ABE139 GH1-3 & G1.1

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It is the most effective managerial style


Widely used as a technique of managerial training and identifying various leadership styles


5 Principles of Scientific Management

1) Replacement of old rule of thump method 2) Scientific selection and training 3) Labor-Management co-operation (mental revolution) 4) Maximum output 5) Equal division of responsibility

Techniques of Scientific Management

1) Scientific task setting-fair day's work 2) Work study-method, time, fatigue and motion study 3) Planning the task 4) Standardization 5) Scientific selection and training 6) Differential piece-wage plan 7) Specialization

Henri Fayol's 14 Principles of Management

1. Division of Work 2. Authority and Responsibility 3. Discipline 4. Unity of Command 5. Unity of Direction 6. Alignment of Interest 7. Renumeration of Employees 8. Centralization 9. Social Chain 10. Order 11. Equity 12. Stability of Personnel 13. Initiative 14. Team Spirit (Espirit de corps)

The 4 overriding principles of scientific management.

1. Each part of an individual's work is analyzed 'scientifically' 2. The most suitable person to undertake the job is chosen, again 'scientifically'. 3. Managers must cooperate with workers to ensure the job is done in the scientific way. 4. There is a clear 'division' of work and responsibility between management and workers.

Three Evolution of Management Theory

1. The Classical Theory of Management 2. The Neo-Classical Theory 3. The Modern Management Theories

Max Weber's Six Principles of Bureaucracy

1.Task Specialization 2.Formal Selection 3.Impersonal (Impersonality And Personal Indifference) 4.Hierarchical Layers Of Authority 5.Rules And Regulations 6.Career Orientation

When was the principles of scientific management published?


The two theorist where the framework of grid was based

Abraham Maslow and Douglas McGregor

Balance Sheet belongs to what administrative activity?


Costing belongs to what administrative activity?


Statistics belongs to what administrative activity?


Stock taking belongs to what administrative activity?


The manager retains as much power and decision making authority as possible

Autocratic Leadership style

Under the Neo-Classical Theory have an approach that have an application of psychology, sociology & anthropology to the study of human relationship.

Behavioral Science Approach

Rational organization that is the best way to set up an organization.


organizational structure that is characterized by many rules, standardized processes, procedures and requirements, number of desks, the meticulous division of labor and responsibility, clear hierarchies and professional, almost impersonal interactions between employees.


Manages by the book

Bureaucratic Leadership style

all members of the organization are treated equally and division of labor is clearly defined.

Bureaucratic Management

Endorses Alteration

Change Leadership

Main contributors of System Approach in The Modern Management Theories

Church man, Kenneth, Boulding & Rosen Zweig

Purchasing belongs to what administrative activity?

Commercial Activities

Selling and Exchange belongs to what administrative activity?

Commercial Activities

Heart center of every company


Provided monetary terms


Two critical elements of human resource of management

Compensation and Benefits

It considers the needs of team members, their interest, and areas of development

Concern for People

Which a leader emphasizes concrete objectives, organizanal efficiency, and high productivity

Concern for Production

Empowers staff to facilitate collaborative and synergism

Corrective Leadership

Ability to uniquely inspire people

Creative Leadership

According to him, "Selection is the process in which candidates by employment are divided into two classes those who are to be offered employment and those who are not."

Dale Yoder

Also known as participative Style

Democratic Leadership style

Enables the employees to make sure that employees are getting paid without any biasedness

Direct Compensation

Two types of compensation

Direct and Indirect Compensation

Founder of Human Relations

Elton Mayo

True or False: Style (9,9) improves productivity and increase turnover rate at the same time


Modified True or False: All organizations are closed system.

False: All organizations are open system.

Modified True or False: Weberian model of bureaucracy will be governed by people with high social standing and not by top-quality people with high competency and skills.

False: Weberian model of bureaucracy will be governed by top-quality people with high competency and skills and not by people with high social standing.

Optimum use of capital belongs to what administrative activity?

Financial Activity

Resources which includes funding, sources of income, and investment

Financial resources

They are focused on worker welfare and motivation.

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth

Father of Scientific Management

Frederick Winslow Taylor

It identifies key tasks, assigns an estimated time to complete the task, and determines a starting date for each element of a task.

Gantt Chart

is a tool that provides a visual (graphic) representation of what occurs over the course of a project. The focus of the chart is the sequential performance of tasks that make up a project.

Gantt chart

Two key contributions of Henry Gantt to classical management theory:

Gantt chart and the task and bonus plan.

Father of modern management

Henri Fayol

He introduced the pyramid form of organization.

Henri Fayol

He is probably best known for two keys contributions to classical management theory.

Henry Gantt

Under the Neo-Classical Theory that explains happy & satisfied employees trying to increase production.

Human Relations

Indirectly motivates The employees

Indirect Compensation

is a type of economic system in which industry is controlled by private organizations and the main objective is to earn profit.

Industrial Capitalism

Plays a crucial role by being the most vital component of the entire selection system of a candidate and compensation

Job Description

is a process of planning, decision making, organizing, leading, motivation and controlling the human resources, financial, physical, and information resources of an organization to reach its goals efficiently and effectively.


Controlling belongs to what administrative activity?


Coordinating belongs to what administrative activity?


Organizing belongs to what administrative activity?


Planning belongs to what administrative activity?


Main Contributors of Behavioral Science Approach

Maslow F.Herz berg D.Mc Gregor

He is a German sociologist and the author of The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.

Max Weber

Performance Appraisal is also called as

Merit Rating

Part of the external origin which is helpful in achieving objectives.


Allows the companies to standardized the overall compensation strategy

Pay Structures

Is one of the oldest and most accepted universal principles of management.

Performance Appraisal

Is the judgment of an employee's performance in a job.

Performance Appraisal

refers to all the formal procedures used in working organizations to evaluate the personalities, contributions and potentials of group members.

Performance Appraisal

A plan/system preferred by workers who were willing to work harder for additional wages.

Progressive rate system

The only basis for hiring and promotion of workers in Max Weber's bureaucracy

Qualifications and competence

The use of written documentation for each part of a worker's job, inherent in scientific management, is strikingly prescient of the procedural documentation in use in the ISO 9000 series of quality standards.

Quality standards

It is an approach which tells us that management is concerned with problem solving and it must make use of mathematical tools and techniques for the purpose.

Quantitative Approach

It is an approach which tells us that management problems can be described in mathematical models.

Quantitative Approach

It is an approach which tells us that the different factors involved in management can be quantified and expressed in the form of equations which can be solved with the help of mathematical tools.

Quantitative Approach

it is to be most effective in stimulating men to do their best work, must come soon after the work has been done.


Provides a tool to explore the internal and external factors that may influence work.

SWOT Analysis

Protection of property and personnel belongs to what administrative activity?


The process of choosing the most suitable person for the current position or for future position from within the organization or from outside the organization.


The taking up the different workers by various acts from the application forms invited through different sources of internal and externals.


Is one of the most critical steps in the entire process of managing.

Selection of Managers

May be defined as the process of hiring and developing the required personnel to fill in the various positions in the organization


Describes what an organization excels and what separates it from the competition such strong band, unique technology, etc.


Part of the internal origin which is helpful in achieving objectives.


A form of incentive for employees to make suggestions if they felt an improvement could be made to either the method or the implement used to undertake a task.

Suggestion schemes

The related terminal elements together created in the Gantt Chart is called

Summary Elements

It is an approach Related to organization system is defined as - "An established arrangement of components which leads to accomplish of particular objectives as per plan"

System Approach

It modified Taylor's "a fair day's pay for a fair day's work" premise.

Task and Bonus plan

Main contributors of Quantitative Approach in The Modern Management Theories

Taylor Gilbreths Gantt Newman & Joel Dean.

A system of industrial management.


Manufacturing belongs to what administrative activity?

Technical Activities

Which Administrative Management Activity does production belong?

Technical Activities

Type of leader that allows staff to establish goals

The Democractic Leader

Their research, along with Taylor's, provided many important principles later incorporated into quality assurance and quality control programs begun in the 1920s and 1930s. Eventually, their work led to the _________ and _________.

The science of ergonomics and industrial psychology.

Includes the use of commercial and private employment agencies, state agencies, placement offices of the colleges and universities, and professional association recruiting firm

Third Party (Recruitment) Methods

Part of the external origin which is harmful in achieving objectives.


Emphasizes getting things done within the umbrella of the status quo

Transactional leadership style

Creates and sustains a context that maximizes human and organizational capabilities

Transformational Leadership

Modified True or False: Management must develop social skills in addition to technical skill.


Modified True or False: Organization is basically a social system and not just techno economical system.


Part of the internal origin which is harmful in achieving objectives.


Stop an organization from performing at its level of optimum.


Selection of workers is regarded as a

policy matter

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