African American History chapter 4 & 5 (starts at #14)

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What prominent Protestant denomination came out of black efforts to establish a separate church in Philadelphia?

African Methodist Episcopal

What was not an effect of Gabriel's Rebellion?

Fearing for their lives, more whites began to liberate their slaves.

For what is Benjamin Banncker well known?

First black civilian employee of the American government.

How did Banncker attempt to change Jefferson's ideas about black people?

He sent Jefferson a copy of his almanac, and debated radical theories with him.

What do the legal cases over slavery and black rights in Massachusetts in the 1780s tell you about the colony and her black residents?

In some cases, the courts seemed wiling to follow the letter of the law and apply equality and rights across the races.

What was the result of the Three-fifths case in the Constitution?

It gave the south increased political power on the basis of people who could not have any say in the government.

Why might a master free a slave?

It might generate a profit for them, in addition to the slave's labor. They might think that manumission was the only way to keep slaves from leaving in mass. They might not find a certain slave useful

What can be said that is true about Lord Dunmore's Proclamation in November, 1775?

Promised to free slaves who joined the British army.

Why did many Quakers take the lead in abolitionism?

Quaker ideology had long stressed principles of brotherhood of man and nonviolence.

What famous Revelation outside the United States was not an influence on slaves planning uprisings?

The French Revolution

what event heightened sectional tensions between the North and the South, leading to increased militancy on both sides as the north came out against slavery and the south for it?

The Missouri Compromise

Why did most whites not want blacks to enlist in the army?

They believed both blacks were too cowardly, and that it would inspire rebellion.

What groups of blacks emerged as leaders after the American Revolution?

Clergy & Businessmen

What was the most common form of resistance to slavery among blacks?

Day to day resistance and even escape.

How did Massachusetts abolish slavery?

Elizabeth Freeman And Quok Walker sued for their freedom under terms of a new state constitution.

How did many Americans view the War of 1812?

As a second part of the struggle for independence.

What compromise was made over the Atlantic Slave trade in the Constitution?

It was gradually abolished over the next twenty years.

How did enlightenment thought affect African Americans in the North in the 1760's and 1770's?

Joined British policies and actions. They petitioned state legislatures to abolish slavery gradually. Filed lawsuits, sometimes successfully, to gain their freedom.

Why did Washington reconsider his initial ban on black slaves serving in the army?

Lord Dunmore's proclamation seemed to give him greater strength and power.

Anti slavery societies were not generally very successful in the south. What was changed across a few southern states that did affect slaves' chances for freedom?

Manumission laws were made more permissive.

Before the Civil War what states or areas permitted black men to vote?

New York and several New England states

Where were patriot recruitment most widespread?

New england

Why did most African American intellectual leaders owe more to the Great Awakening than to secular learning during the Enlightenment?

Religious learning had been more available to them than scientist literature.

What is one difference between the initiatives in Connecticut and Rhode Island versus earlier attempts?

State legislatures took the lead in abolishing slavery, rather than individual blacks.

How did the slave trade change in the early 1800s?

The domestic slave trade, mostly westward, increased dramatically.

What factors lead to the abolishment of slavery in the North?

The economy wasn't as dependent on slavery as in the south. It was home to Christian ideas which began to see the injustice in slavery. Enlightenment rationalism.

What was the significance of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 for African Americans?

The ordinance set a precedent for limiting where slavery could and could not exist.

Why did blacks want to form separate institutions after the American revolution?

They faced continued resentment and discrimination after the American revolution. They wanted to preserve and continue unique aspects of their culture. There was a much larger free black in many northern cities after the Revolution.

African Americans made many gains through the American revolution. What was one limitation that they encountered?

They faced many economic difficulties, made worse by whites limiting training and entry into certain fields and trades.

What significant things can be said about African Americans during the American Revolution?

They fought for the side that offered them their best chance at freedom.

How did enlightenment thought affect African Americans in the south in the 1760's and 1770's?

They marched and protested in city streets. They escaped. Took matters into their own hands.

What was a difficulty faced by early black schools?

They never had sufficient enrollment.

How did men like Jupiter Hammond and John Chavis feel about what was best for African Americans?

They were against slavery, but generally felt that god, not men, would end the injustice.

what is true about the early separate black churches established around the Great Awakening?

They were never independent institutions.

Which two states abolished slavery immediately during the 1770s and the 1780s?

Vermont and Massachusetts

Why did freemasonry especially appeal to blacks?

White Freemasons traced their roots from Egypt, which blacks associated with their heritage.

What prompted black members of St. George's Methodist Church in Philadelphia to separate and form their own?

White members of the church attempted to move a member to the black area during prayer.

What was a result of racist thought in the 1790's?

it was bolstered by popular science views of the time.

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