Abeka 4th Grade History - Chapter 11

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Where was George Washington's home?

Mount Vernon

Where was the first capital of our country?

New York

What court is the highest court in the land?

Supreme Court

What city was named in honor of George Washington?

Washington, D.C.

Where is our current capital of The United States of America?

Washington, D.C.

What is a republic government?

a government ran by representatives of the people

What does the Supreme Court do?

it judges whether the Constitution is being obeyed

What happened during the Constitution Convention?

the Constitution of the United States was written

Which house of Congress has two representatives made up from each state no matter how big or small the state is?

the Senate

What is the Constitution of the United States?

the plan for the new government

What power did the Articles of Confederation lack?

the power to tax for the government

Who makes sure the laws are obey in our country?

the president

What did each state give up when they signed the Constitution?

they gave up the right to self govern themselves

What document was written as the first plan of government that the states agreed upon after the War of Independence?

Articles of Confederation

Why did George Washington never live in the White House in Washington, D.C.?

Because the area of Washington, D.C . and the White House had not been built yet.

Who said, "A republic, if you can keep it."

Benjamin Franklin

What is the name of the list of rights or freedoms added to the constitution?

Bill of Rights

Who makes our country's most important laws?


What meeting was held in Philadelphia at Independence Hall?

Constitution Convention

Who was the first president of The United States of America?

George Washinton

Which house of Congress has representatives made up for the number of people based on the population in each state?

House of Representatives

What two houses make up Congress?

House of Representatives and Senate

What is the day called when a president is sworn into office by oath?

Inauguration Day

Who was the most important hard worker at the Constitutional Convention?

James Madison

Who was our second president of The United States of America?

John Adams

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