ADMJ 300 key words - chapters 1-14

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In 2013, ______ of all local police officers were Hispanic of Latino. 21% 11.6% 2% 7.9%


What is hearsay? Evidence directly observed by the witness, and related to the court. Telling someone something you overheard. An out of court statement offered in court to prove the truth of the matter asserted. Lying to the court about something you heard

An out of court statement offered in court to prove the truth of the matter asserted.

Which state approved the Victims' Bill of Rights Act in 2008? Iowa Nebraska California Kansas


Which country influenced policing in the American colonies? Scotland England Germany Canada


Which organization is housed under the Department of Justice? U.S. Secret Service U.S. Customs and Border Protection U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Federal Bureau of Investigation

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Which organization publishes Police Chief Magazine? National Chiefs of Police Union Uniform Crime Report Federal Bureau of Investigations International Association of Chiefs of Police

International Association of Chiefs of Police

Compensatory damages are a form of retribution. T or F


If the prosecutor decides there is sufficient evidence against the suspect, she or he may proceed to trial, or begin to negotiate a plea bargain. T or F


Alice Stebbins Wells

The first woman to hold a full-time paid police woman position with arrest powers

Which of the following statements accurately describes the size of the American prison and jail population between the early 1990s and 2007? The incarcerated population decreased substantially The incarcerated population increased substantially. The incarcerated population remained the same The incarcerated population increased slightly

The incarcerated population increased substantially.

In Mapp v. Ohio (1961) the Supreme Court ruled the officers' actions constituted unreasonable search and seizure. What did the officers do that was considered unreasonable? Mapp allowed the officers to search her house except for the front room where the evidence was found. While searching Mapp's home officers planted evidence of the crime. Officers asked for permission to enter the house, and when Mapp did not agree they entered anyway. The officers provided a fake search warrant to Mapp after she refused to let them search her house.

The officers provided a fake search warrant to Mapp after she refused to let them search her house.

All federal felony prosecutions must be initiated by _______. statement of the defense an information a complaint an indictment

an indictment

The decision to keep low-risk youth offenders from entering into the more formal processing of the juvenile system is called ______. inclusion a reverse transfer adjudication diversion


Around 3 million people have a criminal record in the United States. t or f


The state directors of public prisons are paid 10 to 20 times more than private prison executives. t or f


What is the purpose of drug court? rehabilitation restitution retribution incapacitation


Which movement encouraged victims of sexual assault and harassment to speak out on social media to raise awareness? #NotInterested #Hands-off #BlackLivesMatter #MeToo


In 2015, what percent of the probation population absconded (ran away without telling the probation department)? three eight five one


The Civil Rights Act of 1875 states that no citizen possessing all other qualifications can be disqualified for service as a juror. Which group was impacted the most by this legislation at the time? women Asians Hispanics African Americans

African Americans

Who is considered the Father of American Policing? Charles Lynch Jonathan Wild August Vollmer Sir Robert Peel

August Vollmer

Men are more likely to be incarcerated than women. T or F


Once a person is arrested, police do not need a warrant to search them. T or F


The gender distribution of male and female inmates mirrors the gender distribution of the general population. t or f


Which type of policing is concerned with risk assessment and risk management? proactive policing reactive policing intelligence-led policing retroactive policing

intelligence-led policing

Responding to a call for service is what type of policing? rotten apple proactive reactive discretion


The United Nations has suggested solitary confinement be limited to how many days because it is torture to human beings? 30 days 1 day 60 days 15 days


What year were women allowed to sit on juries in the same capacity as men? 1912 1992 1975 1980


Which of the following is an example of an indeterminate sentence? 2 to 5 years in a state prison 1 year in the county jail 15 months of probation 1,000 hours of community service

2 to 5 years in a state prison

The Supreme Court has a lot of discretion on choosing which cases to hear. How many justices usually have to agree on hearing a case before the Supreme Court accepts it? unanimous one four a majority


How many cases of alleged prosecutorial misconduct did the Northern California Innocence Project estimate? 150 700 540 4,000


The Knapp Commission found that more than ______ percent of the police officers were engaged in corruption back in 1972. 10 25 60 50


What is a death-qualified jury panel? Jury members who have personal knowledge of the death penalty and the repercussions in victim's lives. A jury where the members have been found suitable to sit on a death penalty case. A special jury that is educated on the death penalty. A specialized second jury brought in on death cases to ensure that the sentence is legal.

A jury where the members have been found suitable to sit on a death penalty case.

Why would the Supreme Court not sit en banc? A justice is on vacation. A justice can choose which cases to listen to without any needed reason. A justice recuses himself or herself because of a conflict of interest. A justice does not like the case.

A justice recuses himself or herself because of a conflict of interest.

What reform did the Federal Speedy Trial Act (1974) bring about? The act placed limits on the maximum amount of time a case can last. Suspects must see a judge within 72 hours of arrest. A person will be arranged within 10 days. A person charged with a crime will be indicted within 30 days of arrest.

A person charged with a crime will be indicted within 30 days of arrest.

What does "beyond a reasonable doubt" mean? Doubt exists in the defendant's account of the facts. The jury has doubt about the prosecution presented in the case. A reasonable person believes that there is no doubt that the defendant is guilty. A reasonable person would find doubt that a crime was committed.

A reasonable person believes that there is no doubt that the defendant is guilty.

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Modern ideas in the United States about standards of behavior can be traced back to the following ancient influences. the Bible the Code of Hammurabi the Roman Twelve Tables the Mosaic Code of the Israelites

All of them

In the 1800s people from China immigrated en masse as cheap labor to build the infrastructure of America. Why did the United States pass laws at this time to prevent Chinese immigrants from voting? Chinese immigrants had democratic political views, and this upset republicans. The justice system in China is much different, and Americans feared that if the Chinese served on juries they would not be impartial. Americans feared that the Chinese would overpopulate, and their culture would become dominant. Preventing the Chinese from voting also prevented them from owning property.

Americans feared that the Chinese would overpopulate, and their culture would become dominant.

Where does the power of the judicial branch come from? Fourteenth Amendment Supreme Court Article 3 Section 1 of the Constitution English common law

Article 3 Section 1 of the Constitution

Given the fact that Mr. Johnson suffers from mental illness and lives in the RV, what would be an appropriate sentence for repeatedly violating the ordinance against sleeping in his car overnight? As a repeat offender, Mr. Johnson should receive the maximum sentence allowed by law, a five-year custodial sentence. As mitigating factors exist, including mental illness, he should be placed on probation and receive mental health treatment.

As mitigating factors exist, including mental illness, he should be placed on probation and receive mental health treatment.

Which was the first school in the United States to offer degrees in criminology? Vanderbilt Harvard Berkeley Princeton


The ______ are the first 10 amendments to the constitution Punishment Laws Bill of Punishments Deterrence Laws Bill of Rights

Bill of Rights

A little over half of the New York City Police Department is ______. Black women Latino men


Which policy criminalized trivial behavior and the lives of former enslaved African Americans after the Civil War? Thirteenth Amendment Black Codes segregation laws Jim Crow laws

Black Codes

Which type of media framing suggests that crime occurs because offenders live in poverty, are uneducated, unemployed, and are discriminated against? Violent media frame Social breakdown frame Faulty criminal justice system frame Blocked opportunities frame

Blocked opportunities frame

Why was Jennifer Schuett unable to read her victim impact statement (VIS) to Dennis Bradford? The case never went to trial because Bradford accepted a plea deal. Bradford was killed in prison by another inmate before trial. Schuett could not face Bradford, and submitted her VIS to the court in letter form. Bradford killed himself in prison awaiting trial.

Bradford killed himself in prison awaiting trial.

Justice Thurgood Marshall argued which landmark case before the U.S. Supreme Court? Brown v. Board of Education Marbury v. Madison Obergefell v. Hodges Plessy v. Ferguson

Brown v. Board of Education

Which case ruled that the California prison population was overcrowded and had to reduce the number of people incarcerated in its prisons? Montgomery v. Louisiana Harbison v. Bell Miller v. Alabama Brown v. Plata

Brown v. Plata

____ refers to the distorted perception people get of forensic science in the criminal justice system because of crime drama media. False image media theory CSI effect Substitution thesis Cultivation hypothesis

CSI effect

Which state passed the first hate crime law? Florida Alabama New York California


_____ is a philosophy of policing that adopts proactive measures and involves working with the public. Forensics Reactive policing SWAT Community policing

Community policing

What is the name of the information technology system that offers tactical leads, crime analysis, and sharing among police agencies? CompSTAT CopLink mandatory arrest policies private policing


What are problem-solving courts? Courts that address the needs of a particular group in society. Juvenile courts are known as problem-solving courts. Trial courts are known as problem-solving courts. Appellate courts are known as problem-solving courts.

Courts that address the needs of a particular group in society.

What law gave the victims the right to attend and be heard at public court hearing of the case they were the victim on? Criminal Justice Reform Act Crime Victims' Rights Act Victims of Crime Act Volstead Act

Crime Victims' Rights Act

What was the police prevention program called that was designed to educate children on the dangers of drugs? Meth Kills D.A.R.E. Be Cool Stay in School R.E.S.I.S.T.


As a general condition to probation, all 50 states require that anyone convicted of a sexual offense must provide what to the federal database? finger prints last work address home address DNA sample

DNA sample

Who developed the concept prisonization in the 1940s? Edwin Sutherland Donald Clemmer Erving Goffman John Irwin & Donald Cressey

Donald Clemmer

Who first recognized white-collar crime as a serious problem back in 1939? Edwin Sutherland Kenneth Lay Thi-Kim Nguyen Paul Tappan

Edwin Sutherland

The Supreme Court ruled that sentencing juveniles to mandatory life sentences without the possibility of parole is a violation of which amendment? First Fifth Eighth Ninth


Farmer v. Brennan was the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that declared prison failure to protect inmates from sexual assault is a violation of which amendment? Eighth Amendment Fifth Amendment First Amendment Ninth Amendment

Eighth Amendment

If the accused tells the defense attorney that they are guilty of the crime what ethical mandate does the defense attorney have to follow? Ensure that the client does not give perjured testimony. Pressure the client into a plea bargain. Prevent the client from testifying. Report the client's guilt to the court and the prosecutor.

Ensure that the client does not give perjured testimony.

What is exculpatory evidence? Evidence that substantiates a witness testimony. Evidence of prosecutor misconduct. Evidence that shows a defendant is not guilty of some or all the charges. Evidence that proves the defendant is guilty.

Evidence that shows a defendant is not guilty of some or all the charges.

Common law was designed to treat everyone equally regardless of their background. T or F


Control theory believes the primary factor that contributes to criminality is based on race. T or F


Criminal justice and criminology are simply two different names for the same field of study. T or F


News offers a balanced presentation of crimes, victims, and offenders. T or F


Ordeals were a primitive form of trial decided by an elected village council. T or F


President Bush developed a task force on 21st-century policing to identify the best practices to establish trust with citizens. T or F


Research shows that private prisons reduce recidivism rates, run more efficiently and at less cost than public prisons. t or f


The Peelian principles are named after Sir Robert Peel because he wrote them in a book entitled Progressive Policing Principles, which were the basis of the reforms introduced in the Metropolitan Police Act of 1829. T or F


The first female police officers in the United States were not hired until the 1960s. t or f


Victims are not allowed to attend criminal justice proceedings because they sway the jury. T or F


Which specialized court would be the best venue for parents with substance abuse problems who have children placed with human services? Behavioral Health Court Family Recovery Court DUI Court Treatment Drug Court

Family Recovery Court

Which media frame suggests that crime occurs because of a dearth of law and order in the United States, and that criminals offend because they feel they can get away with it? Faulty criminal justice system frame Racist system frame Blocked opportunities frame Social breakdown frame

Faulty criminal justice system frame

What did the research of Goldkamp and Gottfredson on gender and bail demonstrate? The sample size for women is too small to measure interactions. Women are more likely to be granted bail than men. Gender has no effect on bail. Men are more likely to be granted bail than women.

Gender has no effect on bail.

Which president signed the Prison Rape Elimination Act, which mandated the Bureau of Justice Statistics gather data on rape incidents and effects? Barack Obama John Kennedy George W. Bush Donald Trump

George W. Bush

Which Supreme Court case eliminated sentences of life without parole for nonhomicide cases involving juveniles? Graham v. Florida (2010) in re Gault (1967) Roper v. Simmons (2005) McKeiver v. Pennsylvania (1971)

Graham v. Florida (2010)

What feature of grand juries is commonly critiqued and seen as problematic? Grand juries do not report to any government agencies. Grand juries make decisions based solely on what prosecutors report to them. Grand juries are made up of people who do not know the law. Grand juries are confidential and do not have any rules of evidence.

Grand juries are confidential and do not have any rules of evidence.

In Roe v. Wade (1973), why did Justice Blackmun criticize the Court? He believed advancing policy should be left to the states. He believed the ruling was morally wrong. He believed the decision went against the founders' reasoning for the Fourteenth Amendment. He believed that inventing a new constitutional right was not within the power of the Court.

He believed that inventing a new constitutional right was not within the power of the Court.

How did John Marshall change the course of the Supreme Court? He required issuing a majority opinion. He had the first woman appointed to the Court. He created the Supreme Court by having Congress pass the Judiciary Act of 1789. He added more justices from five to nine.

He required issuing a majority opinion.

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which of the following are true about the history of Black police officers? The responsibilities of early Black police officers were the same as White officers. Historical records of the first Black police officer are difficult to confirm. Before the Civil Rights Act, Black police officers were uncommon. Most early Black police officers wore plain clothes

Historical records of the first Black police officer are difficult to confirm. Before the Civil Rights Act, Black police officers were uncommon. Most early Black police officers wore plain clothes

Imprisonment as punishment for a criminal act began in the United States in the 1790s. Two distinct approaches emerged based on the use of incarceration as punishment with the goal of reformation. One of these systems was known as the Pennsylvania System. What did this system emphasize? Inmates could not produce goods and services for private sector entities. Interaction and socialization were necessary for offenders' reflection and rehabilitation. Inmates could produce goods and services for private sector entities. Isolation and silence were necessary for offenders' reflection and rehabilitation.

Isolation and silence were necessary for offenders' reflection and rehabilitation.

How do family and social connections impact reentry to society? It helps the chances of successful reentry. It has no impact on successful reentry. There has not been enough empirical research into the role of family and social connections to reach a conclusion. It makes successful reentry less likely.

It helps the chances of successful reentry.

What does active GPS monitoring do? It tracks the location and health vitals of the offender for the offender's safety. It tracks the offender's location and sends information to the police. It tracks the offender's location and sends information to the victim. It tracks the offender's location and sends information to the probation officer.

It tracks the offender's location and sends information to the probation officer.

Who is considered the father of modern probation? Danny Madrid Chris Farias Dennis Bradford John Augustus

John Augustus

Which president called for the Civil Rights Act? John F. Kennedy Dwight D. Eisenhower Lyndon B. Johnson Jimmy Carter

John F. Kennedy

Which social theorist is associated with the conflict model? John Locke Karl Marx Michael Foucault Thomas Jefferson

Karl Marx

What case ruled that searches must abide by judicial process to uphold the Fourth Amendment? Arizona v. Hicks (1987) Chimel v. California (1969) New Jersey v. T.L.O. (1985) Katz v. United States (1967)

Katz v. United States (1967)

Which statement most accurately represents the change regarding LGBTQ and policing? Policing is growing more homophobic. Policing is growing more transphobic. LGBTQ individuals are leaving police work more now. LGBTQ individuals are coming out more often now.

LGBTQ individuals are coming out more often now.

_____ shifts the focus from the character of the criminal to the social system that treats this person as a criminal and makes it true. Differential association theory Feminist theory Labeling theory Integrated theory

Labeling theory

In the American colonies, corrections were based upon lex talionis. What does lex talionis mean? Lex talionis means "holding a wolf by the ears," requiring a solution to an unsustainable situation. Lex talionis means "eye for an eye," requiring someone who injures another individual should be punished in a commensurate way. Lex talionis means "turn the other cheek," requiring forgiveness for someone who injures another individual. Lex talionis means "senseless thunderbolt," requiring a higher power to pass judgment.

Lex talionis means "eye for an eye," requiring someone who injures another individual should be punished in a commensurate way.

Which researcher thinks that implicit and explicit stereotypes can be unlearned? Lorie Fridell Lawrence Cohen Marcus Felson Herman Goldstein

Lorie Fridell

___ were officers who regularly participated in corruption. Grass-eaters Dirt-eaters Meat-eaters Ant-eaters


Which organization led the public initiative to ensure drivers who operate their vehicles under the influence of drugs or alcohol were criminally punished for their actions? Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)

Do LGBTQ jurors have any protections from being removed from a jury based on sexual orientation? No, LGBTQ identifying people are not considered a protected class, and therefore do not have protections. No, LGBTQ people do not represent a large cross-section of society, and therefore do not have protections from the Fourteenth Amendment. Yes, in 2014 Congress enacted legislation that specifically protects LGBTQ people on juries. Yes, LGBTQ people are a protected class under the Fourteenth Amendment and therefore have protections against being removed from a jury.

No, LGBTQ identifying people are not considered a protected class, and therefore do not have protections.

Which organization was designed to support community treatment efforts and rehabilitation programs? Office of Successful and Healthy Juveniles Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Pride Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Stop Delinquency Organization

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Which president signed a 4-year extension of the USA Patriot Act with provisions for roving wiretaps, searches of business records, and surveillance of individuals not connected to terrorist groups? President Donald Trump President George W. Bush President Barack Obama President Bill Clinton

President Barack Obama

Which president issued an order that required military commissions deal with non-U.S. citizens affiliated with Al Qaeda? President Bush President Clinton President Trump President Reagan

President Bush

Juvenile courts developed during what period of change? Modern Era Post-Modern Era Enlightenment Era Progressive Era

Progressive Era

What was Justice Scalia's reasoning for dissent in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges (2015)? Same-sex marriage is not safe for society. Same-sex marriage was a state issue, not federal issue. Marriage is not a fundamental right. Same-sex marriage is to be protected by the federal government.

Same-sex marriage was a state issue, not federal issue

Which of the following cases ruled that posting sex offender registry information on the Internet is not a violation of the prohibition on ex post facto laws? Roe v. Wade (1973) United States v. Knotts (1983) Smith v. Doe (2003) Kyllo v. United States (2001)

Smith v. Doe (2003)

In what region of the United States. did slave patrols develop? West South East North


If a group of law students is interested in reading decisions on Supreme Court cases concerning segregation where should they search? newspapers the American Bar Association website Library of Congress Supreme Court online docket

Supreme Court online docket

_____ is a type of trafficking in which a victim is frequently homeless or gravely disadvantaged and trades sex for food, shelter, and other basic needs. Prostitution Labor trafficking Survival Sex Bartering

Survival Sex

Cesare Beccaria transformed the legal system from arbitrary punishments to the importance of a social contract. T or F


Eight to ten percent of encounters with police result in the use of force. T or F


Offender accountability and victim safety are the two primary goals of domestic violence courts. T or F


The Fourth Amendment protects people from law enforcement searching a house without consent or a warrant. T or F


There is little to no American Indian representation in major police departments. T or F


Women are generally more afraid of being victims of crime relative to their actual risk of victimization. T or F


Which landmark Supreme Court case established reasonable suspicion as the legal standard for performing a stop-and-frisk? Garner v. Tennessee Kedra v. City of Philadelphia Miranda v. Arizona Terry v. Ohio

Terry v. Ohio

What was the Court's reasoning in Arizona v. Hicks (1987) that permitted officers to confiscate drugs? The Court reasoned that the officers had exigent circumstances and needed to take the drugs before they were destroyed. The officers had already made an arrest; therefore, confiscating the drugs was valid. The officers received consent from the suspects to confiscate the drugs. The Court held that any illegal substances in lawful view of the officers could be taken.

The Court held that any illegal substances in lawful view of the officers could be taken.

What was the Supreme Court's reasoning for allowing good faith exceptions to the exclusionary rule? The Court reasoned that strict application of the exclusionary rule will not lead to criminal convictions. The Court reasoned that applying the exclusionary rule would make it harder on police to obtain evidence. The Court reasoned that application of the exclusionary rule benefits suspects over police. The Court reasoned that a strict application of the exclusionary rule without considering all of the circumstances can inhibit justice.

The Court reasoned that a strict application of the exclusionary rule without considering all of the circumstances can inhibit justice.

Which Amendment protects due process at the federal level? The Second Amendment The Fifth Amendment The Tenth Amendment The First Amendment

The Fifth Amendment

Georgia Robinson

The first black woman to hold the title of police officer

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which statements accurately describe the role of technology in law enforcement? The first technological revolution in law enforcement involved the invention of the wheel. The second technological revolution is the introduction of military-grade weapons. The first technological revolution incorporated the use of radios and telephones. The second technological revolution involves digital technology and record management systems.

The first technological revolution incorporated the use of radios and telephones. The second technological revolution involves digital technology and record management systems.

What is the Missouri Plan? The government sets minimum standards for eligible judges. The judge applies to be appointed, and a recommendation is made to the voters by an impartial bipartisan group of community members. The government appoints the judge, then a retention election vote determines if the judge stays on the bench. The government appoints the judge for life.

The government appoints the judge, then a retention election vote determines if the judge stays on the bench.

What is a bench trial? The judge is the person who weighs the evidence and determines guilt. The jury decides if there is enough evidence for a defendant to go to trial. The jury weighs the facts and evidence to determine guilt or innocence. The judge determines guilt and the jury decides sentencing.

The judge is the person who weighs the evidence and determines guilt.

Why are LGBTQ inmates housed in solitary confinement at higher rates than heterosexual gender-conforming inmates? They are at risk for gang activity. They are more violent than the heterosexual population. They often need to be protected from the violence of other inmates. They receive harsher punishments from correctional officers due to homophobia.

They often need to be protected from the violence of other inmates.

What purpose does the victim impact statement (VIS) serve to the court? VIS ensure that the judge or jury imposes the punishment the victim thinks is appropriate. VIS are a template for sentencing a defendant. VIS provide insight into the mind of the victim that is helpful in determining plea bargains. VIS provides a perspective on how the crime impacted the victim's life.

VIS provides a perspective on how the crime impacted the victim's life.

_____ performed law enforcement duties with no legal authority. Peelers Vigilantes Shire reeves Borh


What is an arraignment hearing? When lawyers file motions to exclude evidence from a trial. When the judge decides on a location for the trial. When a defendant receives charges and gives a plea. When the prosecution and defense select jurors.

When a defendant receives charges and gives a plea.

What is a "free air sniff"? When a dog interacts with a suspect. When a dog determines there are no drugs present. When a dog searches for contraband in a nonspecific place. When a dog determines there are drugs presen

When a dog searches for contraband in a nonspecific place.

Motivations for working as a police officer are linked to authoritarian personalities that desire power, control, and authority in which demographic group? White females White males Black males Black females

White males

What is the most common demographic among police officers and law enforcement? White males White females Black males Hispanic males

White males

Which of the following is an example of a special assignment in policing? Working with confidential informants to set up drug buys Performing a wellness check Responding to a call for assistance Patrolling the neighborhood on foot

Working with confidential informants to set up drug buys


a design that allows one person to watch many

General deterrence

a foundation of punishment based upon deterring a society with the threat of punishment

specific deterrence

a foundation of punishment based upon deterring an individual offender

Lucy Gray

a police matron who created a police position for assisting women and children

What is a regulatory search? searches concerning police corruption a routine search for public safety searches of any government building a routine search for known criminals

a routine search for public safety

Marie Owens

a sergeant who enforced laws against child labor

llegally sleeping in a car overnight within city limits is an example of______. a victimless crime a street crime a property crime a white-collar crime

a victimless crime

What is the juvenile justice system version of parole? adjudication informal proceedings aftercare disposition


What coping skills are men more likely to engage in than women? self-mutilation eating disorders substance abuse aggression


What is the purpose of the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act of 1994? allowing police to listen to phone conversations without a warrant allowing federal agencies to monitor suspects' phone calls and Internet messages protecting private communication between law enforcement and the courts improving law enforcement communication during an investigation

allowing federal agencies to monitor suspects' phone calls and Internet messages

The United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children defines a child as ______. anyone under the age of 14 anyone under the age of 18 anyone under the age of 16 anyone under the age of 20

anyone under the age of 18

What is a safety zone in reference to the criminal justice system? areas where sex offenders are not allowed to be near areas where law enforcement can share their feelings at work areas where prisoners can share their feelings in prison areas where violent offenders are no longer allowed to reside

areas where sex offenders are not allowed to be near

What is an example of static risk predictors? religion arrests education marriage status


When a lawyer submits a writ of certiorari to the court, what are they asking to have done? requesting a police officer's background as evidence in court asking the court to vacate a judgment asking the higher court to review the lower court's decision requesting a three-judge panel to review a Supreme Court decision

asking the higher court to review the lower court's decision

Since the 1980s, the new penology focuses on using correctional technology and statistical models to ______. assess recidivism risk in a time of increasing incarceration expose offenders to a variety of educational and occupational opportunities assess recidivism risk in a time of decreasing victimization expose offenders to a variety of harsh and cruel corporal punishment

assess recidivism risk in a time of increasing incarceration

What does double jeopardy protect against? being tried a second time by the same jurisdiction after an acquittal being tried a second time by the same jurisdiction after a dismissal being tried a second time by the same jurisdiction after a hung jury being tried a second time by the same jurisdiction after a mistrial

being tried a second time by the same jurisdiction after an acquittal

The prosecutor has to prove legal guilt by what standard? by preponderance of the evidence by sufficient cause beyond a reasonable doubt by more likely than not

beyond a reasonable doubt

Which demographic group of juveniles has the highest arrest rates? Black White American Indian Asian


Graffiti can be considered an art form, but according to ______ it is always vandalism. routine activity theory broken windows theory differential association theory rotten apples theory

broken windows theory

Once an offender has been sentenced, an assessment is conducted to identify risk level and needs based on information, such as the offender's danger, escape risk, length of sentence, gang affiliation, mental or physical health needs, and treatment needs. This is referred to as a ______. classification assessment classification review security assessment security review

classification review

Which concept describes the central aspect of policing culture that is criticized for secrecy and the exclusion of outsiders? code of silence rotten apples theory reactive policing proactive policing

code of silence

Why might female police officers use less force than male officers? rotten apple theory policy proactive policing communication skills

communication skills

Most states have created statutes that give victims the right to apply for ______. housing compensation food stamps counseling


What purpose do eye scan tests serve in community corrections? detect lies prevent violence confirm influence of drugs verify identity of the probationer

confirm influence of drugs

If one boxer kills another during a fight, what defense could the living boxer use? double jeopardy consent alibi duress


Which model holds that people are intrinsically greedy, impulsive, or thrill-seeking? restorative rehabilitative crime control due process model

crime control

What is another name for the problem analysis triangle? SARA model crime triangle Reactive policing Bermuda triangle

crime triangle

Studying law enforcement policies is most closely associated with which academic discipline? sociology criminology criminal justice victimology

criminal justice

A scholar who wants to study if illegal immigrants commit more crime is working in the discipline of ______. penology victimology criminology criminal justice


Private Community Correction Services (private probation agencies) tend to focus on probationers of a certain type. What is the most common type of probationers they work with? veterans sex workers mentally ill driving under the influence

driving under the influence

What are the special issues unique to veterans that require court intervention? violent crimes drug and alcohol abuse hate crimes financial crimes

drug and alcohol abuse

What crimes are women most likely to be incarcerated for? prostitution and violent crimes drug and property crimes property and violent crimes drug and violent crimes

drug and property crimes

The growth of women in prisons is attributed to many factors, but one prosecution seems to be more prevalent than the rest. Which prosecution is that? theft domestic violence drug crimes murder

drug crimes

The established rules and principles designed to protect private rights found in the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments that prevent the government from unfairly or arbitrarily depriving someone of life, liberty, or property is called ______. habeas corpus due process intellectual property administrative law

due process

As a response to John Dilulio's warnings regarding impending impulsive and reckless superpredators, lawmakers ______. enacted more punitive laws dedicated more financial resources to the Police Athletic League (PAL) dedicated more financial resources to rehabilitation programs enacted less punitive laws

enacted more punitive laws

If a law enforcement officer tricks another into committing a criminal act he or she would not otherwise have committed, what defense could be used? entrapment double jeopardy duress alibi


SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. What are the criteria for obtaining a warrant? evidence they expect to find a specific time frame an eye witness a specific location

evidence they expect to find a specific time frame a specific location

A law that criminalizes an act that was legal at the time is a(n) ______ law. white collar ex post facto pre post facto double jeopardy

ex post facto

If an officer believes that evidence may be destroyed or a person is in danger, what exception would they use to justify a warrantless search? inevitable discovery exigent circumstances search incident to lawful arrest regulatory searches

exigent circumstances

Brutal punishments, such as flogging, mutilation, and branding, are inhumane, but they are reliable methods for deterring crime. t or f


Hate crimes are treated leniently in the criminal justice system and have soft punishments associated. t or f


Human trafficking is a major problem in other countries but does not occur in the United States. t or f


In the United States, the federal law mandates that everyone should have equal access to bail loans and funds so that income and wealth do not affect time spent in jail. t or f


Juvenile courts only supervise individuals until they reach 19 years of age. t or f


New technology used in corrections, like videoconferencing and telemedicine, cost taxpayers more money than traditional methods, but they are safer for the inmates. t or f


Only women participated in the #MeToo Movement t or f


Police officers in colonial America were more highly paid and respected than they are today t or f


Police often have low levels of stress because they have job security. t or f


Prison and jail are different words used to describe the same facilities. t or f


States use categories to designate prison security levels as standardized by the federal government. t or f


Terrorism is a relatively new phenomenon in the United States. t or f


The New York Times began tracking police shootings that occurred in the line of duty in 1976. t or f


The cost of prison does not impact most people. t or f


nstitutional corrections refers to ______. exposing offenders to a variety of harsh and cruel corporal punishments physically punishing offenders, such as beating, whipping, and the death penalty facilities used to detain individuals in the criminal justice system holding pens used to coerce individuals to pay debts or fines

facilities used to detain individuals in the criminal justice system

If a U.S. territory needed to sue the U.S. government where would they file the case? state court international court Washington, DC federal district court

federal district court

Jury nullification is a little known power of the jury to do what? remove charges from the case disqualify the jury and refer the case to a bench trial find a defendant not guilty because the law is unjust dismiss a case for lack of proof

find a defendant not guilty because the law is unjust

What is the historical significance of Macon Bolling Allen? first Black bailiff first Black judge first Black justice first Black police officer

first Black judge

When science is used to help solve crimes it is referred to as ______. forensic science crime science justice science

forensic science

The central demographic concept to Feminist criminology is ______. race age capitalism gender


Why does the source of the campus violence data make a difference in terms of implications of the findings? ethics generalizability accuracy validity


Which group is most likely to get arrested for less serious offenses, like status offenses? immigrants boys the elderly girls


What is net widening? giving harsher punishments to those who would have been given probation searching style for an absconded probationer expanding probation to people who committed violent crimes giving a wider area of freedom to an offender

giving harsher punishments to those who would have been given probation

What is the legal term for bias-motivated crimes? hate crimes prejudice crimes stereotype crimes terrorism crimes

hate crimes

Compared to public prisons, private prisons ______. house a majority of inmates in the United States have less rigorous training for prison staff cost millions of dollars less have a higher staff-to-inmate ratio

have less rigorous training for prison staff

What role does the U.S. attorney general have in the U.S. government? evaluates lawyer misconduct serves as the U.S. representative to the United Nations personal lawyer to the president head of the Department of Justice

head of the Department of Justice

What were the early state sponsored shelters for neglected and delinquent children called? house of refuge juvenile courts house of delinquents house of juveniles

house of refuge

What is the broad term that includes the trade of humans for sex, labor, or the exchange of body parts? human trafficking human theft homicide terrorism

human trafficking

What is not an element of international terrorism? immigrant transcended national boundaries dangerous acts intimidation or coercion


If Mr. Johnson receives the maximum penalty for illegally sleeping in his car overnight and receives a five-year custodial sentence, it will likely be served ______. in a county jail in a federal jail in a federal prison in a state prison

in a state prison

Which case changed the standard of evidence for juvenile courts? McKeiver v. Pennsylvania (1971) in re Gault (1967) Roper v. Simmons (2005) in re Winship (1970)

in re Winship (1970)

If the Judge in Mr. Johnson's case adheres to the principles of the due process perspective, any evidence obtained as a result of the illegal search and seizure of Mr. Johnson's recreational vehicle would be ______. admissible in court under the plain doctrine rule admissible in court as the interests of society in preventing crime outweigh the rights of any individual inadmissible in court

inadmissible in court

What is a highly edited and distorted combination of entertainment and information presented as truthful? violent media frame infotainment print media social breakdown frame


What is the initial hearing in the juvenile justice court process referred to as? detention hearing intake adjudication consent decree


Work release, where an offender is employed during the day but has to report to the jail at night, is an example of what? intermediate sanctions probation plus parole intermediate response

intermediate sanctions

What role does the probation officer fulfill for the court? investigate probationers and report back to the court make arrests apprehend people who fail to appear enforce judgments of the courts

investigate probationers and report back to the court

John is out with his buddies watching a basketball game. He says he does not want to drink alcohol, but while he is in the bathroom, his friend pours vodka into his soda. He later gets pulled over by the police and is charged with driving under the influence (DUI). What defense might John claim? involuntary intoxication infancy necessity voluntary intoxication

involuntary intoxication

An inmate who has never received a degree or practiced law, but has become well-versed in legal matters while in prison is called a ______. solicitor jailhouse lawyers barrister paralegal

jailhouse lawyers

A lawyer argues that evidence should not be admitted to trial. The evidence was obtained illegally by the police, but the judge still permits the evidence at trial. On what grounds can the lawyer appeal the case? prosecutor and police misconduct violation of due process ineffective assistance of counsel judicial error

judicial error

What sentencing perspective is focused on proportionality between the crime and the ensuing punishment? privatization lex talionis solitary confinement just deserts

just deserts

What are the primary components of the U.S. criminal justice system? law enforcement, courts, and policy law enforcement, courts, and corrections law enforcement and corrections law and order

law enforcement, courts, and corrections

Which is an example of formal social control? unfavorable treatment due to stigma legal prohibition of drugs peer pressure parental punishment

legal prohibition of drugs

An inmate who identifies with correctional officers and takes advantage of educational and rehabilitation opportunities would be classified as ______ by Cressey. doing time disorganized gleaning legitimate


SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. What technological innovations did Vollmer apply to police? lie-detecting instrument rubber bullets telephone radio

lie-detecting instrument telephone radio

When an offender is given probation they are not put in jail full time but rather given an opportunity to do what? community service continue to work to pay back fines and court costs pay the state the cost of housing them live within the rules and laws of society

live within the rules and laws of society

The offense Mr. Johnson is accused of, illegally sleeping in a car overnight within city limits, is an example of which type of behavior? mala in se mala prohibita actus reus mens rea

mala prohibita

What is one of the reasons why there is an increase of older inmates in prison today? older people break more laws judges are harder on seniors in court police enforce law on older people more often mandatory sentences and tough laws

mandatory sentences and tough laws

If someone accidentally physically hurt another person but did not mean to, what element of crime is missing? actus reus causation mens awl mens rea

mens rea

What type of military tribunal provides a detainee an ideally fair and transparent trial while also maintaining national security interests? homeland security federal courts military courts military commissions

military commissions

How do the public defenders get the money to pay the expert witnesses for trial? experts volunteer their time motion for expenses of experts the defendant pays legislation to raise taxes

motion for expenses of experts

Which motion do attorneys file when evidence is obtained illegally, and they want to exclude the evidence from trial? motion for recusal motion in limine motion for discovery motion to suppress

motion to suppress

What type of law enforcement activity is called the third degree? obtaining confessions through brutal and violent means denying suspects access to an attorney lying to lawyers about the case obtaining confessions through bribery

obtaining confessions through brutal and violent means

Which statement most accurately describes the offending rate trends in the 1980s and early 1990s? offending decreased substantially among juveniles offending decreased slightly among juveniles offending increased slightly among juveniles offending increased substantially among juveniles

offending increased substantially among juveniles

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. What is the goal of the criminal attorneys using the advocacy model? offer quality and effective advocacy represent their client zealously win at any cost advocate for ethics

offer quality and effective advocacy represent their client zealously advocate for ethics

What is the technical term for city rules? ordinances statutes case law precedent


The majority of modern police agencies are structured with a ______ framework. paramilitary vertical horizontal justice


After the victim impact statement (VIS) is provided to the judge and jury, where else is it shared? the defendant defense lawyer local media parole board

parole board

What term in the 18th century referred to a "father's right" to disciple his children? in loco parentis loco parentis patria postestas parens patriae

patria postestas

What is restitution? paying the victim, victim's family, or a crime victims fund paying court fees and trial costs paying the cost of being on probation paying the cost of being on parole

paying the victim, victim's family, or a crime victims fund

What organizational development often requires approval before personnel decisions are implemented in police departments? police unions diversity vigilantes state approval

police unions

What is the legal standard required to obtain a warrant? probable cause due process beyond a reasonable doubt reasonable suspicion

probable cause

What is the standard for the burden of proof in a preliminary hearing? beyond a reasonable doubt more likely than not reasonable suspicion probable cause

probable cause

Which is an example of a victimless crime? sexual assault prostitution check fraud trespassing


According to the concept of the social contract, why do people in organized societies grant power to the government to control their lives? brainwashing protection propaganda intelligence


All states provide some basic rights to crime victims. If an offender is being sentenced to community corrections, the victim has the right to do what? provide input to ensure the court receives adequate information appeal the decision petition the court to deny community corrections

provide input to ensure the court receives adequate information

Under the corrections to the community mode,l people are provided sanctions for their crimes. What is a sanction? ticket punishment prison time fine


What is custodial interrogation? interrogating a suspect about an unrelated crime questioning a suspect after arrest asking a suspect's friends for information canvassing a neighborhood for tips

questioning a suspect after arrest

Which of the following is an illegal reason to remove a juror? religion occupation political affiliation race


SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. What criteria do judges use to determine bail eligibility? real estate social media ethnic origin credit repor

real estate social media credit repor

What is probable cause? criminal motive reasonable suspicion vulnerability of victims political activism

reasonable suspicion

In the presentation of closing arguments the prosecution goes first, and then the defense follows. After the defense finishes the prosecution is given the final opportunity to speak. This opportunity is called what? final closing argument redress cross-examination rebuttal


What is the main goal of the contemporary juvenile justice system? rehabilitation demonstration punishment victimization


What is the trend in reincarceration since 2005 in the United States? reincarceration has stayed the same reincarceration has remained constant except for African Americans reincarceration has declined reincarceration has increased

reincarceration has declined

What is the most common reason people support the death penalty? retribution deterrence morality justice


What is judicial review? reviewing an unrelated case power of the Court to make laws reviewing actions by other branches of government power of the Court to decide sentencing

reviewing actions by other branches of government

If an offender commits a legal violation of their probation, they risk going to jail for the entirety of their sentence. What is the proper term for losing your probation? removal remanded revocation return


Which criminal activity encompasses a variety of acts that are sexual in nature, including unwanted touching, kissing, rubbing, groping, or forcing the victim to touch the perpetrator in sexual ways? rape sexual abuse sexual assault verbal abuse

sexual assault

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which of the following served as law enforcement before the Metropolitan Police Act of 1829 established a new structure of policing? shire reeves thief takers bobbies watchmen

shire reeves thief takers watchmen

What is the Latin term for "let the decision stand?" Cole memo molon labe stare decisis lex talionis

stare decisis

During opening statements legal counsel______. questions expert witnesses presents character evidence about the defendant summarizes what they expect the evidence to show cross examines witnesses

summarizes what they expect the evidence to show

A judge is required to determine if a person who is accepting the plea does so knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily. t or f


African Americans are overrepresented as inmates in city and county jails compared with their presence in the general population. t or f


Detectives work closely with the district attorney when prosecuting a case. t or f


Female inmates are at a high risk for HIV because of histories of prostitution and injection drug use. t or f


In most states, juveniles are defined as offenders 18 years of age or younger. t or f


Keeping nonviolent offenders out of prison can prevent them from becoming a repeat offender. t or f


Noncollege women are more likely to report victimization than college women. t or f


Prison administrators often use solitary confinement to house mentally ill inmates. t or f


Rape myths found in society permeate the criminal justice system. t or f


Restorative justice has grown in popularity in the juvenile system. t or f


Solitary confinement can be used to punish an inmate, protect an inmate from self-harm (e.g., suicide), or as a way to protect an inmate from being harmed by others. t or f


The Constitution does not say that a person has the right to bail. t or f


The Declaration of Principles of 1870 drafted by the National Prison Association rejects the notion that punishment is the ultimate goal of imprisonment. t or f


The felony stigma and lack of job opportunities often lead to reoffending. t or f


Violence used on a population for the purpose of coercion for political, religious, or ideological goals is called ______. communism terrorism nationalism activism


Community-based responses to punish not only help the offender not repeat, but also serve as a deterrence to who else? offenders' family people in prison offenders' friends the community

the community


the ethical philosophy seeking the greatest good for the greatest number of people

Hedonistic Calculus

the idea that humans make decisions based upon maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain

In California v. Greenwood (1988) the Supreme Court ruled that a warrant was not required to search ______. a car that is immobile a motorhome the trash a locker in a school

the trash

What is the purpose of the Office for Victims of Crimes? to represent victims at civil trials to help victims with funding, policies, and practices to advise on sentencing of the defendant to advocate for victims' rights at trial

to help victims with funding, policies, and practices

What is a closed system of isolation designed to control individuals referred to as? prisonization prison argot pains of imprisonment total institution

total institution

What do police officers need to do to make sure victims are willing to report future victimizations? respond to the call quickly talk to the victims about their personal life treat the victim with respect project strength and authority

treat the victim with respect

SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. What are the defining elements of the drug court model? treatment services monitoring mandatory sentencing judicial interaction

treatment services monitoring judicial interaction

What happened to juveniles in adult prisons in the 18th and 19th centuries in England? rehabilitation education demonstration victimization


What is parole? when an offender is released from prison early and allowed to serve the rest of their sentence living in the community Parole is a form of intermediate sanctions that includes community service. Parole is a customized approach to address criminal behavior of an offender. Parole is the felony equivalent to misdemeanor probation.

when an offender is released from prison early and allowed to serve the rest of their sentence living in the community

When are motions in limine filed? after the trial has ended when the defense pleads guilty when new evidence is introduced at trial during the pretrial stages

when new evidence is introduced at trial

At what point does the criminal justice process begin? when the crime becomes known to law enforcement when the accursed is formally charged by the prosecutor when the judge or jury renders a decision when someone commits a crime

when the crime becomes known to law enforcement

What race is the largest percentage of individuals shot by police? multiracial White Asian


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