AERT 3820 Final

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5:Part ____________ allows operations of drones of less than _________ pounds without a COA, provided the operator has a Remote Pilot Airmen Certificate, which requires the passage of an aeronautical knowledge test in addition to the following: 1: The drone is operated using line-of-sight (LOS) or first-person view with an LOS observer; 2: Fly during daylight or in twilight (30 minutes before official sunrise to 30 minutes after official sunset), with appropriate anti-collision lighting; 3: The weather must be a visibility of three miles or greater from the control station; 4: The maximum allowable height is 400 feet above ground level; 5:The maximum speed is 100 mph


The Airport Safety and Noise Abatement Act of 1979 introduced the Part ______ regulation, while the Airport Noise and Capacity Act of 1990 created the Part _______ regulation


The Airport Noise and Capacity Act of 1990 (ANCA) created the Part ___________ regulation (Notice and Approval of Airport Noise and Access Restrictions) which placed a limit on how many Stage _________ aircraft (i.e. these are aircraft with over _________ pounds MTOW) were allowed to operate in the US


According to Part 36 regulations, stage _______ aircraft are those that meet the original noise limits set in 1969


Once the ASC has undergone training, they don't need to undergo additional retraining (like other airport inspectors) unless there was a break of _________ or more year in service as an active and designated ASC


In what year did the Federal government required that all checked baggage be screened prior to the flight operation?


Passenger aircraft operators are not allowed to sit on the ramp for more than _________ hours for domestic flights, or _________ hours for international flights unless one of the following conditions below exist: 1) The pilot-in-command determines that to deplane passengers would pose an unacceptable safety or security-related risk (e.g. weather, a directive from an appropriate government agency), 2)Air traffic control advises the pilot-in-command that returning to the gate or another disembarkation point elsewhere in order to deplane passengers would significantly disrupt airport operations


The Gerardo Hernandez Airport Security Act was passed by Congress in 2015 in response to a security incident that occurred at Los Angeles International Airport. What aspect of security did the Act require the airport operators to establish procedures and plan?

Active Shooter Response plans

Which of the following groups is not a typical stakeholders to be mentioned in the AEP with some expected responsibilities?

Airport Passengers

Which of the following does not have to be met to open the airport after an emergency?

All Aircraft wreckage has been removed from the airfield

Which of these regulations require the airlines to retire, replace, or retrofit the older jets that did not meet the federal noise level standards?

Aviation Noise Abatement Policy (ANAP)

Which of these were the first regulations to be established in the 1960s to specifically address aircraft design concepts related noise issues at airports? Choose all that apply

Aviation Noise Abatement Policy (ANAP) Federal Aviation Regulations Part 36

The airport access badge is required to have several primary elements. Which among the following is not a required element on the access badge?

Biometric Information

Which of the following airspaces is one allowed to operate a UAV without air traffic control?

Class G

Which of the following is not one of the main three phases of an airport emergency?


The compatibility measures developed under Part 150 must meet the five objective highlighted by the FAA. Which of the following is not one of those objectives?

Consolidate all the necessary powers to the FAA to ensure smooth aviation operations

The Department of Homeland Security has issued a security directive through the National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS). The directive is related to a security threat on several flights in the national airspace that are currently being monitored. Upon receiving the security directive, airport operators are required to immediately to switch to what type of security plan?

Contingency Security Plan

As part of the lease agreement, Delta Airlines has made an arrangement with the Wayne County Airport Authority to provide additional security personnel in the McNamara Terminal (where Delta conducts its flight operations). This arrangement is also known as ____________

Exclusive Area Agreement

_________ is an example of an irregular operation; it occurs when passengers and their respective aircraft get stuck at the airport for an extended period of time, like a day or more

Extended Stay IROP

Which of the following personnel may be excused from undergoing both Criminal History Record Check (CHRC) and Security Threat Assessment (STA)?

FBO Personnel

T or F A property owner who lives near both the airport and an interstate has filed a lawsuit against the airport asking to compensated for the damage caused by the noise pollution due to airport operations. Although it has been shown (by actual data) that the noise levels generated at the airport are exactly the same as those generated by the interstate, the airport must compensate this owner because Part 150 states that this scenario is the same as any other noise complaint scenario


T or F Airport ID badges must expire after 3 years or less.


T or F Airport operators can choose to do either a criminal history record check (CHRC) or a security threat assessment (STA) on an individual as part of the processing their airport ID badge application.


T or F Airports can opt out to have the TSA screening personnel; if airports choose to do so, TSA has no legal obligations to be involved with the airport security matters.


T or F All UAS operators (even those under COA) are required to notify the airport operator and the control tower if they plan to fly within 5 nautical miles of an airport space. The airport operator will have to grant the Letter of Authorization (LOA) which replaces all other FAA approvals - this process is also called the FAA Golden Rule


T or F For accidents involving aircraft weighing less than 15,500 lbs. Maximum Take Off Weight (MTOW), the NTSB has delegated accident investigation authority to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)


T or F From the airport operator's perspective on customers, external customers are employees or business departments who receive services from other employees or business departments of the same organization


T or F Functional Annexes section of the Airport Emergency Plan (AEP) provides additional and detailed information applicable to the performance of a function in support of a particular hazard


T or F If federal funds are used for land acquisition, the airport operator is governed by the procedures found in 49 CFR Part 42 and the Uniform Relocation and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act


T or F One of the security positions that commercial airport operators are required to hire is the Aircraft Operator Security Coordinator (AOSC). The AOSC acts as the contact person between the airport and aircraft operators.


T or F One of the things that brings uniformity in aviation security practices across the world is the establishments of the ICAO security requirements which are described in Annex 17 to the Chicago Convention


T or F Part 139 Section 139.325 requires the airport operators to describe how they will respond to an emergency involving the largest air carrier in the Index group for that airport


T or F Public or civil UAVs that are over 75 pounds and are operated in civil airspace either by the federal government or a civil entity must be authorized through a Certificate of Waiver or Authorization (COA), issued by the FAA, which allows a certain entity to operate a specific UAV/UAS in a specific area for a specific purpose


T or F Section 42301 of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 was established by Congress to regulate airport irregular operations


T or F Soundproofing is considered the most effective control measure for reducing noise impact at airports


T or F The Airport Liaison Agent (ALA) is an airport-hired personnel whose role, as described in the security plan, is to coordinate with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and inform them of any security threats/incidents.


T or F The Exclusive Area Agreement (EAA) is very similar to the Airport Tenant Security Program (ATSP) except that the EAA applied to the non-regulated airport tenants


T or F The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) required an assessment of noise effects for airports undertaking major projects; under this Act, an economic impact study was optional before developing a mitigation program


T or F The National Incident Management System (NIMS) is a management system to enable effective and efficient domestic incident management by integrating a combination of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and communications operating within a common organizational structure


T or F The Noise Exposure Maps (NEMs) developed by airport operators for Part 150 studies should not be used by local governments (state, city, county) in their planning; the main reason is the differences in formatting and data analysis


T or F With the change brought by the Aviation and Transportation Security Act of 2001, the creation of Transportation Security Regulations (Part 1500 series) included General Aviation airports with the purpose of enhancing security across the nation


T or F The FAA now classifies drones weighing 75 pounds or less and used by a hobbyist as "model aircraft"


T orF If the accident occurs off but adjacent to the airport property (about a half-mile or so from the airport fence), the preservation and security of the accident site becomes the responsibility of airport management


A typical Airport Emergency Plan (AEP) consists of four basic sections (more or less). Which of the following is not one of those primary sections included in the AEP?

Finance and Administration Section

All individuals who have a role in the airport emergency response plans, are required to undergo the National Incident Management System (NIMS) training in the following courses except for _______ unless these personnel have high ranks and there is a need for it

ICS 400 - Area Command Functions

When it comes to the airport responding to an emergency happening at an entity located adjacent to the airport, which of the listed things is not a qualification for the airport to be involved in such emergency?

If the entity is not capable of handling emergency situations

Which of the following is not one the main three categories of emergencies classified by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)?

Incident Emergency

XYZ regional airport has experienced a security breach in one of its airfield fences; a group of four armed militia were trying to gain access into the cargo facility before the security officers were able to apprehend them. In this type of situation, airport operators are required to switch to what type of security plan?

Incident Security Plan

Although Part 150 is an optional operational plan, airport operators are strongly encouraged to implement it if certain conditions exist at the airport. Which of these following conditions is not of those?

Increase Airport Operational costs

While developing an Airport Emergency Plan (AEP), we can include some the four separate but related actions that are adopted from the Comprehensive Emergency Management (CEM). Which among these is not one of those actions?


Which of the following listed items is not one of the main functions of the Incident Command System (ICS)?


Match the following activities to be performed during the Part 150 process with their order of work

Phase 1----- Generate the noise exposure map Phase 2---- Draft the noise compatibility plan Phase 3 ---- Allow for review period of 180 days Phase 4---- implement the operational plan

__________________ is one of the essential customer touch points where airport operators can influence the passengers. This concepts is associated with layout and design of the airport itself including restrooms organization


__________________ is one of the essential customer touch points where airport operators can influence the passengers. This concepts refers to processes which the passengers encounter during their airport experiences - screening, ticketing, others, etc.


Which of the following is not one of the ways in which the airports operators have utilized to minimize congestions and costs at terminals?

Promoting Terminal Concessions

Which of the following is not one of the information that should be included in the Part 161 analysis of an airport?

Proposed Compatibility Measures

Which of the following duties is not one of the primary duties of the ground security coordinators (GSCs)?

Provide perimeter security by patrolling the airfield and responding to computer alarms from the access control system

Which of these represent a class of aircraft system operations that are typically managed by the US government or another business authorized to operate on behalf of the government


At a minor incident site, the Incident Commander (IC) must handle three additional responsibilities. Which of the following is not one of them?

Recovering airport operations

Which of the following does not belong to the three classes of unmanned aircraft system operations?

Remote Piloted

During the _________ phase of the emergency, the team focuses on dispatching and arriving at the scene, initial fire suppression, and dealing with any hazardous materials


Which of the following airport security areas requires the highest level of security including access controls, CHRC, STA, and ID display/challenge procedures?

Security Area

Which of the following is not one of the three types of security programs that airport operators have to implement at their airports? Normally, Airport operators have to choose which program they will develop and implement based on their airport category

Supplemental Security Program

When it comes to airport noise issues, some airport operators tend to say, "the airport was here first". This argument doesn't normally work because of the following reasons except for which one?

The airport operator can purchase the land surrounding the airport

You are provided with security regulations that were implemented prior to the 9/11 attack. For each of the regulations on the left side, match them with their appropriate area they addressed on the right side

Title 14 CFR Part 107 ------- Airport Security Title 14 CFR part 109--------Indirect Air Carriers Title 14 CFR Part 129-------- Foreign Air Carriers

The requirements for small, unmanned aircraft systems in the US National Airspace System are documented the following regulation:

Title 14 FAR Part 107

You are provided with security regulations that were established after the 9/11 attack. For each of the regulations on the left side, match them with their appropriate area they address on the right side

Title 49 Part 1500---- Civil Aviation Security Title 49 Part 1542---- Airport Security Title 49 Part 1548-- Indirect Aircraft Operator Security

Although there are no direct regulations instructing the airport operators on how to manage the terminal and landside areas, these two areas may still be subject to which of the Federal agencies' regulations?

Transportation Security Administration

One of the changes brought with the Aviation and Transportation Security Act of 2001 was the introduction of the Federal Security Director (FSD) position. The FSD is employed by which of the following entities?

Transportation Security Administration

Which of the following security personnel is responsible for screening the passengers, carry-on and checked baggage?

Transportation Security Officers

T or F According to Part 36, stage 3 aircraft are those that meet the noise restrictions established in 1977


T or F Aircraft noise and land use compatibility have been observed to the most challenging ad emotional issues to the airport management


T or F As part of their job, Transportation Security Inspectors (TSI) are allowed to 'violate' security procedures to ensure that the system they are testing is intact.


T or F At large commercial airports, these people may help the Incident Commander (IC) to carry out some of the tasks during an emergency: Safety Officer, Liaison Officer, and Public Information Officer


T or F Before submitting the Part 150 plan to the FAA for approval, the airport operator must explain the cost related to implementing the plan and how the airport is planning to obtain the funds


T or F For safety purposes as well, signs should be affixed on both sides of the vehicle to easily and properly identify the vehicle while on the airfield


T or F ICAO Annex 14 requires the member countries to ensure their airports have appropriate plan for removing disabled aircraft on or adjacent to the movement area - the Annex recommends the airport operators to designate a coordinator who will oversee the plan


T or F Noise source reduction under Part 36 has primarily centered on the modification of engine design to provide higher air bypass ratios, thereby reducing the amount of noise from the core engine. This coincided with the development of turbo-fan engines


T or F One of the reasons for initiating the Part 150 process was to identify compatible land uses given the level of noise exposure that was happening at airports


T or F One of the ways that the emergency response personnel can participate in the investigation phase of the emergency is to protect the evidence at the scene. This particular responsibility is described in the Advisory Circular 150/5200-12C (Fire Department Responsibility in Protecting Evidence at the Scene of an Aircraft Accident)


T or F Subliminal touch point is one of the customer touch points where airport operators can utilize to positively influence the passengers' experience; this concept relates to the overall atmosphere and "feel" of the airport


T or F The AEP is a part of the Airport Certification Manual, but it can be prepared as a separate document


T or F The Aircraft Operator Standard Security Program (AOSSP) is one of the changes brought by the Aviation Transportation and Security Act of 2001. The program deals with aircraft operators including those who operate out of General Aviation (GA) airports.


T or F The Airport Communications Dispatchers must be familiar on how to handle sensitive information as explained by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA)


T or F The Airport Liaison Agent (ALA) is an airport-hired personnel whose role, as described in the security plan, is to coordinate with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and inform them of any security threats/incidents.


T or F The Airport Security Coordinator (ASC) position is required for all commercial service airports with security programs under Title 49 CFR Part 1542


T or F The FAA uses the Day/Night Average (DNL) method of calculation as the standard to be used for forecasting cumulative noise exposure under Part 150 studies. However, this method has been criticized because it processes the noise effects on an average basis instead of accounting for each individual noise event


T or F The Federal Air Marshals (FAM) program was started in 1962; however, the program was not fully expanded to accommodate the air transport growth until the 9/11 attack


T or F The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, Public Law 93-288 serve to ensure that all public-use facilities have an emergency plan in place - these include the airports that are not covered under Part 139


T or F The Transportation Security Administration 'Playbook' also known as the Aviation Direct Access Screening Program (ADASP) was created to focus on randomly screening the airport employees.


T or F The design of the Part 150 regulations and planning process owed much to two programs that had been previously established. These programs were: 1) The FAA's Airport Noise Control and Land Use Compatibility (ANCLUC) program 2) The Department of Defense's Airport Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) program used for military airports


T or F The function of the EOC is to provide support to Incident Command personnel and coordinate other necessary support functions, which may also include assistance to the airport operator in keeping the airport open (if possible)


T or F The sterile areas of the airport can be controlled by three entities at any time: the Transportation Security Administration, the airport operator, and the aircraft operator


T or F The term drone is normally used, in its purest form, to describe something that flies in a dull, monotonous, and indifferent manner, such as a target drone


T or F The terminal is the airport's main passenger structure, beginning at the curb and extending through the screening checkpoint to the concourses and aircraft boarding gates


T or F UAS operations can technically be granted in areas outside of Class B airspace; however, most public organizations who run such operations are restricted to airspace classes D, E, and G.


T orF Airport operators ought to define any relationships (between the airport and the local community) in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or (MOA) sections of the AEP - these mainly address the sharing of the resources between the airport and the local community during an emergency


In the process of issuing ID badges, the airport will collect and process the fingerprints of the applicants of the individuals in the presence of the _____________

Trusted Agent

The term __________ describes the actual vehicle that flies, whereas the term ___________ describes all the components that are required to operate the ___________, such as a ground control station, payload, a datalink, and the vehicle itself


_______________ is a framework which the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) comprehensive approach to emergency management

national Incident Management System (NIMS)

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