Activity Three: What is the Human Development Index?

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What other indicators are used to measure the H.D.I?

The three indicators that are used to measure the HDI are: -longevity (measured by life expectancy at birth), -knowledge (measured by a combination of adult literacy and school enrolment) -standard of living (measured by GDP per capita in PPP US$).

Life Expectancy

A way to measure how long a person can live

According to the UNDP, what IS Human Development?

According to the UNDP, Human Development is a way to measure the quality of life in United Nations member countries on an annual basis.

Infant mortality rate

Amount of children that die between his/her birth to the age of one per 1000 births

Standard of living

Amount of goods and services, like food, health services, education, etc... that a person can buy using his/her own money

Literacy rate

Amount of people who have ability to read and write

What is the full name of the H.D.I?

Human Development Index

What does this tell us about why it is important? (Think about this, it's not in the article)

It is important because, it shows that they care about our health and the basic human's right

Where is the H.D.I. published and by whom?

It is published by The United Nations Development Programme

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