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Physical signs of Sexual abuse

pain, redness, cuts, brusing, bleeding in genital areas or thighs, difficuty walking, sitting bloody, torn clothing evidence of sexually transmitted infection pregnancy

what is abuse?

physical or mental harm caused by a person in a position of trust such as a family member, partner or caregiver

what are the different forms of abuse

physical, emotional (psychological), financial, sexual, neglect

the cycle of abuse

The"honeymoon" phase - period of calm, abuser apologizes, says they will change; The Tension Building phase - abuser becomes increasingly angry and aggressive; the Abusive Phase - can be emotional, physical, financial, sexual or neglect

what is commission?

doing something overtly, that is not usually done, and may result in harm to another person. Abuser may not recog. their actions are abuse. Harm may be physical or psychological or both.

Signs that someone may be an abuser are

abuser does not allow private conversations or insists on being present during all conversations with the abused change in behaviour of the abuser (becomes defensive) abuser shows false or no affection/respect to abused complaints that the abused is difficult or demanding

signs of emotional abuse

bedwetting, diarrhea, nausea frequent psychosomatic complaints such as headache, nausea, abdominal pain withdrawal (unusual excuses for avoiding social events) depression fear (esp. when abuser is near) change in behaviour agressiveness mood swings

Why is abuse hard to admit?

embarrasment made to feel it's their fault intimidation lack of knowlege about rights and abuse don't know where to go for help belief abuser will change fear of giving up conforts or being able to make it alone (esp. if children involved) don't want to "air their dirty laundry", preserve veneer to outsiders that life is "perfect"

What is neglect

failing to meet the needs of a dependent person. It is an act of omission. most common victims are children, the elderly, persons with disability. Victim does not have bassic needs such as food, water, personal care, emotional care or medical care can happen intentionally or unintentionally

Behavioural Signs of sexual abuse include

fear (including of perineal care or bathing), withdrawal (including avoidance of touching) depression, anxiety, distress

what is physcial abuse

force or violence that causes pain, injury and sometimes, death

what are signs of physcial abuse?

history of injuries, unexplained bruises, broken bones, broken or missing teeth, loss of function permanently for signific. period of time, neurological impairment (temp. or perm), injuries that don't match the explanation

what are the emotional signs that physical abuse may be occuring?

inappropriate fear or aggressive behaviour, cringing, flinching if touched unexpectedly, hiding bruises or injuries or reluctance to remove clothing, depression, anxiety, wtihdrawal, sleep disorders

Give examples of physcial abuse

kicking, punching, slapping, shaking, rough handing, confinement, use of object in violent manner, exposure to extreme weather, misuse of medication

examples of neglect

long term failure to help patients maintain personal hygiene when they cannot manage it themselves; failure to provide adequate clothing or shelter; failure to provide approrpriate patient care for physical/mental needs; failure to protect patients from health and satety hazards; failure to provide adequate food and prevent malnutrition; failure to follow patient's individ care plan; failure to follow est. procedures failure to treat recurring bedsores that may be preventable

What is Financial Abuse?

misuse of a person's property or money, usually for the abuser's financial gain

what is omission?

not doing something that normally is expected, whether knowingly or unknowingly (e.g. providing clean clothes, food, being treated kindly)

signs of neglect

poor living condition for no apparent reason; personal or environmental uncleanliness incomplete care - dirty toenails, uncut, ingrown, dirty clothing, uncombed hair, untreated sores unexplained weight loss, thirst, sunken eyes, dehydration, very thin pressure sores prescriptions not filled lack of supervision

give examples of financial abuse

theft, extortion, conning, forcing the abused indiv. to change will, ttiles, or having mentially incompetent patient change their powers of attorney or will, misuse of Power of Attorney, mismange of assests by guardian, attorney, other misapprop. coversion of money or other valuation possessions, use of patients money or property for uses not intended by patient, convincing patient to give away money, property or possessions by threat or coersion, cashing patients cheques without authorization

Sexual harrasment is

uncessary physical contact such as touching, patting, pinching, demands for sexual favours in exchange for reward or threat of reprisal, unwelcome sexual remarks or jokes that denigrate one's gender displaying derogatory materials such as cartoons, pictures, printed matter

what are signs of financial abuse

unusual unpaid bills, bounced cheques, lack of food, clothing, or other items personal generally has, enjoys and can afford, missing belongings, client asking permission to spend money, the abuser has unexplained money or possessions

sexual abuse

unwanted sexual activity such as rape, or attempted rape. Unwanted fondling, touching, kissing, and exposure. It includes sexual harrassment which is conduct, comment, gesture, threat or sugestion that is sexual in nature.

give examples of emotional abuse

verbal insults, harassment, bullying threats, instilling fear/intimidation/humiliation social isolation forceable confinement name calling denial of privacy restriction of contact with family members/friends coersion, forced treatment

What is emotional or psychological abuse?

words or actions that cause mental harm, usually involving attack on a person's self-esteem by derogatory comments and insults. It may also involve isolating the victim or threatening something or someone dear to them.

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