RHSC 3200 Midterm

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groups are more productive when they are composed of how many members?

3 to 8

wheelan found that it takes at least _____ months for a group to achieve stage IV development



Emotional self-control, transparency, adaptability, achievement, initiative, optimism

True or False: A team is a group of people who must work together to achiever a common goal


you observe a member being creative, imaginative, and unorthodox. what role are they playing

a thought oriented plant

learns by logical thinking and objective analysis

abstract conceptualization

focuses on vison and strategy for the future energizes this type of learner and they prefer risk taking and solving problems in a collaborative, trail and error fashion

accommodating style

David McClelland found that most behavior can be organized into three social motive or needs. Which motive is associated with a person who wants their ideas to prevail and are interested in increasing personal status and prestige

achievement motive


achieving high quality results with highly competent team

learns by active engagement

active experimentation

successful change agents

address all levels of the system

5.5 organizational management

adequate organization performance

team members who understand that communication styles often reflect learning styles and professional orientation will be most successful if they take the time to ____ their communication style to complement the styles of people with whom they are communicating


david McClelland found that most behavior can be organized into three social motives or needs. Which motive is associated with a person who prefers to work with others and value harmony and collaboration

affiliation motive

group norms are

agreed upon behaviors

A leader can migrate the effects of status and power differentials on a group participation

all of the answers

power and status differentials are a fact of life and the team members who perceive themselves to be a lower status

all of the answers

research has shown that which of following can be used to increase productivity

all of the answers

understanding that your perceptions of present situations are formed through your experiences makes you a more effective group member by

all of the answers

According to systems theory

all of the answers are correct

according to the contingency theory and control requirements of the situations are dependent upon

all the answers

health information technology is rapidly expanding and is impacting healthcare teams. HIT can support collaborative team practice when it is designed to include:

all the answers

healthcare organizations that value relationship building along all stakeholders

all the answers

methods to intervene at the organizational level of system include

all the answers

research on leadership seems to agree that good leaders

all the answers

which of the following are indicators of developmental changes, or predictable pahses of deveoplment, in a group over time

all the answers

best strategy of idea-oriented

allow enough time for discussion, don't get impatient, be bored/ conceptual

best strategy of people oriented

allow small talk at beginning, show how idea worked in the past, show respect

you characterize one team member as being painstaking, conscientious, and anxious, additionally, they search out errors and emissions. What role are they playing

an action-oriented completer/finisher

to substain a collaborative environment for an interprofessional healthcare team, it is important that the norms or ground rules

are collectively constructed by team members

focuses on facts and developing new theories and models energizes this type of learner and excel in developing theoretical concepts

assimilating style

the first step in productive communication is to get the ____ of the person with whom one is trying to communicate


as a group navigate through the stages of group development the challenge for group members and leaders is finding the _____ between ____ and _______ issues and managing the conflict that these issues engender over the life span of the group

balance, task, and social-emotional

the focus of intervention a the individual level of a system is?

behavior, perceptions, and emotions


bridge building and motivation during stressful times

given equal attention to each team members contribution

broadens the perspective of the team


building long term team and organizational capabilities


characteristics of groups as they terminate

the goal of group level system intervention is

clarify the nature of individual contributions, the group's purpose, and group behaviors that will foster the accomplishment of goals

in the current healthcare climate, team goals for professionals are complex and require problem solving using multiple types of data and a convergence of multiple areas of expertise and skill sets. It is essential that goals are not only ____ but constantly ____

clear, revisited

the leader routinely demonstrate behavior of giving or withholding rewards and punishment's, this is an example of

coercive power

a felt sense of energy, rhythm, or intuitive knowing that occurs in a group of human beings and positively affects the way they interact toward a positive purpose is called?

collective resonance

learns by directive experience, discussion, and feedback form others

concrete experience

focused on getting things done to improve quality energizes this type learner and they like to engage in the practical application of theories to solve specific problems

converging style

organizational level

culture, leadership development and organizational strategy and structure, increase awareness of people in the organization the whole is bigger than the sum of parts. identify attributes, behaviors, strategies are necessary in order to reach organizational goals


decisive action in emergency situation

the 3 basic assumptions specifically identified by Bion are

dependency, fight-flight, and pairing

you would be representing the individual level of the system if you were

describing your unqie professional contribution to the team


developing collective buy in

Hershey and blachard's situational leadership theory proposes that newly formed groups do best with

directive, task oriented leader

according to the contingency theory, tasks can be clearly structured or ambiguous and understructure. the example in the textbook of a highly structured task

disinfection of equipment physical therapy equipment after patient

focuses on values and leadership that energizes this type of earner and they are imaginative, creative and like to see situations from many perspectives

diverging style

9.1 authority obedience

efficiency in operation results from ranging condiotns with humans

self awarness

emotional awareness,self confidence

social awareness

empathy, organizational awareness, service

by asking how much time a group spends together you can gain understanding of what level of system


you identify the member who has specialized knowledge, information, and skills as a leader. this is an example

expert power

group goals, like norms, are both


"I gain energy from working with others"


True or false? it is very likely that a healthcare system with a hierarchical interactive pattern will be adaptable in the face of change


in order for a group to initially form and develop, power and authority have to be evenly distributed


leaders and members frequently and often mistakenly perceive unconsiousc aspects of a group as interfering with real work


members of larger groups perceive the group to be more competitive, less cohesive and less satisfying than smaller groups


research reports that groups develop and move through stages quickly with the average group taking 2-3 weeks to achieve the highest level of development


the larger the group the easier it has coalescing around a single identity and distributing work in an adequate manner


true or false? coaching, training, mentoring, and feedback are methods of intervening at the interpersonal level of system


true or false? intervention in complex systems is most effective when problem solvers focus on the organizational level of system


true or false? the goal of community level of system intervention is finding common ground


"I make decisions based on belief"


community level

finding common ground so community can be served, building partnerships/ collaborations across communities to deliver services, strategic planning, community development, and futuring

best strategy of action oriented

focus on the facts, state best recommendation, emphasis practically of idea

group members attempt to discover acceptable behaviors according to the leader and other group members


by asking what explicit/implicit rules are for behavior in a group you can gain understanding of what level of system


by asking who the leaders and followers are in a group you gain understanding of what group life


by observing who talks to whom you can gain understanding of what system


group level

group goals/ tasks/ roles, clarify individual contributes the group's purpose/behaviors that will help group accomplish goals, education/feedback on the stages of group development/ team building, leadership, coaching behaviors that contribute to team effectiveness/ productivity

sustainable collaborative environments for interprofessional healthcare teams require a collectively constructed core of perspective (dos) and proscriptive (don'ts) _____ that encourage interaction at ____ and system levels

group norms, intrapersonal, interpersonal

Pateints, community focus, evidence-based practice, process improvement and technology enhanced communication are characterisitcs of

high functioning microsystems

benne and sheats, ___ roles tend to disrupt group progress and weaken cohesion


individual level

individuals behavior, perceptions, and emotions. increase self awareness/management, coaching, training, mentoring, and feedback

according to Douglas McGregor, theory Y contends that employees are motivated by all the following except

ingenuity and initiative

information provided by hospital staff, care recipients, suppliers and funding sources is an example of


relationship management

inspirational leadership influence developing others change catalyst conflict management building bonds teamwork and collaboration

conflict management, mediation, communication and conflict resolution training are all methods to intervene at which level of the system

interpersonal system intervention

"I gain energy from working alone"


"I integrate information from the past, present and future"


A healthcare organization is a complex, adaptive system because:

it is non-linear, open to the environment, self-organizing and evolving

" I like structure"


quad 3/ hidden area

known by individual NOT others

quad 2/ blind area

known by others NOT individual

the CEO may be assumed to be the leader based on the fact that a CEO is at the top of the organizational chart. this an example of

legitimate power

in order for a group to develop a positive atmosphere and become cohesive, it relies on some members assuming ___ role


people with highly personalized power

may have little inhibition

Asking how each member behaves in a group you can gain understanding of what level of system


a climate of psychological safety can be created when a group is characterized by

members who communicate directly, participate equally, and understand each other

To distinguish a group from a random collection of people its members must:

memebers must have common intrest, goals, regular patters of interaction, exert influence amoung memebers, and work interdependently

1.1 Impoverished Management

minimal effort to get required work done

explain what is meant by the term "social brain"

neuroscience supports notion of a social brain, a neurophysiological conduit for perceiving, processing, and mirroring the emotions/behaviors

group members accept the group and the individuality of fellow members and agree to rules


homeostatis is sysnonymous with

optimal systems functioning

patient satisfaction rates are an example of


contingency and situational theories postulate that effective leaders sue a combination of behaviors or styles that are

particular situation, personalities involved, task, organizational culture

" I like to improvise"


members are focused on getting the task done and relate to each other in ways that will accomplish the task


role assumption in groups is a consequence of both individual's ______ and the context of the complex system of group dynamics that comprise team ____ and _____

personality, behavior, and effectiveness

David McClelland found that most behavior can be organized into three social motives or needs. Which motive is associated with a person who revel in accomplishing something no one has done before

power motive


provide redirection for change initiatives

as examples og microsystems, a cardiac team and a pediatric team are differentiated from each other by?

purpose, patients, professionals, and processes

High performing microsystems are characterized by

purpose, patients, professionals, and processes and patterns that distinguish it from and link it within larger systems

power can be identified as personal or socialized. People with highly socialized power:

recognize that power must be distributed and shared

on the healthcare team, team members may make the assumption that the physician will be the leader based on the fact that a doctor is considered a high-status position. this is an example of

referent power

learns by reflecting and listening

reflecive observation

2 primary motives of contingent theory

relationship building and task completion

according to the contingency theory, there are 2 primary motivations for leaders

relationship building and task completion

interpersonal level

relationship/communication between 2 people, clarify the nature of the relationship/goals/strengthen foundations for clear communication. conflict management, mediation, communication and conflict resolution training

according the big five theory of personality, the ideal leader is described as

resilient, energetic, visionary, competitive, and dedicated to a goal

the set of behaviors that form the foundation/domain of emotional intelligence

self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management

which of the following are the components of effective learning for leaders

self-directed; experiential and transformational

"I take information from here and now"


centralized vs. decentralized

simple task vs. many task

ringleman discovered as a total number of people who pulled the rope increased, the less each individual contributed. What was this called?

social loafing

best strategy of process oriented

state facts, present in logical manner, include opinions with pros and cons, do not rush a person

group members act emotionally to task demands and exhibit resistance to suggested actions


blake and mouton's leadership[grid describe the leadership/management style based on the level of concern

task completion or relationship building

benne and sheats classified the functional roles of group members as

task, social, emotional matience, and individual

according to blake and mouton, which of the following describes the leadership/management style of a leader who exhibits a high level of concern for people and a high level of concern for production

team management

Hershey and Blanchard's Situational Theory proposes that the best leaders are able to shift their focus

the developmental needs of the group

Hershey and blachard's situational leadership theory proposes that the leaders are able to shift their focus over time from task to relationship based on

the developmental needs of the group

which of the following would be classified as a team?

the eleven pm to seven am shift in an emergency room

as a group, personality and trait theories hypothesizes that

there are constellation of traits that are indicative of a leadership personality

"I make decisions based on logic"


Belbin 9 roles were categorized into 3

thought oriented, action oriented, people oriented

1.9 country club

thoughtful attention to needs of people satisfying relationships, comfortable, friendly organization

Which of the following would be classifed as a group?

three university students designing a research project

treatment provided by the rehabilitation team is an example of


All groups demonstrate consistent patterns of member, leader and group behaviors as they relate to the acquisition of roles, the assumption of and response to authority, norm development and communication patterns


according to Wilfred Bion the basic assumption group describes the unconscious aspects of a group


according to the contingency theory, leader member relations refers to the way the leader feels about team members


according to tuckamn, a group moves from one stage to the next by successfully accomplishing the task and social/emotional group structure function at each stage


commercially available health record systems are universal, meet the needs of all health care systems and facilitate team development


in order for a group to mature, power and authority have to be distributed evenly over time


leaders who exhibit highly personalized power often cause disorder and the breakdown of team morale and direction


leadership can be defined as the exercise of power and influence with others


leadership is developmental process that can be viewed as a lifelong journey that incorporates the cognitive(what you learn) and metacognitive (how you learn) aspects of learning


personal and social skills, the bases for emotional intelligence, are essential for effective team leadership


positional power is related tot he assigned power that a leader has over the group, such as physician and a group of medical students


recent healthcare reforms have linked reimbursement to patient outcomes such as length of stay, readmission rates and patient satisfaction rather than the number of procedure and services provided


relational theroies conceptualize leadership as a set of learnable attitudes, behaviors, and skills geared toward relationship building


the blind area in the Johari window can be reduced by asking for and providing feedback


the process of self-disclosure reduces the hidden area and expands the open/free area of the Johari window


the ultimate goal for team members is to increase the size of the open/free area and decrease the size of the other areas in the Johari window through positive communication


true or false? a rehabilitation team is an example of a microsystem within a complex system


true or false? analysis of the purpose of your team and how that purpose fits within the overall context of the health system and community represents the group, organization and community levels of system


true or false? intervention in complex systems is most effective when problem solvers consider goals in the light of their effect on the whole system


while stages of group development are identified by the issues that predominate, there is always a percentage of group energy that is expended on dependency, conflict, trust, and work regardless of the stage


A group is defined as

two or more people who have something in common

quad 4/ unknown area

unknown by both individuals/others

VUCA is an acronym that has been applied to complex world of healthcare. It means

volatile, unpredictable, complex, and ambiguous

quad 1/ open and free area

what is know by individual/ others

9.9 Team Management

work with committed people/ trust and respect

Bion maintained that groups have a conscious and unconscious life. He named the conscious group _____ group and the unconscious group the ____ group

work, basic assumption

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