A&P 2: Chapter 14

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177)Control of temperature, endocrine activity, and thirst are functions associated with the: a)medulla oblongata. b)Cerebellum. c)Hypothalamus. d)Thalamus. e)Cerebrum.


28)Planning, motivation, and social judgment are functions of the brain associated with a)the frontal lobe. b)the insula. c) the parietal lobe. d) the temporal lobe. e) the occipital lobe.

a)the frontal lobe.

104)The corpus callosum is composed of a)Longitudinal fasciculi. b)Commissural fibers. c)Projection fibers. d)Association fibers. e)Arcuate fibers.

b)Commissural fibers.

46)The walls of the diencephalon form the a)Brain stem. b)Myelencephalon c)Mesencephalon. d)Thalamus.


91)The two cerebral hemispheres are separated by the a)Parieto-occipital sulcus. b)Central sulcus. c)Longitudinal fissure. d)Lateral sulcus. e)Postcentral sulcus.

c)Longitudinal fissure.

48)Visual and auditory reflexes are processed by the a)Medulla oblongata. b)Cerebellum. c)Pons. d)Mesencephalon. e)Diencephalon.


171)The folds on the surface of the cerebellum are called ________. a)Folia. b)Gyri. c)Sulci.


90)A tract of white matter that connects the hippocampus with the hypothalamus is the a)Fornix. b)Cingulate gyrus. c)Amygdaloid body. d)Mamillary bodies. e)Hippocampus.


19)Loss of equilibrium and motor coordination would most likely be related to a lesion in the a)limbic system. b)medulla oblongata. c) pons. d) cerebellum. e) pituitary gland.

d) cerebellum.

95)The region of the cerebral cortex inferior to the lateral sulcus is the a)Occipital lobe. b)Temporal lobe. c)Parietal lobe. d)Frontal lobe. e)Insula.

b)Temporal lobe.

127)A (n) ________ is an abnormal, temporary disorder of cerebral function, accompanied by abnormal movements, unusual sensations, and/or inappropriate behavior. a)Parkinson's disease. b)Seizure. c)Dyslexia. d)Narcolepsy. e)Apraxia.


195)The organization of the sensory pathways to the cerebrum is such that about ________ of the incoming sensory impulses actually reach the cerebrum. a)1 percent b)10 percent c)25 percent d)50 percent e)100 percent

a)1 percent

54)The lateral ventricles communicate with the third ventricle through the a)Interventricular foramina. b)Aqueduct of Sylvius. c)Mesencephalic aqueduct. d)Medulla oblongata. e)Cerebral aqueduct.

a)Interventricular foramina.

194)Changes in the central nervous system that accompany aging include a)An increase in the number of neurons. b)A reduction in brain size and weight. c)An increased blood flow to the brain. d)all of the above e)B and C only

b)A reduction in brain size and weight.

173)Research has shown that there is a strong correlation between brain size and intelligence. a)True. b)False.


59)A fold of dura mater that projects between the cerebral hemispheres in the midsagittal plane is called the a)Falx cerebelli. b)Falx cerebri. c)choroid plexus. d)dural sinus. e)Tentorium cerebelli.

b)Falx cerebri.

3)The cerebellum is _______ to the cerebrum a)Deep. b)Superficial. c) Caudal. d) Lateral. e) Rostral.

c) Caudal.

15)The ______ function(s) in visual attention, such as to look and follow the flight of a butterfly a)Inferior colliculi. b)Red nucleus. c) Superior colliculi. d) Cerebral peduncle. e) Tegmentum.

c) Superior colliculi.

7)Cerebrospinal fluid serves these purposes except a)to regulate the chemical environment of the nervous tissue. b)To rinse metabolic wastes. c)To provide most oxygen to the brain. d)Protect the brain. e)to allow the brain to attain considerable size without being impaired by its own weight.

c)To provide most oxygen to the brain.

139)Damage to the premotor cortex of the frontal lobe would interfere with the ability to a)Understand spoken language. b)Clearly see visual images. c)Use scissors to cut out a picture. d)Sense the texture of silk. e)Understand written words.

c)Use scissors to cut out a picture. (or other motor activities)

27)The pineal gland belongs to a)the thalamus. b)the midbrain. c) the hypothalamus. d the epithalamus. e) the occipital lobe.

d the epithalamus.

13)The medulla oblongata originates from a)Telencephalon. b)Metencephalon. c) Diencephalon. d) Myelencephalon. e) Mesencephalon.

d) Myelencephalon.

8)Cerebrospinal fluid is secreted by choroid plexuses in the ____ a)Lateral. b)A and C. c) Third. d) Fourth. e) All of the above.

e) All of the above.

37)Nonfluent aphasia, due to a lesion in the ________, results in slow speech, difficulty in choosing words, or use of words that only approximate the correct word. a)primary motor area. b)Wernicke area. c) cerebral lateralization. d) primary auditory area. e) Broca area

e) Broca area

10)The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is most permeable to a)All Blood cells. b)Creatinine. c)Antibiotics. d) Sodium and potassium ions. e) Glucose and oxygen.

e) Glucose and oxygen.

114)Male brains are typically ________ compared to female brains. a)Smaller. b)very small. c)less convoluted. d)the same size. e)Larger.


2)The right and left cerebral hemispheres are separated from each other by a)many sulci. b)brain stem. c) the longitudinal fissure. d) the corpus callosum. e) many gyri.

c) the longitudinal fissure.

145)Impulses from proprioceptors in the limbs must pass through the ________ on their way to the ________. a)nucleus gracilis; cerebrum. b)olivary nucleus; cerebrum. c)olivary nucleus; cerebellum. d)nucleus cuneatus; cerebellum. e)nucleus cuneatus; cerebrum.

c)(inferior)olivary nucleus; cerebellum.

167)Changes in the central nervous system that accompany aging include a)An increased blood flow to the brain. b)An increase in the number of neurons. c)A reduction in brain size and weight. d)all of the above. e)B and C.

c)A reduction in brain size and weight.

34)Short-term memory is associated with the _________, whereas long-term memory is associated with the _______. a)cerebral cortex; hippocampus . b)cerebral cortex; amygdala . c)hippocampus; midbrain . d) hippocampus; cerebral cortex . e) amygdala; hippocampus .

d) hippocampus; cerebral cortex .

183)The nerve that contains motor fibers that activate chewing is: a)cranial nerve III. b)cranial nerve IV. c)cranial nerve V. d)cranial nerve VI. e)cranial nerve VII.

c)cranial nerve V.(trigeminal)

43)This nerve innervates most of the viscera in the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities. a)the hypoglossal nerve. b)the abducens nerve. c) the accessory nerve. d) the Vagus nerve. e) the trochlear nerve.

d) the Vagus nerve.

1)The following are all major components of the brainstem except a)the midbrain. c) the medulla oblongata. b)the Pons. d) the cerebellum.

d) the cerebellum.

132)There are ________ pairs of cranial nerves. a)2 b)6 c)10 d)12 e)31


113)The adult human brain contains almost ________ of the body's neural tissue. a)15 percent b)25 percent c)68 percent d)98 percent e)none of the above

d)98 percent

70)The white matter of the cerebellum forms the a)Folia. b)Pyramid. c)Vermis. d)Arbor vitae. e)Flocculonodular Lobe.

d)Arbor vitae.

106)Lying within each hemisphere beneath the floor of the lateral ventricle are the a)Anterior commissures. b)Motor association areas. c)Visual cortex. d)Cerebral nuclei. e)Auditory cortex.

d)Cerebral nuclei.

102)The region of the brain that is involved in conscious thought and intellectual function as well as processing somatic sensory and motor information is the a)Medulla. b)Pons. c)Mesencephalon. d)Cerebrum. e)Diencephalon.


85)The Tectum of the mesencephalon contains the a)Tegmenta nuclei. b)Substantia nigra. c)Red nuclei. d)Corpora quadrigemina. e)Cerebral peduncles.

d)Corpora quadrigemina.

162)A state of consciousness characterized by difficulties with spatial orientation, memory, language, and changes in personality is called a)Somnolence. b)Confusion. c)A chronic vegetative state. d)Dementia. e)Delirium.


192)A state of consciousness characterized by difficulties with spatial orientation, memory, language, and changes in personality is called a)Somnolence. b)Delirium. c)A chronic vegetative state. d)Dementia. e)Confusion.


56)The ventricle associated with the pons and upper medulla is the a)First. b)Second. c)Third. d)Fourth. e)Lateral.


89)The ________ appear(s) to be important in learning and the storage of long-term memories. a)Fornix. b)Cingulate gyrus. c)Amygdaloid body. d)Hippocampus. e)mamillary bodies.


147)Compression of a cranial nerve by a tumor causes a loss of tongue movement. Which cranial nerve is affected? a)Glossopharyngeal. b)spinal accessory. c)Vagus. d)Hypoglossal. e)Trigeminal.


75)Stimulation of the reticular formation results in a)Decreased cerebral function. b)Coma. c)Sleep. d)Increased consciousness. e)none of the above

d)Increased consciousness.

96)The region of the cerebral cortex that is medial and deep to the temporal lobe is the a)Temporal lobe. b)Occipital lobe. c)Frontal lobe. d)Insula. e)Parietal lobe.


74)Motor nuclei that control reflex movements associated with eating are located in the a)Fornix. b)Amygdaloid body. c)Cingulate gyrus. d)Mamillary bodies. e)Hippocampus.

d)Mamillary bodies.

47)The cerebellum and pons are derived from the a)Telencephalon. b)Myelencephalon. c)Mesencephalon. d)Metencephalon. e)Diencephalon.


99)The visual cortex is located in the a)Frontal lobe. b)Temporal lobe. c)Insula. d)Occipital lobe. e)Parietal lobe.

d)Occipital lobe.

49)The middle cerebellar peduncle connects the cerebellum to the a)Mesencephalon. b)Thalamus. c)Diencephalon. d)Pons. e)Medulla oblongata.


112)The cerebral nuclei ______. a)Coordinate sensory information. b)Control the secretions of the pituitary gland. c)Plan and coordinate voluntary muscle activity. d)Provide the general pattern and rhythm for movements such as walking. e)Control respiration and blood pressure.

d)Provide the general pattern and rhythm for movements such as walking.

72)The area of the mesencephalon that is involved with the maintenance of muscle tone and posture is the a)Inferior colliculi. b)Cerebral peduncles. c)Superior colliculi. d)Red nuclei. e)Tectum.

d)Red nuclei.

65)Excess cerebrospinal fluid is drained into the _______. a)cranial vein. b)dural sinus. c)Jugular veins. d)Superior sagittal sinus. e)Falx cerebri.

d)Superior sagittal sinus.

44)During embryonic development, which of the following brain vesicles will form the cerebrum? a)Mesencephalon. b)Diencephalon. c)Metencephalon. d)Telencephalon. e)Myelencephalon.


111)Higher-order functions a)Involve complex interactions between areas of the cortex and other areas of the brain. b)Involve both conscious and unconscious information processing. c)Are subject to adjustments and modification over time. d)all of the above. e)B and C only.

d)all of the above.

118)Ependymal cells work to ______. a)Remove waste products from CSF. b)Secrete CSF into the ventricles. c)Surround the capillaries of the choroid plexus. d)all of the above. e)none of the above.

d)all of the above.

166)The brain waves that are characteristic of newborn infants are ________ waves. a)Alpha. b)beta . c)theta . d)delta . e)gamma.

d)delta .

175)if the area of the cerebral hemisphere corresponding to Broca's area is damaged, what is the result: a)memory is lost. b)motor control of the right leg is impaired. c)eyesight is lost. d)motor control of the speech muscles is lost. e)hearing is impaired.

d)motor control of the speech muscles is lost.

60) What contains a delicate network of collagen and elastin fibers through which cerebrospinal fluid circulates? a)dural sinus. b)pia mater. c)falx cerebri. d)subarachnoid space. e)Subdural space.

d)subarachnoid space.

154)Terry suffers from amnesia as the result of an automobile accident. What area of the brain is probably affected? a)the putamen. b)the thalamus. c)the prefrontal lobe. d)the Hippocampus. e)the general interpretive area.

d)the Hippocampus.

12)A patient is experiencing a high fever, stiff neck, drowsiness, and intense headaches. A spinal tap showed bacteria and white blood cells in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This individual most likely has a)Parkinson disease. b)Hydrocephalus. c) Alzheimer disease. d) Stroke. e) Meningitis.

e) Meningitis.

16)Degeneration of neurons in this structure, which inhibits unwanted body movements, leads to the muscle tremors of Parkinson disease. a)Cerebral crus. b)Pons. c) Red nucleus. d) Inferior colliculi. e) Substantia nigra.

e) Substantia nigra.

35)Destruction of the amygdala would mostly affect a)memory. b)recognition and identification of objects. c)cognition. d) awareness of objects. e) expression of emotional feelings.

e) expression of emotional feelings.

26)A lesion of the ________ would probably cause a person to sleep for random lengths of time during a 24-hour period. a)satiety center. b)pituitary gland . c) mammillary nuclei . d) medial geniculate nucleus . e) suprachiasmatic nucleus .

e) suprachiasmatic nucleus .

31)The hippocampus and amygdala are structures found in a)the medulla oblongata. b)the midbrain. c) the basal nuclei. d) the cerebral cortex. e) the limbic system.

e) the limbic system.

42)This is the largest of the cranial nerves and the most important sensory nerve of the face. a)the accessory nerve. b)the hypoglossal nerve. c) the facial nerve. d) the abducens nerve. e) the trigeminal nerve.

e) the trigeminal nerve.

119)The choroid plexus produces CSF at a rate of about a)1 liter per day. b)100 milliliters per day. c)5 liters per day. d)350 milliliters per day. e)1/2 liter per day.

e)1/2 liter per day.

51)A neural cortex is found on the surface of the a)Cerebrum. b)Pons. c)Cerebellum. d)All of the above e)A and C

e)A and C

101)Regions of the brain that are involved in interpreting data or coordinating motor responses are called ________ areas. a)Commissural. b)Somesthetic. c)Processing. d)Sensory. e)Association.


120)The cells that are in close contact with CNS capillaries and also cover the outer surfaces of endothelial cells are termed a)Blastocytes. b)Lymphocytes. c)Leukocytes. d)Monocytes. e)Astrocytes.


144)Histological examination of some brain tissue reveals the presence of several large, highly branched Purkinje cells. This sample of tissue must have come from the a)Arbor vitae. b)Medulla. c)Pons. d)Cerebral cortex. e)Cerebellar cortex.

e)Cerebellar cortex.

73)Nerve fiber bundles on the ventrolateral surface of the mesencephalon are the a)Tegmenta. b)Superior colliculi. c)Corpora quadrigemina. d)Inferior colliculi. e)Cerebral peduncles.

e)Cerebral peduncles.

84)The mamillary bodies of the hypothalamus a)Secrete Oxytocin. b)Secrete antidiuretic hormone. c)Regulate body temperature. d)Control heart rate and blood pressure. e)Control feeding reflexes.

e)Control feeding reflexes.

140)Damage to the extrapyramidal system would lead to a)Inability to sense pain. b)Inability to swallow. c)Loss of sight. d)Loss of hearing. e)Difficulty in maintaining balance.

e)Difficulty in maintaining balance.

93)The area anterior to the central sulcus is the a)Parietal lobe. b)Temporal lobe. c)Occipital lobe. d)Insula. e)Frontal lobe.

e)Frontal lobe.

87)Each of the following is a component of the limbic system, except the a)Hippocampus. b)Amygdaloid body. c)Fornix. d)Cingulate gyrus. e)Globus pallidus.

e)Globus pallidus.

52)Which of the following represents a link between the nervous and endocrine systems? a)Pons. b)Cerebrum. c)medulla oblongata. d)Cerebellum. e)Hypothalamus.


168)Alzheimer's disease may be characterized by all of the following, except that it a)Is the most common cause of senile dementia. b)Is characterized by a progressive loss of memory. c)May be related to a decreased amount of acetylcholine production by the nucleus basalis. d)Is associated with the formation of plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in regions of the brain that are involved with memory. e)Is characterized by a general shrinkage of the cerebrum.

e)Is characterized by a general shrinkage of the cerebrum.

66)Which of the following is not true about the blood-brain barrier? a)It is generally permeable to lipid-soluble compounds. b)The capillary endothelial cells are interconnected by tight junctions. c)Astrocytes surround the CNS capillaries. d)It is absent in portions of the hypothalamus. e)It selectively secretes glycine into the interstitial fluid of the brain.

e)It selectively secretes glycine into the interstitial fluid of the brain.

94)The inferior border of the frontal lobe is marked by the a)Central sulcus. b)Parieto-occipital sulcus. c)Insula. d)Longitudinal fissure. e)Lateral sulcus.

e)Lateral sulcus.

109)The putamen and globus pallidus are frequently considered to be subdivisions of the a)Caudate nucleus. b)Corpus striatum. c)Limbic system. d)Claustrum. e)Lentiform nucleus.

e)Lentiform nucleus.

92)Divisions of the cerebral hemispheres that are named after the overlying skull bones are a)sulci. b)sinus. c)fissures. d)Gyri. e)Lobes.


191)The center of the reticular activating system appears to be located in the a)Cerebrum. b)Pons. c)Diencephalon. d)Medulla. e)Midbrain.


103)Abstract intellectual functions such as predicting the consequences of a particular response occur in the a)Premotor cortex. b)Corpus callosum. c)Postcentral gyrus. d)Precentral gyrus. e)Prefrontal cortex.

e)Prefrontal cortex.

82)The ________ integrates sensory information for projection to the association areas of the cerebral cortex. a)supraoptic nuclei. b)paraventricular nuclei. c)lateral geniculates. d)medial geniculates. e)Pulvinar.


14)The cardiac, vasomotor, and respiratory centers are found in a)Medulla oblongata. b)Spinal cord. c) Pons. e) Diencephalon. e) Midbrain.

a)Medulla oblongata.

161)The center of the reticular activating system is located in the a)Mesencephalon. b)Pons. c)Diencephalon. d)Cerebrum. e)Medulla.


129)The only cranial nerves attached directly to the cerebrum are the ________ nerves. a)Olfactory. b)Trigeminal. c)Optic. d)Oculomotor. e)Trochlear.


123)Damage to the substantia nigra causes a decrease in the neurotransmitter dopamine. This causes a gradual, generalized increase in muscle tone, which is the main symptom of a)Parkinson's disease. b)Graves' disease. c)Cancer. d)Paraplegia. e)Myasthenia gravis.

a)Parkinson's disease.

146)A tumor that blocks the interventricular foramen in the left cerebral hemisphere would a)Result in hydrocephalus. b)Decrease the production of cerebrospinal fluid. c)Result in a cerebrospinal fluid shunt to the right side. d)Increase the production of cerebrospinal fluid. e)Decrease the flow of cerebrospinal fluid into the spinal canal.

a)Result in hydrocephalus. (excess CSF increases pressure in the brain)

151)After suffering a blow to the back of the head, Phil becomes comatose. The blow probably caused damage to the a)Reticular formation. b)Postcentral gyrus. c)Cerebral nuclei. d)Limbic system. e)Prefrontal cortex.

a)Reticular formation.

163)A state of unconsciousness in which an individual can be aroused by normal stimuli is a)Sleep. b)Stupor. c)Somnolence. d)Coma. e)A chronic vegetative state.


9)Cerebrospinal fluid reabsorbed by arachnoid villi in the ___. a)Superior sagittal sinus. b)The medulla oblongata. c)Cerebellum. d) Spinal cord. e) The Pons.

a)Superior sagittal sinus.

100)The auditory cortex is located in the a)Temporal lobe. b)Frontal lobe. c)Insula. d)Parietal lobe. e)Occipital lobe.

a)Temporal lobe.

80)The ________ receive visual information from the eyes by way of the optic tracts. a)Pulvinar. b)lateral geniculates. c)medial geniculates. d)paraventricular nuclei. e)supraoptic nuclei.

b)lateral geniculates. (body of the thalamus)

81)The ________ relay auditory information to the auditory cortex. a)lateral geniculates. b)medial geniculates. c)supraoptic nuclei. d)paraventricular nuclei. e)Pulvinar.

b)medial geniculates.

58)What structure is highly vascular and closely adheres to the surface of the brain? a)choroid plexus. b)pia mater. c)Arachnoid. d)crantage plexus. e)dura mater.

b)pia mater.

40)After a stroke a patient complains about lack of sensitivity in the right hand. The stroke most likely affected the a)precentral gyrus in the right frontal lobe. b)postcentral gyrus in the left parietal lobe. c)precentral gyrus in the left frontal lobe. d)postcentral gyrus in the right temporal lobe. e)postcentral gyrus in the left frontal lobe.

b)postcentral gyrus in the left parietal lobe.

98)The surface of the postcentral gyrus contains the ________ cortex. a)Olfactory. b)primary sensory. c)Visual. d)Auditory. e)primary motor.

b)primary sensory.

176)The brain area that plays a role in consciousness and the awake/sleep cycles is the: a)Thalamus. b)reticular formation. c)pineal body. d)limbic system. e)cerebellum.

b)reticular formation

21)There are no cranial nerves associated with a)the thalamus. b)the cerebellum. c) the medulla oblongata. d) the pons. e) the midbrain.

b)the cerebellum.

25)Sex drive, body temperature, and food and water intake are regulated by a)the limbic system. b)the hypothalamus. c) the thalamus. d) the pituitary gland. e) the pineal gland.

b)the hypothalamus.

29)The occipital lobe is a)chiefly concerned with mood, memory, and emotions. b)the principal visual center of the brain. c)the primary site for receiving and interpreting signals from the general senses. d)concerned with voluntary motor functions. e)likely to play a role in understanding spoken language.

b)the principal visual center of the brain.

187)All of the following are functions of cerebral spinal fluid, except that it a)acts as a cushion for the brain. b)transports red blood cells. c)circulates continuously. d)surrounds the brain and spinal cord. e)transports nutrients.

b)transports red blood cells.

41)The _______ is not a motor cranial nerve. a)trochlear nerve. b)vestibulocochlear nerve. c) abducens nerve. d) accessory nerve (XI). e) hypoglossal nerve.

b)vestibulocochlear nerve.

197)While having some dental work performed, Tyler is given an injection of local anesthetic in his lower jaw. His dentist tells him not to eat until the anesthetic wears off, not because of his teeth but because of his tongue. Why is the dentist giving Tyler this advice?

Answer: The local anesthetic temporarily numbs portions of the hypoglossal nerve (XII), which controls movements of the tongue. If Tyler tries to eat before the anesthetic wears off, he could severely bite his tongue. Movements of the tongue manipulate food during chewing and help initiate the swallowing reflex, so the inability to move food within the mouth could result in choking.

198)Sue develops a clot that blocks the right branch of the middle cerebral artery, a blood vessel that serves the anterior portion of the right cerebral hemisphere. What symptoms would you expect to observe as a result of this blockage?

Answer: You would expect to observe some degree of paralysis on the left side of Sue's body, relative to the amount of motor cortex deprived of blood. You might also observe some degree of memory loss, mood changes, and impairment of planning ability.

196)A condition known as Bell's palsy is thought to be caused by an inflammation of the facial nerve (VII). What symptoms would you expect to see in a person suffering from this condition?

Patients suffering from Bell's palsy usually experience numbness or a feeling of stiffness in the face on the affected side. Weakness of the facial muscles on the affected side may produce an inability to wrinkle the forehead, close the eye, pucker the lips, or retract the mouth. Other possible symptoms include loss of taste sensations, reduction in the amount of saliva from the salivary glands of the affected side, pain behind the ear, ringing sensation in the ear, and possibly some hearing loss

131)A person with a damaged visual association area may be a)Able to see letters quite clearly but unable to recognize or interpret them. b)Declared legally blind. c)Visually and sensory impaired. d)Unable to scan the lines of a page or see rows of clear symbols. e)Unable to recognize letters but able to identify words and their meanings.

a)Able to see letters quite clearly but unable to recognize or interpret them.

38)___________ show more lateralization than __________. a)Adult males; adult females. b)Young children; elders. c)Young male children; adult males. d) Young children; adults. e) Adult females; adult males.

a)Adult males; adult females.

164)The brain waves produced by normal adults while resting with their eyes closed are ________ waves. a)Alpha. b)beta . c)theta . d)delta . e)gamma.


32)A predominance of ____EEG might indicate that a person is physically and mentally relaxed. a)Alpha. C) beta . e) theta . b)delta . d)gamma .


108)The ________ is located at the tip of the tail of the caudate nucleus. a)Amygdaloid body b)putamen c)globus pallidus d)lustrum e)corpus striatum

a)Amygdaloid body

126)________ is a condition resulting from an inflammation of the facial nerve. a)Bell's palsy. b)Addison's disease. c)Cerebral palsy. d)all of the above. e)none of the above.

a)Bell's palsy.

18)The __________ is the largest part of the hindbrain. a)Cerebellum. b)Pons. c) Cerebrum. d) Hypothalamus. e) Brainstem.


110)The highest levels of information processing occur in the a)Cerebrum. b)Medulla. c)Spinal cord. d)Cerebellum. e)Mesencephalon.


193)A state of unconsciousness in which an individual cannot be aroused and does not respond to stimuli is a)Coma. b)Somnolence. c)Sleep. d)Stupor.


189)Memories that can be voluntarily retrieved and verbally expressed are called a)Declarative memories. b)Reflexive memories. c)Memory engrams. d)Procedural memories. e)Consolidated memories.

a)Declarative memories.

76)The ________ acts as a switching and relay center for integration of conscious and unconscious sensory and motor pathways. a)Diencephalon. b)Mesencephalon. c)Medulla. d)Pons. e)Cerebellum.


88)All of the following are true of the limbic system, except that it a)Functions in maintaining homeostasis during dehydration and hemorrhaging. b)Consists of nuclei that lie between the border of the cerebrum and the diencephalon. c)Contains both cerebral and diencephalic components. d)Provides a link between the conscious, intellectual functions of the cerebral cortex and the unconscious functions of the brain stem. e)Functions in emotions, learning, and memory.

a)Functions in maintaining homeostasis during dehydration and hemorrhaging. (job of the hypothalamus)

172)In most people, the speech center is located in the ________ cerebral hemisphere. a)Left. b)Right .


67)The Pons contains a)Tracts that link the cerebellum with the brain stem. b)Sensory and motor nuclei for six cranial nerves. c)Nuclei concerned with the control of blood pressure. d)No ascending or descending tracts. e)both A and B.

a)Tracts that link the cerebellum with the brain stem.

134)The cranial nerve that has three branches is the a)Trigeminal. b)Glossopharyngeal. c)Facial. d)Vagus. e)Abducens.


174)The basal nuclei alter the motor commands issued by the cerebral cortex through a feedback loop. a)True. b)False.


186)Following a motor vehicle accident, your patient has a suspected head injury. The patient is placed in the semi-Fowler's position. You notice a clear fluid running out of the patient's nose. You should test the fluid for a presence of what? a)glucose b)potassium c)sodium d)blood e)bacteria


179)The hypothalamus: a)is the thermostat of the body since it regulates temperature. b)is an important auditory and visual relay center. c)is the somatic sensory area. d)mediates sensations. e)contains reflex centers involved with vision and hearing.

a)is the thermostat of the body since it regulates temperature.

149)After suffering a stroke, Mary finds that she cannot move her right arm. This would suggest that the stroke damage is in the area of the ________ lobe. a)left frontal. b)left temporal. c)right frontal. d)right temporal. e)Occipital.

a)left frontal.

24)Nearly all the somatosensory input to the cerebrum passes by way of synapses in a)the thalamus. b)the cerebellum. c) the hypothalamus. d) the reticular formation. e) the epithalamus.

a)the thalamus.

155)During a laboratory session electrodes are attached to the head of a volunteer in order to monitor her brain waves. Once she is comfortable, she is asked to solve a riddle. The longer she struggles with the problem, the more the class begins to snicker and laugh. What type of brain waves would you expect to observe under these conditions? a)theta waves. b)delta waves. c)gamma waves. d)beta waves. e)alpha waves.

a)theta waves.

153)Increased production and release of acetylcholine by the neurons of the cerebral nuclei would result in a)Muscular atrophy. b)Spastic, uncontrolled muscle contractions. c)Decreased activity of upper motor neurons. d)Fewer action potentials along the corticospinal tracts. e)Flaccid paralysis.

b)Spastic, uncontrolled muscle contractions.

68)Overseeing the postural muscles of the body and making rapid adjustments to maintain balance and equilibrium are functions of the a)Mesencephalon. b)Cerebellum. c)Medulla. d)Cerebrum. e)Pons.


128)________ is a printed record of the brain's electrical activity over a certain period of time. a)MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). b)EEG (electroencephalogram). c)X ray. d)EKG (electrocardiogram). e)CAT scan.

b)EEG (electroencephalogram).

107)Each of the following are part of the cerebral nuclei, except the a)Caudate nucleus. b)Hippocampus. c)Putamen. d)Globus pallidus. e)Lentiform nucleus.


156)Which of the following is essential for memory consolidation? a)Insula. b)Hippocampus. c)prefrontal lobe. d)cerebral nuclei. e)basal ganglia.


77)The anterior nuclei of the thalamus a)Receive impulses from the optic nerve. b)Is part of the limbic system. c)Are connected to the pituitary gland. d)Produce the hormone melatonin. e)both C and D.

b)Is part of the limbic system.

64)Cerebrospinal fluid enters the subarachnoid space by way of the a)Dural sinus. b)Lateral and median apertures. c)Aqueduct of Sylvius. d)Falx cerebri. e)Interventricular foramina.

b)Lateral and median apertures.

159)Conversion of a short-term memory to a long-term memory is called a)Memory programming. b)Memory consolidation. c)Engramming. d)Memory conversion. e)Amnesia.

b)Memory consolidation.

55)The third and fourth ventricles are linked by the a)Interventricular foramina. b)Mesencephalic aqueduct. c)Tentorium cerebelli. d)Central canal. e)Medulla oblongata.

b)Mesencephalic aqueduct.

5)The Pons and cerebellum relate with this secondary embryonic vesicle a)Telencephalon. b)Metencephalon. c) Diencephalon. d) Myelencephalon. e) Mesencephalon.


71)The fiber tract that links the cerebellum with the pons is the a)Inferior cerebellar peduncle. b)Middle cerebellar peduncle. c)Projection fibers. d)Longitudinal fibers. e)Superior cerebellar peduncle.

b)Middle cerebellar peduncle.

97)The primary motor cortex is located in the region of the a)Postcentral gyrus. b)Precentral gyrus. c)Corpus callosum. d)Insula. e)Arcuate gyrus.

b)Precentral gyrus.

130)Damage to the corpora quadrigemina would interfere with the a)Control of autonomic function. b)Processing of visual and auditory sensations. c)Regulation of body temperature. d)Conscious control of skeletal muscles. e)Control of breathing.

b)Processing of visual and auditory sensations.

78)The ventral nuclei of the thalamus a)Part of the limbic system. b)Project sensory information to the primary sensory cortex. c)Connect the emotional centers of the hypothalamus with the frontal lobe of the cerebrum. d)Process auditory stimuli. e)Process visual stimuli.

b)Project sensory information to the primary sensory cortex.

125)You suspect your friend has damage to cranial nerve I when he is unable to a)Open his jaw. b)Smell. c)Nod his head. d)Blink his eye. e)all of the above.


157)Mechanisms involved in memory formation and storage may involve all of the following, except a)Formation of additional synaptic connections. b)Summation at terminal axons. c)The formation of memory engrams. d)Facilitation at synapses. e)Increased release of neurotransmitters.

b)Summation at terminal axons.

137)When compared to the spinal cord, the arrangement of white and gray matter in the medulla is similar, yet there are also significant differences. These differences include all of the following, except a)A lack of clear functional organization of the nuclei. b)The absence of distinct regions of gray matter. c)Tracts crossing, merging, and branching. d)Tracts passing through nuclei. e)The arrangement of tracts and nuclei.

b)The absence of distinct regions of gray matter.

121)The respiratory rhythmicity center is found in a)The cerebellum. b)The medulla oblongata. c)The pons. d)The cerebrum. e)all of the above.

b)The medulla oblongata.

178)The vital centers for the control of heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure are located in a)The Pons. b)The medulla oblongata. c)The Midbrain. d)The Cerebrum. e)The Hypothalamus.

b)The medulla oblongata.

136)Damage to which of the following cranial nerves could result in death? a)Facial. b)Vagus. c)Glossopharyngeal. d)Abducens. e)Hypoglossal.


180)The subarachnoid space lies directly between the: a)arachnoid mater and dura mater. b)arachnoid mater and pia mater. c)skull and arachnoid mater. d)arachnoid mater and cerebrum. e)arachnoid mater and cerebellum.

b)arachnoid mater and pia mater.

20)The arbor vitae is a structure found in the a)right and left cerebral hemispheres. b)cerebellum. c)diencephalon. d) tegmentum in the midbrain. e) reticular formation.


30)The great majority of ___________ tracts pass through the corpus callosum. a)Ascending. b)commissural . c) Descending. d) association . e) projection .

b)commissural .

181)The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is most permeable to _____. a)platelets, white blood cells, and red blood cells. b)glucose and oxygen. c)sodium, potassium, and chloride. d)urea and creatinine. e)antibiotics.

b)glucose and oxygen.

17)The reticular formation is a web of _______ scattered throughout the ________. a)nerves; white matter in the cerebrum. b)gray matter; brainstem. c)neurosomas; hypothalamus. d) white matter; cerebellum. e) gray matter; cerebrum.

b)gray matter; brainstem.

188)Which of the following is essential for memory consolidation? a)prefrontal lobe b)hippocampus c)cerebral nuclei d)insula e)basal ganglia


142)the direction of a loud noise reflex is coordinated in the mesencephalon. Which nuclei are most likely involved in this process? a)substantia nigra. b)inferior colliculi. c)red nuclei. d)superior colliculi. e)Tectum.

b)inferior colliculi.

4)The gray matter of the cerebrum forms a surface layer called _____ and deeper masses called _________ surrounded by white matter. a)nuclei; tracts. b)medulla; midbrain. c) cortex; nuclei. d) medulla; nerves. e) cortex; medulla.

c) cortex; nuclei.

23) The thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus are derivatives of the embryonic a)telencephalon. b)metencephalon. c) diencephalon. d) myelencephalon. e) Mesencephalon.

c) diencephalon.

36)Which body region is controlled by the largest area of the motor cortex? a)the shoulder. b)the trunk. c) the fingers . d) the neck . e) the toes .

c) the fingers .

83)All of the following are true of the efferent tracts from the hypothalamus, except that they a)Produce emotions and behavioral drives. b)Control autonomic function. c)Are responsible for integrating sensory stimuli. d)Coordinate activities of the nervous and endocrine systems. e)Control involuntary motor activities.

c)Are responsible for integrating sensory stimuli. (because if it's sensory it would be afferent)

122)The cerebellum can be permanently damaged by stroke or temporarily damaged by drugs and alcohol. The result is known as a)Dysphagia. b)Aphasia. c)Ataxia. d)A and C e)B and C


158)Memories that can be voluntarily retrieved and verbally expressed are called a)Consolidated memories. b)Reflexive memories. c)Declarative memories. d)Memory engrams. e)Procedural memories.

c)Declarative memories.

45)Which of the following links the cerebral hemispheres with the brain stem? a)Pons. b)Mesencephalon. c)Diencephalon. d)medulla oblongata. e)Cerebellum.


6)From superficial to deep, the meninges occur in this order a)Dura mater, pia mater, arachnoid mater. b)pia mater, arachnoid mater Dura mater. c)Dura mater, arachnoid mater pia mater. d)Arachnoid mater, dura mater, pia mater. e)Pía mater, dura mater, arachnoid mater.

c)Dura mater, arachnoid mater pia mater.

57)The Dural sinuses are located in the a)Arachnoid. b)Tentorium cerebelli. c)Dural folds. d)Dura mater. e)Pia mater.

c)Dural folds

133)The cranial nerves that are involved in controlling eye movements are a)III and V. b)I, II, and III. c)III, IV, and VI. d)II, III, and IV. e)II and VI.

c)III, IV, and VI.

124)________ Centers are areas that receive information from many association areas and direct extremely complex motor activities. a)Terminal. b)Occipital. c)Integrative. d)Dissociative. e)Frontal.


62)Cerebrospinal fluid a)Is formed by a passive process. b)Is normally produced twice as fast as it is removed. c)Is secreted by ependymal cells. d)Has exactly the same composition as blood plasma. e)both A and D.

c)Is secreted by ependymal cells.

50)Major centers concerned with autonomic control of breathing, blood pressure, heart rate, and digestive activities are located in the a)Diencephalon. b)Pons. c)Medulla oblongata. d)Cerebellum. e)Mesencephalon.

c)Medulla oblongata.

190)Conversion of a short-term memory to a long-term memory is called a)Amnesia. b)Memory programming. c)Memory consolidation. d)Engramming. e)memory conversion

c)Memory consolidation.

152)Examination of a tissue sample from the central nervous system reveals many pyramid- shaped cells. This tissue probably came from the a)Nucleus cuneatus. b)Sensory cortex. c)Motor cortex. d)Red nucleus. e)Nucleus gracilis.

c)Motor cortex.

105)The internal capsule of the cerebrum is composed of a)Arcuate fibers. b)Longitudinal fasciculi. c)Projection fibers. d)Association fibers. e)Commissural fibers.

c)Projection fibers.

79)The posterior nuclei of the thalamus consist of the a)Epithalamus. b)Mamillary bodies. c)Pulvinar. d)Hypothalamus. e)both C and D.


160)The conscious state depends upon the proper functioning of the a)Nucleus gracilis. b)Prefrontal lobes. c)Reticular activating system. d)General interpretive area. e)Limbic system.

c)Reticular activating system.

53)The thin partition that separates the lateral ventricles is the a)Septum insula. b)Interventricular foramina. c)Septum pellucidum. d)Cerebral aqueduct. e)Falx cerebri.

c)Septum pellucidum.

169)Bob is struck on the left side of the head with a board and is knocked unconscious. When he recovers consciousness, he can hear but cannot understand what is being said to him. This implies damage to the a)Speech center. b)Prefrontal lobe. c)Temporal lobe. d)Inner ear.

c)Temporal lobe.

138)Damage to the pyramidal cells of the cerebral cortex would directly affect a)Sight. b)Hearing. c)Voluntary motor activity. d)Perception of pain. e)both A and C.

c)Voluntary motor activity.

185)Which statement about aging is most accurate: a)the brain reaches its maximum weight around the seventh decade of life. b)synaptic connections are too fixed to permit a great deal of learning after the age of 35. c)despite some neuronal loss, an unlimited number of neural pathways are available and ready to be developed; therefore, additional learning can occur throughout life. d)learning throughout the adult and aging years is supported primarily by glial proliferation. e)increased efficiency of the sympathetic nervous system enhances the ability to learn.

c)despite some neuronal loss, an unlimited number of neural pathways are available and ready to be developed; therefore, additional learning can occur throughout life.

182)The functions of the vestibulocochlear nerves concern: a)vision and hearing. b)smell and taste. c)hearing and balance. d)fine and gross motor control. e)digestive activity.

c)hearing and balance.

150)Joe suddenly begins to experience violent mood swings and develops a voracious appetite. Physical examination indicates the tumor in his brain is the probable cause of these behaviors. In what part of the brain is the tumor most likely located? a)prefrontal cortex. b)reticular formation. c)limbic system. d)postcentral gyrus. e)cerebral nuclei.

c)limbic system.

135)Sensory innervation of the lower gums, teeth, lips, palate, and part of the tongue is by way of the________ nerve. a)Glossopharyngeal. b)Hypoglossal. c)mandibular branch of the trigeminal. d)maxillary branch of the trigeminal. e)ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal.

c)mandibular branch of the trigeminal.

39)Which of the following functions would most likely be controlled by the representational hemisphere of the cerebrum? a)answering this question. b)balancing your checkbook. c)painting a picture. d) diagnosing a patient's disease. e) giving a speech.

c)painting a picture.

33)During rapid eye movement (REM) sleep a)the muscles relax, and body temperature, blood pressure, and heart and respiratory rates fall. b)the muscles are very relaxed and body temperature, blood pressure, and heart and respiratory rates are at their lowest levels. c)the muscles are paralyzed, and body temperature, blood pressure, and heart and respiratory rates increase. d)a person falls into light sleep. e)a person begins to relax and feels drowsy.

c)the muscles are paralyzed, and body temperature, blood pressure, and heart and respiratory rates increase.

165)The brain waves that are characteristic of children and frustrated adults are _____ waves. a)alpha . b)beta . c)theta. d)delta . e)gamma.


11)The blood brain barrier (BBB) consists of a)gap junctions between endothelial cells that form the capillary walls. b)gap and tight junctions between astrocytes and endothelial cells that form the capillary walls. c)tight junctions between endothelial cells that form the capillary walls. d)desmosomes and tight junctions between astrocytes and ependymal cells that form the capillary walls. e)gap junctions between ependymal cells and endothelial cells that form the capillary walls.

c)tight junctions between endothelial cells that form the capillary walls.

69)The cerebellar hemispheres are connected to the. a)Arbor vitae. b)Folia. c)vermis. d)flocculonodular lobe. e)Pyramid.


143)Damage to the superior colliculi of the mesencephalon would interfere with the ability to a)Voluntarily move the arm. b)Maintain proper posture. c)React to loud noises. d)Express rage. e)React to the movement of a car with the eyes.

e)React to the movement of a car with the eyes.

86)Visual input from the lateral geniculates of the thalamus are received by the a)Red nuclei. b)Cerebral peduncles. c)Substantia nigra. d)Inferior colliculi. e)Superior colliculi.

e)Superior colliculi.

116)The ________ is the relay and process center for sensory information. a)Cerebellum. b)medulla oblongata. c)Pons. d)Cerebrum. e)Thalamus.


170) Jean needs to have a tooth filled. Her dentist gives her a shot of Novocain to numb the branches of one of the cranial nerves so she won't feel any discomfort. What cranial nerve is the dentist numbing? a)Vagus. b)Glossopharyngeal. c)Hypoglossal. d)Trochlear. e)Trigeminal.


63)Diffusion across the arachnoid villi returns excess CSF to the a)Third ventricle. b)Arterial circulation. c)Central canal. d)Fourth ventricle. e)Venous circulation.

e)Venous circulation.

141)A drug that is known to block pain sensations is found to function at the level of the diencephalon. This drug probably interacts with neurons in the a)Medial nuclei of the thalamus. b)Hypothalamus. c)Epithalamus. d)Pulvinar. e)Ventral nuclei of the thalamus.

e)Ventral nuclei of the thalamus.

117)Which of the following help to protect the brain? a)The bones of the cranium. b)The blood-brain barrier. c)The cranial meninges. d)the CSF. e)all of the above.

e)all of the above.

115)The medulla oblongata regulates a)Digestion. b)Kidney function. c)Blood pressure. d)both A and B. e)both A and C.

e)both A and C.

148)Which of the following symptoms would you associate with damage to the spinal accessory nerve? a)loss of the sense of taste. b)inability to move the eye medially. c)lack of facial expression. d)numb feeling in the gums. e)dysfunction of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

e)dysfunction of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

22)The pons is not associated with a)sensory information from the middle region of the face. b)sensory information from the inferior region of the face. c)sensory information from the superior region of the face. d)lateral eye movements. e)neck movements.

e)neck movements.

61)Which of the following is not a function of cerebrospinal fluid? a)provides buoyant support for the brain. b)acts as a transport medium for nutrients. c)provides cushioning for delicate neural tissues. d)acts as a transport medium for chemical messengers. e)provides a medium for nerve impulse transmission.

e)provides a medium for nerve impulse transmission.

184)The upper motor neurons that control skeletal muscles begin with a soma in a)the posterior horn of the spinal cord. b)the anterior horn of the spinal cord. c)the motor association cortex of the cerebrum. d)the postcentral gyrus of the cerebrum. e)the precentral gyrus of the cerebrum.

e)the precentral gyrus of the cerebrum.

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