Air Force Final!!!!!

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Arnold Air Society is a professional, honorary service organization advocating the support of air and space power. (true/false)

troops and aircraft

At the end of world war 2 in the army air forces what 2 things swelled? (1945)

Human factor

Audience analysis is also known as the


Can your hair contain excessive amounts of grooming aids or appear lopsided? (yes/no)


For what military purpose were aircraft first used by the Aeronautical Division of the Signal Corps?

Direct, Inform, Persuade, or Inspire

Four purposes air force writing or speaking falls under


Does tone play a large factor in your speaking, and should you use different words to make your speech sound more constructive? (true/false)

Professional Officer Course

POC is the abbreviation for _____?

Secondary receiver

People you indirectly communicate with through the primary receivers.

lingo and jargon

Don't lose audience with lots of ______ and unfamiliar _______

Concise chronology of program, policy, problem, etc.

A Bullet Background Paper may contain:

Bullet Statements

A Bullet Background Paper uses:


A Talking Paper is a single page on a single issue containing bullets or phrases. (True/False)

-Assist decision makers and leaders in leading -Research to inform and recommend change -a problem-solving thought process in written form

Staff Study functions

USAF Airman Basic (AB)

The only DAF rank that can be recognized by a lack of rank insignia is:

Comparison or contrast

Use comparison to dramatize similarities between two objects or situations and contrast to emphasize differences


Uses the comments of recognized authorities to support your claim

Spice Brown

What color is the nametape and USAF tape on the Air Force Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP) uniform?

Coyote Brown

What color is the t-shirt worn with the Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP) uniform?

Service Before Self

Which Core Value includes the virtues of Duty, Loyalty, and Respect?

Talking Paper

Which DAF Paper contains speaking notes which outline and narrates a single issue to inform others during planned/scheduled oral presentations?

Aim High

Which is not one of the Air Force's Core values?

Fly, Fight, and Win

Which of the below is not a Core Value of the Air Force?

Background paper, positron paper

Which papers have full sentences and details?

Higher Headquarters (HHQ) Patch

Which patch is mandatory on the left sleeve of the Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP) in the Air Force?

President Woodrow Wilson

Which president issued an executive order to create the Air Service of the U.S. Army?

stand at attention, face the Flag, remain silent, and salute.

While in uniform outdoors, during the Pledge of Allegiance, you should:

Primary speaker, Secondary speaker, Key decision makers

Who are the people in your audience?


You don't need an outline (true or false)

make eye contact and look for feedback

eighth step to overcome anxiety

Enhance your presentation

eleventh step to overcome anxiety

smile and be positive

fifth step to overcome anxiety

memorize your introduction and transition into the main point

fourth step to overcome anxiety


provide a summary of data that allows your audience to better interpret quantitative information

check out the place where you're speaking

second step to overcome anxiety

deliver your message

seventh step to overcome anxiety

take a short walk

sixth step to overcome anxiety


the separation of a whole into smaller pieces for further study


to tell about in detail

Use your excess energy naturally

twelth step to overcome anxiety

talking paper and point paper

what two papers are the same except one has "key reference data" and the other had "minimal data"


A Position Paper may be multiples pages and include full sentences in numbered paragraphs. (True/False)


A claim is also called a _______

an act or ceremony stemming from tradition.

A military custom is BEST defined as:


A precise meaning or significance of a word or phrase

Make eye contact with your audience and look for feedback.

A simple step to overcome anxiety while speaking is to:


A specific instance chosen to represent a larger fact in order to clarify an abstract idea or support a claim.

-conveys a single, narrow message in a very short time -Give the same short message many times -Requires prior research and content memorization

Point paper function

-working with proposals for new program -circulate a proposal to generate interest -evaluate a proposal -advocate a position on a proposal to decision makers

Position paper functions

What can you wear jewelry wise in order to still be in regs?

What can you wear jewelry wise in order to still be in regs?

Natural hair colors

What colors are allowed in your hair?

Air Service of the US Army

What combatant arm of the Army provided airpower in France in World War I?


What delivery format do you use when you don't have a lot of time to prepare?


What delivery format do you use when you have a lot of time to prepare?

hanged the name of the Air Service to Air Corps, but left unaltered its status as a combatant arm of the U.S. Army

What did the Air Corps Act of 1926 change?

signal officers reserve corps

What did the national defense act of 1916 provide?

Indoors: Face the flag and stand at attention Outdoors: stand at attention, face the flag, remain silent, and salute

What do you do indoors and outdoors when the Pledge of Allegiance is occurring?

Basic allowance for housing

What does (BAH) stand for?

Airman Battle Uniform

What does ABU stand for

they also serve as beacons vectoring us back to the path of professional conduct

What is the fourth reason as to why we have core values?

They point to what is universal and unchanging in the profession of arms

What is the second reason as to why we have core values?

they help us get a fix on the ethical climate of an organization

What is the third reason as to why we have core values?


What is used when in your briefing every word has to be perfect?

-neatness -cleanliness -safety -uniformity -military image

What makes up the professional military image? (3rd standard of appearance)

Parade Rest

What position are you at when the flag is being lowered?

First Sergeant

What ranks have a diamond in the middle?


What type of speaking involves a thorough outline with careful planning and practicing? Most military briefings are done in this format.


What type of speaking involves a word-for-word script that ensures the briefing is done right every time?


What was initial use of aircraft for military purposes?

Allies down 756 aircraft/76 balloons while losing 289 aircraft and 48 balloons

What was the Air Service record during WWI (downed aircraft/balloons vs. losses)?

Aeronautical Division of the Signal Corp

What was the US Army unit, founded in 1907 that took "charge of all matters pertaining to military ballooning, air machines, and all kindred subjects," but did not own any airplanes yet?

airplane no-1

What was the name of the Signal Corps first formally accepted airplane?

Neon Green

What wristwatch color is prohibited in uniform?


What year was the first aero squadron made?

rise and stand at attention; if others are present, call the room to attention.

When a senior officer enters the room, you should:

They are only saluted to during reveille, retreat, or special ceremonies.

When are flags on stationary flag staffs saluted to?

60 officers and 260 enlisted men

When congress created the aviation section in the signal corps how many members did it have in it (officers and enlisted)

August 1, 1907

When did the US Army develop a small aeronautical division?

Primary, secondary, or tertiary

When evaluating sources what are the three kinds of sources it could be?

After dropping your salute, remain at attention until given direction.

When reporting to a senior officer, which is a correct procedure?

faulty logic traps

When writing about cause and effect try to avoid ______


When you look for online resource make sure that they are _______


When you speak do you represent your organization? (true/false)

Review the purpose and scope of the overall project, assign yourself a deadline for the research effort, get a vector from the boss, and how much do I know already; what are my biases

When you start smart what are the four steps you should think of?

AFI 1-1 Air Force Standards

Where can you find more information on the Air Force Core Values?

Anywhere except for your face, neck, and hands

Where can you have tattoos in order to still be in regs?

Integrity First

Which Core Value includes the virtues of Honesty, Courage, Accountability, and Humility?

Bullet Background Paper

Which DAF Paper describes the background of a program, policy, problem or procedure?

Position Paper

Which DAF Paper's function is to work with proposals for new program, policy, procedure, or plan for working a problem?

AF Academy Freefall (AFAFF)

Which Professional Development Training (PDT) program is at the U.S. Air Force Academy?

Directive Paper

Which of the following is NOT a DAF Paper? -Talking Paper -Bullet Background Paper -Position Paper -Directive Paper

Position Paper

Which paper is used to advocate a position on a proposal to decision makers?

Organization and Audeince

Who are you supposed to know when you are publicly speaking?

You salute the President, Vice President, Secretary of Defense, Service Secretaries, all superior commissioned and warrant officers, all Medal of Honor recipients, and superior officers of friendly foreign nations.

Who do you salute?

Airmen and Guardians

Who is required to main serviceable uniforms at all times?

To prove that the air force has more strategic power than the other branches. Or to show that air power is strategically more logical.

Why did Brigadier General "Billy" Mitchell bomb the battleship Ostfrieland?


Fifth step for effective communication

Analyze Purpose and Audience

First step for effective communication

analyze your audience

First step to overcome anxiety

6 inches

For females, if hair is pulled back and secured behind the head, radius will not exceed ______ from the point where the hair is gathered.

To inspire a crowd (Have good delivery and knowledge over your subject)

To inspire

Army Retards Sit On Dead Earth Flowers



Air Corp Tactical School developed doctrine for what?

-Used air Corp tactical school bombing doctrine -Plans for the precision, strategic bombing of German industry and economy

Air wars plans division:

-detailed chronology of program, policy, problem, etc Condenses and summarizes complex issues -Provides background research for oral presentations or staff discussions; informs decision makers with details

Background paper functions

The Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) is used to pay for food for Service members.

Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS):

-background of a program, policy, problem or procedure -Concise chronology of program, policy, problem, etc -Summarizes an attached staff package -explains or details an attached talking paper

Bullet background paper function

Dress and personal appearance of air force and space force personnel


guidance in written form for an act of respect

Define Courtesy

an act or ceremony stemming from tradition

Define Custom

Basic Allowance for Housing offsets the cost of housing when Service members live off base. The intent of Basic Allowance for Housing is to provide uniformed Service members accurate and equitable housing compensation based on housing costs in local civilian housing markets, and is payable when government quarters are not provided.

Definition of Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH)

Basic Pay is the base salary for a Service member on active duty and counts for part of total military income. Basic Pay is electronically distributed on the 1st and 15th of every month, similar to many civilian jobs. Basic Pay for a Service member depends on length of service as well as rank (most enlisted Airmen enter the Air Force as an Airman basic and Space Force as a Specialist 1).

Definition of base pay


Did the wright brothers succeed in selling their aircraft to the US government? (yes/no)


Eyeglasses and sunglasses may be stored hanging on the uniform as long as it does not interfere with duties or operational requirements.

Focused, Organized, Clear Understanding, and Supported


The virtues are behaviors that demonstrate one truly values the Core Values

How are the virtues related to the Air Force Core Values?

Day Month Year

How does the military do their dates?

Clean, well-groomed, present a professional appearance

How is hair supposed to be perceived by others?

a quarter of an inch

How long can finger nails be in order to be with in regs?

No longer than the tip of arm pits

How long can women's hair be in order to be in regs?

How much makeup can you wear or to what extent can you do your makeup?

How much makeup can you wear or to what extent can you do your makeup?

Accessories must match hair color.

If worn, hair accessories must be what color?


If worn, necklaces may be visible over the shirt. (true/false)

the bottom of the orifice of the ear opening.

If worn, sideburns will be straight and even width (not flared), and will no extend below _______________.

Training centers

In 1926 what kind of centers were established?

Army Ground Forces, Services of Supply (later, in 1943, Army Service Forces), and Army Air Forces

In 1942, the Army Air Forces was one of what three U.S. Army Commands?

Not worn

In Mess Dress, the name tag:


In the service dress blue shirt or blouse, officer rank is worn on the _________.

two connected silver bars.

In the service dress uniform, the rank insignia of Captain (O-3) resembles:

silver oak leaves.

In the service dress uniform, the rank insignia of DAF Lieutenant Colonels (O-5) resembles:

Mess Dress

In which uniform is saluting not required?

modern outline

Is commonly used for air force PME courses. Uses upper- and lower-case roman numerals as well as upper- and lower-case Latin alphabet and Arabic numbers.


Makes a point plain or understandable or gives the cause of some effect


Male airmen are allowed to wear nail polish. (true/false)

Army Air Forces

On March 9, 1942, a War Department reorganization created three autonomous U.S. Army Commands: Army Ground Forces, Services of Supply, and __________.

A business meeting

On which of the following occasions would it be appropriate to wear the Air Force service dress uniform?

Circulate a proposal to generate interest (initiate the idea).

One function of a Position Paper is to:

one sentence that captures the essence of what you're trying to do -your "bottom line" [allows for greater focus during your briefing or speech]

Purpose statement

- What format will I use to communicate - How much time do I have to prepare my communication

Questions that will help to look at all parts of an equation or (other issues)

mutually/ civilians

Respect must be embraced______ by military and ________.

Fight for Feedback and get approval

Seventh step for effective communication

Less than 31 years old as of December 31 the year you will commission.

Scholarship applicants must be:

Research Your topic

Second step for effective communication

1st lieutenant (O-2)

Select the rank depicted

2nd lieutenant (O-1)

Select the rank depicted

Airman (E-2)

Select the rank depicted

Brigadier General (O-7)

Select the rank depicted

Captain (O-3)

Select the rank depicted

Chief Master Sergeant (E-9)

Select the rank depicted

Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force (E-9)

Select the rank depicted

Colonel (O-6)

Select the rank depicted

Command Chief Master Sergeant (E-9)

Select the rank depicted

First sergeant (E-7, E-8, E-9)

Select the rank depicted

General (O-10)

Select the rank depicted

General of the Air Force (no specified rank or O thing)

Select the rank depicted

Lieutenant Colonel (O-5)

Select the rank depicted

Lieutenant General (O-9)

Select the rank depicted

Major (O-4)

Select the rank depicted

-speaking notes outlines and narrates a single issue -Serves as a quick reference on key points, facts, positions -Addresses frequently asked questions Can stand alone for basic understanding of the issue

Talking paper function

summary of primary and secondary sources

Tertiary source

High-altitude daylight, Strategic Bombing.

The Air Corp Tactical School developed doctrine, principles, and philosophy on:


The Air Corps Tactical School developed doctrine, principals and philosophy on _______-altitude daylight, strategic bombing.

the precision, strategic bombing of German Industry and Economy.

The Air War Plans Division used doctrine developed by the Air Corp Tactical School to create plans for:


The National Security Act of 1947 created which branch of the military?

Primary receiver

The person you directly communicate with either verbally or in writing

five stripes with a star in the center.

The rank insignia of a USAF Technical Sergeant (E-6) is BEST recognized as a chevron of:

Live them.

The true challenge of the Core Values is to:

Support your ideas

Third step for effective communication

numbered outline

This format numbers every paragraph, indents each level one-quarter inch from the previous level, and wraps the text to align under the paragraph number

Used to pass on information describing actions you expect to be carried out by your audience. (Be clear and concise)

To direct

Refine your keyword searches

To get more concise information you could...

Used to pass on information to the audience. (Be clear, direct, and have accurate and adequate information)

To inform

Air corps act of 1926

What act changed the name from Air service to air corps?

National security act of 1947

What act created the Department of the air force?

coworkers (base personal), your office files and references, the internet, the library

What are four major categories of information?

Trust, Accuracy, Precision, Relevance, and Sufficiency

What are some things you need to identify in a good source of information?

-honesty -courage -accountability -humility (AHHC to remember)

What are the 4 virtues of integrity? (AHHC)

-Signal corps -Air service -Air corps -Army air force -USAF

What are the 5 stages of the evolution of the air force?

Topical or classification pattern, comparison and contrast pattern, chronological pattern, sequential pattern, spatial or geographical, problem and solution, reasoning or logic pattern, cause and effect

What are the eight patterns of outlining the body?

- a claim - evidence that supports the claim - warrants linking pieces of evidence to the claim - qualifications that limit the claim

What are the elements of a logical argument?

Character, Connection, Courage, Commitment

What are the four c's to the guardian ideal

Will be worn in the manner for which they are made. Eyeglasses and sunglasses will not be worn around the neck or on top/back of head or exposed hanging on the uniform. Eyeglasses and sunglasses may have conservative ornamentation on non-prescription sunglasses or eyeglasses, frames may be a conservative color: black, brown, white, dark blue, gray, or transparent material, or gold or silver wire.

What eye glasses/ sunglasses are you allowed to wear in be in regs?

Thesis statement

What is a specialized form of purpose statement used in academic or persuasive writing

Practice, practice, practice.

What is one simple step to overcome anxiety before publicly speaking?


What is speaking publicly without warning or on a few moments' notice called?

The core values tell us the price of admission to the air force itself

What is the first reason as to why we have core values?


What is the first standard of appearance?


What is the second standard of appearance?

Public meetings or demonstrations, opposed to the Armed Forces.

You may wear your uniform to all the following EXCEPT: -Retirement Ceremonies, Graduation, Weddings, Promotion Ceremonies. -University Classes, Funerals, Armed Forces Memorial Day Services. -Changes of Command, Official functions sanctioned by the Air Force. -Public meetings or demonstrations, opposed to the Armed Forces.

The Core Values

________ tell us the price of admission to the Air Force itself.

Blue circle, white triangle. red dot, gold birds on each side

army air forces insignia

Lieutenant General Jill Williams

Among the following individuals, who would have the position of honor? -First Lieutenant Theresa Davis -Lieutenant General Jill Williams -Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force John Smith -Lieutenant Colonel Bob Miller

General Headquarters Air Force

What assumed command and control over Air Corps tactical units?


Cadets receive a stipend during the summer between their AS300 and AS400 years. (true/false)

take "charge of all matters pertaining to military ballooning, air machines, and all kindred subjects"...but didn't have airplanes planes yet.

For what purpose was the Aeronautical Division of the Signal Corp created in 1907?

Organize and outline

Fourth step for effective communication

They point to what is universal and unchanging in the Profession of Arms.

From the "Little Blue Book," what is the second reason the Core Values are important to the Air Force?

They help airmen get a fix on the ethical climate of an organization.

From the "Little Blue Book," what is the third reason the Core values are important to the Air Force?

Short on the sides so its not touching the ears and no more than 2 inches of bulk on the top

How should men's hair appear to be in regs?

Mustache must not pass sides of mouth and beards are prohibited

How should men's mustaches/beards appear to be in regs?

How should men's sideburns appear to be in regs?

How should men's sideburns appear to be in regs?


Is saluting a custom or a courtesy?

Major General (O-8)

Select the rank depicted

Master Sergeant (E-7)

Select the rank depicted

Senior Master Sergeant (E-8)

Select the rank depicted

Staff Sergeant (E-5)

Select the rank depicted

Technical Sergeant (E-6)

Select the rank depicted

airman basic (E-1)

Select the rank depicted

airman first class (E-3)

Select the rank depicted

senior airman (E-4)

Select the rank depicted


Sixth step for effective communication

Analyze Purpose and Audience

Step 1 of the Seven Steps of Effective Communication is:

Research Your Topic

Step 2 of the Seven Steps of Effective Communication is:

Organize and Outline

Step 4 of the Seven Steps of Effective Communication is:


Step 6 of the Seven Steps of Effective Communication is:

Fight for Feedback and Get Approval

Step 7 of the Seven Steps of Effective Communication is:

Key decision makers

The most powerful members of the audience; the ones that really make the decisions

Used to try and sell your audience on a new idea, new policy, new product or change in current operations. (Have good tone and delivery)

To persuade

bullet background paper, background paper, position paper, staff study

What are the papers that can be multi page?

-Mission -Discipline -Teamwork (MDT or "MY Dog Tried" to remember)

What are the three virtues that demonstrate Excellence in all we do?

-Duty -loyalty -respect (LRD or Lard to remember)

What are the three virtues that demonstrate service before self?

Proper wear of headgear, helmet or chemical mask and confirm to safety requirements.

What are you allowed to wear on your face/head?

use simple, everyday language appropriate for your audience

nineth step to overcome anxiety

involve members of your audience

tenth step to overcome anxiety

practice, practice, practice

third step to overcome anxiety

Looking good builds confidence and builds your credibility with your audience

thirteenth step to overcome anxiety

Life raft, awkward hands, hand washer, caged tiger, rocker, pocket maniacs, pen clickers, gadgeteers, too cool

what are some common nonverbal quirks

Bullet background, background paper, position paper, staff study

what four papers can be multi page?


what happened to the troops and aircraft in 1946

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