MGMT Process Theory Ch. 13

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_________________: Process of sharing power with employees, thereby enhancing their:  Confidence in their ability to perform their jobs  Belief that they are influential contributors to organization


______ theory: People assess (subjectively) how fairly they have been treated according to 2 key factors: Outcomes: Recognition, pay, benefits, satisfaction, security, job assignment, punishment  Inputs: Effort, time, talent, performance, extra commitment, good citizenship


_____________: Value an outcome holds for person contemplating it (positive or negative)


Expectancy theory proposes that people will behave based on:  Their perceived likelihood that their effort will lead to a __________________, and how highly they ________ that outcome

certain outcome, value

[(+) Outcomes for Receiver] Positive reinforcement: Applying _________________ that increase likelihood that a person will __________ behavior that led to it (e.g. compliments, raises)

consequences, repeat

(Hackman & Oldham Model of Job Design) Growth Need Strength determines how effective job enrichment will be:  Degree to which individuals want personal + psychological ________________  Job enrichment more successful for people with ____ growth need strength

development, high

Job Satisfaction: People satisfied if feel _______________ from outcomes received and procedures used

fairly treated

All three (i.e. expectancy, instrumentality, valence) must be ________ to create motivation


No motivation if: _____ valence, ______ instrumentality, ______ expectancy  Knows can do the job, wants outcomes, believes outcomes will not come despite good performance

high, low, high

No motivation if: ____ valence, ______ instrumentality, ______ expectancy  Knows can do the job, believes outcomes will come with good performance, but doesn't want those outcomes

low, high, high

(Hackman & Oldham Model of Job Design) Desired Personal/Work Outcomes occur when people experience 3 Critical Psychological States:  Believe doing something ___________ because work important to others  Feel personally ___________ for how work turns out  Learn how well ____________ in job (i.e. actual results of work activities)

meaningful, responsible, performed

(Hackman & Oldham Model of Job Design) Well-designed jobs lead to desired Personal/Work Outcomes:  High internal work ____________  High quality work ______________  High ____________ with work  Low absenteeism/turnover

motivation, performance,satisfaction

(Mis)Managing Rewards & Punishments: May _______ wrong behaviors (e.g. admiration/positive performance evaluations for multitasking)


Effective use of reinforcement:  Decide which behaviors to __________  Use _____________________ rewards (e.g. intellectual challenges, greater responsibility, recognition)

reinforce, creative/nonmonetary

Job _________: Routine tasks, changing from one task to another to alleviate boredom


Whether Psychological Contracts are seen as being upheld or violated influences ________________


No motivation if: _____ valence, _____ instrumentality, ____expectancy  Wants outcomes, believes outcomes will come with good performance, believes can't perform well enough to achieve positive outcomes (i.e. effort won't result in performance)

High, high, low

Important content (motivation) theories:

Maslow's Need Hierarchy, Alderfer's ERG Theory, McClelland's Needs

________________: Positive consequences that motivate behavior


___________________________: Set of perceptions of:  What employees owe their employers  What employers owe their employees

Psychological Contracts

McClelland's Needs: 3 needs guide people, predominant one varies  Need for ________________(Strong orientation toward accomplishment, obsession with success/goal attainment)  Need for ______________ (Reflects strong desire to be liked by other people, less concerned with good performance)  Need for ______ (Desire to influence/control other people, can be:  __________ force (Personalized Power) - aggressive manipulation/exploitation of others, pursue own goals  ____________ motive (Socialized Power) - constructive improvement of organizations/society)

Achievement , Affiliation , Power, Negative , Positive

Alderfer's ERG Theory: Human needs theory postulating that people have 3 sets of needs operating simultaneously  ____________ needs (All material + physiological desires)  _________________ needs (Relationships with other people, satisfied through process of mutually sharing thoughts/feelings)  ___________ needs (Motivate people to productively/creatively change themselves/environment, satisfied by utilizing personal capacity, developing new capacities)

Existence, Relatedness, Growth

______________ theory: Considers cognitive processes in people's heads  Person's work efforts lead to some level of performance, then performance results in some outcomes for person


________________: Employees' perception of likelihood that their efforts will enable them to attain their performance goals (0%-100%; varies among people)  i.e. believe in abilities


_____________: Withdrawing/failing to provide a reinforcing consequence.  Behavior is extinguished  May be unintentional  Can be used to end undesirable behavior


_______ reward: Reward given to a person by boss, company, some other person


____________ theory: Motivation theory stating that people have conscious goals that energize them, direct their thoughts/behaviors toward a particular end


___________ factors: Characteristics of workplace (e.g. company policies, working conditions, pay, supervision, that can make people dissatisfied if poorly managed)  If well managed, will remove dissatisfaction, but will not satisfy, motivate


Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory:

Hygiene factors, Motivators

___________________: Perceived likelihood that performance will be followed by a particular outcome (0%-100%)  i.e. see link between performance and outcome


________ reward: Reward worker derives directly from performing job itself (e.g. interesting project, perfect solution). Essential to motivation underlying creativity.


__________________________ leads to:  Higher turnover, absenteeism  More grievance, lawsuits, strikes, stealing, sabotage  Poorer mental/physical health, customer service  Lower productivity, profits

Job Dissatisfaction

Managers must motivate people to:  _____organization  _______ in organization  Come to work ________  ________(quantity/quality)  Exhibit good ________ (above/beyond)

Join, Remain, regularly, Perform, citizenship

________________ (formulated in 1911 by psychologist Edward Thorndike): Behavior that is followed by positive consequences will likely be repeated

Law of effect

Maslow's Need Hierarchy: Conception of human needs that organizes needs into hierarchy of 5 major types:  ________________ needs must be satisfied first  Once satisfied, no longer __________

Lower-level, motivator

_____________: Forces that energize, direct, sustain a person's efforts. All behavior is motivated.


______________: Factors that make job more motivating (e.g. additional job responsibilities, opportunities for personal growth/recognition, feelings of achievement)


Maslow's Need Hierarchy:  _______________(Food, water, sex, shelter)  ___________________ (Protection against threat, deprivation)  _____ (Friendship, affection, belonging, love)  ___ (Independence, achievement, freedom, status, recognition, self esteem)  _____________________ (Realizing one's full potential, becoming everything one is capable of being)

Physiological, Safety/Security, Social, Ego, Self-actualization

_____________________: Using fair process in decision making, + making sure others know that process was as fair as possible

Procedural Justice

(Hackman & Oldham Model of Job Design) Critical Psychological States occur when work on enriched jobs with 5 Core Job Dimensions:  ______ variety (Different job activities involving several skills/talent)  _____ identity (Completion of a whole, identifiable piece of work)  Task _______________ (Important, positive impact on lives of others)  _____________ (Independence/discretion in making decisions)  __________ (Information about work outcome)

Skill, Task, significance, Autonomy, Feedback

_________ goals: Can generate shift away from mediocrity, toward tremendous achievement


__________ goals: Particularly demanding targets, sometimes even thought to be impossible  ________ - aligned with current activities (e.g. productivity, financial results)  ____________ - people's professional development (e.g. attempting/learning new, difficult things)

Stretch, Vertical, Horizontal

Punishment: Administering an ______ consequence (e.g. criticizing, no pay)


Job ________________: Giving people additional tasks at same time to alleviate boredom


Job _______________: Restructuring/redesigning task to make it inherently more rewarding, motivating, satisfying (e.g. more tasks, higher-level tasks)


(Managerial Implications of Expectancy Theory) Increase _____________:  Environment to facilitate, attainable goals, training, support, resources, encouragement


Punish mistakes:  Unless not employee's fault/made good faith effort  Don't over-use/use ____________ to create fear  Discuss own failures/learnings


W/ equity theory Expect outcomes to reflect (be proportional to) _____; fair/satisfied if ratio equivalent to comparison person


(Managerial Implications of Expectancy Theory) Make _______________instrumental toward positive outcomes:  Ensure good performance followed by personal recognition, praise, favorable performance reviews, pay increases, few negative results


Goal-setting theory: Works when people have control over ________________ (e.g. quality, quantity, behaviors (teamwork, cooperation))


Empowerment: Changes beliefs from powerless to _________________________ which leads to taking more initiative, persevering in achieving goals + leader's vision

personal effectiveness

People more likely to support decisions when they perceive ______________________ - even if they believe the outcome was unfair

procedural fairness

Negative reinforcement: Removing/withholding _______________ consequence including threat of punishment (e.g. take employee off probation for better performance)


(Managerial Implications of Expectancy Theory) Identify positively _____ outcomes: Understand what people want to get out of work, what job provides/could provide, how people's valences differ


Organizational Behavior Modification: Attempts to influence people's behavior + improve performance by systematically managing _____________________ & ____________________

work conditions, consequences

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