A&P II - Exam #2

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What do platelets stick to during platelet plug formation?

Exposed collagen

Damage to tissue (non-vessel) stimulates the activation of the ___ blood clotting pathway


T/F - Closing calcium channels occurs during the plateau phase


The velocity of blood flow inside a blood vessel is slower/faster in the center of the blood vessel?


These capillaries have wide intercellular pores that serve as a basement membrane over the capillary endothelium for increased filtration.


The final protein that forms a blood clot by becoming insoluble and precipitating out is...


Blood does not enter or leave the ventricles during the period called what?

Isovolumetric contraction

Blood in the pulmonary veins returns to what?

Left Atrium

Stimulation of the heart via the sympathetic nerves would do what to the contraction force?


Randolph suffers from severe hepatitis (inflamed liver). His skin appeared to be jaundice. The color change was due to...

Increased bilirubin in his circulatory system

During exercise, all of the following occur EXCEPT

Increased vasoconstriction of coronary arteries

According to the Frank-Starling law of the heart, as contraction strength increases the stroke volume ...


During isovolumetric contraction ventricular pressure is...


A thrombus in the 2nd branch (not including coronary arteries) off of the aortic arch would affect the flow of blood to the... -Lungs -Myocardium of the heart -Right side of the head and neck -Left upper extremity

None of these

An increased amount of heparin in the blood might...

Slow down the clotting process

Which of the following has the most important effect on blood velocity?

Vessel Radius

Varicose veins can be caused by what?

-Compression of the abdominal veins by a fetus during compression -Stretched venous valves -Excessive venous congestion

What would increase the velocity of blood flow?

-Decreased Viscosity -Increased BP -Increased Vessel Radius

An obstruction in the inferior vena cava would hamper the return of blood from what?

Abdomen, pelvis, & lower extremities

Arterial blood pressure is influenced by: -Vasoconstriction -Cardiac Rate -Cardiac Output

All are correct

John has blood type AB. In an emergency he could receive which of the following blood types? -A only -B only -AB

All of these

The hepatic portal system: -Begins and ends with capillary beds -Transports nutrients from the digestive tract to the liver -Allows the liver to detoxify substances entering the body through the digestive tract -Has no pumping mechanism between the capillary beds

All of these

Which of the following is TRUE about atrial fibrillation? -Ectopic foci may exist -Causes inefficient atrial contraction -Can result in blood clots

All of these

Which of the following is/are a method of carbon dioxide transport in the blood? -Combined with hemoglobin -Dissolved in plasma -As bicarbonate ions in the plasma

All of these

A person with type A blood has what antigen?

Antigen A

The valve encountered/passed by blood leaving the left ventricle is the...

Aortic Semilunar Valve

Ventricular contraction begins at the...

Apex of the heart

The P wave of an ECG represents what?

Artial Depolarization

The action potentials are slowed at the Av node to allow what?

Atria to complete their contraction

Which of the following chemical substances, when released into the blood, would cause blood pressure to decrease?

Atrial natriuretic hormone

In adults, red blood cells are made in one place, spend most of their lifespan in another, and most are finally destroyed in yet another place. Which choice lists these locations in the correct chronological order?

Bone marrow; blood vessels; spleen

The cardiac control center of the ___ coordinates the autonomic innervation of the heart.

Brain stem

The product of the stroke volume times the heart rate is known as what?

Cardiac Output

A serious condition in which a large amount of fluid accumulation in the pericardial cavity and puts pressure on the heart is called?

Cardiac Tamponade

What connects the flaps of the AV valves to the papillary muscles?

Chordae Tendinae

Fibrinolysis is responsible for what?

Clot dissolution

According to Poiseuille's law, if resistance increases, flow ____.


The last Korotkoff sound occurs when the blood pressure is equal to what?

Diastolic Pressure

During exercise, arterioles to the skeletal muscles ____.

Dilate in response to increased muscle metabolites

When is the tricuspid valve is closed?

During ejection

A blood clot freed from blood vessel wall and subsequently wedged in a smaller vessel is called what?


All blood vessels are lined with what?

Endothelial Cells

Stimulates the production of RBCs in bone marrow; secreted by the kidneys in response to cellular hypoxia


A depression in the interatrial septum of an infant is called?

Fossa Ovalis

Each hemoglobin molecule

Has 2 Fe Atoms

When defective erythrocytes are broken, bilirubin is formed from the breakdown of what?

Heme groups

Which of the following cell types is incorrectly matched with its description?

Lymphocytes become macrophages

Chemoreceptors sensitive to blood carbon dioxide levels are primarily located in the...

Medulla Oblongata

The greater the compliance the...

More easily the vessel wall stretches

Basophils of the blood are derived from a population of stem cells callled?


Which of the following layers forms the bulk of the heart wall?


Which type of material is NOT transported by the blood?


What controls the blood flow through capillary beds?

Precapillary sphincters

Blood is moved through the vascular system by what?

Pressure gradients created by the heart

Contraction of the papillary muscles would...

Prevent the AV valves from protruding into the atria

What is/are responsible for conduction action potentials throughout the entire ventricular myocardium?

Purkinje Fibers

The ___ is/are the 1st part (in the sequence) of the electrical conducting system of the heart

SA node

Migraine headaches have been linked with which of the following?

Septal Defect

The amount of blood ejected by the ventricle per beat is termed what?

Stroke Volume

The delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues of the body is accomplished through ___ circulation


Contraction of the ventricles is referred to as ventricular


A nurse takes your blood pressure and tells you the numbers are 110/70. What are your blood pressures?

Systolic: 110mmHg Diastolic: 70mmHg Pulse Pressure: 40mmHg MAP: 90

Increased vagal stimulation would cause what?

The heart rate to decrease

Plasma is ____ while formed elements are ____.

The liquid portion of the blood; the cells

Erythroblastosis fetalis (hemolytic disease of the newborn) may occur when...

The mother has Rh- blood and the fetus has Rh+

The period of isovolumetric contraction is immediately followed by what

The period of ejection

When the blood pressure of a vessel drops below the critical closing pressure for that vessel, what happens?

The vessel collapses

T/F - Hemoglobin is made of multiple globin molecules


T/F - Hemoglobin is normally only found in erythrocytes


T/F - Hemoglobin transports oxygen in the blood


T/F - Sodium ions leak into cells of the SA node eventually reaching threshold


T/F - The first heart sound occurs at the beginning of ventricular systole


T/F - Voltage gated Ca channels open causing depolarization of SA node cells


T/F- Open voltage gated K channels are important in helping cells repolarize


Within the blood vessels, valves are found in the what?


The QRS complex of an ECG represents what?

Ventricular Depolarization

The T wave of an ECG represents what?

Ventricular Repolarization

What is taken up by capillaries at their venous end?

Waste products

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