A&P Final

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What is a small protein channel that allows the passage of ions and small molecules between cells?

Gap junction

Sympathetic fibers leave the spinal cord in the __________.

thoracic and lumbar regions

Which of the following individuals would have more mitochondria in her skeletal muscle?

A 22-year-oldsoccer player

An organ system is

a group of organs with a common set of functions

The muscle that is used to cross the legs is __________.


When norepinephrine binds to adrenergic receptors,

G proteins mediate the cell's response.

The ribs articulate with the __________ vertebrae.


Which of the following is NOT true of a transmission electron microscope (TEM)?

It gives the clearest three-dimensional images.

Turning the ankle so that the plantar surface faces laterally is __________.


When you walk up the stairs, your hip and knee joints __________ to lift your body weight.


Contracting the trapezius muscle would

extend and laterally flex the neck.

The collar that forms around the opposing ends of bone fragments is called a/an __________.

external callus

The environment outside the plasma membrane is most appropriately referred to as __________.


Color vision

is a function of cone cells.

The portion of hipbone a person sits on is the

ischial tuberosity.

The __________ division of the ANS functions mainly under ordinary, restful conditions.


The primary somatosensory cortex is located in the __________ lobe.


Epithelial tissue is characterized by

tightly packed cells.

A styloid process is found on the __________.


Ventral rami of some spinal nerves join with each other to form a __________.


The levator palpebrae superioris muscle

raises the eyelid.

There are __________ pairs of cranial nerves and __________ pairs of spinal nerves.

12; 31

Which of the following are consistent with facilitated diffusion?(1) Movement is against a concentration gradient(2) Movement is with a concentration gradient(3) Involves a carrier molecule(4) Involves cotransport(5) Involves counter transport(6) Exhibits competition and saturation

2, 3, 6

An atom has an atomic number of 19 and a mass number of 39. This atom will have __________ neutrons.


Arrange the following in correct sequence: (1) Autonomic ganglia and ganglionic synapse(2) Synapse with target tissues(3) Preganglionic neuron(4) Postganglionic neuron

3, 1, 4, 2

Indicate the functions that apply to epithelial tissue. (Check all that apply.)

Acting as a barrier Secretion of substances Acting as a barrier Secretion of substances

A blow to the shoulder often breaks the clavicle, but very seldom breaks the scapula. Which of the following statements best explains why this is so?

All of the choices are correct.

When a person is exposed to temperature extremes, why is it difficult to distinguish hot from cold objects?

At extremes, pain receptors are stimulated by both very hot and very cold objects.

What is the examination of a dead body to determine the cause of death or to study the changes caused by a disease?


A collapsed intervertebral foramen could affect all of the following spinal nerves EXCEPT __________.


Voltage-gated Na + channels are sensitive to changes in the extracellular concentration of __________.

Ca 2+

Normal bone growth requires adequate amounts of certain substance from the diet. Which of the following list three of the dietary needs for normal bone growth?

Calcium, phosphate, and vitamin D

Which type of membrane proteins are integral proteins that move ions or molecules across plasma membrane?

Carrier proteins

If acetylcholine binds to muscarinic receptors,

G proteins mediate the cell's response.

Sam is curling very heavy weights and suddenly drops them. Which reflex forced this action by Sam to prevent tendon damage?

Golgi tendon reflex

A coroner determines the cause of death to be strangulation because this delicate bone is fractured. Which bone is this?


In a laboratory experiment, the resting membrane potential of a muscle is measured and is found to be more negative. Which of the following has occurred?


Which of the following cranial nerves does NOT carry parasympathetic fibers?


Which part of the brain is in overall control of the ANS?


Which of the following is an example of adaptation of sensory receptors?

Ignoring the presence of clothes

Which of the following muscles contracts during forced expiration?

Internal intercostals

As a stereocilium bends, the tip link pulls __________ gates open.

K +

Which muscle will elevate the scapula?

Levator scapulae

Frank has a microbial infection attacking his brain. Which cell type would you expect to proliferate and be most active during this time?


Why does inhaling deeply and slowly through the nose help to identify an odor?

More air containing the odor is brought into contact with the olfactory epithelium.

Which of the organs listed below is not directly innervated by the autonomic nervous system?

Pectoralis major

Damage to which of these nerves would be most life-threatening?

Phrenic nerves

Which of the following functions is associated with the skin?

Protection against ultraviolet radiation of the sun

Sally has just heard a strange noise in her basement. Which of the following is an example of normal autonomic nervous system function during this type of situation?

Sally's heart rate increases preparing for possible activity.

What are caveolae?

Shallow invaginations of plasma membrane

Which body system would be affected by degeneration of cartilage in joints?


Which organ system is the location of blood cell production?


Which of the following is NOT an effector controlled by the autonomic nervous system?

Skeletal muscle

How does distribution of sympathetic nerves differ from the distribution of parasympathetic nerves?

Spinal nervescontain sympathetic fibers, while cranial nerves contain parasympatheticfibers.

Which type of bone tissue appears porous?

Spongy bone

When comparing smooth and skeletal muscle cells, which of the following statements is true?

The myofilaments in smooth muscle do not form sarcomeres.

Which system removes nitrogenous waste products from the blood and regulates blood pH, ion balance, and water balance?


Rheumatoid arthritis is

a condition that may involve an autoimmune disease.

The two classes of adrenergic receptors are

alpha and beta.

Autonomic reflexes

are integrated somewhere in the CNS.

Joints joined together by hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage would be classified as __________ joints.


When the CNS responds to tissue damage by decreasing the pain threshold and increasing its sensitivity to pain, this is called __________.

central sensitization

Transverse foramina are found in __________ vertebrae.


The energy stored in ATP is a form of ________ energy.


Changes in the blood concentration of glucose, oxygen, and hydrogen are detected by __________.


The flexion of the elbow represents a __________ lever system.

class III

The primary motor area

contains a larger area for control of the hand and fingers than for control of the arm and elbow.

The stratum basale

contains cells that undergo mitosis to form new epidermal cells.

In working memory,

current information is lost when new information is presented.

The study of the structural features and functions of the cell is __________.


Mr. Miller has been hospitalized for the flu. The flu virus increases membrane permeability to K+. You would expect his cells to __________.


The taste area is located in the __________.


Stratified epithelium consists of

multiple layers of cells.

Gaps or interruptions in the myelin sheath are called __________.

nodes of Ranvier

Raising the eyebrows is the action of the __________ muscle.



produces a layer of cells that resist abrasion.

The integumentary system

regulates body temperature.

The three forms of matter are

solids, liquids,and gases.

The central nervous system includes the __________.

spinal cord

The junction of two pubic bones is the

symphysis pubis.

Which type of skin cancer is the most common?

Basal cell carcinoma

Which abdominal wall muscle is the most superficial of the oblique muscles?

External abdominal oblique

Which of the following nerves has parasympathetic axons?


During brain surgery, the superior portion of the postcentral gyrus of a patient is stimulated. What do you expect the patient to do?

Feel pressure on his toes

Which of the following muscles is found in the lateral compartment of the leg?

Fibularis longus

Which back muscle extends the head?

Longissimus capitis

A man was in an accident during which his spinal cord was severed between C6 and C7. Which of the following would NOT be a consequence of this injury?

Loss of use of the phrenic nerves and paralysis of the diaphragm

Schwann cells differ from oligodendrocytes in which of the following ways?

Schwann cells forma myelin sheath around a portion of only one axon, while oligodendrocytes cansurround portions of several axons.

Twelve-year old Madeline has not yet experienced a bone growth spurt, meaning she is not yet producing which particular chemicals necessary for this to occur?

Sex hormones

How does the nervous system contribute to homeostasis in individuals suffering from osteoporosis?

The sense of pain following injury helps prevent further injury.

Which of the following is a synthesis reaction?

Two amino acids are bonded together to form a dipeptide.

What is the role of the red nuclei?

Unconscious regulation and coordination of motor activities

Which of the following statements concerning hair structure is true?

Undamaged hair follicles can help regenerate damaged epithelium.

What do the cavities of the neural tube become in the adult brain?


In order to study in detail the anatomy of internal cell parts, it would be best to use

a transmission electron microscope (TEM). tissue cultures.

The cavity of the body immediately inferior to the diaphragm is the __________ cavity.


Raising an arm to one side of the body to stop a taxi, is an example of __________ of the shoulder.


Exposure to ultraviolet light causes the skin to darken by stimulating the

activity of the enzyme tyrosinase.

The round window

acts as a mechanical release for waves within the cochlea.

The type of movements where one linear part of the body bends relative to another part would be ______ movements.


In a herniated ("ruptured" or "slipped") disc, the ring of fibrocartilage called the ___________ cracks and the _____________ oozes out.

anulus fibrosus; nucleus pulposus


are the subatomic particles most involved in bonding behavior of atoms. are located in the nucleus of an atom.

Nissl bodies are __________.

areas of rough endoplasmic reticulum

Association fibers connect

areas of the cerebral cortex within the same hemisphere.

A victim of an automobile accident goes into shock, which results in decreased blood flow. The victim's skin will

become pale.

Neurons that have a single axon and a single dendrite are __________.


The process of __________ is important to change shapes of bones, adjust to bone stress, replace old bone matrix and to facilitate repair of broken bones.

bone remodeling

The thumb and big toe are similar in that

both have two rather than three phalanges.

White matter is composed of

bundles of myelinated axons.

If one nerve stimulus arrives at a muscle fiber so soon that the fiber does NOT relax at all from the previous twitch, the most likely result will be __________.


Mechanoreceptors respond to

compression of receptors.

Pinkeye is an acute inflammation of the __________.


In the patellar tendon reflex arc, the patellar ligament is stretched, which stretches the quadriceps femoris muscle of the thigh. This reflex will cause the quadriceps femoris to __________ and the hamstrings to __________.


A primary function of the cerebellum is to __________.

coordinate movement

Cutting off your nose" would be a section in the __________ plane.


The gray matter on the outer surface of the cerebrum is called the __________.


The peripheral nervous system includes the __________.

cranial nerves

Connective tissue in tendons is

dense regular collagenous tissue.

Subatomic particles located around the nucleus of an atom are __________.


Covalent bonds form when

electrons are shared between two atoms

In ionic bonding

electrons are transferred from one atom to another

Bone formation associated with cartilage is called __________ ossification while bone formed in connective tissue membranes is called ___________ ossification.

endochondral; intramembranous

Heat energy is

energy that flows between objects with different temperatures

The superficial layer of epithelium of the skin is called the __________.


Palpebrae is another name for the __________.


The superior colliculi receive input from the

eyes, skin, cerebrum, and inferior colliculi.

You taste a sauce with the "tip of your tongue." These taste sensations would be carried via the __________ cranial nerve.

facial (VII)

The portion of the dorsal column/medial lemniscal tract that carries proprioceptive sensations from nerve endings in the feet and legs is the __________.

fasciculus gracilis

Inflammation of the fibrous connective tissue resulting in stiffness and soreness is


When you hold out your hands with the palms up, __________ your wrists will tip your palms toward you.


A neuron is receiving a stimulus which gets stronger and stronger. The result is

frequency of occurrence of action potentials increases.

The central olfactory cortex areas are located in the __________.

frontal and temporal lobes

An intercalated disc is an example location of __________.

gap junctions

The joint between a tooth and the mandibular alveolus is an example of a __________.


An incomplete bone fracture generally found in children is a/an __________.

greenstick fracture

A tissue is a

group of cells with similar structure and function.

Betsy took a fall and broke her arm, which required that she wear a cast for a prolonged period of time. When she took the cast off, she was alarmed to see that her muscles

had undergone atrophy.

The portion of a hair that protrudes above the surface of the skin is the __________.

hair shaft

The biceps femoris is part of the__________.

hamstring muscles

The acromion process

has an articulation with the clavicle.

Cardiac muscle cells are like skeletal muscle cells in that they both

have striations.

Membrane-bound receptors

have their receptor sites on the outer surface of the plasma membrane.

Rapid changes in altitude can rupture the tympanic membrane. Symptoms that may occur include


Due to dual innervation of the heart,

heart rate can increase under sympathetic regulation or decrease under parasympathetic regulation, meeting the demands of the body.

Parathyroid hormone (PTH) causes

increased RANKL and decreased OPG.

Local hyperpolarization in a synapse is called a/an __________.

inhibitory postsynaptic potential

Facial muscles are unusual in that they

insert and sometimes originate on skin and connective tissue.

The anterior and posterior chambers of the eye are separated by the __________.


The contractile structure that surrounds the pupil is the __________.


The zygomatic bone is an example of a(n) __________ bone.


The corpus callosum

is a band of commissural fibers that connects the right cerebral hemisphere to the left cerebral hemisphere.

Hyaluronic acid gives a very slippery quality to fluids that contain it. Hyaluronic acid

is a good lubricant for joint cavities.


is associated with decreased osteoclast activity.

Thick skin

is found in areas subject to pressure or friction, such as the palms.

If 0.9% NaCl (saline) solution is isotonic to a cell, then a 0.5% saline solution

is hypotonic to the cell

During the absolute refractory period, the cell

is insensitive to further stimulation.

The lumbar region is the

lower back.

Some marrow of long bones is termed "red" marrow. The function of red marrow is to

manufacture blood cells.

Muscles that elevate the jaw and close the mouth include the__________.

masseter and medial pterygoid

The extracellular material of tissues is called __________.


A synchondrosis

may be temporary.

If you pinch your index finger in a door, pain sensations are carried via the __________ nerve.


in general, water-soluble molecules diffuse through the __________; and lipid-soluble molecules diffuse through the __________.

membrane channels; lipid bilayer

The thick fibrocartilage disks found in the knee joint are called __________.


The embryonic germ layer that is the source of connective tissue and muscle is __________.


All of the chemical reactions within a cell are known as cell __________.


Specialized muscle fibers associated with detection of muscle length are __________.

muscle spindles

Using the biceps brachii to flex the forearm requires innervation by the __________ nerve.


The mass number of an atom is the number of

neutrons plus protons in the atom.

The membranes of all postganglionic neurons in autonomic ganglia have __________.

nicotinic receptors

Blood vessels enter the eye and nerve processes exit the eye at the __________.

optic disc

The brachioradialis is named for its__________.

origin and insertion

The nucleus for the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII) is located in the __________.


The part of the brain that connects the medulla to the midbrain is the __________.


Beta-blockers (beta-adrenergic blocking agents) are frequently used to

prevent increases in heart rate.

The adaptive significance of the crossed extensor reflex when a person steps on a tack is to

prevent the person from falling down.

The opposite of supination is __________.


All of the following nerve endings are found in the skin EXCEPT __________.


The blood-brain barrier

protects neuronsfrom toxic substances in the blood.

Collagen, elastin, and reticular fibers in connective tissues are all considered __________.


The extracellular matrix of connective tissue contains __________.


Channel proteins

provide a tunnel through which ions or molecules can enter or leave the cel

The component of the autonomic reflex arc that detects a change in stimulus is the __________.


As you are lifting a box, someone places extra weight on top of it. For your muscle to continue contracting and lifting the box, the muscle must

recruit more muscle fibers.

When an intramuscular injection is given in the anterior aspect of the thigh, the injection is in the __________.

rectus femoris

The plasma membrane

regulates movement of materials into and out of the cell.

Muscular dystrophy is characterized by

replacement of muscle tissue by connective tissue.

Active transport

requires ATP.

Receptors that in general do not produce an action potential, but can release neurotransmitters in response to a receptor potential are __________ receptors.


A neuron that conducts pain sensations to the central nervous system would be classified as a/an __________.

sensory or afferent neuron

Maureen is hiking in the cold, and to maintain homeostasis her body begins to


A tennis player goes to the doctor and is told he has a torn rotator cuff. He has injured his __________.


The subscapular and subacromial bursa are associated with the __________ joint.


The glenoid labrum is part of the __________ joint, while the acetabular labrum is part of the __________ joint.

shoulder; hip

A person suffered burns over a large part of his body. Evaporation of fluid from the surface of burned areas occurs. As a result of the evaporation process, cells will tend to


Potential energy is

stored energy that could do work but is not doing so.

The layer of the epidermis in which there is the greatest amount of mitotic activity is the __________.

stratum basale

You go to the movies after a long day and you begin to nod off as soon as the movie starts. Your head starts to lower a little, but a reflex causes your head to rise. This is called the __________ reflex.


An inflammation of one of the ciliary glands of the eyelashes is called a __________.


Preganglionic fibers from the thoracic and lumbar segments of the spinal cord are part of the __________ division of the ANS.


The least movable joints are __________ joints.


A cell is

the basic structural unit of living organisms

Kinetic energy is

the form of energy that actually does work

Superficial pain is highly localized, but visceral pain is diffuse because

the viscera has fewer mechanoreceptors which give location information.

In short-term memory,

there is increased synaptic activity by long-term potentiation.

The sciatic nerve is composed of the

tibial nerve and the common fibular nerve.

The pain a person experiences with acute appendicitis results from stimulating nerve endings called __________.


Osmosis is the diffusion of __________ across a selectively permeable membrane.


What is a triad?

A T tubule and two adjacent terminal cisternae

If you accidentally cut your arm and see adipose tissue, which layer(s) was/were cut?

All of the choices are correct.

Light and dark adaptation involve

All of the choices are correct.

Sixty-five year old Stephen has knee replacement surgery which requires a thin section of his distal femur to be removed. Which of the following statements is true?

Due to the invasive nature of the surgical procedure, Stephen is at risk for osteomyelitis, a bacterial infection of bone.

In hyperpolarization

K + tend to diffuse out of the cell.

Low levels of __________ can have dire consequences on the functioning of neurons because of its role in membrane repolarization.


Which durable protein is found in the nails, hair, and epidermis?


How does the integumentary system contribute to osteoporosis?

Lack of exposure to sunlight reduces vitamin D production and decreases calcium absorption.

Which cells of the epidermis are part of the immune system?


Mary Lu is experiencing pain from her sacroiliac joint. In what region of her body is she most likely feeling pain?

Posterior pelvic region

Rupturing the dermis may cause __________ to develop.

Stretch marks

John sees Martha; the pupils of his eyes dilate. It is "love at first sight." What division(s) of the ANS is/are involved?

Sympathetic division

Walking a tightrope would activate which portion(s) of the medulla?

The pyramids and the olives

Which of the following muscles is named for its shape?


A molecule is

a combination of atoms held together by chemical bonds

An anion is

a negatively charged ion

A cation is

a positively charged ion.

Increased fluid accumulation in the cornea would result in

a scattering of light rays.

An organelle is

a small structure within a cell.

An organ is

a structure composed of several tissue types.

An electrolyte is

a substance that conducts electricity when placed in solution.

Saltatory conduction of an action potential means that

an actionpotential is conducted from one node of Ranvier to the next node.

Arthritis is

an inflammation of any joint.

The white matter of the cerebellum forms a branching network known as the __________.

arbor vitae

Reflex arcs

are capable of receiving a stimulus and yielding a response.

The mammillary bodies

are involved in emotional responses to odors.

The first cervical vertebrae is the __________.


The smallest particle of an element that still exhibits the chemical characteristics of that element is a/an __________.


The auditory ossicles are part of the __________ skeleton.


The vertebral column is part of the __________ skeleton.


The substantia nigra interconnects with the __________.

basal nuclei

Spinal nerves C5-T1 make up the __________ plexus.


The sternal region is commonly known as the __________.


The transparent mucous membrane that covers the anterior white surface of the eye is the __________.

bulbar conjunctiva

The perineurium

bundles axons into fascicles.

The endoneurium

bundles fascicles into nerves.

The epineurium

bundles fascicles into nerves.

Osteoclast activity would decrease when ________ levels are elevated.


The sural region is the __________.


Dermatomal maps are important clinically because they

can be used to help locate nerve damage.

Glycolipids would contain both lipids and


The four most abundant elements in the human body are

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.

A yellow pigment derived from plants that can impart a yellow color to the skin is __________.


The knee joint is an example of a __________ joint.

complex ellipsoid

A patient with a lesion in the hippocampus may have decreased __________.

declarative memory

Enzymes are proteins that increase the rate of chemical reactions by

decreasing the activation energy of the reaction

The fact that the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body is explained by the

decussation of the pyramids in the medulla.

Pacinian corpuscles respond to

deep cutaneous pressure and vibration.

When the hydrogen bonds that maintain a protein's three-dimensional shape are broken, the protein becomes nonfunctional, and is said to be __________.


Stretch marks develop on the abdomen of pregnant women because of stretching and rupture of the __________.


The pyramids of the medulla contain __________.

descending motor tracts

When blood vessels become surrounded by concentric lamella forming osteons, the bone will grow in __________.


The aroma of cookies baking in the kitchen reaches you in the living room. The distribution of this odor throughout the house is an example of __________.


The movement of a substance from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration is called __________.


The movement of oxygen from the alveoli of the lungs into the bloodstream is an example of __________.


The gallbladder, liver, and stomach are all part of the __________ system.


The enteric nervous system consists of plexuses within the walls of the __________.

digestive tract

When ionic compounds dissolve in water, their ions

dissociate or separate from one another.

The branch of a spinal nerve that innervates deep muscles on the dorsal thorax is the __________.

dorsal ramus

Contraction of the inferior rectus muscle directs the pupil to look __________.


Inflammation of the skin is called dermatitis or __________.


The olecranon process of the ulna is commonly known as the __________.


Ossification that involves replacing cartilage with bone is __________.


Long bones grow in length at the __________.

epiphyseal plate

The habenula and pineal body are both found in the __________.


The four primary tissue types are

epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous.

The lateral malleolus is part of the __________.


Bones that are thin and have a broad curved shape are classified as ______ bones.


The portion of the cerebellum that is involved in balance and eye movements is the __________.

flocculonodular lobe

Ridges of the cerebellar cortex are called __________.


The most sensitive taste buds are found in __________ papillae.


The antebrachial region is the


The frontal bone is known as the __________.


Intramembranous ossification

forms the bones of the roof of the skull.

The area of greatest visual acuity is the __________.

fovea centralis

The most common bone disease is osteoporosis. The most common consequence of this disease is


The adductor longus is named for its__________.

function and size

Unlike an exocrine gland, an endocrine gland

has no ducts.

The autonomic nervous system

has two sets of neurons in a series.

The obturator foramen is found in the __________.


The study of tissues is __________.


The glenoid cavity is where the

humerus articulates with the scapula.

Reactions that use water to split molecules apart are called _______ reactions


While standing, looking up at the stars requires__________.

hyperextension of the neck

The large depression on the medial side of the ilium is the

iliac fossa.

The largest and most superior region of the hipbone is the __________.


The photoreceptor cells are located

in the photoreceptive layer of the retina.

Anabolic steroids can do all of the following except

increase the number of muscle fibers.

As muscle activity increases, the body temperature __________.


The stalk that connects the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland is the __________.


One cause of spastic paralysis might be

inhibition of acetylcholinesterase.

The cerebellum functions as a comparator. This means that the cerebellum compares

intended movements with actual movements.

A neuron within the central nervous system that carries action potentials from one neuron to another is called a/an ____________.


The parietal bone is formed by __________ ossification.


The cornea is relatively easy to transplant because

it is easy to access and is avascular.

As skin cells move toward the surface of the body, they produce a protein that reduces water loss. This process is called __________.


The medial meniscus is in the __________.


A by-product of anaerobic respiration in muscle fibers is


Moving the mandible to the side as when grinding the teeth is __________.

lateral excursion

The medullary cavity is

lined withendosteum.

A change in resting membrane potential confined to a small area is called a/an __________ potential.


Bones that are longer than they are wide and generally have enlarged ends for articulations are classified as ______ bones.


Athletes who train at high altitudes increase their red blood cell count, which increases their oxygen supply during exercise. Increased oxygen supply results in

longer aerobic respiration.

A neutral atom will become a cation if it

loses electrons

A red blood cell that is placed in a hypertonic solution

loses water

The nuclei of cranial nerves III, IV, and Vare located in the __________.


Visceral smooth muscle

occurs in sheets and exhibits numerous gap junctions.

In the process of diffusion, net movement of substances is always from a region

of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration

The remodeling of bone tissue is a function of

osteoblast and osteoclast activity.

The wall of the abdominopelvic cavity is lined by a serous membrane called the

parietal peritoneum.

A skeletal muscle generates the greatest tension when it is

partially stretched before being stimulated.

A patient has suffered a cerebral hemorrhage that has damaged the primary motor area of his right cerebral cortex. As a result the

patient cannot voluntarily move his left arm or leg.

Rapidly adapting proprioceptors that provide information on the location of a moving hand are known as __________ receptors.


If you stand on tiptoes to reach something high, you are performing __________ at the ankle.

plantar flexion

Skin color is the result of the

quantity of melanin in the skin.

The main fibrous layer of the dermis is the __________.

reticular layer

A vertical plane that separates the body into right and left portions is called a __________ plane


In order for excitation-contraction coupling to occur, the production of an action potential must occur within the __________ of a muscle fiber.


Another name for the shoulder blade is the __________.


The coracoid process is found on the __________.


When a person sits on a hard surface for a period of time, his foot or leg may "go to sleep." This sensation is the result of compressing the __________ nerve.


The anatomical arm refers to the part of the upper limb from the

shoulder to the elbow.

Manubrium, body, and xiphoid process are all parts of the __________.


When two bones grow together across a joint to form a single bone, this is called a __________.


Most of the joints in the appendicular skeleton are __________ joints.


Sensory structures that detect taste are __________.

taste buds

The cerebrum develops from the embryonic region called the __________.


The fasciculus gracilis and fasciculus cuneatus would help us

tell if an object is rough or smooth.

In the TMJ joint, the mandible articulates with the __________.

temporal bone

The lateral fissure separates the __________ from the rest of the cerebrum.

temporal lobe

Most sensory input that ascends through the spinal cord and brainstem projects to the __________.


The blue color of superficial blood vessels results from

the light-scattering properties of collagen.

The fluid-mosaic model of the plasma membrane suggests that

the membrane isneither rigid nor static in structure.

Excitation-contraction coupling begins with

the production of an action potential in the sarcolemma.

The visceral pleura is

the serous membrane that covers the lungs.

Anatomy is

the study of structure.

Because the stretch reflexes can be traced back along certain spinal nerve routes,

they are helpful when determining at what level of the spinal cord damage may have occurred.

The vagus nerve carries parasympathetic impulses to the __________.

thoracic and abdominal viscera

A symporter will transport __________ across the plasma membrane

two different ions or molecules in the same direction

When a person hits their "funny bone," they cause temporary damage to the __________ nerve.


A reflex that protects limbs by removing them from painful stimuli is the __________ reflex.


Which layer of the epidermis is found in only a few areas of the body?

Stratum lucidum

Which muscle fixes the clavicle or elevates the first rib?


Consider the following condition: pupils dilated, digestive motility decreased, salivary gland activity decreased. Which of the following scenarios matches this condition of the person involved?

A motorist just avoided running over a small child playing in the road

Reflexes function in

All of the choices are correct.

Which of the following statements regarding voltage-gated K + channels is true?

All of the choices are correct.

Which of the following events in a stretch reflex occurs last?

Alpha motor neurons transmit action potentials to muscle causing contraction.

What is the removal of a tissue sample from patients via surgery or needle to diagnose disease?


Which effector has no innervation by parasympathetic nerves?

Blood vessels

Denise has had an accident that has damaged her hyoid bone. Which of the following conditions is she likely to experiece due to this injury?

Both "Denise will likely have issues with swallowing due to the association of the hyoid bone with the muscles needed to swallow" and "Denise may have issues with her speech due to the association of the hyoid bone with the muscles that function in speech" are correct.

Damage to the muscle called the levator ani would result in

Both "difficult defecation" and "decreased support for the pelvic viscera" are correct.

A substance composed of two or more different types of atoms is a/an __________

Both compound and molecule are correct.

An atom of chlorine has 17 protons and 18 neutrons. Which of the following statements is true?

Chlorine has a mass number of 35

What is a disc-shaped structure with especially adhesive glycoproteins around each cell that bind cells to one another?


Where is the enteric nervous system located?

Digestive tract

Which of the following is NOT a parasympathetic effect?

Dilation of the bronchioles in the lungs

Which neurotransmitter has been implicated in Parkinson's disease?


Which of the following paranasal sinuses would most likely result in discomfort around the eyes?


Which muscle extends the big toe?

Extensor hallicus longus

Microscopic examination of a frozen tissue specimen is an application of which of the following disciplines?


What is the microscopic study of tissues?


Which portion of the ear contains the sensory receptors for hearing and balance?

Inner ear

Which back muscle originates on the vertebral spinous processes?


How does the nervous system contribute to homeostasis in individuals suffering from osteoporosis?

Lack of exposure to sunlight reduces vitamin D production and decreases calcium absorption.

Which auditory ossicle is attached to the tympanic membrane?


Which back muscle extends and rotates the vertebral column?


Which type of tissue is contractile?

Muscle tissue

Which type of tissue contains cells called neurons?

Nervous tissue

Which of the following special senses is relayed directly to the cerebral cortex without going to the thalamus?


Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disorder in which myelin sheaths in the CNS are destroyed. Which of the following neuroglial cells is being damaged in multiple sclerosis?


Of the following muscles of the head, which one wraps around the orbits?

Orbicularis oculi

Excessive shedding of this layer of the epidermis of the scalp is responsible for dandruff.

Stratum corneum

Which of the following is NOT true of G-protein complex action?

Stimulates a cell by means of extracellular chemical signals

Which type of cell forms bone?


Which two portions of the brain are involved in controlling respiration?

Pons, medulla oblongata

This condition is characterized by a thicker-than-normal stratus corneum producing large silvery scales.


Which of the following functions is most likely to be performed by the visual association area?

Recognize the face of a close friend

A bird hits the windshield of your car, and you reflexively duck and close your eyes. Which of the following is responsible for this action?

Superior colliculi

Which subdivision of anatomy involves the study of organs that function together?


Why does a person's nose run when he cries?

Tears drain into the nasal cavity via the nasolacrimal duct.

Which of the following statements best distinguishes between tetanus and treppe?

Tetanus occurs when stimulation of muscle occurs frequently with little to no relaxation between stimuli; treppe occurs when stimulation of muscle occurs frequently, but complete relaxation occurs between stimuli.

Which of the following descriptions best represents the appearance of the sarcomere during peak contraction?

The H zone is eliminated, and the I bands are very thin.

Myastensia gravis results from the destruction of acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junction, but treatment involves medications that reduce acetylcholinesterase activity. Which statement best explains the effectiveness of these medications?

The antibodies destroy some but not all of the acetylcholine receptors, so reducing acetylcholinesterase activity increases the likelihood that acetylcholine will bind to the remaining receptors.

A cancer patient is told by their physician that their colon is lacking smooth muscle tone. What does this mean?

The colon is unable to maintain constant tension for sustained periods of time.

What is the permeability barrier that joins the plasma membranes of adjacent cells to form a tight seal?

Tight junction

What is a collection of similar cells and surrounding substances?


Which of the following sensory functions involves neurons in the dorsal root ganglion?


Which of the following muscles moves the scapula?


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