Adv Sx quizzes 4-5

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Contraindications for massage therapy

- Bit wound abscess - Surgical site

A person's sterile area

- Chest to level of sterile field - Sleeves of sterile gown from 2in above elbow to top edge of cuff -NOT neck, shoulders, cuff of sleeve due to perspiration or back.

Contraindications of Neuromuscular electrical stimulation

- Moist dermatitis - Thrombophlebitis - Mast cell tumor

Gingivitis causes

- Plaque - Bacterial endotoxins - Harmful by-products of WBC

Indications to low-level laser therapy

- Tx of trigger points - Intervertebral disc dz - Postoperative pain - Tendonitis

Indications for massage therapy

-Toning atrophied muscle - Tendonitis


A sterilization unit that creates high-temperature pressurized steam is called what?

Endogenous opioid theory

Acupuncture causes release of internal substances that decrease pain in a similar manner to morphine. What method of controlling is explained by what theory?


An herb concentrated in alcohol or glycerin

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT)

Application of light waves that are monochromic and polarized to stimulate healing

Cementoenamel junction

Area of junction of the enamel of the tooth and the cementum meet

Essential oils

Aromatherapy involves the use of what?

Ayurvedic medicine

Balancing "doshas" is the primary goal of what type of medicine.

Anatomic dead space

Breathing passages that contain air, but no gas exchange occurs (mouth, nasal passages, pharynx, trachea, bronchi).

Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES)

Contraction of type II muscle fibers through the application of electric current

Chiropractic therapy

Corrects subluxations of the vertebral column


Crystalloids are generally given at lower administration rates than colloids.


Device applied to the body to limit motion or provide support

Periodontal Disease

Disease of the periodontium, the support structures of the teeth (periodontal ligament, gingival connective tissue, alveolar bone, and cementum).


Each tooth that ends in a 4 is what type of tooth?

First molars

Each tooth that ends in a 9 is what type of tooth?

Passive range of motion (PROM)

Flexion and extension of a joint w/i its normal ability to move by a practitioner

Endurance exercises

For cardiovascular system improvement


Hospital-acquired infections are called _____.


Human or pet-formula toothpastes are both acceptable for use on pets.


Hypertonic saline is adminstrated in large volumes to patients in shock

1. Check patient 2. Check where the surgeon is in the surgery 3. Notify surgeon

If the heart rate should increase dramatically during anesthesia, the anesthetist's initial response(s) should be what?

100 series

In the modified Triadan system of teeth numbering, adult teeth in the maxillary right quadrant are assigned what series of numbers?


Involves stimulation of specific points along meridians to alter the flow of qi.

1. 2.

List 2 disadvantages to using an anesthesia machine with a Bain adaptor on a cat weighing less than 5kg.

1. Premedications 2. Open body cavity(ies) 3. Surgical preparation

List 3 practices or procedures whitch contribute to hypothermia in the anesthetized patient.


Manual movement or vibration of soft tissue to relieve pain and increase circulation


Movements occur in H2O to enhance range of motion and reduce concussion of joints

Indications of Neuromuscular electrical stimulation

Muscle atrophy following surgery

Heart, liver, kidneys

Name 3 organs or structures that can be affected by oral infections.

Abnormally deep gingival-sulcus depth around 1 or more teeth is present

Other than seeing gingivitis, how does a veterinary technician performing a dental scaling determine whether a pet has early periodontal dz?

Relationship between plaque and calculus

Plaque is a white, slippery film that collects around the gingival sulcus and later mineralizes on the tooth to become calculus.

Glandular therapy

Preparation of animal products into a food additive to treat dz or sustain organ health


Regarding IV catheter placement and use in Sx choose a catheter that is small in diameter to minimize the risk of bleeding.


Relief of soft-tissue pain resulting from muscle tension or "knots"


Removes heat from the body and causes rebound vasodilation when removed

Ultrasound (therapeutic)

Sound waves than can have a thermal effect on the body


Standard shock doses of fluids are about the same as doses used during routine Sx.


Stress, causing catecholamine release, leads to vasoconstrictionn which will cause brick red mm.


T/F. A chiropractic vertebral subluxation is most often detected on x-rays.


T/F. A veterinarian can use acupuncture to treat birds, dolphins, and elephants.


T/F. Benefits of a land treadmill are greatest when going up/down hill.


T/F. Chinese herbs are typically prescribed based on a pathological diagnosis.


T/F. Cryotherapy and heat therapy can be used over ares w/o sensation as long as the application time is limited to 5 min or less.


T/F. Flower essence are usually in a tablet form.


T/F. Harnesses and slings can be used to assist both large and small animals with weightbearing and balance issues.


T/F. Heat therapy is best provided with an electric heating pad.


T/F. Homeopathic medicines should be taken orally with food.


T/F. In the underwater treadmill, the most accurate resistance with the least buoyancy is achieved when the water is at the level of the shoulder.


T/F. It is important that herbs are purchased from a reputable source that emphasizes quality control.


T/F. Meridians are pathways through which acupuncture points are connected.


T/F. Raw meat diets are the best type of food to feed dogs/cats b/c they are closer to what nature intended these animals to eat.


T/F. Regardless of the size of the dog, carts and wheelchairs are recommended for both indoor/outdoor use under close supervison.


T/F. Swimming is the best tx for strengthening both for-and hindlimbs.


T/F. TTEAM is a method of electrical stimulation used for muscle strengthening.


T/F. The best approach to dietary counseling is to find 2-3 high-quality diets that you can recommend to all dog-owning clients.


T/F. The frequency of sound waves affects tissue penetration. For instance, low frequency sound waves will penetrate further into the body than high-frequency sound waves.


T/F. Unlike conventional medications, the potency of a homeopathic remedy is inversely proportional to dilution.


T/F. With LLLT, a laser with an output of 400mW has a lower probability of producing adverse reactions than a laser with a output of 200mW.

Applied kinesiology

Testing the resistance of a patient's muscle is one of the evaluation techniques used in what therapy?


The commonly used flower essence combination called "Rescue Remedy" would be appropriate to treat what?

Left lower quadrant

The modified Triadan numbering system assigns a number to each tooth by type of tooth and position in the mouth. Tooth number 307 is located in which quadrant of the mouth?

Neuromuscular reeducation exercises

To correct posture and gait

Strengthening exercises

To decrease muscle atrophy

Proprioceptive exercises

To improve body awareness

Balance exercises

To improve stability

Holistic approach to feeding dogs

Try to find a diet that will best meet each dog's needs

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

Used to treat chronic and acute pain through electroanalgesia

Homeopathic medicine

Using a dilution of a disease-causing agent to stimulate the body's own defenses is the theory behind which alternative technique?


Using the Triadan system, the proper way of describing the cat's 1st upper right premolar is what number?

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF)

Waves of energy introduced to the body that stimulates the production of proteoglycans

Periodontal probe

What instrument is used to measure the gingival-sulcus depth?

Plain yogurt

What is a food additive that can help to balance gastrointestinal flora of dogs?

Musculoskeletal & neurological disorders

What is rehabilitation's primary goal to treat?


What is the delivery rate of a microdrip admin. set?

Curettes have a round tip and scalers a pointed tip

What is the difference between curettes and scalers?


What is the normal periodontal pocket depth in a dog?


What is the normal periodontal pocket depth ina cat?


What massage stroke most commonly is used to remove metabolic waste and increase circulation?

1. Notify doctor 2. Check anesthetic machine 3. Give additional induction agent 4. Increase gas anesthetic agent

What should you do if your anesthesia patient starts moving during Sx?

Width; 40%

When selecting a cuff to use to indirectly measure a cat/dog's BP, the _____ of the cuff should be approx. _____% of the circumference of the limb at the site of cuff placement.

Flower essence therapy

Which complementary modality is based on the notion that all agents used to treat patients should be nontoxic, whether diluted or undiluted?

D) Aromatherapy

Which of the following modalities would typically not be part of a comprehensive rehabilitation plan? a) hydrotherapy b) laser & ultrasound therapy c) chiropractic d) aromatherapy


Which of the following statements is false regarding the sterile field? a) Unscrubbed personnel should not walk between two sterile fields b) Unscrubbed personnel should never face the sterile field c) All unscrubbed personnel should keep a safe distance from the sterile field d) Only sterile items should be in the sterile field e) The sterile field should never be left unattended

A) not regulated by the FDA

Which of the following statements is true of individual medical herbs? a) They are not regulated by the FDA b) They are sometimes patented and "owned" by one company c) Much of the research on the effects of herbs is done in the US d) Combinations of herbs cannot be patented in the US

D) choose catheter small in diameter to minimize risk of bleeding

Which of the following statements regarding IV catheter placement & use in Sx patients is incorrect? a) Choose an admin. set w/ an injection port b) Give all IV drugs slowly unless told otherwise c) Always follow IV injection through a catheter w/ sterile saline flush d) Choose a catheter that is small in diameter to minimize the risk of bleeding

Decreases risk of H2O becoming aspirated into lungs

Why is a properly fitting ET tub so important when performing dental procedures?

Reduces intracranial pressure by vasoconstriction

Why is it important to maintain a low EtCO2 when you are the anesthetist for a dog with a possible brain tumor?

D) All of the above

Why is it important to review all medications and supplements that a patient is taking before beginning the surgery? a) To avoid possible drug interaction b) To know whether diagnostic tests are indicated c) To make necessary adjustments to anesthetic protocol d) All of the above

1. Stage III, plane 4 2. Turn off vaporizer, remove breathing circuit from patient, flush w/ 100% O2, turn up O2 flow meter, connect back to patient, & bag patient. If no response, partially reverse opioid.

Your patient is anesthetized. You observe "rocking ventilation", absent PLR, flaccid muscle tone, decreasing HR & BP, & prolonged CRT. What anesthetic plane is this animal in and what is your response?

Bisecting angle technique

______ is used in veterinary radiography to minimize distortion and produce an accurate image of the tooth on the dental film.

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