Africa Test

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12. What was the language of learning after the arrival of Islam?


16. What is the best title for this list?

Desert Survival Traits of Camels

4. What is the main reason why people in different vegetation zones traded with each other?

Different resources were found in each zone.

18. Why was silent barter used in gold -salt trade?

Gold sites were kept a secret

9. Which world traveler was impressed with how devoted W. Africans were to practicing Islam. This traveler was impressed that they would even chain their children up so that they would learn the Qur'an.

Ibn Battuta

6. How did the later leaders of the Songhai empire differ from the empire of Mali in regards to the spread of Islam?

It spread Islam by force.

21. To which group did Kumbi fall in 1240?

Mande people of Mali

8. Who put Mali on the map traveling with 500 slaves and 30,000 pounds of gold?

Mansa Musa

17. How did the spread of Islam in the 600s contribute to the growth of trade?

Muslims became merchants in West African towns.

5. Which of these resulted from the hajj of Mansa Musa?

People in other lands learned that Mali was rich and important.

28. What other large empire--that was not African or Muslim, used African gold for their coins?


33. How did W. African culture become a part of the culture of the America's? (how did it get here)

Slaves brought the culture

6. Archaeologists have found remains of high walls around one ancient West African community.What does this suggest about it?

The inhabitants faced a threat of attacks.

8. Archaeologists found copper at Jenne-jeno. The nearest copper mines are 600 miles away.What does this indicate about the people of Jenne-jeno?

They carried on long-distance trade.

10. Which answer provides a list of changes that occurred in W. African government and law after the arrival of Islam?

W. Africans practiced Shariah law, had strong central government, succession changed to patrilineal decent

1. Which of these clues about the African past describes an artifact?

a farming tool

19. the proverb in the book states that ---something happened when an old man died....what was it--what happened when an old man died?

a library burned down

23. What is call-and-response?

a song style

30. what is kente?

a traditional form of cloth

20. How did Griots help the government?

acted as trusted advisors

22. Songs were important in African culture. They were almost always sung primarily for....?

all answers are true

31. technique in which shaped pieces of fabric are attached to a background of fabric to form a design or picture


25. Drumming plays an important role in W. African music.What was often attached to the drums?

bells and rattles

12. How did Ghana raise money to pay government officials?

by taxing goods

28. sculptures were used for many reasons...give two reasons why they were made

call upon spirits and honor leaders, represent ancestors or mythical figures, rituals, ceremonies, royalty, kings power, king authority

15. Key words and verses from the Qur'an were written on objects to decorate them. What is the "beautiful handwriting style" called that was used to write these verses down?


3. Which event in Kumbi, in Ghana, in 1076 contributed to the spread of Islam?

conquest by the Almoravids

2. Few large settlements developed in the Sahara because it was too


26. name 2 ways that salt was acquired to be able to trade it.

evaporation and mining

11. How have historians learned about the kingdom of Ghana?

from writings of Arab scholars

17. an account of the line of ancestry within a family is called...?


16. What kinds of designs were used to decorate textiles and everyday objects?


9. Which of these was an advantage of becoming part of an empire?

getting protection from raiders

10. Which product of West Africa was most important in the trade across the Sahara?


18. poet-musicians who tell stories and sing songs of praise and recite poems while playing instruments are called


20. Which of these factors caused the resources of Ghana to decline?

iron furnaces for which people cut trees for fuel

7. Which technology did the Nok people adopt as early as 500 B.C.E.?


3. Compared to the West African savanna, the Sahel has

less rainfall.

26. Dance movements of W. Africa often reflected conditions people lived in. How did dancers in the forest move?

like they were finding their way through forest undergrowth

29. What might an African wear so that they could bring spirits of gods and ancestors into the present?


23. Tracing the family line through the mother is called--spell somewhat accurately


24. which instrument is like a xylophone or marimba


21. Music became a major aspect of culture in Africa around which date?

none of the answers are true

How was knowledge, beliefs, and values of W. Africans transmitted before the arrival of the Muslims to their area?

oral tradition

30. What is the main reason why resources were weakened and began to run out (became scarce) in Africa?


14. Which phrase best describes Ghana's military troops?

regular career army plus trained reserves

19. People who lived in the southern forests had to trade to get which essential product?


13. Based on Ghana's system of government, who would rule next after the King died? be very specific in your answer

sisters son or nephew of his sister

24. melting ore to produce iron or other metals is called--(what is the key term one word only?)


4. One way the Mande people built Mali into an empire was to

take control of trans-Saharan trade.

29. Give 3 reasons why Salt was needed or important to Africans.--(do not say to trade) give answers the book listed

taste, preservative, diet, animals, housing

22. How did Ghana get its money to pay for such a large military?

taxes on trade

27. baked clay used to make pottery, tiles, and sculptures is called

terra cotta

14. The key term(s) for "woven goods" is ...?


2. What protected Ghana from being conquered by Muslim armies in the 700s?

the vast desert

5. Why did extended-family groups first settle south of the Sahara?

to farm

32. The "coil method" was used for which reason

to make baskets

15. Which factor contributed most to Ghana's power?

trade of resources

7. The 3 most important ways Islam spread were....

traders, missionaries, military force

27. trade across the main desert of Africa was called?

trans saharan trade

13. Al Saheli was known for...?

transforming architecture styles in W. Africa

25. payment made by one ruler or country to another for protection or as a sign of submission is called (what is the key term--one word only)


11. Which item was symbolic of graduation at the highest level in their society after the arrival of Islam.


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