Abbreviations and writing numbers

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Abbreviation of Circle


An example of academic title that follows a name

M.D./ Ph.D. /M.A. /B.A.

abbreviation of Missouri


When a number begins a sentence, what do you do?

Spell it out despite how long it is

Examples of writing put numerals

15 Summit Road/Apartment 6E/ 40 percent/ July 23, 1832

How do you write numbers with million, billion etc.?

25 million/ 16 billion / 1 trillion

Example of relating numerals in the same sentence

390 miles/ 20 miles

Example of numbers in numerals

392 miles

Anni Domini, in the year of the lord


Before noon, ante meridiem


Example of day and months abbreviated


Before Christ


Abbreviation of Boulevard


Abbreviation for celcius


When do you use numerals to express?

Express dates, houses and street numbers, apartment and room numbers, telephone numbers, page numbers, amounts of money of more than two words, and percentages(write out word percent)

Example of ordinal numbers

First, second

When do you abbreviate units of measure?

In scientific writing; periods with English units and no periods with metric units

Examples of abbreviations of places or organizations

NHS/U.S./Washington D.C./NASA/IRS/FBI

When do you use numerals

Numbers more than two words

When do you abbreviate street, avenue, road, circle, boulevard, court, drive and circle?

On envelopes and spell them out anywhere else

When do you abbreviate states?

On envelopes, use the U.S. Postal Service and spell them out anywhere else

When do you abbreviate days and months?

Only in charts and lists

Spell out what kind of numbers?


After noon, post meridiem


Abbreviation for sergeant


Example of number beginning a sentence

Three thousand one hundred

Example of spelling out number


What do you do if related numbers appear in the same sentence?

Use all numerals

When do you use all numerals to express the time?

Words to express time of day unless you are writing the exact time or using the abbreviation A.M. or P.M.

What kinds of numbers do you spell out

You can write in one or two words

Example of units of measure abbreviated

in.-inches/ liter(s)- l/pounds-lb.

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