African Lions
At what age does the male lion start their own pride?
Up to 5 miles
How far away can you hear a lion roar?
Up to 33 mph
How fast can lionesses sprint while hunting?
30 years
How long can African Lions live in human care?
15 years
How long can African Lions live in the wild?
Up to 30
How many lions can be in a pride?
Up to 300 lbs
How much can a female African Lion weigh?
Up to 450 lbs
How much can a male African Lion weigh?
About 50 lbs
How much food does a male lion eat in one meal?
Every 2-3 days
How often do African Lions eat?
Raising cubs, hunting
What 2 major roles do lionesses play in the pride?
Lusaka and Lelie
What are the names of the lionesses who are sisters at The Buffalo Zoo?
To attract females, to protect their neck
What are the two main purposes of a male lion's mane?
Dark coloring
What characteristic of a male lion's mane indicates to females that the male is in good physical condition?
What characteristic of lion cubs helps them to be camouflaged?
Identify other lions, warn about danger, or define territory to other animals
What do lions use their vocalizations to communicate?
Horse meat, bones, and a prey item
What do the lions at The Buffalo Zoo eat?
Amplify sense of smell
What does the Flehman Reponse and Jacobson's Organ help a lion to do?
Open woodlands, grasslands, and brush
What habitats do African Lions live in?
A pride
What is a group of lions called?
What is the African Lion's conservation status?
Flehmen Response
What is the name of the behavior lions are performing when they open their mouth wide, making a "funny face"?
What is the name of the male lion at The Buffalo Zoo?
What is the name of the oldest lioness at The Buffalo Zoo?
Jacobson's Organ
What is the name of the organ being used during the Flehmen Response?
African Lions
What kind of lions does The Buffalo Zoo have?
Protect the territory
What major role does the male lion play in the pride?
What percentage of hunting is performed by the females in a pride?
Human habitat expansion, poaching, and diseases from other animals
What threats do lions face in the wild?
Growls, hisses, grunts, and puffs
What vocalizations do lions utilize besides roaring?
What year was Shona born?
What year was Tiberius born?
What year were Lusaka and Lelie born?
A boy scout troop
Who built the window ledges for the lions at The Buffalo Zoo?
To catch air condition or heating from the window
Why do the lions at The Buffalo Zoo often rest on the window ledges?