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humerus of arm bones

long bones

joins the medial margins margins of the parietal margins to each other

sagittal suture

The insides or hallow space within the tube of the digestive tract is ?


The hepatic flexure is the bend between the ___ colon and the ___ colon

Ascending Transverse

Materials moves into the colon on the right side of the body into the __ ___

Ascending colon

The colon is divided into three segments:

Ascending colon Transverse colon Descending colon

The membrane that lines most of the air distribution tubes in the system

respiratory mucosa

the internal framework of the body


what is the functions of the skeletal system?

support, protection, movement, storage, hematopoiesis (blood making)

sensitive to change in intensity or color of light as in vision ex; eye


absence of urine


in child, three to five separate vertebrae in adult fused into one


an important role of glucocorticoids is to help maintain normal blood glucose concentration


Lower esophageal sphincter or ___ __ normally prevents back flow of acidic stomach contents

Cardiac sphincter

cardiac muscle has dark staining bands that are cross sections of the ___ ___

Intercalated disk

The largest thyroid cartilage known as the Adams Apple is located in the ?


type O

no type A or type B self antigens both anti A and B antibodies

are glial cells that also forms myelin sheaths but do so only in the peripheral nervous system.

schwaan cells

the "white" of the eye is part of the fibrous layer


fibrous layer:

sclera and cornea

the process by which the substances move into urine in the distal and collecting ducts from blood in the capillaries around these tubules. of hydrogen ions, potassium ions and certain drugs from blood into kidney tubules


deposits calcium


The surface of the respiratory membrane inside each alveolus is covered by a substance called ___


are the most complex units that make up the body. kinds of organs that can work together to perform complex functions of the body


The outermost covering or coat of the digestive tube. Also called the visceral peritonmeum


The liver continuously secretes bile. If there is no chyme in the duodenum, then the circular sphincter muscles within the duodenal papillae remains closed and the bile backs up the common bile duct into the ___ which leads to the ___

Cystic duct Gallbladder

sympathetic postganglionic neurons is classified as

adrenergic fibers

is the chief mineralocorticoid. increase the amount of sodium and decrease the amount of potassium in the blood


upper 7 vertebrae in neck region


most of the vascular layer is made up of the ___ which contains a large amount of dark pigment called melanin


vascular layer:

choroid, ciliary muscle, iris, lens

a good example of a passive transport process - is the process by which substances scatter themselves evenly throughout an available space. does not require cellular energy for this movement. movement of particles down a concentration gradient- that is from an area of high concentration forward an area of lower concentration


the part of the tubule distal to the ascending limb of the nephron loop. extends from the ascending limb to the collecting duct

distal convoluted tubule

the ___ ___ known as ___ when they are swollen, lie near the posterior opening of the nasal cavity. they are located in the nasopharynx

pharyngeal tonsils adenoids

next 12 vertebrae; ribs attach to these

thoracic vertebrae

when a clot stays in the place where it is formed is


osmosis is the passive transport process movement of ___ ___ through water channels in a selectively permeable membrane when some of the ___ cannot cross the membrane.

water molecules solute

The subdivisions of the large intestine are listed below in order in which chyme or feces passes through:

1. Cecum 2. Ascending colon 3. Transverse colon 4. Descending colon 5. Sigmoid colon 6. Rectum 7. Anal canal

By the time a baby is 2 years old he or she probably has __ baby teeth called the ___ or ___ teeth

20 Primary Deciduous

By the time a young adult is somewhere between 17 and 24 years old, a full set of ___ ___ teeth is generally present

32 permanent


A hormone produced by the pancreas or taken as a medication by many diabetics beta cell

The lower ventral cavities include an ___ ___ and a ___ __. Actually they form only one compartment, the ___ ___ because no physical partition separates them

Abdominal cavity Pelvic cavity Abdominopelvic cavity

release at some of the synapses in the spinal cord and at neuromuscular junctions

Acetylcholine several areas of the CNS; PNS neuromuscular junction; ANS and visceral effectors Norepinephrine several areas of the CNS; sympathetic division of the ANS

the hormone ___ secreted by the adrenal cortex plays an important part in controlling the kidney tubules reabsorption of sodium. the kidney itself is responsible for triggering this secretion. it reduces urine volume


Salvia contains mucus and a digestive enzyme called salivary ___


arterial blood is pumped from the heart through a series of distribution vessels the ___


The ileocecal valve opens into the pouch like area called the ___


Breaks down large nonabsorbable nutrient molecules into smaller, absorbable nutrient molecules that are able to pass easily through the intestinal mucosa into blood and lymph. Catalyzed by enzymes in salvia, gastric juice, pancreatic juice, and intestinal juice

Chemical digestion

This hormone travels through the blood stream and promotes contraction of the gallbladder and consequently bile flows from the duodenum


Respiratory mucous has what ?

Cilia which is tiny hair like projections that move fluids along the surface of a layers of cells They also have goblet cells which produce mucus

Respiratory mucosa is lined with what tissue?

Ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium

What does the epiglottis do for the trachea?

Covers the opening of the larynx. Acts like a trapdoor closing off the larynx during swallowing and preventing food and liquids from entering the trachea

a mucous membrane known as the ___ lines the eyelids and covers the fibrous layer in front


Notice that an actual physical partition separates the thoracic cavity above from the abdominopelvic cavity below. This muscular sheet is the __. It is some shaped and is the most important muscle for breathing.


structure of a long bone:

Diaphysis medullary cavity PAGE 120 for definitions epiphyses articular cartilage Periosteum endosteum

Posterior aspect of the body, bony __ __ form that house organs of the central nervous system

Dorsal cavities

Pancreatic juice enters the duodenum of the small intestine at the same place bile enters. The common bile and pancreatic ducts open into the ___ at the ___ ___ ___

Duodenum Major duodenal papilla

the adrenal medulla secretes the hormone ___. it's also known as adrenaline. the body fight or fight process.


The pancreas is both and ___ gland that secretes pancreatic juice into ducts and an ___ gland that secretes hormones into the blood

Exocrine Endocrine

What are the paranasal sinuses?

Frontal Maxillary Sphenoid Ethmoid

Also called a coronal plane is a lengthwise place running from side to side. Divided the body of any of its parts into anterior and posterior portions

Frontal plane

what is the function of the glial cells?

Is to hold the functioning neurons together and protect them

Breaks ingested food into tiny particles mixes them with digestive juices moves them along the alimentary canal and finally eliminates the digestive wastes from the body. Such as chewing, swallowing, peristalsis, segmentation, or defecation

Mechanical digestion

It's midportion is a subdivision of the thoracic cavity called the ___


Is a unique type of sagittal plane that divides the body into two equal halves

Midsagittal plane

These muscles have an important role to play in producing ___ or movement of the GI tract during the digestive process


The __ of the esophagus is composed of tough and abrasion resistant stratified epithelium. The __ of the remainder of the tract is a delicate layer of simple columnar epithelium structured for absorption and secretion


The four layers named from the inside to the outside:

Mucosa Submucosa Muscularis Serosa

Two or three layers of muscle tissue make up the __


Oppose or negate a change in controlled condition. Most homeostatic contrail loops in the body involve negative feedback because reversing changes back toward a normal value tends to stabilize conditions. Ex: change in temperature

Negative feedback loop

Diagonal cuts

Oblique planes

The ___lies behind the stomach in the concavity produced by the C shaped of the duodenum


These contains cells that secrete the hormone of the pancreas mainly insulin and glucagon

Pancreatic islets

The largest of the salivary glands, lie just inferior and anterior to each ear at the angle of the jaw. They secrete sodium bicarbonate that neutralize bacterial acids

Parotid glands

A rhythmic wavelike contraction of the gut wall caused by alternating a wavelike contraction along the circular muscle layer in the muscularis. Squeezes and pushes ingested material forward through the digestive tubes internal pathway.


The lateral subdivisions of the thoracic cavity are called the right and left ___ ___

Pleural cavities

Exist in the body and are sometimes also involved in normal function. These are stimulatory. "Return to normal" Ex: giving birth

Positive feedback loop

a sensory receptor which receives stimuli from within the body, especially one that responds to position and movement.


The smooth muscle fibers of the sphincter stay contracted most of the time and thereby close off the opening of the pylorus into the small intestine. After chyme has been mixed in the stomach and protein digestion gets under way, it begins its passage through the ___ ___ into the first part of the small intestine

Pyloric sphincter

Runs along a lengthwise plane running from front to back. It divides the body or any of its parts into right and left sides

Sagittal plane

___ are absorbed by active transport and water is moved into the blood by osmosis


"Back and forth" or "swishing" type of motility. These contractions assist in mixing ingested material with digestive juices and helps continue the mechanical break down of larger particles


A space that you may think of as your chest cavity.

Thoracic cavity

The dorsal cavities include what?

Skull Cranial cavity Spinal cavity

Open into the floor of the mouth

Sublingual glands

A connective tissue layer that lies just below the mucosa. It contains many blood vessels and nerves


The upper ventral cavities include:

Thoracic cavity Mediastinum Pleural cavities Abdominal cavity Pelvic cavity Abdominopelvic cavity

A horizontal or crosswise plane. Such a plane divides the body or any of its parts upper and lower portions

Transverse plane

A major body cavity that houses several internal organs forms during early development and subdivides into two large ___ __ __

Ventral body cavities

The ___ ___ that form from the major body cavity during the embryonic development are located in a more ventral position in the body

Ventral cavities

No __ are present in the mucosa of the larger intestine


In addition to the digestive role bacteria in the large intestine have other important functions. They are responsible for the synthesis of ___ ___ needed for normal blood clotting and for the production of some of the B complex vitamins. After they are formed these vitamins are absorbed from the large intestine and enter the blood.

Vitamin K

an example of regulating water reabsorption in kidney tubules involves a hormone called ___ ___ secreted from the posterior pituitary gland. if no ADH is present, the tubules are practically impermeable to water, so little or no water is reabsorbed from them. when ADH is present in the blood collecting ducts are permeable to water and water is reabsorbed from them.

antidiuretic hormone

the __ are the blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart


glial vary in shape and size. some are relatively large cells. these glial cells that are called ___ a word that means "star cells" their threadlike branches attach to neurons and to small blood vessels, holding these structures close to each other


are the process that carry impulses away from the neuron cell bodies


what is a neuron made of?

axon Dendrites cell body

along with the walls of the blood vessels, astrocyte branches form a two layer structure called the ___ ____ ___. it separated the blood tissue and nervous tissue to protect vital brain tissue from harmful chemicals that might be in the blood

blood brain barrier

a divison of the renal pelvis


__ ___ contains many spaces like a bath sponge. the cavities are filled with red or yellow marrow. the beams that form the lattice of spongy bone are called ___

cancellous bone (spongy bone) Trabeculae

many important reflex centers lie in the brain stem. the __ __ and ___ ___

cardiac Respiratory vasomotor centers

the bulk of the heart is made up of __ __. they have cross striations

cardiac muscle

___bone that does not contain a network of open spaces. the extracellular matrix is organized into numerous structural units called ___

compact osteons

bone that is hard and dense

compact bone

the transparent circle on the anterior of the fibrous Layer


joins the anterior margins of parietal bones with the posterior margin of the frontal bone

coronal suture

projections that carry impulses to the neuron cell bodies


urine formation begins with the process of ___ ,which goes on continually in the rental corpuscles. of water and dissolved substances out of the blood in the glomeruli into the glomerular capsule


____is the movement of water and solutes through a membrane as a result of a pushing force that is greater on one side of the membrane than on the other side. the force called is ___ ___ which is simply the force or weight of a fluid pushing against some surface.

filtration hydrostatic pressure

frontal or skull bone

flat bone

flat bones such as sternum (breastbone) the ribs, and many of the skull bones

flat bones

nervous tissue consists of two kinds of cells: nerve cells or ___ which are the conducting unit of the system, and special connecting and supporting cells called ___ or ___

glia neruoglia

the cup shaped top of a nephron. the hollow saclike capsule that surrounds the glomerulus also called bowman capsule

glomerular capsule

a network of blood capillaries tucked into the glomerular capsule.

glomerulus read pg 409

is used to describe the process of blood cell formation. blood cell formation is a vital process carried on in red bone marrow


the term __ ___ ___ refers to the route of blood flow to and through the liver.

hepatic portal circulation

Chyme containing undigested and un absorbed material enters the large intestine after passing through a sphincter called the ___ ___

ileocecal valve

its attachment to the more movable bone is called the muscles ___


in the spinal cord grey and white matter do not ___


colors structure seen through the cornea


vertebrae or spinal bones

irregular bones

joins posterior margins of parietal bones to the occipital bone

lambdoidal suture

the __ of the eye lies directly behind the pupil and it held together by a ligament attached to an involuntary muscle called the ___ ___

lens ciliary muscle

the lowest part of the brainstem

medulla oblongata

are smaller than astrocytes. the usually remain stationary but inflamed brain tissue, they enlarge, move about and act as microbeating scavengers. they surround the microbes, draw them into their cytoplasm and digest them. this is phagocytosis


carry impulses in the opposite direction away from the brain and spinal cord also called efferent neurons

motor neurons

muscles are anchored firmly to bones


neurons with myelin wrapped axons are called ___ __. ___ ___ are gaps between adjacent Schwaan cells. the outer wrapped layer of a schwaan cell is called the ___

myelinated fibers nodes of raviner neurilemma

scanty amount of urine


the muscles attachment to this more stationary bone is called its ___


is a special case of passive transport. it is in many ways similar to diffusion but is thought to involve unique mechanisms at the pores of cell membranes


Sa Node

pacemaker of the heart

Unusually large amount of urine


the ___ bulges out a bit more than the medulla forming a bridge to the narrower ___

pons midbrain

soft tissues are protected


Nitrogenous waste produced accumulate as a result of ___ ___ and quickly reach toxic levels if not excreted

protein breakdown

the black center of eye. constrict in bright light and dilate in dim light


a soft connective tissue inside the hard walls of some bones that produces both red and white blood cells

red bone marrow

What does surfactant do?

reduces surface tension or stickiness of the watery mucus lining the alveoli keeping alveoli from collapsing as air moves in and out during respiration

the triangular divisions of the medulla of the kidney

renal pyramids

in the brainstem, small bits of grey matter mix closely and intricately with white matter to form the ___ ___

reticular formation

the __ makes up the inner layer of the eyeball. it contains rods and cones. rods are the receptors for night vision. cones are the receptors for daytime vision


inner laye:

retina optic nerve retinal blood vessels

organs outside of the parietal peritoneum such as the kidney are said to be ___


in child, five separate, in adult fused in one


carry impulses to the spinal cord and brain from all parts of the body also called afferent neurons

sensory neurons

carpals or wrist bones

short bones

cylinder shaped, cells are in bundles. striated muscle and voluntary muscle

skeletal muscle

fibers are tapered at each end and have a single nucleus. they are nonstriated muscle fibers that have a smooth even appearance and are involuntary muscles. lines hollow internal organs so it is also referred to as visceral muscle

smooth muscle

joins lateral margin of each parietal bone with the superior margin of the temporal bone and to the lateral part of the sphenoid bone

squamous suture

Open into the mouth on either side of the lingual frenulum

submandibular glands

are somewhat more complex than cells


that one triangular area on the back or posterior surface of the bladder is free from rugae. this area, called the ___ is always smooth. there, the lining membrane is tightly fixed to the deeper muscle coat. extends between the opening of the two ureters above and the point of exit of the urethra below


the outermost layer of arteries, veins, and capillaries. reinforce the wall of the vessel so that it will not burst

tunica externa

an inner layer of endothelial cells called the ___ ___ lines arteries and veins. a single layer of squamous epithelial cells called ___ that lines the inner surface of the entire cardiovascular system. also sometimes includes a thin layer of elastic fibrous tissue

tunica intima endothelium

smooth muscle tissue is found in the middle layer or __ ___ of arteries and veins. thicker muscle which is smooth muscle

tunica media

type AB

type A and B self antigens no anti A or B

type A

type A self antigens in RBCs anti B type antibodies in plasma

type B

type B self antigens in RBCs anti A

excretion of toxins and of nitrogen containing waste products such as ___ and ___ represents only one of the important responsibilities of the kidney.

urea ammonia

narrow tubes that connect to the urethra. mucous membranes featuring easily stretchable stratified transitional epithelium line this


to leave the body, urine passes from the bladder, down the what? (the lowest part of the urinary tract)


the ___ are the blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart


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