ADV3008 Exam 2

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According to the DAGMAR system, what do good objectives achieve?

- They specify an audience. - They have clearly defined outcomes.

What are the advantages to using magazine advertising as a media vehicle?

- audience interest - local targeting - various ad sizes

Which terms are used by media buyers when categorizing magazines?

- content - geography - size

What information is included in a rate card?

- mechanical requirements - ad closing dates

The distribution objectives are directly related to _____

- message weight - reach - frequency - continuity

What are the two types of media objectives?

- message-distribution objectives - audience objectives

What are the four most common types of survey questions?

- open ended - scale - multiple choice - dichotomus

What are major limitations of newspaper advertising?

- poor production quality - too much clutter - lack of selectivity

what does the print production process include

- printing and distribution - prepress - preproduction

what are the elements of the creative mix?

- product concept - target audience - communication media - creative message

Which of the following are important to media buyers when they are purchasing ad space?

- readership - deadlines - cost

What are the advantages to using outdoor advertising as a media vehicle?

- simple message - larger than life - local targeting

A newspaper's total circulation includes?

- subscribers - secondary readers - newsstand buyers

What does the media planner decide when scheduling media?

- the amount of space to buy - the time frame for the ad - the number of time units to buy

Who are involved in assembling the commercial during the postproduction phase?

- the director - the sound mixer - the film editor

When the brand manager first reviews the marketing plan, what is the manager looking for?

- to understand where the company is going - to understand the role of IMC in the marketing mix - to understand how the company is going to get where it needs to be

What types of information are important to advertisers?

- where their customers spend money - who their customers are - what their customers like

rate card

A printed information form listing a publication's advertising rates, mechanical and copy requirements, advertising deadlines, and other information the advertiser needs to know before placing an order

closing date

A publication's final deadline for supplying printing material for an advertisement


A scheduling technique in which the advertiser floods the airwaves for one day on both cable and network channels to make it virtually impossible to miss the ads

flat rate

A standard newspaper advertising rate with no discount allowance for large or repeated space buys

national rep system

A system in which individuals act as sales and service representatives for a number of stations

total audience plan

A type of rate plan that guarantees an advertiser a certain percentage of spots in the better dayparts

reading notice

A variation of a display ad designed to look like editorial matter

classified display ads

Ads that run in the classified section of the newspaper but have larger-size type, photos, art borders, abundant white space, and sometimes color

IMC message

An element of the creative mix comprising what the company plans to say in its advertisements and how it plans to say it—verbally or nonverbally

communications media

An element of the creative mix, comprising the various methods or vehicles that will be used to transmit the advertiser's message

the _____ _______ is the natural outgrowth of the marketing plan.

IMC plan

To seek information about the product concept, the target audience, the communication media, and the creative message, companies use which type of research?

IMC strategy

What blends the elements of the creative mix?

IMC strategy

What is used to assist in the selection of target markets, messages, or media?

IMC strategy research

distribution objectives

In a media plan where, when, and how often advertising should appear

How does television act as a medium to impart brand meaning?

It does this by delivering a creative big idea to the audience

Which of the following is an advantage of the "direct-from-the-factory" approach of syndication?

It gives local TV stations more say in their programming

What is a disadvantage of using radio advertising?

It has a long lead time required to book time

What is an advantage of using radio advertising?

It has a low effective net cost per station.

What is a disadvantage of broadcast TV advertising?

It has become less cost-effective due to audience fragmentation

Which of the following is a disadvantage of participation-basis advertising?

It has long lead times

What is the advantage of using media-buying software?

It improves the media buyers' control over the placement of ads

What is true of an IMC message?

It is a combination of copy, art, and production elements.

what is an advantage of newspaper advertising?

It is a mass medium of advertising

How is secondary readership estimated?

It is estimated through market research

what is an an advantage of advertising in a magazine?

It offers more permanency or shelf life

what is a true statement regarding satellite radio?

It requires audience members to pay a monthly subscription fee

What is unique about a studio lot?

Its outside area is shielded from off-site sounds

which type of car is not a primary competitor for the Hyundai Sonata?

Jeep Cherokee

cognitive involvement and affective involvement are the dimensions of the __________ grid



One of the five Ms of the media mix; dealing creatively with the available advertising media options

media buyer

Person responsible for negotiating and contracting the purchase of advertisement space and time in various media

What are newspapers doing to regain their declining national advertising?

Providing discount rates for national clients

What is a reason radio is considered as an active medium?

Radio enables people to call in, make requests, and participate in contests

Gross rating points (GRPs) = ____

Reach × Frequency


Running the same commercial every half hour on the same network during prime time

How does television act as a good leverage tool for advertisers?

TV commercials get people responding to the message, then advertisers can follow up through cheaper mediums

What are AM stations doing to counteract the advantages of the FM band?

The AM band is concentrating on news and talk shows that don't rely on sound quality

off-network syndication

The availability of programs that originally appeared on networks to individual stations for rebroadcast

average quarter hour audience

The average number of people listening to a specific station for at least five minutes during a 15-minute period of any given daypart

participation basis

The basis on which most network television advertising is sold, with advertisers buying 30- or 60-second segments within the program. This allows the advertiser to spread out the budget and makes it easier to get in and out of a program without a long-term commitment

bottom-up marketing

a company focuses on a tactic first and then develops that tactic into a strategy

attention value

a consideration in selecting media based on the degree of attention paid to ads in particular media by those exposed to them

advertising rates

a key item listed in the newspaper rate card

Which of the following is a benefit provided by satellite radio that is not available to terrestrial radio listeners?

a large number of program choices


a measure of impact


a measure of spread

sequence the process of recording and controlling music for a TV commercial

a microphone captures sound, recorders transfer the sound, sound is stored in a medium

When a publisher fails to reach its delivered figure, what is it required to provide?

a refund

supply-chain multiplication

a system used by national reps of broadcast stations to deal with multiple stations

What does the last phase of print production involve?

actual printing and proofing

imagery transfer

When advertisers run a schedule on TV and then convert the audio portion to radio commercials, fully 75 percent of consumers replay the video in their minds when they hear the radio spot

Higher national rates in newspapers are attributed to?

added costs of servicing national advertisers

effectiveness should relate to _____

advertising message exposure

In a television commercial, the responsibility for completing the job on time and within budget lies with the

agency producer


(no fold) very colorful, enjoy gossip/scandals, more fun. ex:) New York Post

Standard or broadsheet

(would be folded, crested in a vending machine) ex:) washington post

In print media, where are display advertisements commonly found?

all sections of the newspaper

One of the advantages of cable TV advertising is that it:

allows narrowcasting

what are standard types of cameras used for making TV commercials?

- 35-mm film - digital - 75-mm film

display ads

- All sizes, every page, 87% is local - National advertisers charged 60% more

insert ads

- Designed by advertiser, carried by paper - Printed on glossy paper - Inserted into the newspaper, you just include it in delivery

Emphasize reach when:

- High familiarity with product - Large numbers must respond

Why is radio a good advertising medium?

- It is cost-effective - It reaches a wide audience

classified ads

- Little text ads that anyone can purchase - Very important source of income but been devastated due to like craigslist, ebay, etc

Evaluative research

- Problem: did we succeed? Do the ads work? - Data: quantitative


an effect achieved when the sum of the parts is greater than that expected from simply adding together the individual components

IMC is used as ______

an investment in a product or brand

What is the final step in the process of collecting primary data?


In the preproduction phase, the producer of a video spot must first ______ in order to minimize costs for the advertisers

analyze production techniques

Developmental research

- Problem: lack of knowledge, no clear direction - Priority given to data that are interactive - Data: qualitative - need deep knowledge

concept research

assessing audience's acceptance of creative ideas

What are used to determine how effectively a campaign creates a favorable image for a company?

attitude tests

the foundation (bottom level) of the communication pyramid is ______


IMC pyramid lowest to highest

awareness (bottom), comprehension, conviction, desire, action (top)

Which form of syndication is also called advertiser-supported syndication?

barter syndication

percentage of sales method

based on a percentage of anticipated sales for the next year, last year's sales, or a combination of the two

What does the standard format of a magazine rate card help advertisers determine?

basic and additional costs

Effective frequency takes place between a maximum level that _____ and a minimum level that provides ____________ _______________

becomes overexposure ;message awareness

What is used to gain information about the market, the competition, and the business environment and to gain a greater understanding of the problem?

informal research

stage of the marketing research process that includes researchers talking about problems with customers, competitors, suppliers, and employees

informal research

Which magazine is published in digest size?


What are stock photography fees typically based on?

length of time the usage will continue

what was the brand category of Holiday Inn Express?

limited service hotel

What adds the most realism to the scene being shot?


What does MIS refer to?

marketing information system

What are the clear, quantifiable, realistic marketing goals that are to be accomplished within a defined time period called?

marketing objectives

What is it called when companies develop systematic procedures for gathering, recording, and analyzing new information that help managers make marketing decisions?

marketing research

What is an advantage of broadcast TV advertising?

mass coverage

All communications vehicles available to a marketer make up the _____.


What translates a company's advertising strategy into goals that can be accomplished?

media objectives

The number of people in a medium's audience is called _____

media vehicle exposure

What is the first part of a good marketing plan called?

mission statement

Where is a short description of an organization's purpose and philosophy stated?

mission statement


mixing continuity and flighting strategies in media scheduling

in the budgeting approach known as share of market/share of voice, voice is best thought of as ________

money spent on IMC

When a new product is introduced, what might be lacking?

money to attack all the geographic markets at the same time

What is another name for qualitative research?

motivation research

Of the five Ms that are pretested and posttested by a company, which of the following is outside a company's control?


The major drawback of shooting on location is that

natural lighting is difficult to control

The program audiences of TV and radio stations are measured by companies called

network stations

What is one of the big mistakes that a company can make in developing its marketing strategy?

not staking out any position in the market

clear, quantifiable, realistic marketing goals to be accomplished in a specified time frame is the definition of _________


Unlike quantitative research, qualitative research is used by marketers to perform what function?

obtain a general impression of the market


offering something unique

Newspaper National Network

one-order, one-bill system for national advertising launched in 1994 by the Newspaper Association of America

what is an aspect of IMC strategy that can be pretested effectively?

package design

Customers' interpretation and evaluation of a message is helped through ______


A company could find, once it completes the exploratory research phase, that it needs more information that can only be acquired from what type of research?

primary research

The marketing mix for each target market blends which marketing elements that are controlled by the company?

product, price, distribution, and communications

What are the steps between the draft of an ad and the finished version called?


the TV audience measurements prior to C3 measured

program minutes viewed on the day a program was aired

first-run syndication

programs produced specifically for the syndication market

Advertisers use these techniques to discover people's underlying or subconscious feelings, attitudes, interests, opinions, needs, and motives through the use of indirect questions such as "What kind of people do you think shop here?"

projective techniques

Consumers are urged to have open discussions with interviewers in ______

qualitative research

what is not a sales-target objective?

raise awareness by 10%

The Alliance for Audited Media verifies what type of information?


What type of tests show the potency of message components, such as size or color?



refers to radio ads

audience share

refers to the percentage of homes with sets in use (HUT) that are tuned to a specific program

What drives marketing decision making?


Advertising using a ______ gives total control of spot placement to the station

run-of-station basis

Advertising using a ______ gives total control of spot placement to the station.

run-of-station basis

a weakness of sales target objectives, according to the lecture, is they.....

say nothing about strategy

What is the name of the detailed description of a brand's current marketing position?

situation analysis

What is the first step in the marketing research process?

situation analysis and problem definition

Media buyers rarely specialize in what type of agencies?


A radio session is recorded in a

sound studio


specific instance of a media


stands for defining advertising goals for measured advertising results. DAGMAR is a planning tool for setting communications objectives for a campaign.

What does a marketing plan of an organization generally aim to do?

state or restate an organization's mission

It is more difficult to buy spot advertising than network advertising because

stations need to be contacted individually

Sonata's sales history from 2014 to today suggests ______

steep decline

SWOT analysis

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats; which represent the four categories used by advertisers when reviewing a marketing plan

The ______ offers the best control for scenes requiring large amounts of space, scenery, and the full effect of outdoor lighting

studio lot

The ______ offers the best control for scenes requiring large amounts of space, scenery, and the full effect of outdoor lighting.

studio lot

gross impressions

summed exposures to several vehicles. Cumulative impact.

Once data is collected, it must be must be validated, edited, coded, and ______


The percentage of sales method is based on the fallacy ______

that IMC is a result of sales

Primary research raises one legitimate concern. What is it?

the accuracy of the findings

What information should the media buyer provide to the rep to receive avails?

the advertiser's media objectives


the advertising rate that entitles a newspaper to place a given ad on any newspaper page or in any position it desires

What does a product's location on the Kim-Lord grid indicate?

the amount of thinking and feeling involved in a purchase

effective frequency

the average number of times a person must see or hear a message before it becomes effective

average quarter-hour rating

the average quarter-hour persons estimate expressed as a percentage of the estimated population

DAGMAR systems specify the time frame for moving from _____

the current situation to a desired situation

on-sale date

the date a magazine is actually issued

cover date

the date printed on the cover of a publication

audience composition

the distribution of an audience into demographic or other categories


the duration of an advertising message or campaign over a given period of time

The least authoritative source of advertising is?

the internet

What does the David Ogilvy Research Award honor?

the most effective campaign guided by research


the opening of a camera that controls the amount of light that reaches the film or digital media

product placement

the practice of companies paying to have their goods written into movies or television shows

media planning

the process that directs advertising messages to the right people in the right place at the right time

Who selects the director for a radio commercial and the studio for recording it?

the producer

What should the first section of the marketing plan briefly summarize?

the situation analysis and SWOT analysis

Who is responsible to for creating the final version of a commercial during the postproduction phase?

the sound engineer

Gross rating points are used to determine _____

the spending for a campaign


the time when the recording and mixing of a radio commercial take place

message weight

the total size of the audience for a set of ads or an entire campaign

When are combination rates given to advertisers?

they advertise in the morning and evening editions of the same newspaper

When a company discovers a market position not held by a competitor, how can it rapidly fill in the hole?

through product differentiation

What is the purpose of the preproduction phase?

to save advertisers a lot of money

The market need and a company's sales strategies and objectives are included in a company's _____

top-down marketing plan

What is determined by multiplying the number of subscribers with the estimated number of readers per copy?

total audience

Which term refers to the total number of homes reached by some portion of a program?

total audience


total number of people households exposed to a medium

How is the effectiveness of a campaign, after it runs, evaluated?


Which of the following is the least expensive way of creating visuals?

using stock photography

In order to make a report understandable and useful to managers, a researcher should avoid _________

using technical jargon

the most appropriate term, from a media planning standpoint, to use for an episode of "The Daily Show" is



vehicle cost/ gross impressions x1,000


vehicle cost/ program rating

What can researchers ascertain from scanning Universal Product Codes?

which products are selling and how well

In the jargon of the advertising trade, what are magazines called?



building stature through knowledge

vertical publication

business publications aimed at people in a specific industry

Positive attitude changes about a brand are likely to predispose consumers to take what action?

buy the company's product

In what way does the IMC approach to planning marketing and communications activities differ from the traditional processes?

by mixing marketing and communications planning together

in digital advertising, CTR refers to

click through rate

What is one of the useful sources of internal secondary information called?

company records

What are the three critical elements of media planning?

continuity, frequency, and reach

cost per thousand (CPM)

cost divided by the number of thousands of people in the audience

The messages created to appeal to the motives of consumers are ______

within a company's control

which was not discovered during a focus group for Unipath's Clearplan davice

women did not like the device

IMC strategy research

defining product concepts

audience objectives

definitions of the specific types of people the advertiser wants to reach

company's strategy

determine the specific short-term actions to be taken

evaluative research is best thought of as ___________

determining whether the campaign worked or not

After building an IMC strategy, what do companies begin doing?

developing creative concepts

research can serve _________ or __________ needs

developmental; evaluative

message pretesting

diagnosing communication problems before a campaign begins

Analysis of the advertising response curve shows that, with repeated exposures, incremental response to advertising _____

diminishes, rather than builds

What type of research method is used to coax a variety of answers from people in order to determine how well advertising messages convey main ideas?

direct questioning

As media planners purchase more gross rating points (GRPs), the unit cost falls because of ______


what is one of the advantages of pretesting?

distinguishing the strong messages from the weak ones

what is the concept that marketers of a new product often use that involves examining important markets and dedicating resources to the ones that will allow it to attain promotional superiority?

dominance concept

message posttesting

evaluating a campaign after it runs

what is an important function of electronic media buying software?

evaluating market-by-market performance of media schedules

Qualitative data are gathered using what method?

focus group

What is the name of an intensive research technique involving a half dozen or more members of a particular market discussing a product?

focus group

The percentage of sales method _____

forces planners to develop objectives to fit the budget

What requirements are needed when conducting quantitative research?

formal design rigorous standards for collecting data

the number of occasions on which people in a group had a chance to see a message is the idea behind the concept of ______


What is it called when the publisher reaches its delivered figure?

guaranteed circulation

During pretesting, respondents often rate the messages that make the best first impression as the highest in all the categories. What is this effect called?

halo effect

The FM band of radio is more popular than AM because the FM band

has better sound fidelity

affective involvement

how emotionally engaging is this purchase decision? (feel)

cognitive involvement

how much time do i spend thinking about this product? (think)

One of the functions of marketing research is to help managers do what?

identify consumer needs

Thoughtfully planned but freely structured questions help interviewers explore respondents' inner feelings in a(n) ______

in depth interview

How are a company's ideas for reaching its marketing objectives detailed?

in its marketing strategy

Industry trends for the Hyundai sonata suggested

increasing sales would be difficult

company's objective

indicate where the company wants to go

company's tactics

indicates the intended route

In syndicated programming, the producer deals directly with ______ to sell a program

individual stations

which is a controversy in Hyundai's past

inflated fuel economy numbers

Impression (OTS)

potential exposure of an ad in a (print) vehicle

What do magazine advertisers use to reach their target audience?


full position

The preferred position near the top of a page or at the top of a column next to reading matter

When doing research for print ads, direct questioning is often used at what stage?


A brand development index number of _____ indicates that a brand's performance balances with the size of the area's population


what is the correct sequence of measurement of these in the BrandAsset Valuator model?

1. differentiation 2. relevance 3. esteem 4. familiarity

four major classifications of magazines according to their sizes from biggest to smallest

1. large 2. flat 3. standard 4. digest

Steps of a Marketing Plan

1. mission statement 2. situation analysis 3. marketing objectives 4. marketing strategy 5. marketing tactics

positioning advertisement ranked from least expensive to most expensive:

1. run-of-paper rates 2. next to reading matter rates 3. full position rates

what are the steps marketing research process in the order that they occur?

1. situation analysis and problem definition 2. informal research 3. construction of research objectives 4. primary research 5. interpretation and reporting of findings

preferred-position rate

A choice position for a newspaper or magazine ad for which a higher rate is charged

cost per thousand (CPM)

A common term describing the cost of reaching 1,000 people in a medium's audience. It is used by media planners to compare the cost of various media vehicle

motivation value

A consideration in selecting media based on the medium's ability to motivate people to act. Positive factors include prestige, good quality reproduction, timeliness, and editorial relevance

earned rate

A discount applied retroactively as the volume of advertising increases throughout the year

marketing plan

A document that serves as a guide for the present and future marketing activities of an organization

insertion order

A form submitted to a newspaper or magazine when an advertiser wants to run an advertisement. This form states the date(s) on which the ad is to run, its size, the requested position, and the rate.

share of market/share of voice method

A method of allocating advertising funds based on determining the firm's goals for a certain share of the market and then applying a slightly higher percentage of industry advertising dollars to the firm's budget

empirical research method

A method of allocating funds for advertising that uses experimentation to determine the best level of advertising expenditure. By running a series of tests in different markets with different budgets, companies determine the most efficient level of expenditure.

tabloid newspaper

A newspaper sized generally about half as deep as a standard-sized newspaper; it is usually about 14 inches deep and 11 inches wide

horizontal publication

Business publications targeted at people with particular job functions that cut across industry lines, such as Purchasing magazine


Buying simultaneous airtime on all four television networks.

Gross Rating Points (GRPs)

By adding the ratings of several media vehicles we can determine the message weight of a given advertising schedule that is expressed as

to compare three different television programs in terms of their cost per viewer, a media planner would use:


split-run test

Change one thing within your ad and then you test it

primary research

Collecting primary data directly from the marketplace using qualitative or quantitative methods

spillover media

Foreign media aimed at a national population that are inadvertently received by a substantial number of the consumers in a neighboring country

print media

Gross rating points are calculated for the number of ads in a campaign

outdoor advertising

Gross rating points are calculated on the basis of daily exposure

broadcast media

Gross rating points are often calculated for a week or a month

what is not one of the challenges HEX faced in succeeding

Hampton inn challenged them in every location they tried to build

Before developing any messaging campaign or making any IMC decisions companies must use _______ research to get a feel for how people perceive its products, how they view the competition, and which messages offer the greatest appeal.


What is one of the largest costs in a company's marketing budget?


What is an advantage of spot radio?

It allows great flexibility to national advertisers in their choice of markets

What is the advantage of using the Newspaper National Network over others?

It allows placing one order and one bill for multi-market newspapers

What is one of the advantages of the Universal Product Code label?

It allows timely inventory control

What does the IMC pyramid best represent?

It assumes that people follow the learn-feel-do model for high-involvement products.

When does preproduction in the print process begin?

It begins when the creative department submits the approved creative concepts to the production department

Which of the following is an advantage of participation-basis advertising?

It does not require a long-term commitment to a single program

sales target objectives

Marketing objectives that relate to a company's sales. They should be specific as to product and market, quantified as to time and amount, and realistic. They may be expressed in terms of total sales volume; sales by product, market segment, or customer type; market share; growth rate of sales volume; or gross profit.

barter syndication

Marketing of first-run television programs to local stations free or for a reduced rate because some of the ad space has been presold to national advertisers

Emphasize frequency when:

New or unfamiliar product

classified ad

Newspaper, magazine, and now Internet advertisements usually arranged under subheads that describe the class of goods or the need the ads seek to satisfy. Rates are based on the number of lines the ad occupies. Most employment, housing, and automotive advertising is in the form of advertising

bulk discount

Newspapers offer advertisers decreasing rates (calculated by multiplying the number of inches by the cost per inch) as they use more inches


The camera accessory that allows the camera to see a spokesperson through the back of a two-way mirror while the spokesperson reads moving text reflected off the front

What is a run-of-schedule positioning of a commercial?

The commercial is aired when the station chooses to run it

cost efficiency

The cost of reaching the target audience through a particular medium as opposed to the cost of reaching the medium's total circulation

short rate

The difference between the contracted rate and the earned rate for the actual inches run

IMC strategy

The methodology advertisers use to achieve their advertising objectives. The strategy is determined by the particular creative mix of advertising elements the advertiser selects, namely: target audience; product concept; communications media; and advertising message. Also called the creative mix

guaranteed circulation

The number of copies of a magazine that the publisher expects to sell. If this figure is not reached, the publisher must give a refund to advertisers

secondary readership

The number of people who read a publication in addition to the primary purchasers

primary circulation

The number of people who receive a publication, whether through direct purchase or subscription


The overall strategy of selecting and scheduling media vehicles to achieve the desired reach, frequency, and continuity objectives

Brand Development Index (BDI)

The percentage of a brand's total sales in an area divided by the total population in the area; it indicates the sales potential of a particular brand in a specific market area

Category Development Index (CDI)

The percentage of a product category's total U.S. sales in an area divided by the percentage of total U.S. population in the area


The percentage of homes or individuals exposed to an advertising medium.

rating service

The program audiences of TV and radio stations are measured by companies called


The program that gives discounts to national and regional advertisers for purchasing six or more pages per year

average quarter hour share

The radio station's audience (AQH persons) expressed as a percentage of the total radio listening audience in the area

short rate

The rate charged to advertisers who, during the year, fail to fulfill the amount of space for which they have contracted. This is computed by determining the difference between the standard rate for the lines run and the discount rate contracted.

position rate

The rate that an advertiser has to pay to guarantee a choice position for an ad

If a test has validity, what must be evident?

The results must be free of bias.

informal research

The second step in the research process, designed to explore a problem by reviewing secondary data and interviewing a few key people with the most information to share. Also called exploratory research

standard-size newspaper

The standard newspaper size measures approximately 22 inches deep and 13 inches wide and is divided into six columns

marketing research

The systematic gathering, recording, and analysis of information to help managers make marketing decisions

a _____________ rate is lower than the regular rate because the advertiser agrees to be "bumped" if another advertiser pays the regular rate.



The total number of different people or households exposed to an advertising schedule during a given time, usually four weeks.

IMC plan

The written document that directs the company's advertising effort. A natural outgrowth of the marketing plan, it analyzes the situation, sets advertising objectives, and lays out a specific strategy from which ads and campaigns are created

reach and frequency are ________________

inversely related


is % streaming out of total usage of TV

what is not true of research described in the lecture?

it is too expensive for most firms

media vehicles

particular media programs or publications

The Kim-Lord grid, which depicts the level of consumer involvement in a purchase, recognizes that _____

people can be cognitively and affectively involved at the same time


perception of the target market as compatible with their needs and wants

In the foreign markets of developing countries,

personal contact is a more widely used method of advertising than in the United States

A situation analysis provides the information needed for ______

planning a marketing strategy

During which stage does the sound engineer mix music, sound effects, and vocal to create a finished radio commercial?


In order to generate beneficial information for future ad campaigns, companies use which one of the following?


What is used to determine if a message is effective?


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