Knowledge Management

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Acquisition and refinement

According to Mayer and Zach, repository content structures are generally develop during which knowledge management phases?

T/F All narratives are good knowledge-sharing stories.


T/F One of the major popular techniques used to optimize the interviewing of expert include modeling.


T/F The approach used to capture, do code, and subsequently code knowledge depends on the use of current technology.


Decreased expenses and increased creativity and original thinking

If information was easier to find, the result might be __________.

A concept analysis

In order to clarify their understanding of what knowledge management means in their own context, organizations should undertake __________


In order to manage, it is necessary to have a __________.

Personal, public, shared

In the Wiig hierarchy of knowledge forms, information systems provide ________, ________, and ________.


In the mode of knowledge conversation known as the process of socialization, the conversation is from tacit knowledge to ________ knowledge.


Information technology plays a __________ part in ensuring that information is available to those who need it.

Information, knowledge

It has been argued that we can transform __________ into __________ by means of comparison, consequences, connection, and conversation.


It is important to understand tacit knowledge even though it is difficult to communicate. This is because explicit knowledge represents a very _________ part of the entire body of knowledge.

What the user is doing

Knowing about a user is not enough for facilitation of knowledge application. We also need to know __________.

Fabric of the organization

Knowledge capture includes discovery, organization, and integration of knowledge into the __________.

The individual

Knowledge creation always begins with ________.

More traditional physical or tangible assets

Knowledge has increasingly become more valuable than __________

Information technology

Knowledge management can be narrowly defined as an __________ system that dispenses organizational know-how


Knowledge management is __________ in nature


Organizational knowledge __________ individual knowledge and makes it stronger and brighter.

Map and measure relationships and flows between people, groups, organizations, computers, and other information/knowledge processing entities.

SNA is used to __________.


Tacit knowledge tends to reside with the__________of the knowers.


The __________ Model concerns knowledge management that stresses sense making, knowledge creation, and decision making.


The __________ model introduces three key dimensions of knowledge beyond tacit and explicit; codified, abstract, and defused knowledge.

Design and development of information products

The mayor and Zach knowledge management cycle is derived from work on the __________.

Semantec network

A _________ identifies meanings between concepts


A _________ is a good way of expressing "inexpressible" content.


A good example of __________ includes "brainstorming camps."

Community of practice

A group of people having common identity, professional interest and that undertake to share, participate in establish a friendship is referred to as a __________.

do not take an active role in a community of practice.

A lurker is someone who __________.

The notion that knowledge is property and ownership is very important

A major obstacle that can hinder knowledge sharing within organizations is __________.

Intellectual capital

A typical knowledge management objective would be to build up a toolkit of methods that can be used with individuals, with groups, and with the organization to stem the potential loss of __________.

Document or an audible or visible communication

According to Davenport and Prusak, information is a message, usually in the form of __________.


According to Mayer and Zach, __________ often from the first kernel of an organizational memory for company.

How the content is stored

According to Mayer and Zach, in addition to actual content, other elements to consider include __________ , manipulated, and retrieved.

The management of valuable knowledge of a firm

According to Mayer and Zach, the refinement every repositories enable __________.


According to Mayer and Zach, the use of facts, print outs, and email is an example of __________.


According to Wiig, the use of facts, print outs, and email is an example of __________.

It is held with the organizations employees.

According to most executives, where is the greatest organizational assets held?

Other people

According to one study, when trying to solve problems and make decisions, many people turn to __________.

Knowledge acquisition and application

And integrated knowledge management cycle includes knowledge capture and/or creation, knowledge sharing and dissemination, and, __________.

Facilitating knowledge growth through culture and incentives.

As identified by Ruggals and Holthouse, what is a key attributes of knowledge management?

Information processing machine

Because there is a tendency to focus on hard or quantifiable knowledge, knowledge management is often seen as some sort of __________.

Knowledge is converted into an explicit form

Codification of knowledge means __________.

Knowledge workers within the organization

Competitiveness depends on the skills and learning abilities of the __________.


Do use of metaphors, analogies, concepts, hypothesis, or models help convert __________ knowledge.

They choose to circumvent the official knowledge base

Employees may not use the organizational knowledge repository because __________.

Groupware, intranets, and knowledge bases

Examples of knowledge management infrastructure include __________.

Yellow Pages

Expertise location systems are sometimes known as __________.

T/F knowledge represents the decisive basis for intelligent, confident behavior, but mainly at the organizational level.


One third of their time

How much time do you knowledge workers typically spend it working for information in helping their colleagues do the same?

The four quadrants

Knowledge creation depends on a continuous and a dynamic interaction between tacit and explicit knowledge throughout __________.

New, previously unencumbered or novel situations.

Knowledge management is all about applying knowledge in __________

Learning is a social activity

Knowledge management needs to view knowledge as something that is actively constructed in a social setting. Why?

Knowledge base

Knowledge management represents a deliberate and systematic approach to ensure the four utilization of the organizations __________

May vary depending on the literature

Knowledge management terms used to describe major steps in the knowledge management cycle __________.

a small part of knowledge

Knowledge that is already identified in coated represents __________.


Learning at the individual level is something that cannot occur without __________ interaction in some form.


Learning is predominately a __________ event.

None of the above

Many organizations have integrated knowledge management applications with e-learning or __________.

The added value to repositories

Mayor and Zach state the first refinement is the primary source of added value, they are referring to __________.

Captured and codified

Once knowledge has been __________, knowledge needs to be shared and decimated through the organization.

The globalization of business

One of the reasons knowledge management is important in today's business environment is __________

Managing knowledge

One problem with Nonaka and Takeuchi models is that it does not appear to be sufficient to explain all stages involved in __________.

Common goals, commitment, virtual workspaces

One researcher identifies common characteristics of communities of practice to be __________.

Knowledge flows analysis

One technique used to find experts is __________.

Knowledge is collectively excepted and institutionalized across the organization

Organizational level learning and not occur in organizational memory cannot be developed until __________.

Only sustainable competitive advantage

Organizations knowledge base can be described as it's __________.


People turn to other people for information because they help us __________ are question or query.

Intellectual capital or assets

Pieces of knowledge that are of business value to the organization or called __________


Some authors argue that it is necessary to create knowledge in order to produce __________.

They do not believe it represents a better way to current practice

Some knowledge workers do not use knowledge because __________.


Source data must be of the highest quality, otherwise the intellectual products produced downstream will be __________.

True knowledge assets can only exist within the context of an intellectual system.

The difference between information and true knowledge assets is __________.

Interval data and knowledge storages in the organization

The embodiment of organizational memory is the experience of its employees combined with the __________.

Knowledge acquisition and application

The major stages of knowledge management or knowledge capture and creation, knowledge sharing and decimation, and __________.


The system that general electric development that documents or customer complaint and inquiries in a database that can be assessed by all of its employees is a good example of ________ conversation.

Subject knowledge items we need to attend to online database

Today's work environment is more complex due to the increase in the number of __________.

T/F A knowledge architecture needs to be designed and implemented in order to enable the stage processing and transformation of knowledge.


T/F A method used to capture tacit knowledge from individuals and groups include e-learning.


T/F Conceptualization implies identifying the key attributes of the content in order to better match the variety of users.


T/F Knowledge can be shared with the process of personal communication and interaction.


T/F Many tacit knowledge capture techniques were originally used to artificial intelligence.


T/F One of the major tasks of knowledge engineers is working with experts to obtain information.


T/F Open questions 10 to be brought in place view constraints on the expert.


T/F Stories are in excellent vehicle for capturing and then subsequently coding tacit knowledge.


Knowledge is abundant, but the ability to use it is scarce.

What is one characteristic of knowledge that makes it radically different from other valuable commodities?

Added to the story of intellectual capital

When new knowledge is created within the firm, it must be assessed in order to determine if it is of sufficient value that it should be __________.


Which model reprise is the key enabler's that form part of most knowledge management models and assembles these components in a highly visual and symbolic fashion?

Von Krogh and Ross

Which theorists take an epistemological approach to managing organizational knowledge?


While Wiig uses the term creation, Mayor and Zach use the term __________.


Who coined the term knowledge worker?

Social networks form because people need one another to reach common goals.

Why do social networks form?

Because content is filtered and judged.

Why is ICM characterized by less content?

Knowledge workers spend from 15 to 35% of their time searching for information.

Why is information literacy important?

Without it, the knowledge product is not complete and cannot be successfully used.

Why is knowledge context so important?

Major of knowledge management modules

__________ has/have The most influence on knowledge management practice.

Concept analysis

__________ is a technique used to visually map out conceptual information in the process of defining a word.


__________ knowledge is difficult to articulate and difficult to put into words, text, or drawings.


__________ knowledge is difficult to capture.

Peer to peer mentoring

__________ would be an example of knowledge management strategy, tool, or technique.

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