Abnormal Psychology Macmillan Learning

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When an electrical impulse reaches the ending of a neuron

A chemical is released

Jewel's therapist is encouraging Jewel to accept problematic thoughts rather than to judge them. Jewel is MOST likely participating in

ACT therapy

In which research method does the experimenter produce abnormal-like behavior in laboratory participants and then conduct experiments on the participants?

Analogue experiment

Dr. Chu infects non-human primates with a virus to test the effects of an experimental drug. Which controversial type of research is Dr. Chu conducting?

Animal experimentation

Which medications lift the mood of depressed people?


Huntington's disease, which has psychological as well as physical aspects, is caused by a loss of cells in the cortex and the

Basal ganglia

Everyday, Melanie uses the can opener in the kitchen to open a can of food for her dog, Otis. Whenever Melanie does this, Otis comes running into the kitchen and barks excitedly even before she puts the food in the dog's dish. Otis's response to the sound of the can opener is an example of

Classical conditioning

Dr. Moser, a clinical psychologist, believes that abnormality is the result of problems of living. Dr. Moser, would most likely refer to those who seek her help as


Scientists who seek to discover universal laws and principles of psychology are called

Clinical Researchers

Cognitive therapists help their clients recognize all of the following EXCEPT


Shae is a clinical researcher. Her research question is, "As people keep experiencing stressful events, are they increasingly likely to develop schizophrenia?" Which method would be best for answering this research question?

Correlational study

In _____therapy, therapists work with two individuals who are in a long-term relationship.


According to psychoanalytic theorists, the ego attempts to control unacceptable impulses and avoid or reduce anxiety through the use of

Defense mechanisms

According to the cognitive perspective, people with psychological problems can overcome them by

Developing new, more functional ways of thinking.

Deinstitutionalization occurred in part as a result of the

Development of psychotropic drugs.

John's family had a difficult time understanding why he chose to wear an overcoat, a hat, and gloves during the summer. John's behavior is an example of which of "the four Ds?"


Studies done on the clarity and readability of informed consent forms have found that the forms are

Difficult for most people to read.

George feels tormented by the deprecating voices he keeps hearing in his mind. This is an example of which of "the four Ds?"


Miles is suffering from depression. He normally feels so helpless and worthless that he cannot function. He hates feeling the way he does and is often upset at his situation. Miles's behavior most closely illustrates which of "the four Ds?"


An experimental design in which neither the participants nor the experimenter know which participants are in the experimental group or the control group is called


A person who takes a(n) _____perspective with respect to abnormal behavior would be MOST likely to agree that at one time, traits and characteristics now often seen as abnormal helped humans to survive.


Maria finds herself increasingly sad and withdrawn. She finds it hard to complete day-to-day tasks and spends most of her time alone. If Maria lived between 500 B.C. and 500 A.C. the most likely explanation of her behavior would be

Excess black bile

A study conducted with participants that are representative of the larger population the researchers wishes to understand increases the ______ of the study.

External validity

A study that is high in external validity is:


Malcolm began suffering from mood swings when he was a teenager. As he continued to age his moods became even more distinctive until he was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder. He has difficulty holding a job and moves from one romantic relationship to the next. According to the textbook, what will MOST likely be the type of intervention taken by Malcolm?

He will become involved in an outpatient program.

The somatogenic perspective of abnormal psychological functioning has its roots in

Hippocrates' ideas of brain disease and humor imbalance.

Dr. Milvisky works with numerous clients suffering from generalized anxiety disorder. In an effort to reduce the feelings of anxiety, he routinely places his clients in a trancelike state designed to open his clients up to changing their behaviors and emotions. Dr. Milvisky is using what technique?


What is the name of the ethics committees in research facilities that watch over the rights and safety of human participants?

Institutional Review Board

Lauren's mother is taking brownies out of the oven. Which would suggest MOST strongly that the id is firmly in control of Lauren's behavior?

Lauren grabs some of the brownies and runs.

Currently, animal research is

Legal and still a controversy in the U.S.

With its emphasis on abstract human values and responsibility, the humanistic-existential model does all of the following EXCEPT

Lend itself easily to research

Which type of study observes the same participants on many occasions over a long period of time?

Longitudinal study

During the Middle Ages, Bernardo and three of his friends believe that they turn into foxes when there is a new moon. During this time, they lose control over their bodies and run through a nearby wood in the dark, hoping to catch a rabbit or other small animal. If they do catch one, they eat it raw. These men are suffering from


_____refers to the process of learning in which behavior that leads to satisfying consequences is likely to be repeated.

Operant conditioning

Devon is a 7-year-old who regularly uses a pacifier. Sigmund Freud might suggest that Devon suffers from

Oral fixation

What sort of explanations for abnormal behavior emerged during the time when the Greek and Roman civilizations thrived?

Physical or natural

Chaise lives during the Middle Ages. He hears voices and spontaneously dances for no apparent reason. How would Chaise's behavior MOST likely be explained?


The eugenics movement encouraged specific treatments for individuals who were deemed mentally ill. Which eugenic event did NOT take place in the United States?

Proper gas was used to kill those with mental disorders

The _____ perspective is the view that the chief causes of abnormal functioning are psychological.


Which type of experiment makes use of control and experimental groups that already exist in the world at large?


The experimental group in a natural experiment consists of participants who have experienced an unpredictable natural event such as a plane crash or hurricane. How is this design different from an experimental design?

Random assignment is not used in a natural experiment.

_____is a form of psychoanalytic therapy which proposes that the therapist's reactions and beliefs should be included in the therapy process.

Relational psychoanalytic theory

_____prevention consists of identifying and treating psychological disorders in the early stages, before they become serious.


Elizabeth lived in fifteenth century Belgium and she had symptoms of what would now be diagnosed as schizophrenia. She could not care for herself and her family abandoned her. What MOST likely happened to her given her location and time in history?

She was probably taken in by another family and treated respectfully.

Cassandra has always been talented in art. She was awarded a scholarship to a college specializing in visual arts. Her professors were impressed with her art and she had plans to graduate and work as a professional artist. But at the end of her second year she developed schizophrenia and was unable to continue attending the college. According to the statistics presented in the textbook, what is MOST likely to happen to Cassandra?

She will live in a rooming house or on the streets.

Why did mental health services in the United States expand after the 1950s?

Soldiers returning from WWII demanded services.

What type of significance indicates whether a participant's improvement in functioning occurred because of treatment?


Under managed care programs, who determines the number of therapy sessions the client will attend?

The patient's insurance company

Dr. Jordan is a clinical researcher who systematically gathers data on the thoughts, perceptions, and emotions of patients with schizophrenia. He evaluates this information through careful observations so as to gain a better understanding of schizophrenia. Dr. Jordan is using _____.

The scientific method

During the first half of the twentieth century, schizophrenogenic mothers were thought to cause schizophrenia due to

Their cold and domineering behavior.

Why might Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) NOT be considered a form of therapy according to Jerome Frank?

There is not a recognized healer.

All of these statements are true of clinical researchers EXCEPT

They assess, diagnose, and treat individual clients.

According to the text all of the following statements regarding case studies are true EXCEPT that

They prove a high basis for generalization

___ considered deviation called abnormal by society as simply "problems of living." Mental illness is a myth.

Thomas Szaz

Orichiro and his therapist have been trying to get Orichiro to become more accepting of his faults and to stop judging himself harshly. Instead of changing many of his problematic thoughts, Orichiro's therapist asks him to simply embrace himself for who he is, faults and all. Orichiro's therapist is using ____ therapy

acceptance and commitment

Felix was hearing voices and had persistent thoughts that someone was out to kill him. His doctor MOST likely prescribed ____ drugs to treat his loss of contact with reality


A doctor prescribed Ron ____ in order to lessen the voices he was hearing and the persistent thoughts that someone was trying to kill him


According to the text, students who have the MOST Facebook friends

are also particularly social offline

A person who follows an evolutionary perspective with respect to abnormal behavior would be MOST likely to agree that

at one time, characteristics and traits now often seen as abnormal helped humans to survive

"When I was young, I met a large dog. I was not afraid of the dog, but as I tried to pet it, the dog snarled and jumped at me. I have been afraid of dogs ever since." A therapist who assumes that this sentence describes a phobia acquired from classical conditioning MOST likely favors which model of abnormality?


Dr. Grien argues that religious views are defense mechanisms. Dr. Grien is MOST like a proponent of

classic Freudian psychotherapy

An athlete, who is in fact well-prepared, nevertheless thinks just before a contest, "I cannot do this! I need to be perfect, and I know I'm going to fail!" The theorist who would focus on the athlete's illogical thinking process as a key factor in his subsequent poor performance MOST likely would support which model of abnormality?


Claire sees a therapist twice a week. During her sessions, her therapist attempts to get Claire to better understand her illogical thinking. In addition, Claire's therapist requires her to address many of the bad habits Claire has developed. Claire's therapist is MOST likely using ____ therapy


Megan repeatedly is made to feel that she is only lovable and acceptable when she conforms to rules. Carl Rogers would predict that Megan will develop

conditions of worth

Prianka and Dev are attending a counseling session in which they are learning some ways to get along better with their teenage daughter, Anika. Their therapist tells them to pay closer attention to how they are communicating with Anika. Their therapist is MOST likely practicing ____ therapy

conjoint family

Zaire is studying for final exams while writing three-end-of-the-semester papers and working at a part-time job. Zaire is MOST likely to have an increased level of the hormone


Gary has been referred to a cognitive therapist who uses techniques developed by Aaron Beck. Gary is MOST likely suffering from


Psychodynamic theories rest on ____, which is an assumption suggesting that no symptom or behavior is accidental


Marjorie has just had a fight with her boyfriend. Soon after the argument with her boyfriend ended, Marjorie's bestfriend, Teagan, called her on the phone. Even though Teagan said nothing wrong, Marjorie began to argue and fight with her. Marjorie's behavior MOST closely fits with which of Sigmund Freud's defense mechanisms?


Tim's depression has continually failed to respond to typical treatments, and his current episode has him on the brink of suicide. His psychiatrist MOST likely recommends

electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

Nick is a father of an 11-year-old boy named Tobias. Nick never leaves Tobias alone at gymnastics, choir practice, or birthday parties, no matter how well-supervised he is. Nick designated himself "room parent" and is in Tobias' classroom at least half of every school day. A family systems therapist might say that Nick and Tobias' relationship was


Dr. Musca says, "Humans are born with freedom, yet do not 'naturally' strive to reach their full growth potential." The psychological perspective that would MOST closely agree with Dr. Musca's statement would be


Rachel was a cognitive therapist for many years but decided to change her approach because she found that cognitive therapy

had too narrow a focus

Todd has difficulty regulating his emotions. He often displays hostile behavior and becomes angry quickly. A followers of the biological perspective would MOSST likely believe that Todd's difficulties were caused by a malfunctioning


Dr. Tresart says, "When we try to establish how abnormality develops, we need to consider how individuals deal with the meaning of life, and with the value they find in living." A psychologist adhering to the ____ model would MOST agree with Dr. Tresart's statement


According to cognitive theorists, abnormal functioning can be caused by several kinds of cognitive problems, such as disturbing and inaccurate assumptions and attitudes and ____ thinking processes


Dr. Albertson is a proponent of Aaron Beck. He believes that abnormal functioning can be caused by ____ thinking processes


Henri goes into a fit of depression and self-abuse when anyone criticizes him or expresses disapproval of him. Much of what he does is intended to get people to like him. Cognitive theorists might say that Henri's depression is caused in large part by

illogical thinking

Roseline is struggling with depression. She is very pessimistic, does not see the world as a very positive place, and spends MOST of her time in bed. A cognitive theorist might suggest that Roseline's depression is caused by

illogical thinking

Frank's wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. Rather than deal with his feelings, Frank searches countless hours on the Internet and in the library for the latest treatments and advances. This is an example of


Paul and his new-wave cognitive therapist have been trying to get Paul to become more accepting of his faults and to stop ____ himself harshly


Devan's therapist uses ACT therapy to help Devan overcome his issues in part by using


Dr. Rakeem follows the perspective of psychodynamic theory. This theory guides Dr. Rakeem's assumptions about abnormality and influences the type of information he collects, as well as the ways in which he interprets that information. Psychodynamic theory is, therefore, Dr. Rakeem's


Julie was driving her 4-year-old son, Alec, to preschool when another driver cut her off. She immediately shouted an expletive at the other driver. During the day, Alec became angry when another child took his toy and he used the same expletive that his mother used earlier. This is an example of


Julie would have bouts of depression followed by periods of normalcy. On her last trip to the hospital, she presented with increased excitability, euphoric mood, and rapid speech. She was MOST likely prescribed

mood stabilizers

Nikki said hello to her professor in the hallway, but her professor did not respond. Nikki spent the rest of the day worrying whether she would pass the class if her professor was angry at her. This is an example of


Dr. Baird is a proponent of Albert Ellis. He believes that abnormal functioning can be caused by


Behavioral therapists first attempt to identify the behaviors causing the person problems. Then, behavioral therapists try to

replace inappropriate behaviors with appropriate ones

Angel is asked to "free associate" about his experience as a soldier in Afghanistan and he responds by changing the subject. A psychodynamic therapist might consider this an example of


Fausto had a difficult time engaging in therapy and frequently changed subjects when his therapist brought up anything about his childhood. Fausto is displaying


If a client-centered therapist were treating a very anxious woman, the therapist would try to

show unconditional positive regard for her statements

An important factor to consider is using drugs for the treatment of abnormality would be that:-drugs cannot be combined with other forms of treatment-drugs are not very effective in the treatment of schizophrenia

some people do not benefit from drug treatments

Espiritu is a straight "A" student who volunteers to work at the local homeless shelter. He often sacrifices his time and energy to help others because he feels it is the right thing to do. An adherent of psychodynamic theory might theorize that Espiritu's ____ is governing his behavior


Ike has been diagnosed with depression. Dr. Kluivert supports the biological model of abnormality, and so recommends that Ike begin taking medication to alleviate his symptoms. Dr. Kluivert MOST likely makes this suggestion because he

supports the idea that depression may be related to low serotonin levels

Jorge's behavior has become more erratic over the last several weeks. He hears voices, sees things that are not real, and appears not to respond to simple commands. If Jorge lived during the Middle Ages, which model would have attempted to explain his behavior?

the demonological model

Lalitha and Andrew are in couple therapy. Which is the MOST likely outcome?

their relationship will improve more significantly than that of a couple with similar problems who receives no treatment

After 3 months in client-centered therapy, Matthew finally recognized his own self-worth. The therapist tells Matthew that he has developed

unconditional self-regard

Destiny has received unconditional positive regard from her caregivers. Carl Rogers would predict that Destiny will develop

unconditional self-regard

Mymoena is a clinical researcher. She is studying whether or not women who were abused during childhood are more likely to become sexual abuse workers. In her research, abuse and occupation are considered the


Barrie is engaging in a type of therapy that involves interacting with a therapist over Skype. Barrie is taking part in

visual e-therapy

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