores a África.

I know that you have already survived some pretty hazardous conditions on previous trips to Africa.

Formal phrases (asking for replay): ILFTYPR

I look forward to your prompt reply.

Yo mismo pinté esta habitación.

I painted this room myself.

Pinté esta habitación por mi cuenta.

I painted this room on my own

Yo personalmente no puedo soportarlo en absoluto;

I personally can't stand him at all;

Me negué a dejar conducir a mi hija.

I refused to let my daughter drive.

Lamento decir que debido a la reducción seremos incapaces de permitirnos nuestra fiesta anual este año.

I regret to say that due to the cutback we will be unable to afford our annual party this year.

Recuerdo que me caí en un patio de recreo cuando era un niño.

I remember falling over in a playground when I was a child.

Lo haré personalmente responsable si algo sale mal en el viaje escolar.

I shall hold you personally responsible if anything goes wrong on the school trip.

Creo que voy a acostarme antes de salir.

I think I'm going to lie down before we go out.

Creo que se está perdiendo algo de impulso, señor Presidente.

I think some momentum is being lost, Mr President

Me solían gustar, pero me temo que los he dejado recientemente. (gone)

I used to like them but I'm afraid I have gone off them recently.

Estaba superado por el miedo cuando resolví lo que había ocurrido (occ)

I was overcome with fear when I worked out what had occurred.

Yo estaba agradecido por encontrar un lugar para quedarse.

I was thankful for finding a place to stay.

No pude escuchar muy bien. (was) Es considerado el mejor.

I was unable to hear very well. It is considered to be the best.

No estaba demasiado interesado en la física y la química. (keen)

I wasn't too keen on physics and chemistry.

Me vestiré rápido, entonces podemos irnos.

I will get dressed quickly, then we can go.

Te ayudaré siempre y cuando tenga tiempo.

I will help you providing I have time.

Ojalá pudiera permitirme ir de mochilero por todo el mundo.

I wish I could afford to go backpacking all over the world.

Desearía que no dejara toallas mojadas por todas partes.

I wish he wouldn't leave wet towels everywhere.

Me gustaría que los constructores apagaran la radio.

I wish the builders would turn the radio down.

Formal phrases (Asking information): IWBGIYC...

I would be grateful if you could

Te habría comprado un regalo si hubiera sabido que era tu cumpleaños.

I would have bought you a present if I had known it was your birthday.

Lo hubiera preferido.

I would have preferred it.

Lo Preferiría si el profesor no nos criticara todo el tiempo. (prefer)

I would prefer it if the teacher didn't criticize us all the time.

Yo lo preferiria

I would prefer it.

Preferiría renunciar al negocio que correr el riesgo de perder todo nuestro dinero. (prefer)

I would prefer to give up the business than risk losing all our money.

Preferiría que me hubieras dado la oportunidad de explicarme antes de perder tu temperamento de esa manera.

I would rather you had given me the chance to explain before losing your temper like that.

Formal phrases (reclamation): IWVMAIIYCCMO

I would very much appreciate it if you could check my order.

No habría conocido a mi novia si hubiera estado viviendo en el extranjero.

I wouldn't have met my girlfriend if I had been living abroad.

Me temo que su solicitud llegó demasiado tarde para ser considerada.

I'm afraid your application arrived too late for you to be considered.

No soy exigente (f) Sin embargo (S), me gusta que mi habitación del hotel esté limpia cuando me registro. Es una cortesía básica.

I'm not fussy. Still, I like my hotel room to be clean when I check in. It's basic courtesy.

Si hubiera sabido que era tu cumpleaños, te habría comprado un regalo.

If I had known it was your birthday, I would have bought you a present.

Si le hubiera dicho la verdad, ¿cómo se habría sentido? (él)

If I had told him the truth, how would he have felt?

Si hubiera estado conduciendo con más cuidado, no habría tenido un accidente. (he)

If he had been driving more carefully, he wouldn't have had an accident.

Si hubiera podido entrar en el puerto...... (eso)

If it could have entered the port.

Si fuere por tendria un coche más pequeño

If it were up to me I would have a smaller car.

Si es así, selecciona (P......) lo que estaba fuera del calendario y examínalo más de cerca

If so, pluck what it was out of the timetable and examine it more closely.

Si el salario fuera más alto, podría haber estado tentado, pero era incluso menos de lo que ganaba ahora.

If the salary was higher I might have been tempted but it was even less than I'm earning now.

Si el taxi hubiera llegado a tiempo, Jack no habría perdido el avión.

If the taxi had arrived on time, Jack wouldn't have missed the plane.

Si hay una gran (M) congestión de tráfico, puede intentar aflojarse los hombros y respirar constantemente

If there is a major traffic congestion you could try loosening up your shoulders and breathing steadily.

Si no hubieras sido tan amable, no te hubiera hablado.

If you hadn't been so friendly, I wouldn't have talked to you.

En un mundo en constante cambio, uno puede confundirse sobre lo que importa y lo que no.

In a constantly changing world, one can become confused as to what matters and what doesn't.

Para aumentar la probabilidad de que su propuesta sea aceptada, tu deberias pensar en algunas ideas originales. (order)

In order to increase the likelihood of your proposal being accepted, you should think of some original ideas.

I... o...... w...... (en otras palabras), came about as a result of an evolutionary change in our brains a.. s...... s....... (en algún punto)

In other words at some stage

En el momento de, a punto de

In the point of

..... this way, prisoners have the chance..... go for jobs in what is a g....... sector of the economy after t........ release.

In to growth their

I......... Inevitablemente you have a program that doesn't s....... (admite) that conclusion and you're trying t... o........ (de anular) the program.

Inevitably support to override

El interés es pagadero en esta cuenta pero es tan bajo que no vale la pena tenerlo.

Interest is payable on this account but it is so low it is not worth having.

Irlanda había estado realmente bien todo el año, así que fue una gran sorpresa cuando fueron derrotados por Gales.

Ireland had been really well all year, so it came as a big surprise when they were beaten by Wales.

¿Es cierto que Sam amenazó con renunciar si no le dieron un aumento de sueldo?

Is it true that Sam threatened to resign if he wasn't given a salary increase?

Parece ser (It....) que el lince había sido amenazado por varios factores.

It appeared that lynx had been threatened by several factors.

Todo podría terminar mas pronto de lo que pensamos si no tenemos cuidado.

It could all be over sooner than we think if we are not careful.

Todo podría terminar muy pronto.

It could all be over very soon.

Todo podría ser tan simple pero tu prefieres hacerlo difícil

It could all be so simple but you rather make it hard.

She should get him to do more housework. HIGH __________________________________ him to do more housework.

It is high time she got

No es inusual observar objetos a tan solo un metro o menos de distancia volverse irreconocible.

It is not unusual watching objects only about a meter or less away to become unrecognizable.

No es habitual que me sienta deprimido, triste o desesperado.

It is not usual for me feeling depressed, sad or desperate.

Duró mucho más de lo que estaba destinado a ser.

It lasted more than it was meant to be

Antes era casi imposible comprar crema fresca en España.

It used to be almost impossible to buy fresh cream in Spain.

No fue por falta de búsqueda.

It was not for want of searching

Estaba a solo un metro o menos de distancia.

It was only about a meter or less away.

Hubiera sido mejor si no hubieran venido a la fiesta. (ellos)

It would have been better if they hadn't come to the party.

Es un largo camino a casa, así que es mejor que no pierdas el último tren.

It's a long walk home, so you'd better not miss the last train.

Ha sido duro, pero estoy seguro de que no dejará que eso se interponga en el camino de su próxima aventura.

It's been tough but I'm sure he won't let that stand in the way of his next venture.

Ya es hora de que intente pasar el examen.

It's high time I tried to pass the exam.

Solo vendiendo su otra casa podrán permitir mudarse.

It's only by selling their other house that they will be able to afford to move.

Está bastante lejos de mi casa a la de mi hermano.

It's quite a long way from my house to my brother's.

Jack no habría perdido el avión si el taxi hubiera llegado a tiempo.

Jack wouldn't have missed the plane if the taxi had arrived on time

Jan deberia haber sabido que los frenos del coche no estaban funcionando correctamente.

Jan must have known the brakes on the car weren't working properly.

J....... is ornaments that people wear, such as r....... (anillos), b......... (pulseras), and n....... (collares). It is often made of a valuable metal such as gold, and sometimes decorated with p........ stones.

Jewelry rings bracelets necklaces precious

El trabajo de Ken es siempre muy meticuloso. (c........s)

Ken's work is always very conscientious.

Los niños prefieren jugar que estudiar.

Kids would rather play than study.

Sabiendo que iba a estar realmente helado en las carreteras, me negué a dejar que mi hija conduzca.

Knowing it was going to be really icy on the roads, I refused to let my daughter drive.

Deje veinticuatro horas para que se pegue el pegamento.

Leave twenty-four hours for the glue to set.

Esperemos que no sea robado.

Let's hope it doesn't get stolen.

Poco sabía que había escuchado mi llamada telefónica al banco.

Little did I know that he had overheard my phone call to the bank.

Cuidar o encargarse de alguien. (look)

Look after

Mirar a algo o alguien (look)

Look at

Buscar algo o a alguien. (look)

Look for

Estudiar, investigar (look)

Look into

Revisar, repasar o examinar. (look)

Look over

Revisar, hojear (look)

Look through

A Mark le molesta que le digan qué hacer.

Mark resents being told what to do.

Tal vez tendremos que asumir inquilinos para hacer un poco más de efectivo. (take)

Maybe we will have to take in lodgers to make a little more cash.

Tal vez deberías ir a la óptica y poner a prueba tus ojos.

Maybe you should go to the optician's and get your eyes tested.

Mi mejor amiga y yo no nos hemos visto en años.

My best friend and I haven't seen one another in years.

Mi amigo me culpó por perder su teléfono.

My friend blamed me for losing his phone.

Mis hermanas y yo ya no nos damos regalos.

My sisters and I don't give each other presents anymore.

¿Necesito estar preocupado?

Need I be concerned?

I´ve not seen such a fantastic performance before. NEVER __________________________________ such a fantastic performance before.

Never have I seen

Tan pronto como James terminó de cocinar, llegó su hermana. (sooner)

No sooner had James finished cooking than his sister arrived.

No, lo he intentado tres veces en la última hora, pero siempre está comunicando.

No, I have tried three times in the last hour, but she's always engaged.

No, fue Madrid donde nos conocimos.

No, it was Madrid that we met in.

No, fue mi hermano quien se mudó allí.

No, it was my brother who moved there.

No, no fue hasta el 2009 que me fui.

No, it wasn't until 2009 that I left.

No, son mis padres los que quieren volver aquí.

No, it's my parents who want to move back here.

No, es squash lo que solía jugar con ella.

No, it's squash that I used to play with her.

En ninguna parte de la ciudad encontrarás un parque tan hermoso como Central Park.

Nowhere in the city will you find a park as beautiful as Central Park.

(obsesiónate) O----- about the w-----, the thing you can't i---------. Remember: anxiety!

Obsess weather influence

Por supuesto, me gustaría que el referéndum no hubiera ocurrido, pero lo ha hecho y no hay vuelta atrás el reloj

Of course I wish the referendum hadn't happened, but it has and there is no turning back the clock.

----- 26 occasions I have been (charged)e------ to take the game winning s----- and I m.........

On entrusted shot missed

Hace cien años, el tráfico se movía un poco más lentamente que hoy.

One hundred years ago, traffic moved a little more slowly than today.

Solo cuando el político mencionó los impuestos hubo un grito de protesta de la audiencia.

Only when the politician mentioned taxes was there a cry of protest from the audience.

Paula no tuvo dificultad en pasar su examen de inglés.

Paula had no difficulty in passing her English test

Las personas que llegan temprano son más propensas a conseguir un lugar. (participe clauses)

People arriving early are more likely to get a place.

Las partes remotas del país siempre están cortadas por el clima severo.

Remote parts of the country are always cut off in severe weather.

There's certainly an irony (S......) that in our sophisticated, hi-tech, busy (O.....) world we appear to be reverting(T......B.....) to behaviour that we recognise and know how to treat in kids, but are somehow failing to deal with ..... adults.

Sarcasm occupied throwing back as

Apenas había aterrizado el avión en la estrecha pista cuando los pasajeros comenzaron a vitorear. (S.....)

Scarcely had the plane landed on the narrow runway when the passengers began to cheer.

Varios residentes escucharon a alguien entrar al edificio en las primeras horas de la mañana.

Several residents heard someone enter the building in the early hours of the morning.

Ella podría estar tratando de entenderlo.

She could be trying to understand it.

Ella siempre ha prestado su apoyo leal a organizaciones benéficas locales.

She has always lent her loyal support to local charities.

Ella tiene tanta energía que es difícil mantenerse al día con ella algunas veces.

She has so much energy that it's hard to keep up with her some times.

Ella inmediatamente se acercó a él y le dio un abrazo.

She immediately went up to him and gave him a hug.

Ella se parece mucho a su hermana. Ambos son extremadamente creativos y tienen genios ardientes.

She is a lot like her sister. They are both extremely creative and have fiery tempers.

Ella todavía está dispuesta a mantenerse en contacto. (keen )

She is still keen to keep in touch.

Ella le ofreció un lugar en su próximo viaje.

She offered him a place on her next trip.

Ella fue la primera mujer en ganar el premio.

She went on to be the first woman to win the prize.

Ella continuó diciendo que esperaba que algún día él fuera a un safari.

She went on to say that she hoped that one day he would go on a safari.

Llevaba el pelo en una larga trenza.

She wore her hair in a long braid.

Llevaba el pelo en una larga trenza. Te pareces mucho a tu hermana.

She wore her hair in a long braid. You are a lot like your sister.

Ella no se habría enfermado si hubiera tomado la medicina.

She wouldn't have become ill if she had taken the medicine.

Si decides venir, estaríamos encantados de alojarte. Should

Should you decide to come, we would be happy to put you up.

Los estudiantes no necesitan quedarse en la escuela durante el almuerzo, pueden salir. (Students....)

Students need not stay at school during lunch break, they can go out.

devolver (take)

Take back

tomar el mando (take)

Take over

Eso es realmente amable, pero realmente no deberías haber gastado todo ese dinero.

That is really kind, but you really shouldn't have spent all that money.

Esa mochila vieja y desaliñada me recuerda a mi viaje por Europa cuando era estudiante.

That scruffy old rucksack reminds me of my travelling across Europe when I was a student.

Por eso siempre le he admirado tanto.

That's why I have always looked up to him so much.

El Erika podria no haberse hundido si hubiera podido haber entrado en el puerto (NEED)

The Erika need not have sunk if it could have entered the port.

Los animales solo aparecerán si esperas lo suficiente.

The animals will only appear if you wait long enough.

El ladrón armado le dijo al cajero que entregara el dinero en la caja.

The armed robber told the cashier to hand over the money in the till.

El asistente me recomendó comprar el tamaño más grande.

The assistant recommended me buying the larger size

La audiencia se hartó porque no pudieron escuchar muy bien.

The audience got fed up because they weren't able to hear very well.

El último álbum de la banda no es ni de lejos tan bueno como el anterior.

The band's latest album is nowhere near as good as their previous one.

Los niños, que la estaban pasando de maravilla, no querían irse a casa, lo que no me sorprendió.

The children, who were having a wonderful time, didn't want to go home, which didn't surprise me

Los empleados de la empresa no deben contar con que se les asigne un espacio de estacionamiento

The company's employees shouldn't count on being allocated a car-parking space.

Se piensa ampliamente que la pareja está a punto de anunciar su compromiso. (The couple....)

The couple is widely thought to be in the point of announcing their engagement.

El día está grabado en mi mente para siempre.

The day is etched in my mind for ever.

La evolución de la situación esta siendo vigilada de cerca(moni...).

The evolution of the situation is being closely monitored.

Se rumorea que la estrella de cine pretende vender su casa.

The film star is rumored to be intending to sell his house.

El marco imaginativo de la historia atrae (D.I.)a los lectores desde el principio.

The imaginative setting of the story draws in readers from the start.

Los mejores resultados muestran que los exámenes deben ser cada vez más fáciles.

The improving results show that exams must be getting easier.

La etiqueta carece de información sobre los efectos secundarios de esta medicación (drug). (lack)

The label lacks information about the side effects of this drug.

Cuanto menos sepas mejor.

The less you know the better.

El hombre a quien le robó una fortuna.

The man from whom he stole a fortune.

Según los informes, los dueños del club dieron el despido al gerente. (The m...)..

The manager is reported to have been given the sack by the club's owners.

La reunión duró mucho más de lo que debía ser.

The meeting lasted a lot longer than it was meant to be.

Cuanto más tiempo paso viajando, menos quiero establecerme en un solo lugar.

The more time I spend travelling, the less want to settle down in one place.

El nuevo contrato ha despertado fuertes emociones dentro de la fuerza laboral.

The new contract has aroused strong emotions within the workforce.

Los pacientes, muchos de los cuales fumaban, padecían afecciones pulmonares.

The patients, many of whom smoked, were suffering from lung conditions

La personas, la mitad de los cuales nunca había votado antes, eligió un nuevo líder.

The people, half of whom had never voted before, elected a new leader.

La fotocopiadora no se hecho servir en mil años

The photocopier has not been serviced for ages.

Las palomas, que estaban por toda la plaza del pueblo, dejaron un terrible desastre, que fue asqueroso.

The pigeons, which were all over the town square, left a terrible mess, which was disgusting.

El poeta, de quien se sabe muy poco, vivía en el norte de Escocia.

The poet, of whom very little is known, lived in the north of Scotland.

The reason we asked them to leave in the end was that it was too much work for us.

The reason we asked them to leave in the end was that it was too much work for us

El espectáculo se puso en marcha.

The show got under way.

El trabajo de este estudiante es satisfactorio, pero podría ser mejor

The student's work is satisfactory, but it could be better.

La temperatura del verano en Gran Bretaña es solo un poco más fría que en Francia.

The summer temperature in Britain is only slightly colder than it is in France.

La plaza del pueblo.

The town square.

El libro de ejercicios no necesita ser traído a la clase.

The workbook need not be brought to the class.

No es necesario que traigas los libros a la clase a menos que te diga que los traigas. (The workbooks.....)

The workbooks need not be brought to the class unless I tell you to bring them.

Su coche, que tenía 20 años, había empezado a desmoronarse. (de ellos)

Their car, which was 20 years old, had begun to fall apart

Existe la posibilidad de ver ballenas.

There is a possibility of seeing whales.

No hay orgullo ni modestia en su carácter.

There is neither pride nor modesty in his character.

Solía haber un tren nocturno a Barcelona.

There used to be an overnight train to Barcelona.

Ambos son extremadamente creativos y tienen genios ardientes.

They are both extremely creative and have fiery tempers.

Son vulnerables al estrés térmico y hasta un cuarto de algunas poblaciones han muerto en olas de calor.

They are vulnerable to thermal stress and up to a quarter of some populations have died in heatwaves.

No pueden haberse ido ya, seguramente. Son solo las cinco en punto.

They can't have left already, surely. It's only five o'clock.

Perdieron el último autobús, pero sus padres organizaron un taxi para llevarlos a casa.

They missed the last bus but their parents arranged for a taxi to bring them home.

Se negaron a irse a menos que yo fuera con ellos.

They refused to leave unless I went with them.

Eran similares entre sí (one) en su color, canción, nidos y huevos

They were similar to one another in their colour, song, nests, and eggs.

No pudieron oír muy bien. (n't)

They weren't able to hear very well

Esto debería ayudarlo a enfrentar cualquier inquietud y le dará más confianza.

This should help you cope with any uneasiness and will give you more confidence.

Esto debería ayudarte a hacer frente a cualquier inquietud.

This should help you cope with any uneasiness.

Este violín se considera el mejor ejemplo de un instrumento de época de este tipo.

This violin is considered to be the best example of a period instrument of this kind.

Tim y su amigo podrían casarse pronto.

Tim and his friend could be getting married soon.

El recital de esta noche está siendo dado por un conocido pianista.

Tonight's recital is being given by a well-known pianist.

Viajar solo es MUCHÍSIMO más emocionante que viajar en grupo. DEAL

Travelling alone is a great deal more exciting than travelling in group.

Bajo ninguna circunstancia debe intentar reparar la unidad usted mismo, ya que podría invalidar la garantía.

Under no circumstances should you try to repair the drive yourself as it could invalidate the warranty.

Desafortunadamente, el último álbum de la banda no es NI DE LEJOS tan bueno como el anterior.

Unfortunately, the band's latest album is nowhere near as good as their previous one.

.Por lo general, estoy dormido tan pronto como mi cabeza golpea la almohada, pero recientemente he tenido problemas para conciliar el sueño.

Usually, I'm asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, but recently I have been having difficulty getting to sleep.

Al entrar en la habitación, vio lo que había sucedido. (she) (participle clauses)

Walking into the room, she saw what had happened.

¿Realmente valió la pena vivir una experiencia así?

Was it really worth living such an experience?

¿Realmente valió la pena?

Was it really worth?

No lo vamos a explicar por usted, y realmente preferiría dejar los detalles de lado. (rather)

We are not going to spell it out for you, and I would really rather leave the details out.

Necesitamos ponernos a hacer (get) todos los trabajos en la casa que no hemos hecho en mucho tiempo.

We need to get down to doing all the jobs in the house that we haven't done for ages.

Pintamos la casa nosotros mismos.

We painted the house ourselves.

No debemos arriesgarnos a conducir.

We shouldn't risk driving.

Lo Preferiríamos si los invitados llegaran mucho antes.

We would prefer it if the guests arrived much earlier.

I resolved the problem by taking an extra suitcase. TAKE ____________________________________ an extra suitcase.

What I did was take

¿Qué esperas estar haciendo dentro de diez años?

What do you hope to be doing in ten years' time?

Y si simplemente dejaramos nuestros trabajos? Seria genial desaparecer por un tiempo.

What if we just left our jobs? It would be great to disappear for a while.

¿Qué habrían hecho si hubieran perdido sus trabajos?

What would they have done if they had lost their jobs?

A lo que te enfrentas.

What you are up against.

Cuando vine a España por primera vez, acababan de aprobar la Constitución.

When I came to Spain for the first time, they had just passed the Constitution.

Cuando nadie se fijó en él, recurrió a gritarles.

When nobody took any notice of him, he resorted to shouting at them.

¿Donde estaba? ¿Donde estábamos?

Where was I? Where were we?

¿Cuál de los edificios te impresionó más en esa ciudad?

Which one of the buildings impressed you most in that city?

¿En qué programa preferirías aparecer? (R)

Which programme would you rather appear on?

Quienes lo estaban pasando de maravilla.

Who were having a wonderful time.

¿Por qué nunca trae suficiente dinero con él?

Why doesn't he ever bring enough money with him?

¿Te importaría echarme una mano para mover el sofá?

Would you mind giving me a hand to move the sofa?

Escribir mi tarea de geografía no debería tomarme mucho tiempo.

Writing my geography assignment shouldn't take me too long.

No tienes ganas de ir, ¿verdad? (keen)

You are not keen on going, are you?

Claramente no necesitabas haberte apresurado (You.....)

You clearly need not have rushed.

Claramente, no es necesario que te apresuraras apresurado. NEED (YOU:::)

You clearly need not have rushed.

No necesitabas haber hecho la comida para mí ayer. Te dije que iba a salir.

You need not have made the meal for me yesterday. I told you I would be going out.

No necesitas comprar nada.

You need not to buy anything.

Prefieres hacerlo dificil (r)

You rather make it hard

Aún no has devuelto el dinero que te presté hace seis meses.

You still have not paid back the money I lent you six months ago.

Tus niños se comportan como un grup de monos. No los soporto.

Your children act like a bunch of monkeys. I can't stand them

As ... result, we are justifiably baffled .... how demanding our own children are. I give you breakfast. I sort dinner. And now you want more? Can't you go ...... and get ... job or chase a fox or something? So ...... if you're only seven?

a by out a what

shed..................... (3 words)

a light on

Traffic today doesn't move much faster than 100 years ago. LITTLE One hundred years ago, traffic moved ________________ than today

a little more slowly

An a........... is a short form of a word or p........., made ....... leaving out some of the letters or ..... using only the first letter of each word. The postal a............. for Kansas is KS.

abbreviation phrase by by abbreviation

Children must a...... b.. the rules in school. (cumplir)

abide by

His fantastic speaking ab.......... (habilidades) i........ (impresionaron) the party's leadership and s....... (partidarios) (, and he very quickly (se alzó hasta la cima)

abilities impressed supporters rose to the top

He may not have been the most a.... (capaz) student but because he could think o... h... f..... (con calma) and was never a.. a l... f.... w....... (nunca le faltaban palabras), he would always do well.

able on his feet at a loss for words



The trip was (a.........r.........) outstanding. The guides were r....... charming and the beaches were c......../t........... I was r....... disappointed by the size of my room, but I would go b..... tomorrow.

absolutely really really completely totally rather back


account connection

Computers a........ f... 5% of the country's commercial electricity consumption. (representan)

account for

The bad weather a.......... f... t... f..... that few people came to the meeting. (explica)

accounts for the fact

If things such as profits or benefits a....... (se acumulan) to someone, they are added to ......a period of time. ...the expectation that profits will a.......... ...a project from which considerable benefit will accrue to the c...........(comunidad) In many cases, the fee structure alone will exceed the tax benefits a.......... Players a........ points based on their results t........... (a lo largo) the year.

accrue over accrue community accrued accrue throughout

Doctor: You could have a fever and maybe an infection, describe exactly where you are a........the m...... Patient: I think my back and legs h..... the m....., they are t............. and I think they are s..........

aching most hurt most throbbing (palpitating) swollen

But just because an opportunity presents itself doesn't mean we have to (guide by) a.... o... i...., nor is it compulsory(b.....) that because our lustful (l------) thoughts have been inspired ..... one person they have to .... consummated ...... the same one!

act on it binding lecherous by be with

An a.. h... activity or organization is done or formed only because a situation has made .... necessary and is not planned ....advance. The Council meets ..... an ad hoc basis to discuss problems.

ad hoc it in on

If you a-- i-- something, you include it --- a part of something e-----. Once the vegetables start to cook a-- i-- a couple of (cucharada) t--------- of water

add in as else add in tablespoons

consejo (nombre)


Several new bird species have been added (a........) to the endangered (j-------) list.

aggregated jeopardized

Manuel Valls has warned (a......) that the Catalan I.......... movement's "failed" attempts to bring about (g..........) a sovereign republic have left the region frustrated and divided, hindering (O.......) efforts to develop Barcelona as "a great European capital".

alerted independence generate obstructing

In a... l...... She i.....g.....t..... win the carity fun run.

all likelihood she is going to

A..... o. a s........, it became cloudy and began to rain. (de repente)

all of a sudden

You have to a....... f.... a certain amount of error. The Agency's budget simply did not a..... f....... such a massive increase. (permitir)

allow for allow for

If you get a..... with someone, you have a fr.......... relationship with them. You can a...... say that two people get along. It's impossible to get along w..... him. They seemed to be g......... along fine

along friendly also with getting

Fine, let's do that then. We a........ do, to an ......... Planners in the UK have blocked wind farm proposals(t------) due to concerns......... bird populations.

already extent tenders about

When he started acting, he discovered his name was a------ in use. Harrison Ford was the name --- a silent film actor. To avoid confusion (t........./c.......), he added a middle initial, "J." It (significa) s----- f-- nothing; he has no middle name.

already of turmoil clutter stands for

I'm a...... trying to learn Spanish, and there's no w... I can go...... class if I'm working 80-hour weeks. With the immense (m.......) juggle of my life, I have to grind(p......) it into my brain: eight hours, eight hours.

also way to massive pound (machacar)



a..........(maldición) Anathema formal curse...... a pope or ..... a council of the Church, excommunicating o d.............. (denunciando) a doctrine. Although anathemas followed against any ........ disagreed with the faith so formulated, there was no prohibition against altering the creed at a future council.

anathema by by denouncing who

a..........., destroy, w..... o....

annihilate destroy wipe out

No one can predict with ..... degree of a......... how cities will look 50 or 500 years f...... n......

any accuracy from now

Fewer people read Carlton's books these days. WIDELY Carlton's books ________________ these days.

aren't so widely read

Artwork is drawings and photographs that are prepared in order to be included in something such .... .... book or (anuncio) a........... The band have released the artwork for their (next) f............... album.

as a advertisement forthcoming

"A----A----M---O---F---, we have been to the sports stadium many times." (De hecho)

as a matter of fact

muy confuso y estraño. A....C.....A.....M

as clear as mud

"A---F---M----, I think that I will return home now." (y por mi parte)

as for myself

siempre y cuando

as long as

afortunadamente: a...l....w....h...i....

as luck would have it

The Wizards hired Richman .... an assistant video coordinator before the 2013-14 season (p-----), and (con el tiempo)o----- t------ took on player development re------------_ (responsablidadades).

as period over time responsibilities

Would you be so kind a.. t... send me s..... more information....

as to some

An aide (as........., he......., aide, ad....... au.....) is an assistant to someone who has an important job, especially in government or in the armed forces.

assistant helper adjutant auxiliary

Each painting is valued .... 40.000 euros.


I ask him when a man needs to be ..... his best.

at (en su mejor momento)

Puedo estar allí en cualquier momento si hay algún problema. I can be there a.... a m..... n....... if there is any problem.

at a moment's notice

Did we all start talking a.. a....... t..... s...... t.... (mas o menos al mismo tiempo) because of the manner in w...... our brains had begun to develop?

at around the same time which

The person had emailed her contacts to say that she had been held up ...... gunpoint .... an attempt to get money ........ them.

at in from

Clearly .... the top of this hierarchy .... nutritional mediocrity is the bowl .... curly pasta - don't even think .... trying .... call it fusilli;

at of of of to

A-------- deficit h--------- disorder (ADHD) is a medical dia------ that is applied to children, young people and adults ..... are experiencing significant behavioural and cognitive d------ in important aspects of t----- lives

attention hyperactivity diagnosis who difficulties their

I'm having no luck getting served. I can't seem to ........ anyone's attention.


atractivo atractivo atractivo (noun)

attractiveness attractiveness attractiveness

An a........ situation is e......... and difficult to deal with. I was the first to ask him awkward questions but there'll be h........(mas duras) ones to come. There was an a........ moment as couples decided w.......... to stand next to their partners. There was an a.......... (incomodamente) long silence.

awkward embarrassing harder awkward whether awkwardly

But he b........ d....... after furious critics said transparency was vital to public trust. (se retiró)

backed down

The government is b........ o... the Olympics to save the city money. 'He's not still there, I suppose?'—'I wouldn't b...... o... that,' she said. (apostar, confiar)

banking on bank on

If someone b....... d...... t... h........, they prepare themselves so that they will be able to survive a coming difficulty or crisis.

battens down the hatches

I can still b..... a r........ to my own hotel, and pretend that none of this e....... happened. (to withdraw or depart in haste)

beat retreat ever

That's why b........... buying anything, it is a........ (r.............., c...........) to do a bit of (antecedentes)b........... research to make sure the site is (de confianza)r............ (e............).

before advisable recommendable convenient background reputable earnest

When you finished your homework b....... that hour was ---, you ----- expected to pick ---- a book.

before up were up

If you b........ someone (te haces amigo ), especially someone who is lonely or far from home, you make friends with them. The film's about an e.......(anciana) woman and a young nurse who b.......... her. On the aeroplane I was b......... (me hice amiga) by a delightful German woman.

befriend elderly befriends befriended

Defiance is b......... or an a....... which shows that you are not willing to o...... someone. ...his courageous defiance of the g........... Synonyms: resistance, c....ll...., opposition,

behaviour attitude obey government challenge confrontation

I'm not even b----- sarcastic (s------) . A lot of those guys who hung around the ancient Athens debating society (while helpmeets of one sort or another took care of their day-to-day shit for them) were quite clearly (p......) insufferable (BAB) edgelords.

being snide plainly beyond all bearing

After b..... made redundant, Anna decided to t...... a g......... and set up on her own.

being take gamble

A (botones) b------- is a man or boy ...... works .... a hotel, c------- bags or b------ things to the guests' rooms.

bellhop who in carrying bringing

Ladies, I'm not here to tell you how many secret ways you can (hacer lo imposible) b------ o----- b--------- to get some man to come and validate you.

bend over backwards

Be------- being deadly (l-------), the widowmaker has the horror-villain trait of stealth (s.......).

besides lethal secrecy

My friend would be B---O---- if he sold his old car and bought a new one. (mejor que antes)

better off

But you have to ask, have the people who know the city b...... than me done a good job of r........ it?

better running

Amidst (b......) international scorn(D......) for Saudi Arabia's official explanation..... the death of Jamal Khashoggi, friends and colleagues ..... the reporter on Saturday resumed (r......) their vigil outside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, where he was killed two weeks ago.

between disdain of of restarted

Step (más allà)b.......... the confines (b-------) of Las Vegas and you'll find a very different world, one that boasts(b-------) some of the most astonishing(a--------) landscapes in the country. Far from being barren (i----------), the desert surrounding the city is actually rich with natural beauty and fascinating history. Most spots (p------) are perfect for day trips, though there are lodging( h-------) options should you want to make a night of it.

beyond boundaries brags astounding infertile places housing

If you think that someone's actions or behaviour are not acceptable, you can say that they are b....... t... p......

beyond the pale

Many airports are now using b........ c........ of identity.

biometric checks

If you are in your b....... s....., you are not wearing any clothes.

birthday suit

All the reasons that I loved her were all the reasons she could never be a b... o.. t... s..... (tener una aventura)

bit on the side.

A b........ is a small mark on something that s...... its a......... Every piece is i........, and if there is the slightest blemish, it is r..............

blemish spoils appearance inspected on rejected

A b........... (más que feliz) situation or period of time is one in w...... you are extremely happy. We spent a b........ week together. There's just nothing more blissful than l........ by that pool. WO......S

blissful which blissful lying wondrous

A b........ is an a....... to make someone believe that you will do something when you do not r....... intend to do it. The letter was a b....... It is essential to build up the military option and show that this is not a bluff.

bluff attempt really bluff

A REVIEW may be about a b.......k, m..........e, f....m, p......y or c........t; it may also be about a p........t or a s..........e.

book magazine film play concert product service

Your (intestinos) b----- are the tubes in your body through w------ digested food pa------ from your stomach --- your anus.

bowels which passes to

If you b...... (jactas), you say in a very proud way that you have something or have done something. He's always b........ about his p........ (destreza) as a cricketer. He'll probably go around bragging to his friends. He once b......... that he would become the world's richest man.

brag bragging prowess bragged

I don't want to b......... the news ..... him - he should be informed in writing before the meeting.

break to

It was this painting that b........ the gap between his early abstract work and his later move towards realism.


brillante br......t, b....ll....t, s....y hair /, s......g blue eyes, g.......g shades, s.......g drink

bright brilliant shiny shining glowing sparkling

completely full with something My next job was to go around and empty the (rebosante) b............. ashtrays. A b........... bowl of chicken soup (rebosante)

brimming brimful

If you b.... o... something difficult, you do it s......... They were about to b..... o.... an even bigger coup. He thought his book would change society. But he didn't ........ ..... ......

bring off successfully bring off bring it off

When a government or organization ........................(introduce) a new law or system, they introduce it. The government ........ ......... controversial law under which it could take any land it wanted.

brings in brought in

A b........... is a newspaper that is printed on large s....... of paper. Broadsheets are generally considered to be more serious(e..........) than other newspapers. Compare tabloid (g...........).

broadsheet sheets earnest gazette

The scandal surrounding the politician b....... a....... (provocó) his d...... (caida).

brought about downfall

The (elaboration) b.......-u..... to the event seemed to go on all day.


When someone b......, they make a noise because air from their s........ has been forced up through their t......(garganta). Charlie burped l....... (ruidosamente)

burps stomach throat loudly

Are you allowed to pay.......card at the restaurant?


For example, it's .... no means u........ for a buyer ..... provide credit card detail to a seller..... actually has nothing to sell and ....... website d........ overnight.

by unusual to who whose disappears

convocar (in)

call in

This kind of charity work c.....f..... a g...... deal of commitment.

calls for a great

Fatima's marriage (no sorprendió a.....) Paul.

came as no surprise to

These difficulties can be attributed to problems of inattention (c-------------), hyperactivity and i-------.

carelessness impulsivity

I don't want to ........ doubts on his ability but are we sure he's the best person for the job?


I never just buy whatever c------ m-- e-----. I write a shopping list. (salta a la vista)

catches my eye

If you c........., you talk quickly and cont........, usually about things w....... are not important.

chatter continuously which

If you c..... (estimas, aprecias) something s....a. a hope or a pleasant memory, you keep it in your mind for a long p....... of time. The president will c....... the memory of this visit to Ohio. It was a wonderful occasion w........ we will cherish for many years to come.

cherish such as period cherish which

You describe someone as c.......... (infantil) when they seem like a child in their c.........., a.........., or b........... His most enduring quality is his childlike i........... Her behaviour was childlike and d..........(dependiente).

childlike character appearance behaviour innocence dependent

I shall have no c...... but t.. contact the manager....

choice to

The c...... of something such as a book or argument is its quality of being well explained and easy to understand. ...the c....... with which the author explains t....... (tecnico) subjects.

clarity clarity technical

If you say that something or someone c...... y.... w......, you mean that they r....... y...... f........... to do what you want. (te corta las alas)

clips your wings restrict your freedom

If you c...... u... (registra)a large number or total of things, you reach that number or total. In two years, he c...... u.. over 100 victories.

clock up clocked up

When someone c......... (entrena) a person or a team, they help them to become better at a particular sport. He c....... (entrenó) the team to success in La Liga. I had coached the Alliance team for some time.

coaches coached

My boss is a bit of a c.......f........ He's unfriendly and unemotional. (un poco frio)

cold fish

When you c...... your h...., you tidy it using a comb. Salvatore combed his hair carefully. Her r....... (rozijo) hair was cut short and neatly c........... (peinado)

comb hair reddish combed

If anyone knows who broke the window, please (PRESENTESE) and tell the trut

come forward

James got to his feet and started to c...... o....... (acercarse), but the girls hastily b........ a......... (retrocedieron).

come over backed away

llegado a un punto crítico

come to a head

I'm (progresando)* really well with all the stuff I have to do today.

coming along

Before we go into the meeting let's get together first and ........ notes.




I have great relationships(c........) with my parents, who l...... in Austin, Texas. It's only now .... I get older that I realise how valuable (r........) and special that is. I don't have any siblings and my parents separated ... long time ago, so I wish I ...... more time to spend with them, one ..... one. If I'm leaving .... a big trip, I always try to see them before I go; it never seems e.......

connections live as rewarding a had on on enough

There has been a co-------/ h------ increase ... the number .. job applicants (p--------).

considerable huge in of petitioners

Entrance into the museum is free today. COSTS It _____________________the museum today.

costs nothing to go to

I needed a cup of coffee this morning but I didn't have time for one. DONE I .............................................................................. a cup of coffee this morning but I didn't have time for one.

could have done with

A (pacto)c........ is a formal (escrito)w....... agreement between two or more people or groups of people w........ is recognized in law. The International Covenant on Civil and P......... Rights.

covenant written which political

In the mirror, I looked like I was trying to crawl (c----- )underneath a shopping trolley (b-----) because I had dropped (f-- d-----) my quid (p-------).

creep barrow fallen down pound

Like the rest of the gang (c-----), Peterson apparently (s------) imagines himself "locked out" of the mainstream media, d...... having sold 2m books and b..... interviewed every 10 minutes ..... actual international media outlets (d-----). I can't help f------ that Jordan is "locked out" of the mainstream media in the same ----- that Justin Bieber is "locked out" of pop music.

crew seemingly despite being by distributors feeling way

crítica significativamente

criticism significantly

kitchen, C......E CO......G S.....E G.....Y

cuisine cooking stove galley

dodgy (astuto) c........g / a.....e / c......y

cunning, astute, crafty,

If you refer to c....... a..........(temas de actualidad), you are r......... to political events and problems in society w....... are discussed in newspapers, and ..... television and radio. I am ill-informed on current a......... ...the BBC's current affairs programme 'Panorama'.

current affairs referring which on affairs

C.... o.... (recorte)the coupon and send those cheques off today. I c.... it o..... and pinned it to my studio wall.

cut out cut out

Problems between us (SE REMONTAN) more than ten years ago

date back

She refused to be (intimidada) d------, though, and (contra todo pronostico) a---- t--- o----, she managed to k----- u-- w---- the rest of the students.

daunted against the odds keep up with

a d...... d...... a plan, an event, etc. that has f....... or is certain to fail and that is t............ (hence) not w....... discussing The project was a dead duck from the start d.... to a lack of funding.

dead duck failed therefore worth due

You use d......... to describe things that are intended to protect someone or something. The Government (precipitadamente) h........ organized defensive m............ against the (strikes) r........... The union leaders were (llevado a ) pushed i...... a more defensive position by the return of a Republican Congress in November.

defensive hastily measures raids into

A d...... (habil)action is s........ and often quick. With a deft f....... (golpe) of his foot, Mr Worth t....... (hizo la zancadilla) one of the raiders up. quick and neat in movement; nimble; d.......... One of the waiting servants d......... (diestramente) caught him as he fell.

deft skillful flick tripped dexterous deftly

People can d......... in weather like this. Alcohol quickly d........... your body Normally specimens have to be d......... D.......... meals, soups and sauces contain a lot of salt. a child who's got diarrhoea and is suffering from d............ You know, like, drink plenty of water and be careful you don't d.........................

dehydrate dehydrates dehydrated dehydrated dehydration dehydrate

You use hard-headed to describe (d------, p-----) someone who is (practico) p------- /h---- and determined (r------) to get ----- they want or need, and who does not allow (p-------) emotions to affect their actions.

depict portray practical handy resolved what permit

A d........ is the second most important person in an organization s..... ... ... business or government department. Someone's deputy often acts ... their behalf when they are not t..........

deputy such as a on there

If you d....... an achievement or success as a flash i... t... p...., you mean that it is u...... to be repeated and is not an indication of future achievements or success. People are waiting .... see if our s........ has just been a flash in the pan.

describe in the pan unlikely to success

If you (desprecias) d......... something or someone, you dislike them and have a very l...... opinion of them. I can never, ever forgive him. I despise him. She (secretamente)s........ despises his work. How I despised myself for my c.........(cobardia)!

despise low secretly cowardice

We are friends although we have disagreements about some things. DESPITE We are friends .............................................................................. disagree about some things

despite the fact that we

idear: d........., think, contrive, think up, invent, dream up


If you say that habits or attitudes (empedernido) d....-h....../ i.......... (, you mean that they take a very long time to disappear or change, (por lo que) s.. t..... it may not be possible to get rid of them completely. A person who resists change or who holds o...... an untenable (uns...........) position or outdated attitude.

die-hard intransigent so that onto unsustainable

The rain remained steady though the wind had d.... d......(calmado). The controversy is unlikely to d.... d......

died down die down

Synonyms: dangerous, d.........t, t........y, r.......y d.....y

difficult tricky risky dicey

Ultimately, the president grew disappointed (d----------) with Mr. Pruitt after the accusations of (incorrecion) i--------------- and ethical missteps eclipsed (o----------) Mr. Pruitt's policy achievements.

disillusioned impropriety overshadowed

I guess I'm just disappointed ( d-----------,) because I had an image (v----------) in my mind ...... turbines chopping the birds ...... half. A 2013 study found that each (e--------) turbine will cause only about five bird deaths ..... year - but mere(s--------) avoidance has a big outcome (e-------- / a---------) for species down the f.......... chain.

disillusioned visualization of in every a simple effect aftermath food

Now I think it's too easy. I think it's too easy to (desechar) d....... the whole of religion that way.


My obviously deranged (D........) beloved pursed her perfect full lips together and blew into the end of the remote haughty( A........) as if she had battled the TV ..... my attention and won.

disturbed arrogant for

The d...... is money that is given r........ by the government to people who are u.............

dole regularly unemployed

My mum is very practical and (tiene los pies en el suelo)

down to earth.

One of the (disadvanatges)d------ of locking into a long-term relation (l-----) is that no matter what advantages it brings, it rarely continues to offer that magical alchemy that gets you wondering what it would feel like to press skin on skin. Being human often (se reduce) c----- d------ to the fight (t-----) between biology and brain, and sexual chemistry is the clearest example. It sounds ..... me like you've got a good life, a great companion (p-----) and a lot to lose for a (subida)r---- of pheromones. How's that for perspective (o------)?

downsides liaison comes down tussle to partner rush outlook

During a financial (declination) d........., people tend to have fewer pets.


If there is a d..........(recesión) in the economy or in a company or industry, it becomes worse or less successful than i... h..... b...... They predicted a severe economic downturn. ...unchanged profits for 1990 due to a sharp d.... in the industry.

downturn it had been. downturn

The conflict with James has d........ o... (prolongado)for two years. This has been d....... o.. (arrastrando) for months now.

dragged on dragging on

Could you ........ the curtains please? The sun's shining in my eyes.


They agreed to d...... u.. (redactar) a formal agreement. He wants his ministers to concentrate on implementing policy, not on d....... it u... (redactar).

draw up drawing up

How so? The fan-tailed lizard population (d.........) has exploded under the Indian turbines as a consequence (s........ )of raptors (quedándose al margen) s------- c------.

dwellers sequel steering clear

An e.......... b.......... an e............. person who works very hard. George is an eager beaver and is certain to s........... in business.

eager beaver enthusiastic succeed

It's killing your hope in love, and likely even (devorando) e------ a---- at your sense of self.

eating away

An e.......... (eslabón) is a military formation in which soldiers, vehicles, ships, or a...... (aeronaves) follow each o....... but are spaced out s.......... (hacia los lados) so that they can see ahead. The upper echelons of the army are very loyal .... the President.

echelon aircrafts other sideways to

It was a huge e...... b...... and opened my eyes to the fact that they really did want to meet me. Something such as praise, success, etc, that makes one feel b....... about oneself or's morale

ego boost better raises

If something is e........... (adornado) with decorative features or p........(patrones), it has those features or patterns on it and they make it look more attractive. The s...... (popa de barco) was embellished with carvings in red and blue. Ivy leaves embellish the front of the dresser. Embellish basic covers and curtains with borders, ties and f.........(flecos).

embellished patterns stern fringing

But the Big Issue has announced plans to e.......... the technological change, and hopefully b........ its homeless vendors' income, by issuing them with card readers.

embrace boost

But the Big Issue has announced plans to e......... (adopt) the technological change, and (con suerte) h......... (aumentar) b...... its homeless vendors' income, .... issuing them with card readers.

embrace hopefully boost by

An e........ is a man who r....... an empire or is the head of state in an e........... Synonyms: r.......r, king, m........h, s..........n

emperor rules empire ruler monarch sovereign

Tobacco's e...........(duradero) appeal is not the only driver of profit across the industry. So what is the source of their e........ (duradero) power?

enduring enduring

Something that is e.......... gives you p....... It was much more enjoyable than I had e..........

enjoyable pleasure expected

To e...... (animar) events, situations, or people means to make them more l......(animados) or cheerful. I love the way a good flirtation can e........... the most mundane situation. Even the most b...... meeting was enlivened by Dan's presence.

enliven lively enliven boring

To e...... something, or to e....... that something happens, means to make certain that it happens. Negotiators e........ (se aseguraron) that the treaty was a significant change in direction. E......... that it is written into your contract. ...the President's Council, which e........ the supremacy of the National Party (asegura)

ensure ensure ensured ensure ensures

Entra al edificio.

enter the building.

time, era, period, season, age, e.....h The birth of Christ was the b............. of a major epoch of world history.

epoch beginning

ARTICLE: Stimulating the reader's interest is also e........ - if the title looks ...........(no interesante), why would anyone read it? There are various ways to a...... this. For example, if you are writing a description of a place, using adjectives can e........ the a............(el atractivo) of the place, before the reader begins reading the article.

essential uninteresting achieve enhance attractiveness

Doctor: That is to be e......... after a serious o......... Patient: I know, but I'm so hot I feel like I'm b....... up and my body feels i......... Do you think I have a fever?

expected operation burning itchy

Everyone expects Maura to resign at the end of the month. HAND Maura is widely ______________ at the end of the month.

expected to hand in her resignation

With her e-------/ s-------- skills, Suzy is bound ... get .... job.

expert specialist to the

Karl has e------- / v------ experience of repairing computers

extensive vast

E........ means very great in d....... or intensity. The girls were afraid of snakes and p....... their way a..... with extreme caution. ...people living in e......... poverty. ...the author's extreme r......... (reticencia) to generalise.

extreme degree picked along extreme reluctance

The content of a report is to some extent f.........(realistic) and d...... o.... (se basa en) the prompt material, but there will be s.......(extension) for candidates to make use of their o..... ideas and experience.

factual draws on scope own

If you describe someone as f...... (caprichoso), you mean that they have very strong likes and d.........., especially about what they eat, which you think are r...... silly. My boys have always been f....... eaters. Synonyms: c.......y p.......y h..d to p......e

faddy dislikes rather faddy choosy picky hard to please

If you f..... b...... o... (recurres)something, you do it or use it after other things have f...... (fallado). Unable to defeat him by logical d....... (discusion), she fell back on criticizing his speech. When necessary, instinct is the most reliable resource you can f..... b..... o... (recurrir)

fall back on failed discussion fall back on

If you f....... f...... (enamoras) someone, you are strongly a....... (atraido)to them and start loving them. He was fantastically handsome-I just f.... .f...... him right away.

fall for attracted fell for

se cae (fall )

fall over

Phrasal verb: fail to happen

fall through

If the degree, amount, or size of something f...... o....., it decreases.

falls off

You're going to need at least three full weeks to (fantasear) f----- and tell everyone about what you're going to eat a------ the race is o----. Tell your partner, your best friend, the c------ at the grocery store. Ignore the fact that n----- o- t----- gives a shit.

fantasize after over cashier none of them

That it never evolved further (f........) is probably why it remains .... deliciously etched (C...../C......) in my memory.

farther so carved cut

You're always finding f ........ with my work. Why don't you try giving me some praise o....... in a while?

fault once

grow rich by taking advantage of circumstances. (FO'sN)

feather one's nest

If you describe someone's feelings or characteristics (f------, t-------) as undiluted, you are em------- (s-------) that they are very strong and not mixed (b------) with any other feeling or quality.

features, traits emphasizing stressing blended

It was that film, (displaying) f------- a L----- with a heart of gold, that s------- her o--- to the legal profession.

featuring lawyer switched on

Do you (TE SIENTES CON FUERZA DE) climbing that massive tree over there?

feel up to

I thought that the deal would be very profitable for my business, but it f..... t........ at the last minute. (se vino abajo)

fell through

F....... (trae, sirve)the visitors some coffee, would you?


There has been f------/ i------ competition .... the manager's job.

fierce intense for

I am going to f...... o...... an application for the job. (rellenar)

fill out

Here's a small life dilemma for you: athleisure. It's the new shoulder pads(f......), a sartorial norm in which structure and adornment have (dado paso) g...... a..... to slouch(f.......) and utility (U.......).

filling given away flexibility usefulness

The cars also have air intakes (instaladas) f...... to the outside of the w....... (eje) h to cool down the brakes.

fitted wheel

I'd like you all now to ........ attention on the arguments against the proposal.


Losing Joe's Place is a great book .... anyone who likes to see somebody ...... have a whole lot of funny, funny troubles. The story is (divertidisimo) h ( and keeps you o... t.... e.... of your seat, and the characters are strange and interesting enough .... make you want to know more about what will happen ... them next. O... o.. four stars, I would give this book at least three and a half.

for else hilarious on the edge to to out of

The company I work .... has an e-------/ u-------- reputation .... quality.

for excellent unrivalled for

The company is looking f-- a summer i------. A student or t----- who works, sometimes without pay, at a trade or occupation ... order .... gain work experience.

for intern trainee in to

My father let me have his old car (casi regalado) f.... n.... t... n......

for next to nothing

Not merely .... raising future generations ... doctors, scientists and Love Island contestants, but ...... for my annual refresher course .... fertility choices. It's still a no for me.

for of also on

We lost the cape in a ball-pit and the rest was too big ----- him, so I had to cut the legs with scissors, and they ended up ragged(t-------) and (hasta la mitad de sus piernas) h----- u- h--- l----. But he was still Superman, who is my favourite superhero not because he is kind, and not because the definitive film version (apareció)a------/S-----U---- in 1978 when I was five.

for tattered (rasgados) halfway up his legs appeared / showed up

No music, no podcasts, no headphones in order .... you to get (lo maximo de....)t--- m--- o-- o--running

for the most out of

Barred (F....) from voting ...... the Catalan or Spanish governments, the city election is the one occasion when these residents (D......) can make their voice heard, something Valls is well .......of.

forbidden for dwellers aware

If you f........... someone, you realize what they are likely to do and p......... them from doing it. O'Leary made to open the door, but Bunbury f........... him b... laying a hand on his arm. [VERB noun] Large numbers of police were in the square to f........ any demonstrations. [VERB noun]

forestall prevent forestalled by forestall

The (prefacio) f....... to a book is an introduction ..... the author or ........ someone .......

foreword by by else



Poor people have beliefs f..... the family or you can't make it. Life's a s.........(lucha) and things are hard. Who do you think you are ? If that's the program you get then 95% of the day you will s.........(sabotean) yourself and that's why poor people s...... poor and rich people stay rich because the p............. (programación).

from struggle sabotage stay programming

I think being a nurse is a very rewarding(f-------/s.........) job.

fulfilling satisfying,

works perfectly: f......., r......, o.........

functions runs operates

A f....... (embudo) is an object with a wide, circular top and a narrow short tube at the b...... (parte inferior). Funnels are used to p....... liquids into containers which have a small opening, for example bottles.

funnel bottom pour

A University of Toronto psychology professor, his raging (f-------/ f......) stage show involuntarily reminds me .... that incredibly moving speech from The South Park Movie.

furious fierce of



Phrasal verb: make something understand....

get across

spread (get)

get around

It's also the most accessible to (llegar) g----- a------, with lots of easily (w----- e-----) reached viewpoints (s-----).

get around with ease standpoints

start doing something again (get)

get back

start being involved (get)

get into

recover from (get)

get over

'These men are bad role models': will my son (overcome) g---- o--- his superhero (craze) o-------?

get over obsession

find the time (get)

get round

use up (con get)

get through

to stay at a prudent distance from; keep well clear of . GAWB

give a wide berth

If you g...... something such as information or k.........., you learn or collect it slowly and p......, and perhaps indirectly. At present we're g......... information from all sources. 10,000 pages of evidence were g........ from hundreds and hundreds of interviews. (recoger minuciosamente)

glean knowledge patiently gleaning gleaned

Did you (recorristes) g-- r------ all the aisles in the supermarket?

go round

The only possibility is to keep g......; if you can overcome (g---- t------)the first three months, the sages (s-------) say, you'll do yoga for ever.

going get through savants

Today, that has disappeared(G....A.....) for many of us. "We have become restless( U......) as a society - and that places more demands .... us when we get ..... bed .. night," she says. "We have lost the rituals and practices (c.......) that gave us little respites(l....) during the day.

gone away uneasy on into at ceremonies lull (calma)

The (base de la organización)g........... of an organization or movement are the o....... people who form the main part ...... it, rather than...... leaders. You have to join the party ..... grassroots level from what I understand.

grassroots ordinary of its at

The cows g...... (pastaban) in the hills outside the town.


To g....... someone's palm: to give somebody money in order to persuade (c........., t...... i.......) them to do something dishonest(c.........).There are rumours (t........) that the company had to grease someone's palms to get that contract(c...........).

grease convince talk into crooked tattles covenant

If you have a complaint (g--------) about something that has h------ or been d----, you believe that it was unfair( i--------).

grievance happened done inequitable



That wheel (se habia estado comportando) ......... ..........(behave) erratically for months, so its failure was not a total surprise

had been behaving

Valls said the time ....... come to heal the wounds (b.......) and that he was ideally placed(s....) to help.

had bruises set

We went to a restaurant I h.. n..... b...... there before.

had never been

la mitad de los cuales.

half of whom.

The armed robber told the cashier to h.... o.... the money in the till.

hand over

Sorry, but you'll have to speak up. I'm rather ........ of hearing.


If you will be h.......-p...... to do something, you will have great d........ doing it. This year the airline will be h.....-p...... to make a profit.

hard-pressed difficulty hard-pressed

H.......(deprivation) is a situation in w........ your life is difficult or (disagreeable) u.........., or because you do not have enough money. Many people are suffering economic hardship. One of the worst hardships is having so l...... time to spend with one's family.

hardship which unpleasant little

So that's a sort of tough( h.....) choice. I don't think we have to make that choice. I think there is an alternative ( c......)

harsh choice

tiene un efecto en cadena

has a knock-on effect

This beef (se ha estropeado)

has gone off

If you say that someone .... an O............ with a person or thing, you think they are spending .... much time thinking ....... them.

has obsession too about

She (ha levantado) from her bed

has risen

A h........ (molestia) is a situation that is difficult and i...... problems, effort, or arguments with people. I don't think it's worth the money or the h...... Weddings are so much hassle that you need a good break a..........(después). .

hassle involves hassle afterwards

You use h........ (chulo, altanero) to describe someone's behaviour or appearance when you disapprove of the fact that they seem to be very p...... and to think that they are better than other people. He spoke in a h........ tone. A........T C........R I.......S

haughty proud haughty arrogant cavalier imperious

I don't think you will ....... much difficulty learning .... drive an automatic car.

have to

The tennis players' match is still going on. FINISHED The tennis players ................................ yet.

haven't finished their match

El amenazó con renunciar

he threatened to resign.

El continuó diciendo

he went on to say

A h....... (embriagadora) drink, atmosphere, or experience strongly affects your senses, for example by making you feel d....... / b.......y (borracho) or excited. I felt h...... and euphoric.

heady drunk boozy heady

She's so kind and generous. She's got a h...... o.. g...... (gran corazón)

heart of gold

If you describe a man as a h........., you mean that he is (físicamente)p............ very attractive, so that a lot of women fall in love with him. H..........:a man, typically a celebrity, w...... good looks excite immature romantic feelings in women.

heartthrob physically heartthrob whose

People working here have to work under h-----/ c------ pressure.

heavy constant

A h...... (agitada) situation is one that is very b.....(ocupada) and i....... (involucra) lot of r (apresurada) activity. Despite his hectic work schedule, Benny has rarely suffered poor health. The two days we spent there were e.......(agradables) but h..........

hectic busy involves rushed enjoyable hectic

The train was (retrasado) 2 hours, it was a nightmare

held up

If you are h......... about doing something, you do not do it quickly or immediately, usually because you are u........, embarrassed, or w.......... She was hesitant about coming f......... with her story. [+ about] His advisers are (verdaderamente) r.......... hesitant to let the country be sucked into the conflict.

hesitant uncertain worried forward rightfully

The higher up a (jerarquia)------- a lobster climbs (s------) , this brain mechanism helps make more serotonin available (d------). The more defeat (r-----) it suffers, the more restricted (s-------,) the serotonin supply. Lower serotonin is ........ turn associated with more negative emotions - perhaps making it harder to climb back up the ladder. According .... Peterson, hierarchies in humans work in a similar way - we are wired ..... live in them. But can a brain chemical (a--------) really explain the organisation ( e---------) of a human society?

hierarchy scales disposable rout straitened in to to artificial establishment

Our staff enjoy a h----- /g----- degree of flexibility ...... their working hours.

high great in

We have had a h---- / l---- number ... applicants .... this job.

high large of for

He is h...... critical ... Ada Colau, the incumbent (h.....) mayor, both for her management and what he says is her non-committal (e......) stance (p.....) on independence.

highly of holder engagement position

H........ (retrospectiva) is the ability(e........) to understand and realize something a........ an event after it has happened, although you did not understand or realize ..... at the time. With hindsight, we'd all do things d......... (diferentemente). Even with the benefit of hindsight, I doubt I would change anything ........I had my time again.

hindsight expertise about it differently if

If you h.......(acumula) things such as food or money, you save or s......(guarda) them, often in secret, because they are valuable or important to you. They've begun to hoard food and gasoline and save their money. Consumers did not spend and create jobs; they h........ (los acumulan). The tea was s........... (endulzado) with a hoarded tin of condensed milk. [VERB-ed]

hoard store hoarded sweetened

If you h........ i.. on one particular aspect of something, you give all your a........ to it. The critics immediately h........ i..on the group's newly-elected members.

home in attention homed in

If someone h....... (acosa) you, they constantly disturb or speak to you in an a.......g. (molesta) or u..........g (molesta)way. N.......... (los recien llegados)are constantly h.......... (acosando) them for advice. From the start of the season, the Arsenal s......... (delantero(has been hounded by the press.

hounds annoying upsetting newcomers hounding striker

Everyone knows h.... irritating the noise of the mosquito, f........ (seguido) by a p....... (dolorosa) reaction to i.... bite, can ......

how followed painful its be

Gustav's report made a h------ / p------- impact .... the Board ..... Directors.

huge powerful on of

In the little spare (I......) time he has, he wages (C....O.....) a quixotic campaign of complaint, ever ready to tilt at (poco riguroso) s...... reporting, bias, or wilful (d........) sensationalism in the British press's coverage of Muslims.

idle carries on sloppy deliberate

This research shows, i...... n....... e....... (al menos), that language is a social activity, not something invented i.. i......... (aisladamente).

if nothing else in isolation

measurable (cry)


perceptible (cry)


I agree with you ........ principle but I'm not sure your idea would work in practice.


Was there a discount or did you have to pay .... full


the point....


Sit them ..... a classroom, tell them ...... Plato at the age of 20, send them out for a career .... management (syn A.......) consultancy for 40 years, and that lesson will stick ...... them.

in about in administration with

Entries which are not i.. a........ w.... the rules will be disqualified. If something is d..... in accordance with a p........... rule or system, it is done in the way that the rule or system says that it s....... be done.

in accordance with done particular should

It was just as things were getting serious ... the bathroom ... a house party that an off-hand comment ruined the mood ...Toby, 32. The woman he was with remarked that he wasn't hard enough... them to have sex

in at for for

That was .... November 2017. But .... after Toby started dating someone ....., the problem persisted.

in even else

My father is very calm and takes everything i- h-- s------. ( a su ritmo)

in his stride

Decrease...../ Research,,,,,/ Reaction...../ Response...../

in into to to

They don't think we are ... an urgent need .... help (syn a......). They see us as adults, rational (syn L.....) adults. What we need is information. We need data, we don't need help.

in of assistance logical

Improvement...../ Advantage...../ Attempt ...../Change...../, Increase...../

in of at in in

A consultant .... the field ... information technology was also interviewed .... the subject ... online crime.

in of on of

We went for a walk although it was raining yesterday. SPITE We went for a walk .............................................................................. yesterday

in spite of the rain

If a person or an organization is i... t.... b....., they do not o....... anyone any money (no debe nada)

in the black owe

But it seems like McConaughey ultimately(I....T....E....) wasn't too upset (ff-----) by the missed opportunity because he got to keep living it up while starring in high-paying rom-coms.

in the end fazed

If you say that something is i.. t... o....., you mean that it is likely to h..... soon. A general a......... for political prisoners may be in the o.........

in the offing happen amnesty offing

If something i.. i.. t... p...., it has already been planned or begun. Already in the pipeline is a 2.9 per cent pay i....... for teachers. Synonyms: o.. the w...., expected, c.....g, close

in the pipeline increase on the way coming

Nadia's friend arrived just as she was about to leave the restaurant. POINT Nadia was just ________________________ the restaurant when her friend arrived.

in the point of leaving

Thousands of people lost their jobs i.. t... w.... o... the recession (a raiz de))

in the wake of

as a result of on account of by reason of thanks to owing to I T W O

in the wake of

Everyone nowadays believes ..... education We train kids .... do maths, we teach pilots....... to land planes, and surgeons to how ...... operate on ...... brains...

in to how to our

The same neurotransmitter can have contrasting effects ..... different organisms. W------ lower levels of serotonin are associated ....... decreased levels of aggression ..... vertebrates like the lobster, the opposite(r.......) is true ... humans. This happens because low levels of serotonin in the brain make communication between the amygdala and the frontal lobes weaker (f......), making it more difficult to control emotional responses .... anger.

in while with in reverse in fainter to

scant: in..........te, in.....ff...... t, m.......r, sp.......e

inadequate, insufficient meager sparse

Susan's mother thought that her daughter's dress was ina------- (un.......). Inad------------

inappropriate unsuitable inadequate

This guy doesn't know anything': the inside (i-------) story ..... Trump's shambolic (c------) transition (c---------) team.

inner of chaotic conversion

sensitive (cry)


It's hard to argue against honesty (i......) and honour as vital ingredients of goodness (k........), but living by them is easier said than done, particularly nowadays . We live in a fragile (b.......), ruthless (r.......) economy, where the P45 of Damocles dangles (h.... u...) above us. Would my dad turn down that job in today's circumstances, where a job for life is an outmoded (o.........) concept?

integrity kindness brittle relentless hangs up outdated

I've just paid my salary ........


It is a familiar story: out of the blue, it seems, a crowd pours ....... a city square or gathers (B..... T......) at a barnstorming rally held by a spellbinding orator, to protest against hated institutions, to express rage at the betrayals (D.......) of the ruling class, to seize (t...... p......) control of public spaces. To label these frequently disquieting (D........) moments of collective freedom "populist", in a pejorative sense, is to misunderstand a constitutive feature (T......) of the modern democratic project.

into brings together deceits take possession disturbing trait

Put more effort ..... making a playlist than making a race plan. --- long runs, when a song you don't like p----, become furious(fr.......)with your past self.

into on plays frantic

If the task i......... (requiere) proposing a solution to a problem or your opinion, and s... o...., you can a......... (dirigirte)your audience d........ (directamente), e.g. "What You Need to Do to Be S...........(exitoso)", or use a question such as "Is Learning English Really N......... Today?" for the t.......(título). In more formal articles, it is more common to just s........ (resumir)the topic in a short statement, e.g. "Laughter Can Improve Our H.......(salud)". The title should not be too long and should m........ (reflejar) the style of the article - formal or i...........

involves so on address directly successful necessary title summarise health mirror informal

I don't think the news ----- particularly interesting


Overtiredness, sleep experts agree, (depende de...) IDT our always-on existence. In the past, says Ramlakhan, the author of The Little Book of Sleep, our days had naturally built-in (tiempo de inactividad) d......... that gave us short (arrebatos) S......of rest.

is down to downtime snatches

I find studying more difficult as I become older. IS I find it ________________ as I become older. CORRECTO.

is more difficult to study

Here there ..... - very strangely - often no one .... turn to, nowhere .... go. So stress accumulates and disasters o........

is to to occur

If you take i...... with someone or something they said, you d........ with them, and start arguing a...... it. Sister Morrison might take issue with me ..... that matter. I will not take issue w....... the fact that we have a recession.

issue disagree about on with

It is at this point that I... c....... o...... as (resulta) being far too complicated.

it comes over

se esta perdiendo

it is being lost

se esta pagando. se rumorea.

it is being paid. it is rumored

At three, he was hooked (K---- o---): on the colours, the purity - it's (los buenos contra los malos) g----- a-- b-------, like Twitter - and the power.

keen on goodies and baddies

We don't have to ...... making the same mistakes. There are things to ---- learnt, ...... there's still time.

keep be while

If you tie a (nudo) k.... in a piece of string, r....., cloth, or other material, you pass one end or part of it t...... a (lazo) l....... and pull it t........

knot rope through loop tight

Many colleagues were (cease) l---- o---- when the company was restructured.

laid off

If you describe someone as l.....-b....., you mean that they b...... in a calm relaxed way as ...... nothing will ever w.......them.

laid-back behave if worry

My first contract was a temporary contract. It didn't l----- too long. I've been working ------- for a year.(no pagado)

last unpaid

honest /L......-a......(respetuoso con la ley)/r.........s (justo),

law-abiding righteous

jefe principal

leading boss

If you say that someone l....... or has a c....... life, you mean that they always seem to be lucky, as if they are protected or helped by m........

leads charmed magic

Filming and analysis of the action (lleva) l......... experts to conclude that the beasts care deeply for their (parientes y amigos) k..... a.... k.......

leads kith and kin

I have recently l........... about the Lab Assistant post at ZPD Laboratories through the UAB Career Services and I would like to be c............. for this position. The job a.......... me because it emphasised that your company had great o........... for people who were keen ...... learn. With the laboratory experience and analytical skills you are s........, I will be a strong candidate for the position and a valuable a......... to your team.

learned considered attracted opportunities to seeking addition

When I l----- university ten months ago, I had a------ no idea --- what I was going to do n-----.

left absolutely of next

If you say that you were l...... h..... a.... d....., you are emphasizing that you were left in a difficult situation and were u........ to do anything about it.

left high and dry unable

AS soon as Marco l....... school, he s.......... u..(comenzó) his own s......... (papeleria) business.

left started up stationery

The fibres will not (alargan) l......... much, but will spread apart laterally.


Transfers between databases invoke (largas)l........ processes and have (secundarias)s......... backup and archiving implications.

lengthy subsidiary

But I have a wonderful wife, family, godchildren and friends - so, to a (menor) l...... extent, I, too, must balance (e.........) my desires with the welfare of others. I expand this ethos (f........) to society (en general) a.. l...., which takes us to an area Dad and I will never agree on.

lesser equilibrate feature at large

If you describe a person as (reasonable) l......-h....., you m....... that they are calm and s.......... even in difficult situations.

level-headed mean sensible

Someone who is l......-h......... is cheerful and happy. They were l.......-h...... and prepared to enjoy life.

light-hearted light-hearted

Something that is (ligero)l........... weighs l...... than most other things of the same t........ The company (fabrica)m........... a range of innovative light-weight cycles.

lightweight less type manufacturers

There is nothing ......... looking through their Instagram feeds at 4am with a feverish(f.....) toddler to make you wonder if the female storyline(p......) isn't quite as narrow(t.....) as you were t........ A woman's mid-30s is a time for decision-making, but we have more options ....... many realise. Love and fulfilment come in more shapes than a baby sling (d......).

like febril plot tight told than diaper

What are the chances of the film winning an Oscar? LIKELY How ______________________________will win an Oscar?

likely is it that the film

If someone is in the l......, a lot of attention is being paid to them, because they are famous or because they have done something very unusual or exciting. Tony has now been thrust (empujado)into the l......., with a high-profile job. (centro de atención)

limelight thrust limelight

Obsession: a persistent (l.......) idea or impulse that continually (c........) forces .... way into consciousness, often associated ...... anxiety and mental illness (m......)

lingering continuously its with malady

Although it wasn't exactly a (energetic) l.... w..... in the classroom, he (se enorgullecia) t....... g...... p....... in producing maps and diagrams.

live wire took great pride

If you are l....... to do something, you do not want to do it. She is l...... (poco dispuesto) to give up her h......-e....... (bien merecedia)liberty. The new finance minister seems l....... (poco dispuesto)to cut income tax

loath loath hard-earned loath

Quite how it's taken this column so l..... to alight (p----, l----) lovingly on the winningest (t-------) public intellectual of our age is (no claro) ------, but please now consider me officially very (a favor)..... him.

long perch land triumphant unclear into

Make yourself as comfortable as you can. If you can, (afloja) l...... any clothes that restrict (c--------) your (respiracion)b---------.

loosen constrain breathing

Like a .... people, when I signed .. for Facebook, I accepted and (sent) i....... far ..... many friend request, including people I ...... knew at all.

lot up issued too hardly

He could have been one of the greats, but he was too kind and ended up as (pésimo) lo----/dr------/di------- a writer as Carrie Bradshaw.

lousy dreadful dismal

He's an affectionate(l....../a......) and loving child. If you are a........., you show your love or f-----for another person in the ..... that you behave t------- them.

loving amorous affectionate fondness way towards

Something that is l..... (grumoso) contains lumps or is covered with lumps. When the rice isn't cooked properly it goes lumpy and g........ (pegajoso).

lumpy gooey



She's a leading economist who ........ a name for herself as a dealer in the city


But despite the longevity and global popularity, confusion persists about yoga and pilates, compounded (m...... u... / (constituido) c.........) by the increasing variety of classes offered in each discipline

made up constituted

Lawsuits against banks have begun to m....... the news e........ since the beginning of the economic crisis.

make ever

muchos de los cuales fumaban.

many of whom smoked.

You .... think you are putting the time to good use - but that's not ...... your brain interprets it. There's a complex (E.....) neurophysiology that requires (d......) breaks in tasks and concentration; if it's constantly(D...i....d....o) bombarded, the brain becomes overloaded (Ob).

may how entangled demands day in day out overburdened

Whatever it ....... be, you know the ...... of thing I'm talking ....... -- people who are attracted ( e.....) to the ritualistic side, the moralistic, communal side ... religion, but can't bear ( e.....) the doctrine.

may kind about enticed of endure

Language m.... w..... b.. (puede bien ser) programmed into the brain, d......... this, people still need s.......(estimulos) from others a....... them.

may well be despite stimulus around

sleeping partner (m........., a.........) a person who has put money into a business company but who is not actually involved(i.......) in running it Tom found a s......... p........... to invest money in his business.

member associated implicated sleeping partner

A m...... is something s..... .... ... video, picture, or phrase that a lot of people send ... each other ... the internet. The image quickly b........ a meme.

meme such as a to on became

DIY is the activity of making or repairing (m.......) things yourself, especially(p..........) in your home. DIY is an abbreviation for 'd..-i..-y.......'.

mending particularly do-it-yourself

A REVIEW in the Cambridge English: Advanced Writing paper does not m....... (meramente) ask for a general description of the thing r........, but r.........s (requiere) an e......... (evaluación) of its s........... for a particular purpose or audience.

merely reviewed requires evaluation suitability

Deformed by a m.......... (partera) b........ (deforme) delivery and s.......... (rechazada) by his community, Enda had n............ (sin embargo) fallen in love with a Celtic princess named Deirdre.

midwife botched shunned nevertheless

For several (milenios) m...... now, men have had things their........ way (I'm assuming there are no howls of protest at this statement (d........). But in the last f.... decades, things seem to have changed for the better - and changed fast. So fast, we are told, that men's moral (brujula) c....... are spinning (r......). In the space of a generation, what it means to be a good man has been completely overhauled (R.........).

millennia own declaration few compass rotating revised

millones de años

million years

There Has Been a Change in the humor (M-----/ T----.' Britain's Vince Cable leads (S.....) the Commission (C-------) to Reverse Brexit

mood temper steers charge

And there's ......: if your brain has become tuned to always reaching ..... the next thing .... do, to never taking a moment ... just pause and rest, then it will gradually become harder and harder .... switch ... at night. It's almost .... if we're losing the ability to .... go; and the biggest letting-go of all is falling .........., which Ramlakhan describes ...... an act of trust.

more for to to to off as let asleep as

The leisure centre has entertainment for children, with a climbing (m) area, (toboganes) s-----, (piscinad de bolas) b-- p----- and columpios (s------).

mountaineering, slides balls pool swings

mucho más temprano mucho más temprano

much earlier much earlier

ARTICLE: A title is absolutely n........ when w........ an article, and should be a c....... (conciso)summary of the information w...... is going to follow in the article. In other words, the main topic of the article should be stated in the t.......

necessary writing concise which title

You didn´t tell me that the exhibition was finishing today! NEGLECTED You ________________________________ the exhibition was finishing today!

neglected telling me

Mary's novelty (n--------) was not that she was prepared to be rude(g--------) or witty(c-------) at the author's expense, for both of these were commonplace (o--------) enough.

newness gross clever ordinary

He enjoyed walking to the n.......... (quiosco) every morning to buy a newspaper.


If you say that something happens in the n....o.. t...., you are emphasizing that it happens at the last possible moment. Seems we got here just in the n.... o.. t..... News of interest cuts came in the nick of time for borrowers.

nick of time nick of time

If you describe a plan or idea as a (loser) n........, you mean that it has no chance of s.......... The United States is (sure) c........ to reject the proposal as a nonstarter.

non-starter success certain

Peter is a lot older than Martin. AS Martin is ________________ Peter

not nearly as old as.

If you say that someone or something is a n........ (molestia), you mean that they annoy you or cause you a lot of problems. He could be a bit of a n........ when he was drunk. Sorry to be a nuisance. h.......e / t......e / a.........e

nuisance nuisance hassle trouble annoyance



Robert Emmons, a professor .... psychology .... the University of California, Davis, and a world authority ..... gratitude, has advocated (u.......) that interventions such as this be used ... therapists to help their patients.

of at on upheld by

One .... the most c......... ways ... dividing the world is ....... those who believe and those who don't -- into the religious and the a....... And ..... the last decade or ..., it's been ...... clear what being an atheist means.

of common of into atheists for so quite

Well a sermon wants to change your life and a lecture wants to give you a bit..... information. And I think we need to .... back to that sermon tradition (syn u.....) . The tradition of sermonizing is hugely( syn T....) valuable (syn S....), because we are in need of guidance, morality and consolation -- and religions know that.

of get usage thumping significant

Vienna, capital --- Austria, is not ----- the most livable city ... Europe, ... the world. It achieved 100 percent ratings ... measures ..... as Stability, Infrastructure, Education and Healthcare, with an overall rating of 99.1 percent.

of only in but in such

I'm not going to tolerate this untidiness any longer. up I have no intention .............................................................................. this untidiness any longer.

of putting up with

But it was not clear the explanation .... Khashoggi's murder, the sackings(R........) and purported (p......) arrests would contain the damage ..... Riyadh.

of redundancies pretended to

In the 1950s the "red scare" warned .... communists sympathetic .....the Soviet Union lurking(c......) around every corner .....the US. On Tuesday, the White House was back .... it, this time raising the spectre(s.....) of Marx, Bernie Sanders and working mothers in Sweden.

of to creeping of at spook

Marie Fallon, .... the Environment Agency, has confirmed ... MPs an intelligence led central investigations team has been set up ... tackle corruption and fraud ........ (dentro)the export system.

of to to within

de quien se sabe muy poco

of whom very little is known

Her only insult (o------) was to speak without asking p---------.

offence (UK) permission

If one thing is an o....... (variante, rama) of another, it has d........ from that other thing. Psychology began as a purely academic offshoot of natural p...........

offshoot developed philosophy

Most students at this college are .... a grant (subvención)


You're not keen ...... going, are you?


how is gold ...... the market today???


If you say that someone plods o... or plods a..... with a job, you mean that the job is taking a long time. He is p....... on with negotiations. (ploding.laboriosio)

on along plodding


on and on

You'll focus ---- whatever information you can (obtein) e...... or (summon) e...... from her, that will let you get what you want.

on elicit evoke

Unfortunately, this is car only o.... l...... while mine is being repaired. (prestado)

on loan

She had a baby last week and she's now o---- ma------ l------

on maternity leave

International pressure builds.... Saudi Arabia as colleagues .... murdered journalist demand (R......) punishment(P.....) for his killers

on of request penalty

If something such as a marriage or a business is o.. t... r......., it is experiencing very s........ difficulties and looks likely to end very soon.

on the rocks severe

The talks were o... t.... v.... o... breaking down.

on the verge of

The Part 1 question will be an essay -- a given -----. A set of notes --- the topic will be --------, and will include three b------ points. Candidates will be ------ to select two of the bullet points and to b---- their essay on t------- two points.

on topic on provided bullet asked base those

But there's ...... area where we don't seem .... believe .... education at ..... and just leave people .... figure it ..... themselves: life itself.

one to in all to out

I tried to get tickets when it first o...... but ended up q........ for returns.

opened queuing

If you channel money -- resources ----- something, you arrange (or------) for them to--e used for that thing, r------ than for a (mas amplio)w----- range of things.

or into organize be rather wider

It should be well o.............., with an i---------, clear d---------, and an appropriate c---------.

organised introduction development conclusion

and idea can be O.......l/ B.......l/u......l /e......l./ G.......t (original, brillante, inusula, excelente, genia)

original / brilliant /unusual / excellent. / great

For Sirois and ...... researchers in this field, gratitude is ..... more than a slogan .... a mug - it is a unique predictor of wellbeing (w....) , a protective cloak (c......) that could help shield those who feel it from poor mental health.

other far on welfare cape

Try (eliminar/recortar) cutting o--- your morning coffee, learning deep-b------- exercises and plugging i---- an audio app

out breathing into

If one group of people or things (supera) o.... another, the first group has more people or things in it than the second group. A town where men outnumber women four ..... one. [VERB noun] Donkeys outnumber cars ..... this landscape of tiny stone-walled fields.

outnumbers to in

If you describe something as (indignante) o---------, you are emphasizing that it is (no aceptable)u---------- or very (impactante)s------.

outrageous unacceptable shocking

Someone who is (direct) o.......... gives their opinions about things o....... and h......., even if they are likely to shock or o......people.

outspoken openly honestly offend

A p......... symbol somewhere .... the browser should help to put your mind at rest.

padlock on

Truly, when you look forensically at the pros and cons of parenting, there's little that is tangible (p--------) to compel any sensible (r-------) person to go for it. But billions of us do. The desire (y-------) to have a family tends to creep up (s------ u-) on you and it's almost impossible to predict (p----------) whether or not it will become a priority (p--------) later.

palpable reasonable yearning sneak up prognosticate preference

A (libro de bolsill)p.......... is a book with a thin (cartolina) c......... or paper cover. Compare hardback. She said she would buy the book when it c........ out in paperback.

paperback cardboard comes

The people on the p....... (nómina) of a company or an organization are the people who work for it and are p..... by it.

payroll paid

We've decided to go away in the spring this year to avoid all the crowds during the summer ........ period.


I got burned the other day and my skin is starting to (pelarse)

peel off

A p......... is a person who acts, sings, or does other e............ in front of a.............. A performer in e........ d....... (traje de noche) plays classical selections on the violin.

performer entertainment audiences evening dress

Something that is p........... continues to exist or happen for a long time; used e.......... about bad or u............ states or situations. Her position as national leader has been (debilitado) w............ by persistent fears of another c....... attempt.

persistent especially undesirable weakened coup

I like my Aunt Emily best of all my relatives. PERSON The ________________my relatives is my Aunt Emily.

person I like best of all

The press has been criticised for using p........ t.......... to find out information.

phone tapping

And p............ (fisícos) enjoy careers in e..........., chemistry, life sciences , and Earth sciences. The idea of counting as physicists all students who obtain any degree in p.......... is a bit of a s.........(exagerado)

physicists engineering physics stretch

Although he criticises( P... O...) Colau ..... law and order issues, such as the upsurge (R.........) in hard drugs, street crime and, ..... all, the proliferation (s.......) of street-hawkers, or manteros, he is short ...... solutions.

picks on on recrudescence above spread on

"to ........ an order" I'd like to ........ an order for a delivery of stationery please

place place

If you say that a task was not all p....... s........(coser y cantar), you mean that it was not very easy. P......... (embarazo)wasn't all plain sailing and o...... again there were problems. We know it won't be plain sailing because there are no easy games .... this level.

plain sailing pregnancy once at

Have we got a ........ of action in case things go wrong on the day?


The rebel soldiers ........ the bomb in the town centre.


It's kind of a cliche (p.......), but I love ...... at home with Benji, my dog. He's good .... my soul. He's just the epitome (s.......) of unconditional (F.....) love, and everyone loves a darling boy like that. I like using Benji to deflect(s......) some of the attention off me. Just to guide(s......) the energy, you know?

platitude being for summary faithful switch steer

If a student p....... t........, he or she stays away from school without p........... She was getting into trouble over p.......... t........ from school.

plays truant permission playing truant

I have always enjoyed sports and my whole family takes al lot of p------ i- watching football.

pleasure in

If you (arranca)p...... u.. the courage to do something that you feel n.......... about, you make an effort to be brave e........ to do it. It took me about two hours to pluck up c.......... to call.

pluck up nervous enough courage

A p....... (cazador furtivo) is a person who i......... (ilegalmente) hunts game, fish, etc, ... someone else's property

poacher illegally on

But this "35 or bust" narrative is toxic(p......) for young women, making them panic(G...S....) (inecesariamente) u....... (as I did in my early 30s), and dangerous for older women, who think they can relax their (anticoncepcion) c.........

poisonous get scared unnecessarily contraception

Many didn't know much about p....... (politica) at all, but just g... c...... u... (fueron pillados) in the hype.

politics got caught up

P............ (contaminantes) are substances that pollute the e..........., especially gases from vehicles and p......... (venenosos) chemicals produced as waste by industrial processes. A steady stream of California traffic (obstruye) c....... the air with pollutants.

pollutants environment poisonous clogs

If you p...... around or p...... about, you do pleasant but (no importantes) u.......... things, without hurrying. I was perfectly happy just pottering around doing up my flat. At weekends he would potter a...... the garden.

potter potter unimportant around

P............-s......... people or places are extremely poor. He is a teacher of poverty-stricken k....... The Pope is visiting some of the most poverty-stricken a........ of the city.

poverty-stricken kids areas

The day before I went to Company, it was confirmed that the actor formerly(P........) known as Meghan Markle, 37, is pregnant, and (between) a...... all the absurd hyperbole there were some (tiredly) w....... predictable digs. "There was always a faint (f.......) worry about Meghan's chances(O.......) of conceiving naturally, as plenty of women her age do struggle (s.......),"

previously amid wearily feeble opportunities strive

If your skin (itches) p......, it feels a.. i... a lot of small sharp points are being stuck i....... it, either because of something touching it or because you feel a strong emotion. He paused, feeling his (cuero cabelludo)s...... prickling under his hat. [VERB] Her skin (picaba) p........... with apprehension.

prickles as if into scalp prickled

p....... of trial and e..... (ensayo y error)

process error

He searched the kitchen on a midnight p......(merodeo)for something good to eat. The burglar p.......around the building looking for a way in.

prowl prowled

arrancar (pull)

pull away

derribar (pull)

pull down

I suppose we need to overthrown (p----- d-----) all the wind turbines now. Please don't. Climate change is a much b........ threat (m------) to wildlife (f-----) than windfarms. Even Dr Thaker says so: "The (resultado final) b------- l------ for me is that I will pick wind energy over fossil fuels any day."

pull down bigger menace fauna bottom line

tirar de (pull)

pull in

lograr (pull)

pull off

Ponerse (pull)

pull on

extraer (pull)

pull out

volcar (pull)

pull over

levantar (pull)

pull up

Everyone thought h e wasn' t going to make it but he is (recuperandose) really fast.

pulling through

The main p......... of an essay in the Cambridge English: A......... (CAE) Writing paper is to u......... relevant salient i........... on a topic, and to support an argument with s........... points and reasons.

purpose advanced underline issues subsidiary

The main p----- of an essay in the Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) Writing paper is to u------ relevant s------- issues on a topic, and to support an argument with s-------- points and reasons.

purpose underline salient subsidiary

search, searching, quest, p........t, hunt, looking-for He is a young man whose relentless p........ of excellence is conducted with determination

pursuit pursuit

Although it's considered tame now, in the 1960s, that TV show really p....... t... e............ (dió un paso más allá)

pushed the envelope

I tried to ........ her mind at rest that everything would be OK.


I'm going to P...M...F....U after the play finishes. (descansar)

put my feet up

The rest of the cast also (realizó) p..... o..... fantastic performances.

put on

The loss of funding p....p.... t.... her plan to go to India.

put paid to

Someone who is (acute) q.......-w...... is intelligent and good at t........ quickly.

quick-witted thinking

One of the neighbours r........ the alarm when she noticed the back door was wide open


When journalists write r...... r........, they p........ something such ..... a play or book in a very e.............. way. The play received rave reviews from the critics.

rave reviews praise as enthusiastic

Many people feel something should be done to protect the ozone layer before things ........ a crisis.


But back then, the kingdom (r-----, e------) was largely (t- a g----- e-------)confined to a weekly (lista) r...... of superheroes. All o-.. w.... was entirely fine.

realm empire to a great extent roster of which

A r....-l......... d..... is a day that you will always remember because something good happens to you then.

red-letter day

It's important to offer your mother a sympathetic haven (r-------/ a--------) from your father's apocalyptic ideas, counsels(a-------) Mariella Frostrup.

refuge asylum advises

The r........ (refugiados) were crowded into h..... (chozas) with very little food.

refugees huts

It is with great R..... that I find myself h...... to write to you concerning the amount of noise(R.....)

regret having racket

Take the tablets r.........., p......... with or after a meal.

regularly preferably

It r.......t....b.....seen what effect the new proposal will have.

remains to be

The search for more sources of r......... e.......... such as wind farms is continuing.

renewable energy

Democrats Win the House, But Fall Short of Decisive Rebuke(R......)to Trump


exigir: r.........e, d........d, call ....., ask f.....

require demand call for ask for

I'm going to ........ judgement on the film until I've actually seen it. The critics aren't always correct.


You say 'good r.........' to indicate that you are pleased t...... someone has left or that something h... g......

riddance that has gone

Does the plot r..... a b..... by any chance? (te suena)

ring a bell

When something r...... (se rasga) or when you r.. it, you tear it forcefully with your hands or with a tool s.... ... ... knife. I felt the banner rip as we were pushed in o......... (opuesta) directions. I tried not to rip the paper as I u......... (lo desenvolví) it.

rips rip such as a opposite unwrapped

It's a difficult task but I'm sure she will ........ to the c.......... (desafio).

rise challenge

The (aumento)...... in the price of gas ........ people angry.

rise made

We need to know how genes determine behaviour. ROLE We need to know what ____________________ behaviour.

role genes play in determining

He ( se levanto) ...... to his feet when the guests( h) arrived.

rose hosts

It is not proselytising or alarmist to tell us the raw (r------) truth about what is happening to the world, (Por mucho que) h------- m---- it might discomfit (s------) us. Nor do I believe that revealing the marvels (m--------) of nature automatically translates ....... environmental action, as the executive (m------) producer of Dynasties claims (p------). I've come to believe it ...... have the opposite effect.

rough however much stump marigolds into manager professes can

If you hedge(s..........) against something unpleasant(d..............) or unwanted(u...........) that might affect you, especially losing money, you do something which will protect you from it. You can hedge against redundancy(o........) or illness with insurance(a..........).

safeguard disagreeable unwished ouster assurance

People who use fewer resources are s...... to have a smaller ecological (mark)f............ The (perspective) o....... for our environment gets ever more depressing.

said footprint outlook

Something that is s.......... (e............) makes you feel happy, especially because you feel you have a......... something. I found wood carving s...........

satisfying enjoyable achieved satisfying

You use s........ (escaso) to indicate that there is very little of something or not as much of something as there should be. She began to b.......(reprender) the police for paying scant attention to the t...... (robo) from her car. ...forces that have shown scant respect for Red Cross markings or U.N. flags. There is scant evidence of strong economic g....... (crecimiento)

scant berate theft growth

If people or animals s......... f... things, they collect them ..... searching among waste or unwanted objects.

scavenge for by



At the moment I'm s.......... b.. on very little money as it's the end of term. (ir tirando)

scraping by

Overtiredness is recognised the world over in young children - but it is (al parecer).... more and more common (w.......) in adults. Dr Ramlakhan should know: she is a sleep psychologist and is increasingly( m.....a....m) seeing people .... remind her of her little girl when she was younger.

seemingly widespread more and more who

I will have to(benefit) s-----/e------ every opportunity that comes up and make as many useful contacts as p------ can.

seize exploit possibly

regular, s....t, fixed, constant I.........E

set invariable

His outstanding performance in the Olympics ........ an example to all those who hope to achieve greatness themselves.


The story began to take.......


ella sigue y sigue

she goes on and on

When a sh.... or g.... bleats, it makes the sound that sheep and goats t...... make. From the slope below, the wild goats b........ faintly (gemian, balaban)

sheep goat typically bleated

The shudder (s....../ t........) of sexual electricity can ..... celebrated without b...... consummated, says Mariella Frostrup

shiver thrill be being

traer una persona para adentro (in)

show in

A s..... (sanctuary) is a place that people visit and treat with respect because it is connected with a dead person or with dead people that they want to remember (r......../r........). The monument has been turned ....... a shrine to the dead and the missing

shrine recall remind into

So struggling to (ignore) s------ o---- your addiction is no mean feat.

shrug off

Instead of taking the highway, we took a s.......... (camino secundario). All the books on the shelf a...... s.......... (estan de costado)

sideway are sideways

If you (avanzas sigilosamente)s...... somewhere, you walk there in a quiet or c......... way, as if you do not want a........ to n...... you. A young man sidled up to me and said, 'May I help you?

sidle cautious anyone notice

Robin has not been back to his birthplace for over twenty years. LAST It is over twenty years ______________ to his birthplace.

since Robin last went back

If you're s----- or s--------, place both feet flat on the ground. Whatever position you're in, place your feet (aproximadamente) r----- hip-width apart.

sitting standing roughly

If you s....... a piece of writing, you read through it quickly. He skimmed the pages q........, then read them again more carefully. I only had time to skim t.......... the script before I flew over here.

skim quickly through

A s...... (tobogan) is a piece of playground e.... (equipo) that has a steep s...... (pendiente)

slide equipment slope

A s..... (tobogán) is a piece of playground equipment that has a steep s...... (cuesta abajo)for children to go down for fun.

slide slope

They're quite wealthy. Her husband made a ........ fortune dealing in stocks and shares


We get (trozitos)s.......... of information about these organisations and they worry us.


She had been eating all day and was ... full that she could h------ move.

so hardly

She has a family and she runs her own business. She is a superwoman, s... t... s...... (por así decirlo)

so to speak

I need a weekend away S....W.....I....D....W..... to book something on the Internet.

so what I did was

My spirit (se elevo)s......... as I realized I had won the race.


If the amount, value, level, or volume of something s...... (se sale, se dispara), it quickly increases by a great deal. Insurance claims are expected to s...... [VERB] Shares s....... (se dispararon)on the stock exchange. Figures showed customer complaints h.... s..... ( se han disparado)to record levels and profits were falling. The temperature in the south will s.... into the hundreds.

soars soar soared had soared soar

My dad is a s..... t........ I can always persuade him to give me extra pocket money. (facil de convencer)

soft touch

Algo (sw)/ ligeramente/ yo lo preferiria/ Lo hubiera preferido

somewhat slightly I would prefer it. I would have preferred it.

This calming(s-------) breathing technique for stress (s------), anxiety (u------) and panic (s-----)takes just a few minutes and can be ------ anywhere.

soothing strain unrest scare done

Dubbed: having had the s....... changed ...... one in a different language. I had to work .... a dubbed version.

soundtrack for on

soberano soberano

sovereign sovereign

In a review, the target reader is s........ (especificado) in the task, and candidates should be e........ (animados) to use this information when c....... (al escoger) appropriate ideas and language to include in their response.

specified encouraged choosing

Hot yoga has a spooky (s------c-----), almost premonitory effect: you never strain anything (at least, I didn't), but you can feel which bits of your body are going to give out on you 20 years hence ( f---- h-----). Also, which tilt (i-------) will one day freeze your neck, which of your back muscles are relying so heavily(m--------) on the others that they no longer function.

spine-chilling from here inclination mightily

s.............. headache (dolor de cabeza terrible)


The concept of the teenager only (burst)s...... to life as consumer c......... discovered a new market for t..... goods.

sprang companies their

You need to s........ u... (defenderte) for yourself when t........ to him.

stand up talking

You can do it s------ u--, sitting .... a chair that s------- your back, or l..... o... a bed or yoga mat ... the floor

standing up in supports lying on on

A (básico) s...... food, product, or activity is one that is basic and important .... people's everyday lives. Rice is the staple food of more t.... half the world's population. The Chinese also eat a type of pasta as part of their s...... diet. Staple goods are (desapareciendo) dis......... from the shops.

staple in than staple disappearing

Its eventual account( S.......) met with widespread (E......) scepticism, however, in the face of mounting evidence from the Turkish investigation....... Khashoggi's death pointing to a sophisticated assassination operation that could not have been c....... o.... without the sanction (A.....) of the Saudi royal court.

statement extended into carried out approval

He's a reliable and s...... guy. (estable)


Something that is s..... (rígido) is firm or does not bend easily. The f....... (los muebles) were stiff, uncomfortable, too delicate, and too neat. His waterproof trousers were b...... (completamente) new and stiff. Her fingers were stiff with cold inside her leather ..... (guantes). Clean the m........(mejillones) with a stiff brush under cold running water. R.....D S....K

stiff furniture brand gloves mussels rigid, stark,

Doctor: And how does your (estómago)s............ feel? Patient: My s........... is (calambres)c......... and I'm very n.........., I can't eat or drink anything without v.......... Doctor: Yes, I will p............ something for the pain now. Patient: Thank you.

stomach stomach cramping nauseous vomiting prescribe

She's honest and s............and says just what she thinks. (sincero)


No other community in Britain receives such regular torrents (s.......) of bad press. But that is not the most shocking (s.....) thing about these articles. Every single one of them was misleading (d.......). And they were not just lightly dotted with (inexactitudes) i........ The chief premise of each piece - the premise articulated (e........) in the headline - was dead wrong.

streams striking deceitful inaccuracies expressed

You have the extra mental (fortaleza) s....... and physical (artfulness) d........... to get a new qualification that will give you extra job options.

strength dexterity

I'm not saying he's a liar, but he does tend to ........ the truth a little when he's talking about his achievements


Activities range (s-------) from scenic (q------) drives to hiking and (fuera de pista) B---------- camping and a popular time to visit is spring, when the desert wildflowers are in (flowering) b.......

stretch quaint backcountry bloom

I do the lottery every week. You never know, I might ........ it lucky one day


If a situation or what someone says hits home or s......... home, people accept that it is r...... or t....., even t........... it may be painful for them to r......... Did the reality of war finally h.... h.......? Israeli officials say that message s........ home.

strikes real true though realize hit home struck

It was a........................... when she got the leading role. (golpe de suerte)

stroke of luck

We obviously have totally different views so shall we drop the ........?


If you are s........., you obey someone without a........ Some doctors want their patients to be s.......... The troops s.......... laid down their weapons. Synonyms: p..........e, o........t, c........t

submissive arguing submissive submissively passive obedient compliant

If you describe something s.... a.. someone's behaviour or appearance as i............, you are e........... that it is perfect and has no f.......... She had impeccable t.........(gusto) in clothes.

such as impeccable emphasizing faults taste

Inattention is observed in behaviours ..... as seeming not to listen, not following t........ on instructions, being (olvidadizo) f.......... in daily activities, being easily d.......... by extraneous stimuli and failing to complete tasks.

such through forgetful distracted

A s........ (resumen) of something is a short a......... of it, which gives the main points but not the d........... What follows is a brief summary of the process. Here's a summary of the day's news. [+ of] Milligan gives a f....... summary of his subject w........ a relatively short space.

summary account details fair within

If you s........ or agree to something in a w........ (incondicionalmente) way, you support or agree to it e.......... (entusiasmadamente) and completely. The Government deserves our wholehearted support for h....... taken a step in this direction. S.......E / H.......T / C........D (sincero, honesto, honesto)

support wholehearted enthusiastically having sincere, honest, candid,

Well, it was s........ to be like one of those endless summer h...... (vacaciones) like when you were a kid, you know? Just p........ a........ (no haciendo nada), watching some daytime TV, seeing some mates, staying in bed till noon. But inevitably, the more I hung around the place, the more I realised how much needed doing. Before I knew it, I was d......... (cavando) up the garden, f........ (ajustando) shelves, t.......... (ordenando) up. The only time I went out was to go to the DIY shop for more bits and bobs. B... the end of the week, I was more s........(hecho polvo) than I had been at the beginning. !

supposed hols pottering around digging fitting tidying By shattered

Doctor: How are you feeling after the s-------? Patient: I feel terrible, my en----- body is a----- but I can't stop sh......... My vision is b........, my mouth is d.. and I feel so weak and d....... when I get out of bed.

surgery entire aching shivering blurry dry dizzy

A s......... (pantano) is an area of very wet land with wild plants growing in it. Synonyms: b..g, m.....h, But a.......... (aparentemente) there are fewer swamps then.

swamp bog marsh apparently

Elliott has exchanged (s--pp--) the gender of the main character, turning Bobby ...... Bobbie, to make the show feel more modern(U-T-D). And it definitely helps. It also suggests that 35 is the new defining (umbral) t........ for a woman.

swapped into up-to-date threshold

To unlock an electronic door, you sometimes need to run a s....... card t........ the s.... of a special reader.

swipe through slot

If you describe someone as t......, you think what they say or do is l....... to o....... other people.

tactless likely offend

I agree with a lot of what you've said but I have to ........ issue with your views on immigration


parecerse (take)

take after


take in

quitarse (take)

take off

asumir (take)

take on

They find a house, agree a price, and t....... o.... a mortgage through their building society.

take out

Empezar a hacer alguna actividad regular(take)

take up

Ocupar espacio o tiempo (take)

take up

comenzar (take)

take up

He works extremely hard and (feel very pleased) t----- p---- i- doing his homework perfectly

takes pride in

If someone t.......... (domestica) a wild animal or bird, they train it not to be afraid .... humans and to do ...... they say. The Amazons were believed .... have been the first to t....... horses

tames of what to tame

My job is not very interesting. Actually, it's quite t-----. If you describe something such .... a job, task, or situation .... tedious, you m.... it is boring and rather f........(fustrante)

tedious as as mean frustrating

Doctor: OK, I'm going to check your t......... and your p........ You may need an a........ if you have an i.......... Patient: Can you please give me something for the pain, my whole body is s....... and my head is a........... too.

temperature pulse antibiotic infection sore aching

It's more t..... a y..... s....... She l..... saw her sister.

than a year since she last

What is .... least you can get away with giving your kids ..... lunch at half-term before it starts looking like neglect?

the for

fly off ........(perder los papeles)

the handle

Because ..... internet allows us to make p....... online, criminals are always .... the lookout ......opportunities to cash .....

the payments on for in

T............ (los que van al teatro) expect that tickets for the play's f..... r... (primera serie) of performances will have sold out mucho antes de la primera noche.

theatregoers first run long before the first night

But back then, the kingdom was largely confined to a weekly roster of superheroes. All of which was entirely fine.


No hay comparación en

there is no comparison between

I think Eric lives in Miami or t............. (por ahí)


You have to be very t......... if you want to be a researcher. (cuidadoso)


A (minuciosa) t....... action or activity is one that is done very carefully and in a (elaborate) d........ way so that nothing is (out of mind) f........... We are making a thorough investigation. This very thorough survey goes back to 1784. How thorough is the (evaluacion)a............?

thorough detailed forgotten assessment

And a (completed) t------ study of religion could give us all sorts of (perceptions) i------ into areas of life that are not going too ....... And I'd like to run through a few of these today.

thorough insights well

It appears that t...... who bully have o...... been victims t..........

those often themselves

I realise, t------, that the experience -- the last few months has been very good --- me .... terms of the skills I have (obtained) a-------.

though of for in acquired

She said she wouldn´t fund my art course if I didn´t work harder. THREATENED She ________________________________ my art course if I didn´t work harder.

threatened not to fund

The lesson was canceled as only three students came. TURNED Only________________the lesson, so it was canceled.

three students turned up for

Trump's European diplomats (sorprendidos) t..... i.. k....... over rise of populism.

tied in knots

A t...... s.... is an institution, business, etc. that is h...... organized and e............ run, like a naval vessel on w...... discipline is strictly enforced

tight ship highly efficiently which



Pay attention.....


assigned ....students


offer..... students


Was I really supposed ..... worry ........ a single 35-year-old man? I should probably mention (a......) here that I'd recently gone ..... a date with a single 35-year-old man who told me he normally only dated twentysomethings, but that for decrepit (W-O) old me he'd made an exception. So forgive me, Sondheim, if my sympathy was in short s.......

to about allude on worn-out supply

aconsejar (verbo)

to advise

If you refer ..... someone or something .... your bete noire, you mean that you have a particular dislike.... them or that they annoy you .....great deal. Our real bete noire is the car boot sale.

to as for a

Owing..... his sell-out speaking tours, huge YouTube following and multimillion book sales, Peterson is frequently described .... a "Pied Piper" of angry and disaffected (m-------) men - though my understanding ... the original Pied Piper was that he took all his followers away ..... some kind of mountain from ....... they never returned.

to as malcontent of into which

All men struggle .. get an erection .... some point ... their lives, but more and more in their 20s and 30s are having problems. Are they panicking .... the thought of sex?

to at in at

ser aficionado

to be keen on

llevarse bien (terms)

to be on good terms with

t.. b.... a.....(llevar a cabo): accomplish, a.........e, produce, effect

to bring about achieve

He was, according..... my wife, worrying about pension plans..... the age of 15, while I grew up in a family of artists to w........ the idea that anyone should spend their days doing anything they don't love is a............

to by whom anathema

I wanted ..... thank Katy Lindemann ..... writing ...... her painful experience ..... miscarriage

to for about of

I'm very grateful .... you....sending me the information about voluntary (s----i-----)

to for self-inflicted

If you want t- g-- a r-----, you have to ask for one. (ascenso)I

to get a rise

This places also provide an opportunity for them (para familiarizarse) t-- g--- t- g--- w---- managing a workload, meeting deadlines and being part of a team.

to get to grips with

to understand: t... g....t...t....b.......o....

to get to the bottom of,

Adding insult ........

to injury

We must take as much advantage as possible of any opportunity to speak English. MOST We have ........................................................................any opportunity to speak English

to make the most of

Warmer words might help us..... deal with the pain ..... miscarriage

to of

Rosie Toothill, Mike Corcoran and Shirley Harrington respond...... Katy Lindemann's article about the grief.... losing a baby being compounded ...... insensitive language.

to of by

With regard...../ On account ...../ Apart....../ In the interest ...../ in view ......

to of from of of

Delia said that she would no longer tolerate her colleagues being rude. PUT 'I'm not willing ____________________ from my colleagues any longer,' said Delia.

to put up with (any) rudeness

No verle la razón a

to see no point in

There were only four rooms t... s......, the Senora said, all with twin beds. (libres)

to spare

para calmar mis nervios

to steady my nerves

If someone or something comes t... t.... f..... in a particular situation or group, they become important or p.......... A number of l.....-b........ independent films brought new directors and actors to the f.......

to the fore popular low-budget fore

The company was in debt t... t... t......(por una suma de....) of £3 million.

to the tune

to get married TTTK

to tie the knot

Isn't having...... find something, dammit, anything .... feed them across school holidays of the sort that are just beginning .... total and utter pain .... the arse?

to to a in

What does seem....... have increased is young men's performance anxiety. More men believe themselves...... have ED, when they are actually anxious ..... their sexual performance.

to to about

With the long school summer holidays coming .... an end, I would like ... offer my annual thanks ... the nation's parents .... another six weeks .... sterling (e.......) service

to to to for of excellent

I'm in such a bad situation that I don't know who (recurrir) t.. t.... t... Don't t..... t... h....... for help, he can't be trusted.

to turn to turn to him

So I gave him a king's name (which I am keeping .... myself) - not George, something better and more optimistic (u-------) (none --- the Georges was happy), and not Henry, which (tidies) p---- too much - and hoped ---- the best.

to upbeat of preens for

what .... do about illness and aging? how do we deal ...... our families?

to with

Now I think that's a very beautiful idea and a very true idea. They wanted ..... replace scripture ..... culture. And that's a very plausible (syn L......) idea. It's ...... an idea that we have f...........(olvidado)

to with likely also forgotten

An open-minded, rigorous unideological organisation devoted ..... helping you deal ..... the important things you were ....... taught .... school: relationships, Careers, Anxieties, and emotions

to with never at

According ......./Along...... Due...... / Contrary........ Regardless....... / Prior......./On behalf........ /

to with to to of to of

We t---- a----- o-- a break in the rain to run home. (nos aprovechamos)

took advantage of

I (was offended) t------ e------ t- the tone in which she spoke to me and replied a------ (enfadada)

took exception to angrily

If you say that something is t........ and g.., you mean that you are u........... w......... it will happen or succeed. It was touch and go whether we'd go bankrupt.

touch go uncertain whether

In a world of t...... f........, everyone should recycle.

toxic fume

She (tropezó) t........... and f........ over.

tripped fell

The second was a roller-coaster ride in which the opening stages were a gentle t....... (rodadura) followed by an a....-i... death slide as the game reached a dramatic and totally unexpected d......... (desenlace). If you say that you are a..-i... (reventado agotado), you mean that you are extremely tired. In a book, play, or series of events, the d......... is the sequence of events at the end, when things come to a conclusion. The book's sentimental d............. is pure Hollywood.

trundle all-in denouement all-in denouement denouement

If someone or something t........... somewhere, they fall there with a rolling or bouncing movement. A small boy t........... off a third floor fire escape. The dog had t.......... down the cliff. He fell to the ground, and the gun tumbled out of his h....... (caer, tumbarse)

tumbles tumbled tumbled hand

cesped: T...... L.......

turf lawn

Phrasal verb: arrive

turn up

She (emprendió) u......... the arduous task of monitoring (s.......) the elections

undertook scouting

The cameras reassure (u--------) us that there are vast tracts (s--------) of wilderness in which wildlife continues to prosper (t--------). They cultivate complacency (i-----------), not action.

underwrite stretches thrive indulgence

not discouraged or dissuaded: U............ (decidido)


There is u........... a great deal of corruption in football. Ciertamente/ definitivamente/ inquestionablemente

undoubtedly certainly definitely; unquestionably

If you describe a story or idea as far-fetched, you are criticizing it because you think it is u....... to be true or practical. The (argumento)s........ was too f...-f.......... and n...... of the actors was particularly good.

unlikely storyline far-fetched none

If you describe something as u..........., you mean that it is so o....... that it cannot be m........ for anything else. He didn't give his name, but the voice was u.............. ...the unmistakable smell of marijuana drifted d.........

unmistakable obvious mistaken unmistakable down

An u........ (que no responde) person does not react or pay enough a...... to something, for example to an i........... urgent situation or to people's needs. He was totally u......... to the pressing social and economic needs of the majority. This problem is p.......... (apremiante), so please could you deal with it as soon as possible.

unresponsive attention immediate unresponsive pressing

sociable (cry)


stable (cry)


"I didn't think he was failed(u......) artist. He was doing exactly (p.....)what he wanted to do, and success is not m------- by sales or money. The reward(a.....)is making the work, not..... people agreeing with you. That being -----, Aurier saw van Gogh's paintings ---- the sunflowers and wrote them, and that was read ---- everyone in circle.

unsuccessful precisely measured award other said of by

Show --- to the race about half --- hour earlier ----- you think you need to. Hell, an hour. Jump around in the start corral. Do (estiramientos) s------ you vaguely(c-------) remember from high school cross country. (Esto hace algo?) D----t---- d- a------? Who knows!

up an than stretches confusedly Does this do anything

You can't help being biased so you may as well be u... f..... about it. They tended to have a much more u..-f...... attitude. (open, frank, h.......)

up front up front honest

It (molestó) u...... me at the time and I think it h.....him as a teacher, but now I'm older I don't h..... it against him. Bernstein lost the case, but never h...... it against Grundy

upset held hold held

When she was at school, Sandra was fascinated by the idea of hypnotism. USED Sandra _________ of hypnotism fascinating when she was at school.

used to find the idea

Dan u....t....g.... r...... on a daily basis as a student.

used to go running

I think that trip is excellent v....... f.... m..... (calidad precio)

value for money

With Marianne's v---- /e-------- knowledge (bk) of statistical theory, I'm sure she'll get the job.

vast extensive background

He was v...... o.... (expulsado) from his own fascist grand council and was t...... (derrocado)from power. Under the careful planning of General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the invasion that had been l...... in the m....... was just about r..... t.. g....

voted out toppled long making ready to go,

w.......... p........ the letter or notice dismissing(s........r.........) somebody from a job Helen was g.......... her walking papers yesterday.

walking papers sacking redundancy given

It drifts( w.......) around, and it can last for a season or maybe longer. We have a very good (manejo) h------ on the coverage from the satellite images, but what's eluded(a....../d......) us is the thickness.

wanders handle avoid dodge

Julian w.....l.....for....... t......b...... his voluntary work placement

was looking forward to beginning

The issues of noise pollution w..... o..... parti...... c........ to Rachel

was of particular concern

The opening ceremony w....o..... b.....t...t..... we arrived at the conference.

was over by the time

Why did nobody tell me that the match had been cancelled? INFORMED Why ___________________________ the cancellation of the match?

wasn´t I informed about

A w....... is the distance between a part of a wave of energy such as light or sound and the next similar part. Sunlight consists of different w.......... of radiation. [+ of] Blue light has a shorter wavelength than red. (longitud de onda)

wavelength wavelengths wavelength

You're not going to push your w.... t....... the doors to beautiful women. You're just going to (push)n..... the door a little bit. If the (axis) h..... are properly (oiled) l--------, her door will swing r..... open in a way that feels great for her.

way through nudge hinges lubricated right

The w....... is the condition of the a........ (atmosfera) in one area at a particular time, for example if it is raining, hot, or w......(ventoso). The w........ was bad. I like cold w.......... Fishing is possible in virtually any weather. ...the weather c...........

weather atmosphere windy weather weather conditions

out in all w.......... (a las buenas y las malas)


If you (tejes) w...... / k...... cloth or a carpet, you make it by crossing threads over and under each other using a frame or machine called a (telar) l....... They would spin and weave cloth, cook and attend to the domestic side of life. In one room, young mothers weave while babies (duermen)d....... in their laps.

weave knit loom doze

Biology may ...... impose (l.....) some deadlines, but I have many female friends who - for v........ reasons - didn't have children and are spending their 40s travelling the world, having exotic(Q......) romances, scaling vertiginous(b.......) career (alturas) h........

well lay various quirky breaknecks heights

While we were going home, we had an accident. WAY We .............................................................................. home when we had an accident.

were on our way

An affliction is something w......... causes p......... or mental suffering. Hay fever is an affliction which arrives .... an early age. ...the afflictions of modern society. D......SS / G.....F / M......Y

which physical at distress grief misery

A (caprichosa)w-------- person or idea is unusual, (jugueton)p------, and (imprevisible)u--------, rather ------ serious and practical.

whimsical playful unpredictable than

Being with someone ---- is co------- checking their phone does my head in. If something or someone does your head in, they make you a------- or f--------.(fustrado)

who constantly angry frustrated

It was Gaynor´s friends __________________getting married in spring. (quin la persudieron de no)

who talked her out of

Telling someone .... suffers panic attacks .. relax can suggest you need a week ... the beach. But Progressive muscle relaxation is a practical method .... teaches you ... connect ... sources of acute(s.....) physical tension, so ..... when you are mid-attack you will be conscious ......where you need .... focus on relaxing.

who to by that to to sharp that of to

These people, many of ...... have lived in North Oxford, have argued -- they've argued that believing in God is (similar) a...... to believing in fairies and (basically)e..... that the whole thing is a (infantil)C....... game.

whom akin essentially childish

If you w...... something or if it widens, it b............... greater in m................... from one side or edge to the o....... He had an operation last year to widen a heart a......... [VERB noun] The river w....... considerably as it begins to turn east

widen becomes measurement other artery widens

The students will finish their English course at the end of June. HAVE The English course .............................................................................. the beginning of July.

will have finished by

However, he then met someone who wanted to w...... his own business d...... so that he could retire. (liquidar)

wind down

If you w..... someone u..., you d........... (deliberadamente) say things which annoy them. This woman really w....... me up. She kept talking over me.

wind up deliberately wound

If you w........a..... d........, or if someone wines and dines you, you go out, for example to expensive restaurants, and spend a lot of money. C........ were furious at doing her work while she w........and d....... A lot of money went on w....... and d....... prospective clients.

wine and dine colleagues wined dined wining dining

W.......(invernal) weather is cold and has f...... that are typical of winter. Wintry weather continues to s........ across Britain. A wintry wind was b...........

wintry features sweep blowing

What a pity he couldn´t come. WISH I ___________________________________ come.

wish he had been able to

If you don't believe in a religion, there's nothing wrong ...... picking and mixing (b.......), with taking ..... the best sides of religion.

with blending out

who should you get together ......? ....... can you manage your relationship? what career are you suited .....? what's money .....? ...... can we manage anxiety? What do we ... with regret and shame?

with how to for how do

The Ecuadorians are fed up ..... their longtime lodger, Julian Assange. But many .... us have had a nightmare flatmate. Here's how to get them .. leave

with of to

The department is reviewing its policy (con respecto a) w..... r........ t... immunisation.

with regard to

In line...../ In keeping...... / In accordance..../ In addition...... / Except......./In spite ...../

with with with to for of

If something or someone w......... (resiste)a force or action, they survive it or do not give in to it. ...a........... (blindados) vehicles designed to withstand chemical attack. Exercise really can help you withstand stresses and s........(tensiones) more easily.

withstands armoured strains

You have got to have your w..... a......y.... on stage to deal with unexpected events. (ser ingenioso)

wits about you

If something or someone w........(se tambalea), they make small movements (de un lado a otro) ........ .......... t.... .......for example because they are u......... (inestable). The table w.......... (se tambaleó) when I l........ o.. i.... (me apoyé en ella) Just then, Bart returned, wobbling on his skates.

wobbles from side to side unsteady wobbled leaned on it

The w-------- is the tota(o......)l number of people .... a country or region ...... are physically able ..... do a job and are available .... work.

workforce overall in who to for

I would prefer you to leave now. Goodbye. RATHER I _________________ now. Goodbye.

would rather you left

If something has w........ (provocado) a change, it has made it happen. Events in Paris w......... ( provocaron) a change in British opinion towards France and Germany. If something is w.......... (forjado) in a particular material or in a particular ....., it has been created in that material or way. ...a walking stick with a gold head wrought in the form of a flower. shaped by h.......... (marillazos ) or b........ (golpes)

wrought wrought wrought way hammering beating

Could I borrow some change for the telephone? LEND Could .............................................................................. some change for the telephone?

you lend me

I don´t think you´ll find it hard to find Cynthia´s house. DIFFICULTY I don´t think _________________________ finding Cynthia´s house.

you will have much difficulty

If you pay y..... w...., you have or earn enough money to pay for what you need, without needing other people to give or l...... you money. I went to college anyway, as a part-time student, paying my o..... w.....

your way lend own way

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