Adolescence : physical, cognitive and psychosocial development
G. Stanley Hall
"storm and stress" , adolescence is relatively a new concept, replicating bridge between savage beast and civilized human being. started psychology movement in America
Anna Freud : what is adolescence?
Adolescents are excessively egoistic and unpredictable. like to be the center of universe/sole object of interest, & yet at not time in later life are they capable of so much self sacrifice and devotion. passionate love relations, only to break them as abruptly as they began them. On the one hand they throw themselves enthusiastically into the life of the community and they have an over powering longing for solitude. They oscillate between blind submission to some self chosen leader and defiant rebellion against any and every authority
what are the two stages of hormonal stages linked to physiological development ?
Adrenarch and gonadarche
fluid intelligence
Cattell and Horn, the ability to solve new and unusual problems
identity achievement
James Marcia, the identity status that is follows decision on a career after a period of active search or crisis
secondary sex characteristics
None have to do with reproduction for example don't have to do with the fact that if u can conceive a child or not
In the first stage of puberty these glands (located above the kidneys) secrete gradually increasing levels of androgens?
adrenal glands
language development of adolescence
average 16-18 yr old knows 80,000 words ; discuss abstract thoughts; use logical relational terms (however, otherwise, therefore); enjoy irony/puns and metaphors; increased social perspective taking
personal fable
belief of uniqueness and invulnerability, nothing bad is going to happen to me, I can do this dare-devil thing, sense of being protective and immune from harm. some drivers(I can make it before that train comes)
girl secondary sex characteristics
breasts,pubic hair, axillary underarm hair, changes in voice & skin, increased width/depth of pelvis, muscular development
brian becomes more efficient so easier to process things more efficient and quick with things to become more snappy. example : going from a beginning texter to the crazy fast texter
identity achievement
commitment after and active search or crisis
beyond the frontal lobe
corpus colosseum increases in size during adolescence
frontal lobes
decreased gray matter, decrease synapses & increase myelination, neural activity more efficient
identity vs role confusion
development of a consistent identity or of self, positive : answer question who am i? what will i be? , involves experimenting with many roles before finding one that fits
in puberty a girl's ovaries there is a increase of output of a specific hormone
late adolescence (18-20)
final prep for adulthood (us currently) set vocational goals(occupation or employment), and establishing a sense of personal identity. greater concern for others/emotionally stable, clear sexual identity, more comfortable around parents
James Marcia
foreclosure, idenitity diffusion, moratorium, identity achievement
formal operational thought
from schema to ABSTRACT THINKING, hypothetical deductive reasoning, Piaget :environmental opportunities as adolescents can begin to understand notions of valor & honor & sacrifice
sequence of changes
girls go from breasts--> puberty boys go from pubic hair --> ejaculation
Albert Bandura
goes smoothly & just deal with issues as they come up, no storm and stress. careful of self-fufilling prediction, most young people are not anxiety ridden, tumultuous adolescence is an understatement (bobo doll and observational/social learning theory)
imaginary audience
heightened self consciousness, imaginary audience - everyone thinks they are looking at them, bra example : "mom i don't want to put the bra in the cart everyone is looking at me"
hormonal changes in the adrenal glands (above the kidneys). happen when are around 7/8 years old and later prep for puberty. FIRST STAGE OF PUBERTY
identitiy confusion
inability to decide on alternative (b/c of unstructured settings) may result in role diffusion, depression "Im nothing I'm a loser", identification with delinquent
functional changes
increase in process speed, further development of executive function skills (selective attention, decision making, inhibitory control and management of working memory)
structural changes
increase in working memory capacity, amount of knowledge stored in LTM (declarative, procedural, and conceptual knowledge)
temporal lobes
memory formation and visual and auditory processing, gray matter reaches max at 16 or 17 but is still in development
middle adolescence (15-17)
new thinking skills and intellectual world is suddenly expanding, self-directed and starting to make decisions about what they want to do. example : AP classes and work. may engage in risky behaviors --> alcohol, drugs and seek intimate relationships. seeks privacy/time alone so complain parents won't let them be independent
identity diffusion
no interest in exploring
what are the two characteristics of egocentric thought?
personal fable and imaginary audience (DAVID ELKIND)
adolescent development
physiological development (puberty), cognitive development (formal operations), psychosocial development(identity)
premature selection of roles based on other's wishes
occipital lobes
processing visual information, gray matter increases into early 20's, gray matter is still in development
boys secondary sex characteristics
pubic hair, axillary underarm hair, muscular development, facial hair, changes in voice & skin, broadening of shoulders
hourglass contact
relationship between siblings
uderarm hair is what type of sex charachteristic
cognitive development
sensorimotor (birth to 2 years) preoperational (2-7 years) concrete operations (7-11 years) formal operations (11 - adulthood)
parietal lobe
sensory info and evaluating spatial relationships, gray matter decreases through adolescence (pee pee)
early adolescence (11-14)
separation from childhood begins. puberty and acceptability, intense conformity to peers, don't want to stand out, physical growth and maturation is a MAIN COMPONENT. may be confusing for parents and the child themselves
state of active crisis
adolescent cognition : information processing theory
structural changes and functional changes
the adolescent brain
unique period for brain development - critical period for brain devo, moldable by experience- executive functioning , synapses are eliminated (influenced by interactions with outside world)
what most people think of puberty. 11-13 years old and sexual maturation achieving reproductive maturity, primary/secondary sex characteristics