abnormal psych ch. 4

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Bradycardia can result from vasovagal syncope, or a fear of needles, blood, or physical injury. What is bradycardia?

A slower than normal heart rate

Which of the following therapies is an example of cognitive-behavioral treatment?

A therapist asks a person afraid of crowds to go to a theater and reflect on any negative thoughts that occur. Then, the person is asked to generate some alternative positive thoughts to counteract the negative thoughts.

Behavioral inhibition is identifiable in children by age

4 months

anxiety disorders

group of disorders characterized by heightened physical arousal, cognitive/subjective distress, and behavioral avoidance of feared objects/situations/events

Laura was on a family vacation in Bermuda when a hurricane struck the island. They evacuated their beachfront hotel room and moved to the inner corridor on the fifth floor. They stayed there for two days in the dark as the storm ravaged the island. It took several days for them to book a flight out after the weather had cleared. When the family decided to travel to the Dominican Republic several months later, Laura refused to go, fearing that a hurricane would strike. Laura may have a _______, which makes her more vulnerable for developing a disorder

high degree of anxiety-proneness

The __________ is responsible for recognizing threatening situations and coordinating appropriate responses.


Donna, a 15-year old, is most likely to experience distress

initiating/maintaining conversations

specific phobia

marked fear or anxiety about a specific object or situation that leads to significant disruption in daily functions

Janie lives in Kansas and refused to purchase a house without a basement when she moved there from Illinois. . Every night, she sleeps with a weather radio beside her bed as well as jeans folded over her tennis shoes in case the warning sirens go off. Janie is most likely exhibiting ___________ phobia.

natural environment

Which of the following panic disorders is the most common?

panic disorder without agoraphobia

When she is 13 years old, Karen is most likely to be afraid of which of the following items?

personal injury

If Jared is suffering from GAD, which of the following treatments might be tried first?

relaxation training

Which of the following is a common obsession?

repetitive counting

Which of the following would be characteristic of trichotillomania?

repetitive hair pulling


repetitive hair pulling that results in noticeable hair loss

What type of disorder was football star Ricky Williams suffering from when he would give interviews with his helmet on or shy away from fans, causing many to describe him as aloof or weird?

social anxiety disorder

While hiking in the forest, Paul came upon a bear hunting along the river. Paul knows the best thing to do is to remain quiet and back away very slowly, but his body is suddenly primed to run away at full speed. The _________ system is activated when Paul first encounters the bear.

sympathetic nervous

When heart rate is monitored during tests, ________,despite the fact that girls report more fears than boys The latter reflects the influence of ___________

test-anxious boys and girls show equal increases; social acceptability

When heart rate is monitored during tests, ________,despite the fact that girls report more fears than boys The latter reflects the influence of ___________.

test-anxious boys and girls show equal increases; social acceptability


the apprehensive (negative) expectations or outcomes about the future of the past that are considered t be unreasonable in light of the actual situation


the crucial ingredient in behavior therapy in which a person learns to overcome fears by actual or imagined contact with the feared object or event

PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)

the emotional distress that occurs after an event involving actual or threatened death, serious injury, or a threat to physical integrity and that leads to avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma, feelings of emotional numbness, and persistent symptoms of increased sympathetic nervous system arousal

generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

the excessive worry about future events, past transgressions, financial status, and the health of oneself and loved ones

In investigating potential racial/ethnic differences for the incidence of PTSD following Hurricane Hugo in 1989, researchers found

the incidence of PTSD was the same for African American and non-African American children, when demographic and proximity factors were controlled

sympathetic nervous system

the part of the autonomic nervous system that activated the body for the fight-or-flight response

parasympathetic nervous system

the part of the autonomic nervous system that counteracts the effects of system activation by slowing down heart rate and respiration, returning the body to a resting state


the percentage of variance in liability to the disorder accounted for by genetic factors

separation anxiety disorder

the severe and unreasonable fear of separation from a parent or a caregiver

Which of the following statements correctly defines the term anxiety?

Anxiety is a common emotion characterized by physical symptoms and thoughts or worries that something bad will happen.

Which of the following symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is known as numbing?

As Connor watches the 4th of July celebration, he does not feel joy, sadness or even surprise

Based upon 30 years of study, compelling empirical evidence indicates that the most efficacious treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder is ________ therapy.

BT and CBT

Which of the following scenarios correctly describes an expected panic attack?

Barb is afraid of heights. She is interviewing for a new position, and the company's offices are on the 64th floor with large, panoramic windows. When the time comes for her to step out of the elevator on to the 64th floor, she has a panic attack.

In ________, gamma knife surgery makes precise lesions in the brain tissue without the need for opening the skull.


Which of the following statements about social anxiety disorder is FALSE?

Children with social anxiety disorder show anxiety only when interacting with unfamiliar adults

Which of the following individuals is most likely to recover first, given proper treatment?

Taryn, a 27-year old diagnosed with major depression

Which of the following symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is known as re-experiencing?

During a 4th of July celebration, Connor suddenly feels as if he is back in Baghdad on the night enemy RPGs hit his army tank convoy.

Which of the following statement about neuroanatomy and anxiety disorders is TRUE?

Gamma aminobutryic acid (GABA) inhibits postsynaptic activity, and reducing this activity inhibits anxious emotion.

Research focusing on a substance called corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF) reveals which of the following in relation to the development of anxiety disorders?

Heightened and persistent CRF activity in the hypothalamus and the amygdala suggest that early life experiences such as loss, separation, or abuse may change brain activity, making that person more vulnerable to developing emotional disorders.

________ is/are characteristic(s) of emotions such as anxiety and fear

Heightened physical arousal, cognitive/subjective distress, and behavioral avoidance

Which of the following statements about interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) is FALSE?

IPT is currently recommended as the primary treatment for anxiety disorders

Which of the following details an information transfer theory of fear acquisition?

Justin learned to be afraid of tornadoes because his father told him they could destroy buildings and hurt people

Which of the following details a conditioning theory of fear acquisition?

Justin most likely developed his fear of tornadoes by watching his mother prepare for severe weather by checking the emergency kit, frequently searching the sky, and heading to the basement during severe thunderstorms even though the rest of the family remained upstairs.

Which of the following individuals most likely has a specific phobia?

Mike, the passenger who was supposed to be in seat 14C, but could not board the plane because he was worried that it was not fit to fly

which of the following individuals most likely has a specific phobia?

Mike, the passenger who was supposed to be in seat 14C, but could not board the plane because he was worried that it was not fit to fly

All of the following statements about separation anxiety disorder are true EXCEPT

One study showed a clear relation between separation anxiety disorder and the development of panic disorder in adolescents.

______________ are least likely to experience worry, a fact that reflects __________________

Preadolescent children; cognitive immaturity

______________ are least likely to experience worry, a fact that reflects __________________.

Preadolescent children; cognitive immaturity

A patient with panic disorder without agoraphobia is most likely to be treated with


_________ treatment for anxiety disorders uses free association and dream interpretation.


Which of the following scenarios correctly describes an unexpected panic attack?

While heading to work, Barb suddenly begins to feel faint and overheated while her respirations and heart rate increase. She thinks she is having a stroke and heads to the hospital, but the doctors there conclude she experienced a panic attack

Which of the following conclusions can be made about the etiology of anxiety disorders?

Regarding biochemical theories, strong evidence suggests serotonin plays a role in regulating emotion

Which of the following is a concern about the use of SSRIs?

SSRIs may increase the risk of suicidal thoughts

_______ is associated with more severe anxiety, an earlier age of onset, and a more frequent history of childhood shyness.

Social anxiety disorder

Which of the following statements about OCD is TRUE?

Some data suggest a lower prevalence among African Americans than white Americans

Which of the following statements about PTSD among children in the United States is TRUE?

The prevalence of PTSD is unknown because there are no controlled community investigations


a common emotion characterized by physical symptoms, future-oriented thoughts, and escaped or avoidance behaviors

vasovagal syncope

a common physiological response consisting of slow heart and low blood pressure that sometimes occurs in people with blood/illness/injury phobias

OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder)

a condition involving obsessions (intrusive thoughts), often combined with compulsions (repetitive behavior) that can be extensive, time consuming, and distressful

panic attack

a discrete period of intense fear or discomfort and a cascade of physical symptoms

hoarding disorder

a disorder characterized by the persistent difficulty discarding or parting with obsessions, regardless of their actual value

panic disorder

a disorder in which the person has had at least one panic attack and worried about having more attacks


a fear of being in public places or situations where escape might be difficult or help unavailable if a panic attack occurs

fight or flight

a general discharge of the sympathetic nervous system activated by stress or fear that includes accelerated heart rate, enhanced muscle activity, and increased respiration

SSRI ( selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor)

a group of medications that selectively inhibit the reuptake of serotonin at the presynaptic neuronal membrane, restoring the normal chemical balance; drugs thought to correct serotonin imbalance by increasing the time that the neurotransmitter remains in the synapse

trait anxiety

a personality trait that exists along a dimension; those individuals high on this dimension are more "reactive" to stressful events and therefore more likely, given the right circumstances, to develop a disorder; also called anxiety proneness

social anxiety disorder

a persuasive pattern of social timidity characterized by fear that the person will behave in a way that will be humiliating or embarrassing

excoriation (skin picking) disorder

a recurrent skin-picking resulting in skin lesions

behavioral inhibition

a temperamental feature characterized by withdrawal from (or failure to approach) novel people, objects, or situations

body dysmorphic disorder

an overwhelming concern that some part of the body is ugly or misshapen

When she is 4 years old, Karen is most likely to be afraid of which of the following?

being alone

Darien faints every time he gets an injection or must have blood drawn. He most likely suffers from

blood-injury-illness phobia and vasovagal syncope

Patients with __________ do not respond well to exposure therapy

combat-related PTSD

Anxiety is a ________ response


Steve, a 42-year old, may experience different levels of distress in different social situations. For example, he is most likely to feel anxious while ________, whereas _______ is the least likely to make him anxious.

giving oral presentations; writing in the presence of others

Based on currently available data, ________ appear to be inherited

different degrees of trait anxiety

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