Algorithms Midterm

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O(n log n)

"n-log-n"; mergesort

𝐺 in single-source shortest path

(V; E) needs to be a weighted, undirected graph

L(sub s;v) in single-source shortest path

(s, ..., v) is a shortest path from start vertex s to end vertex v; s,v ε E

Example of a spanning tree

0 1 | | 2 ---- 3 | | 4 5

Lehmer's algorithm


steps of algorithm design

1. Be clear about what problem your algorithm will solve 2. Pick a pattern. 3. Produce a first draft, using the selected pattern 4. Revise the draft by filling in blanks, eliminating potential infinite loops, or clarifying unclear passages. 5. Repeat until your pseudocode is correct, clear and able to terminate 6. Write a final and clean draft, ensuring your pseudocode will be clear to others 7. Prove that your algorithm is correct, working from your final draft. 8. Prove the efficiency of your algorithm, working from your final draft.

Steps of Dijkstra's algorithm with min-heap PQ

1. Make min heap PQ of size V. V is the num of vertices in the given graph. Every node in MH has vertex num and distance val of each vertex 2. Assign source vertex/ root = 0 and infinity to other vertices 3. While MH != empty: get vertex u with min distance from MH, check if vertices adj to u are in MH, and update adj vert's distance value if it's in the MH and the distance val is more than the u-adj edge + u's distance val

Steps of Kruskal's Algorithm

1. Sort the edges in non-decreasing order of their weight 2.Pick smallest edge. Include it if it doesn't make a cycle with spanning tree made so far 3. Ignore edge if it forms a cycle 4. Repeat until the spanning tree has n-1 edges

Obtaining MST using Prim's Algorithm

1. Start at any node in the graph. That node is reached while everything else is unreached 2. Find an edge with minimum cost that connects a reached node with an unreached one 3. Add the edge to the minimum cost spanning tree and mark the unreached node as reached 4. Repeat 2 and 3 until all the nodes in the graph are reached

How Dijkstra's algorithm works

2 lists visited and unvisited. Everything except the source vertex is in unvisited 1. Remove the current vertex from unvisited with the least cost (this vertex has least cost, all others must have greater cost) 2. add current to the visited set 3. If adj is in visited, then the minimum cost of reaching it is known 4. if adj isn't in visited, compute the new cost for arriving at adj by traversing the edge from current to adj

exhaustive search

2 paths: enumerate through all objects to be tested, test the objects

operations on dynamic sets

2 types: queries and modifying operations

Example of where greedy algo may not produce the optimal solution

7 / \ 3 12 / \ / \ 99 8 5 6

problem notation

<problem name>: Input: <definition of input objects> Output: <definition of output objects>

acceptable solution

A candidate solution which comprises a correct output for a given problem instance; unacceptable to have a candidate solution with an incorrect output

multiple valid spanning

A graph may have _____ trees.

exchanges in permutation algorithms

A natural way to permute an array of elements on a computer is to exchange two of its elements. The fastest permutation algorithms operate in this way

boolean circuit assignment

A over k variables is a list of k Boolean True or False values A = <a0, a1,..., ak-1> and each ai corresponds to a value that may be assigned to a variable xi in a corresponding k-variable Boolean circuit

spanning tree

A subgraph T = (V; K) of a graph G = (V; E) where K ⊆ E is a subset of edges in the main graph; the subgraph is connected and acyclic

ADT vs its implementation

ADT is language independent and needs to be implemented in an appropriate computer language

American Change Making Problem

Addresses question of finding the minimum number of coins that equal a specific monetary value using the greedy technique

Spanning Trees Properties

All possible spanning trees in graph G have the same number of edges and vertices.

Prim's Algorithm

Always gives connected component. Works only on connected graph

Johnson-Trotter Algorithm

An element x in the current permutation is mobile when another element y exists in the direction that x is looking

generating permutations

Any sequence of n elements has exactly n! distinct permutations.

Dijkstra's algorithm

Applies to directed and undirected graphs with nonnegative weights only.

pseudocode checklist: vagueness

Are any steps vague? Check that every line of pseudocode could be translated into program code without elaboration

pseudocode checklist: undefined variables

Are any variables used before they are defined or initialized?

pseudocode checklist: input and output

Are the algorithm's inputs and outputs clear, and explicitly separated from other variables? Arguments should correspond to problem inputs; return value corresponds to problem output.

Limitations of greedy techniques

Because it always goes for the immediate greatest return, it won't look for alternate paths that could give it optimal solution

boolean circuit

C = (T, X) is a directed tree T = (V, E) with a set of k indexed variables X = {x0, ..., x(k-1)}, where k < n and n = |V| vertices


Complexity of first step of Dijkstra's algorithm


Consists of finite mathematical objects that can be represented by strings of binary 0 and 1 digits

pseudocode checklist: dead code

Delete code that is never executed.

What to do when given T(n) and f(n)

Do the same steps as induction and see if T(n) is an upper bound of f(n)

pseudocode checklist: defined return value

Does every execution path have a defined return value?

pseudocode checklist: loop termination

Does every loop have a termination condition that prevents infinite loops?

pseudocode checklist: base case

Does every recursive function have a clearly-defined base case?

pseudocode checklist: return value data type

Does the data type of every returned value match the output in the problem definition?

pseudocode checklist: handles all cases

Does your algorithm have the potential to return every kind of valid output?

Random-Access Machine (RAM)

Each memory access takes 1 step

subset generating problem

Each subset contains at most 𝑛 elements

subset generating problem

Each 𝑛-bit integer value will map to one set 𝑆𝑖 containing up to 𝑛 elements; that means that each bit of 𝑖 will map to one particular element of 𝑈

ADT vs its implementation

Ex: implementing a stack with push and pop functions like its an array or a linked list

How Fibonacci Heap helps reduce MH Dijkstra's algorithm complexity

FH takes O(1) time for decrease key op while BH takes O(Logn)

General format for pure selection sort

Find the smallest elem in unsorted U, remove it, and append to S. Repeat until nothing is left unsorted

Dijkstra's algorithm with MH

Finding and updating each adj vertex's weight in MH = O(log(V)) + O(1) = O(log(V))

O(|V|) time

Finding the next current step in Dijkstra's algorithm

Why the complexity of Dijkstra's algorithm's first step is O(|V|²)

Finding the next current vertex takes O(|V|), and this happens |V| times

Dijkstra's algorithm

Finds the shortest paths to a graph's vertices in order of their distances from a given source.

proving efficiency classes with properties of O

For any complexity functions T(n) and f(n) with T(n) ≤ f(n), 𝑇(𝑛) 𝜖 𝑂(𝑓(𝑛))

MST Theorem

For any connected graph G = (V; E) with n = |V| vertices, there exists a spanning tree 𝑇 = (𝑉; 𝐾) for G. If n > 0 then any such T has exactly |𝐾| = 𝑛 − 1 edges.

Recursive permutation algorithm

Heap's algorithm( 1963): updated version of Steinhaus-Johnson-Trotter algorithm

Examples of greedy algorithms

Huffman encoding and Dijkstra's algorithm

real-valued function; |F(x) - L| < ԑ whenever x > k

If F(x) is a _____, then the limit of F(x) as x→∞ is L

univariate; 𝑇(𝑛) ∈ 𝑂(𝑓(𝑛))

If T and f are ______ complexity functions, f(n) > 0, and the limit as n→∞ of T(n)/f(n) = L (non-negative and constant w/ respect to n), then _____

pseudocode checklist

If a piece of pseudocode fails any of these tests, it is not good enough to specify an algorithm and needs more work.

pseudocode checklist

If pseudocode passes all these tests, it is probably, but not necessarily, at least adequate

Binary GCD algorithm

If u and v are both even, gcd(𝑢, 𝑣) = 2 gcd(𝑢/2, 𝑣/2). If u is even and v is odd, gcd(𝑢, 𝑣) = gcd(𝑢/2, 𝑣). Otherwise both are odd, and gcd(𝑢, 𝑣) = gcd(|𝑢 − 𝑣|/2, 𝑣)

General form of MST Pseudocode

Init K as an empty set, and while K doesn't span G, choose edges with greed and add them to K. Return K when you get spanning tree

pseudocode checklist

Input and output, undefined variables, variable meanings, defined return value, return value data type, handles all cases, loop termination, base case, repetitive code, dead code, vagueness

American Change Making Problem

Input: some number of cents k > 0 Output: list V of coin values such that the sum = k and the length of v is minimal

pseudocode checklist: variable meanings

Is the intended meaning of every variable clear? Potentially-confusing variables should be explained with a comment

Trial division

It is impossible that all prime factors of a composite number 𝑛 are bigger than √n. Hence, test the divisors 2 ≤ 𝑑 ≤ √n.

How the greedy algorithm works

It makes the optimal choice at each step as it attempts to find the overall optimal way to solve the entire problem.

General form of greedy algorithms

Iterate through list of inputted elems to find result (for loop)

𝑂(𝐸 log𝑉), where V is the number of vertices.

Kruskal's algorithm's time complexity

Bridge Theorem

Let G = (V, E) be a weighted, undirected, connected graph, the partition {L, R} of V, B be the set of all bridge edges, and let b ⊆ B be a bridge edge of least weight; there there exists some minimum spanning tree T = (V, K) such that b ∈ K

common abstract data types

List, Set, Graph, Stack, Queue, Priority queue

steps for proving by induction: make an informed guess about which efficiency class to use

Look at the T(n) given and infer what efficiency class it is (ex: T(n) = 2n + 2 resembles linear efficiency O(n))

Kruskal's Algorithm

May generate forest at any instant. May work on disconnected components

random permutations

Methods for generating "random" permutations of N elements are needed

Johnson-Trotter Algorithm

Models the notion of motion by assigning a direction to each element of the permutation.

nested cycling

N different permutations of P[1],... ,P[N] can be obtained by rotating the array

circuit satisfaction

NP-Complete problem

Spanning Tree properties

No cycles or loops

subset generating problem

No value of k can make 𝑛^𝑘 = 2𝑛, since n^k is a polynomial function and 2n is an exponential function; need to iterate through range of 0 to 2n-1

bridge edge

Nodes from G are partitioned into 2 groups, L and R. Any edge that crosses between L and R is a ________

the big 8 efficiency classes

O(1) < O(log n) < O(n) < O(n log n) < O(n²) < O(n³) < O(c^n) < O(n!)

MST by exhaustive search

O(2^m · (n+m)

circuit satisfaction

O(2^n · n)

subset generating

O(2^n · n)

Overall complexity of Dijkstra's algorithm with MH

O(E+V) * O(LogV) = O((E+V) * LogV) = O(ELogV)

proper exhaustive search

O(c) candidates, generating all candidates takes O(g) time, and verifying one candidate takes O(v) time

exhaustive optimization

O(c) candidates, generating all candidates takes O(g) time, verifying one candidate takes O(v) time, O(b) to compare the two candidates

exhaustive optimization


proper exhaustive search


Euclidean Algorithm

O(log(min(a, b)))

Binary GCD algorithm


TSP by exhaustive optimization

O(n! · n²)

exhaustive and greedy weaknesses

Often yields inefficient algorithms; Some exhaustive search algorithms are unacceptably slow; not very creative compared to other design techniques

Dijkstra's algorithm

One of the best-known algorithms for finding the single-source shortest-paths problem

Binary GCD algorithm

Repeated application of subtraction and division by 2; Mostly used for operations on binary representations.

pseudocode checklist: repetitive code

Repetitive code should be moved into a helper function or loop.

RSA algorithm

Rivest, Shamir, Adleman; an application of factorization.

Prim's Algorithm

Runs faster in dense graphs.

Kruskal's Algorithm

Runs faster in sparse graphs.

typical search operations for a set S

Search(S, k), Insert(S, x), Delete(S, x), Minimum(S, x), Maximum(S,x), Successor(S,x), Predecessor(S,x)

steps for proving by induction: prove the base case: T(n) ≤ c(f(n)) when n = n0, prove the inductive step that for any n > n0

Solve for T(n) and c(f(n)) with c and n0 and see if they match

Prim's Algorithm

Starts building the MST from any vertex in the graph.

Kruskal's Algorithm

Starts building the MST from the vertex carrying minimum weight in the graph.

generating candidates

Techniques for generating candidates includes iterators and the use use of integer range generator keywords

Johnson-Trotter Algorithm

The direction may be either positive (moving toward a higher index) or negative (moving toward a negative index).

Euclid's algorithm

The gcd of two positive integers a and b ( a > b) are the same as the common divisors of a - b and b

Spanning Trees Properties

The spanning tree is acyclic (no loops)

Prim-Jarnik algorithm, Kruskal's algorithm, and Boruvka's algorithm.

The three most widely known minimum spanning tree algorithms

Adjacent Exchanges

They discovered that it was possible to generate all N! permutations of N elements with N!-1 exchanges of adjacent elements

GCD problem

Time complexity: O(min(a, b)) Space complexity: O(min(a, b))

Dijkstra's algorithm with min heap priority queue

Traverse all vertices with bredth- first search and uses min heap to store unreached vertices. Min heap used to get minimum distance vertex from unreached vertices

Prim's Algorithm

Traverses each node more than once to get the minimum distance.

Kruskal's Algorithm

Traverses each node only once.

American Change Making Problem

Use as many quarters as you can, then dimes, nickels, and pennies as needed

Kruskal's Algorithm

Used for finding MST; uses greedy techniques to add next lowest weight edge that won't form a cycle in each step

Lehmer's algorithm

Used for larger numbers; iterate until one of a or b is zero; Uses a 2x2 matrix presentation

Fibonacci Heap

Used to reduce overall complexity of MH Dijkstra's algorithm to O(E + VLogV)

Johnson-Trotter Algorithm

Uses index in the original position for ranking

greedy pattern

View that achieving local optimal leads to a global optimum


Well-studied in computer science for theoretical and practical reasons

subset generating problem

When the universe set 𝑈 contains n elements, its powerset contains |𝑃(𝑈) = 2^𝑛| subsets.

exhaustive and greedy strengths

Wide applicability; Simplicity; Results in reasonable algorithms for some important problems and computational tasks

O(V²), where V is the number of vertices

Worst case time complexity of Prim-Jarnik algorithm

O(n + m log n)

Worst case time complexity of Prim-Jarnik algorithm with priority queue

O(n); n

_____ is the set of all functions that are equivalent to f(n) = __ for the purposes of measuring algorithmic complexity


__________ of an algorithm is executable computer code that follows the process defined by the algorithm

Random-Access Machine (RAM)

a (simple) computational model

exhaustive search

a brute-force approach to combinatorial problems; suggests generating each and every element of the problem domain, selecting those that satisfy all the constraints, and finding a desired element

linked list

a collection of nodes where each node is connected to the next node through a pointer

linked list

a dynamic data structure where each element ( node) is made up of two items: the data and a reference (pointer) to the next node


a dynamic set that supports insert, delete, and test membership functions; can also support other operations

complete graph

a graph in which each pair of vertices is connected by an edge

planar graph

a graph that can be embedded in a plane, such that no edge crosses each other

dense graph

a graph where the number of edges is close to the maximum number (n(n-1)/2) of edges possible

connected graph

a graph where there is at least one path between each pair of vertices

Prim's/ Prim-Jarnik Algorithm

a greedy technique for finding the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) of a given weighted, connected, and undirected graph


a human-readable format for communicating algorithms that may include code-like syntax, math notation, and prose

singly linked list

a list in which each element points to its successor; a list item stores an element and a pointer to its successor

priority queue

a list that maintains S elements, each with an associated value called a key

abstract data type (ADT)

a logical description of data; It includes the views and the allowed operations without implementation details


a mathematical object with of a set of vertices; and edges


a non-negative real number representing the amount of resources that is consumed by an algorithm when run on a specific instance


a number that divides evenly into another number

directed graph

a pair 𝐺 = (𝑉, 𝐸) where V is a set whose elements are called vertices, and E is a set of ordered pairs of elements of V

Hamiltonian cycle

a path C = (c0, ..., ck-1) such that c0 = ck-1

Hamiltonian path

a path in G such that every v ∈ V appears in C exactly once

data structures

a scheme for organizing related pieces of information


a sequence of fixed-size data records, indexed by a system of integer coordinates


a sequence of unambiguous instructions for solving a problem


a series of actions directed to some end


a set of input instances and a task to be performed on the input instances

abstract data types (ADT)

a set of objects that are related to each other together with a set of operations

greedy algorithm

a simple, intuitive algorithm that is used in optimization problems.


a singular vector arranged into the specified dimensions

minimum spanning tree of a weighted graph

a spanning tree of minimal total edge weight


a specific problem and instance is a valid concrete output corresponding to the problem and instance

(problem) instance

a specific, concrete input to a problem

weighted graph

a triple (𝑉, 𝐸, 𝑊) where (𝑉, 𝐸) is a graph (directed or undirected) and 𝑊 is a numerical value of the edge


a two-dimensional array but it can be extended to an arbitrary dimension

asymptotically efficient algorithms

a type of algorithm that grows very slowly

adjacency matrix of an weighted directed graph

a v x v matrix where 0 shows that that is the node itself, ∞ shows there is no edge connecting the two nodes, and any constant shows there is a connecting edge

adjacency matrix of an unweighted graph

a v x v matrix where 1 indicates a direct path and 0 indicates there is no edge between the two nodes, or that that itself is the node

Euclidean Algorithm

a variant of the Euclid's algorithm; the difference of the two numbers a and b is replaced by the remainder of the division of a by b.

data structures

act like containers in that they hold other data

Finding new cost in Dijkstra's algorithm

add the cost of getting to current and e's weight. If the new cost is better than the current cost of getting to adj, adj's cost is updated

handling loops in a sequence

add them together (i.e. O(n + n) → O(n))


adding an element to a queue

in-place selection sort invariant

after k iterations of the loop, the indices 0 - k-1 are non-decreasing while the remaining indices at k - n-1 may not be ordered


aka arrayed list, dynamic array, and resizable array

sequential search

aka linear search

Random-Access Machine (RAM)

all basic instructions take constant time to execute

complete graph

all pairs of distinct vertices are connected by edges; has n! Hamiltonian cycles


always produces a correct solution

sequential optimization vs sequential search

always return at least one thing vs return nothing if not found

ADT vs its implementation

an ADT can be implemented in several ways using the same programming language

verifier algorithm

an algorithm that takes a problem instance and candidate solution as input, and returns True when the candidate is acceptable and False when the candidate is unacceptable.


an array with a non-fixed length

basic selection sort algorithm

an example of a pure algorithm

university classroom example

an example of lumpy cost


an extensible array; it automatically grows

time complexity

an indication of the run time of an algorithm in terms of how quickly it grows relative to its input


an inverse exponential function; reflect how many times we can double something until we get to n, or divide by 2 until we get to 1

candidate solution

an object of the same data type as a problem output, which may or may not be a correct output.

traveling salesperson problem

an optimization problem

knapsack problem

an optimization problem that deals with doing more with less


an ordered sequence of process/ steps - which produces a solution to a problem


an undirected graph that is connected and has no cycles

permutation of a sequence with a defined order

another sequence that contains the same elements, but most likely in a different defined order

path in single-source shortest path

any non-empty sequence (p₀, ..., p(sub k-1) of vertices such that each p ε V and every pair of adjacent vertices is connected in G, so (p(sub i), p(sub(i+1))) ε E

when a graph is weighted

any of its spanning trees have a defined weight; some may be of minimum weight

basic operations

arithmetic (add, shift, floor, etc) and data movement (load, store, copy)

homogeneous data structures

array and matrix

how studying algorithms helps develop analytical skills

asks if the algorithm solves the problem and if it uses resources efficiently

Insert(S, x)

augment S with the element pointed by x, assuming that all the fields in x have been initialized (modifying op.)

amortized analysis

average cost over a sequence of operations

factoring an integer x

breaking x into the product of two or more positive factors

greedy pattern

builds up a solution piece by piece, always choosing the next piece that offers the most obvious and immediate benefit

steps for proving by induction: use algebra to solve for the constants c and n0 that seem likely to work

c ≥ T(n)/ f(n) make an assumption about n and have that be n0. Then input it into the reduced function to solve for c

generating candidates

can be applied in generating pairs, subsets, and permutations


can be directed or undirected


can be represented by an adjacency matrix or adjacency list

knapsack problem

can be solved with dynamic programming or exhaustive search

Big O

can be used to categorize functions

proving by induction

can prove T(n) is a member of O(f(n)) by picking a pair of constants c and n0 and showing T(n) ≤ c(f(n)) for any n > n0

sorting algorithm

can solve different problems that don't look like sorting problems

cases for lim as n→∞ for f(n)/g(n)

case 1: 0 case 2: c case 3: ∞

modifying operations

change the set

sequential search

checks each element in a sequence until the deaired element is found or the list is exhausted

Bridge Theorem

clarifies how to make greedy choices in MST; tells which edges should be in MST's edges

3 attributes of algorithms

clarity, correctness, termination

traveling salesperson problem

combination of NP hard and optimization

'lumpy' cost

comes up in algorithm analysis when a data structure with a one-time construction cost is used


composite positive integers can be factored; impossible to factor if its prime

Shortest path problems

computing minimal-weight paths between vertices in weighted graphs

Single source shortest path problems

computing paths originating from a designated source (or start) vertex

algorithm growth rate

concerned with how the running time of an algo increases with input size

general rules for computing the step count

consecutive statements add up


constant; evaluate a statement

how abstract data types can relate to each other

contain description of the data type, the relationships between the individual objects, and the operations performed on the objects


contains clear description for implementation

naive algorithms

contains essential building block of practical software development


convert the list into a heap

how algorithm run time is measured

counting the number of steps


create a heap, find/ return the min elem of a heap, test if the heap is empty

array operations

create an array, return array length, return an iterator for all elements, get the element at index I, set the element at index I to x

vector operations

create an empty vector, create a vector with n copies of x, return the length of a vector, return an iterator for all elements, get the element at index I, set the element at index I to x, add element x to the back (highest index), remove the element at the back (highest index)

linked list operations

create empty linked list, let length, get iterator, get first/last elem, get first/last node, get i's node, add to front/back, insert before/after x and return new node, remove from front/back, remove anywhere, access a node's element


cubic; three nested loops

distance[v] from non-negative single source shortest paths problem

d(subs,v) if s and v are connected infinity if not connected

why the greedy pattern is the simplest algorithm pattern

deals with one piece of input at a time, and repeats that until the input has been handled completely

abstract data type (ADT)

defined by its behavior/ operations; implementation may vary

abstract data types (ADT)

defines a data representation for objects of the type and the set of operations that can be performed on these objects

deleting elements from a binary heap

deleting at any intermediary position can be costly, so the root is replaced by the last element and the last elem is deleted

time complexity

denoted by an efficiency class; the amount of time taken by an algorithm to run, as a function of the length of the input

mathematical analysis

dependent of the activities/ step counts/ input sizes

iterative process

designing an algorithm

TSP by exhaustive optimization

determine the starting node, generate every Hamiltonian path in G, confirm if it's a Hamiltonian cycle by extending it to the starting node (if yes, then consider it a candidate solution), calculate the cost of every permutation and keep track of the minimum cost permutation, return the permutation with the minimum cost

why we study algorithms

develop analytical skills; necessary for solving problems/ coding


disconnected components

linked list variations

doubly-linked list singly-linked list

knapsack problem

dynamic programming time complexity is O(b^w · n)

linked list advantages

dynamic; doesn't need to know how many nodes are in the list (created in memory as needed)

university classroom example

each classroom can be used for x years before needing $y in renovations. Instead of budgeting each classroom on a case-by-case basis, do it more efficiently with amortized cost

weighted graph

each edge may have a non-negative unit cost or numeric weight

dynamic sets

each element is represented by an object whose fields can be examined and manipulated

doubly linked list

each element points to its successor and to its predecessor; a list item stores an element and two pointers, one to its successor and one to its predecessor

adjacency list

each node has 2 values: the destination node, and the weight between the two nodes

features of nodes

each node in a tree has a parent except for the root node

tree nodes

each node in a tree has a parent except for the root node

circuit satisfaction

each variable has 2 possibilities (0, 1); 2^n total possibilities

Dijkstra's algorithm

each vertex becomes the current vertex exactly once

boolean circuit

each vertex is either a literal vertex, an output vertex, an and vertex, an or vertex, or a not vertex

linked list advantages

easy and fast insertions and deletions; no need to move other nodes, just reset some pointers

worst-case vs amortized

efficiency class is true for every operation vs efficiency class is true on average


elements appear in key:value pairs


elements are added to the back and removed from the front

priority queue implemented using a binary heap

enqueue and dequeue is O(log n); always balanced

priority queue

entries are stored according to numeric priority associated with the keys of the entries

experimental analysis and mathematical analysis

evidence based approaches for analyzing algorithm efficiency

exhaustive search vs greedy method

exhaustive explores all possible solutions and returns the best vs greedy starts with a partial solution and improves on it in a way that always gets better, but may not necessarily lead to the best solution

knapsack problem

exhaustive optimization time complexity is O(2^n · n)

MST by exhaustive search

expected output needs n-1 edges, no cycles, and minimum cumulative weight


expected running time is _____ for randomized algorithms


exponential; the subsets of an n-element set

random permutations

f N is so large, it is unfeasible to generate all permutations of N elements


factorial; all permutations of an n-element sequence

circuit satisfaction

feeding it with an assignment that causes a True evaluation

traveling salesperson problem

find the shortest (minimal cost) and most efficient route to cover a list of destinations

TSP Graph

finding a Hamiltonian cycle in an arbitrary graph is NP-Complete

sequential search

finding an element of a list with a particular property

sequential optimization

finding the best solution among competing alternatives

steps for proving by induction: T(n) ≤ c(f(n)) implies T(n+1) ≤ c(f(n+1))

for T(n) and c(f(n)) substitute n for n+1. Expand and solve. If T(n+1) ≤ c(f(n+1)), it's valid

Fermat's factorization algorithm

for an integer n, a and b are factors that n = a² - b² Where a+-b are factors of n

dropping additive constants

for any complexity functions f(n) and constant c, O(f(n)+c+ = O(f(n))

dropping dominated terms in functions

for any complexity functions f0(n) and f1(n), O(f0(n) + f1(n)) = O(max(𝑓0 (𝑛), 𝑓1 (𝑛)))

sequential search pseudocode

for elem in S: if elem satisfies the condition return elem return None (didn't find anything to satisfy the condition)


for large numbers, no efficient (non-quantum) integer factorization algorithm is known

pros of mathematical analysis

formal, rigorous; no need to implement algorithms; machine-independent

lexicographic algorithms

generate the permutations in alphabetical ordering

selection sort

gets its name because it dedicates a lot of time and attention to selecting which elem to append next

Search(S, k)

given S and a key value k, return a pointer x to an element in S whose key is k (key[x]=k) or NIL, if S does not contain such an element (query)

Delete(S, x)

given a pointer x to an element of S, remove x from S (modifying op.). Note: x is a pointer and not a key value. (modifying op.)


given a totally ordered set S, return the element of S with the largest key value (query)

Minimum(S, x)

given a totally ordered set S, return the element of S with the smallest key value (query)


given an element x whose key is from a totally ordered set S, return the next larger element in S, or NIL if x is the maximum element (query)


given an element x whose key is from a totally ordered set S, return the next smaller element in S, or NIL if x is the minimum element (query)

sparse graph

graph in which the number of edges is close to the minimal number of edges (0)

amortized analysis

guarantees a less-expensive worst-case complexity fir each operation

boolean circuit: output vertex

has exactly one incoming edge and no outgoing edges (tree's root)

traveling salesperson problem

has further applications in emergency management, post-disaster relief delivery and operational business scenarios

spanning tree

has n-1 edges, where n is the number of nodes

boolean circuit: not vertex

has one incoming and one outgoing edge

boolean circuit: and vertex

has two incoming edges and one outgoing edge

boolean circuit: or vertex

has two incoming edges and one outgoing edge

how analysis is important to understanding an algorithm

how to compare different algorithms for a problem

use priority heap

how to improve time complexity of Dijkstra's algorithm

how analysis is important to understanding an algorithm

how to predict an algorithms performance

how analysis is important to understanding an algorithm

how well an algorithm scales up

Euclidean Algorithm

if a < b in gcd(a, b), swap them; divide a by b to get the remainder, if r = 0, b is the GCD; if not, b = a and r = b


if an algorithm leaves its arguments and global variables unchanged, it is ______


if an algorithm stores its output in the same data struct as its input, it is ______

all of them are valid edges

if there are multiple edges tied for least, then ____

general rules for computing the step count

if there's an if else statement, max(if, else) determines which time to use

experimental analysis steps

implement algorithm in a given programming language, measure runtime with several inputs, and infer running time from the inputs

Dijkstra's algorithm with MH

implementation uses an adjacency list

Dijkstra's algorithm

implementation uses an adjacency matrix

f(n) ≤ O(g(n)) (worst-case)

implies C x g(n) is an upper bound of f(n)

f(n) ≥ Ω(g(n)) (best case)

implies that C x g(n) is a lower bound of f(n)

f(n) = Θ(g(n)) (average case)

implies that C1 x g(n) is an upper bound of f(n) and C2 x g(n) is a lower bound of f(n)

case 3 for limits

implies that f(n) has a larger order of growth than g(n)

case 1 for limits

implies that f(n) has a smaller order growth than g(n)

case 2 for limits

implies that f(n) has the same order growth as g(n)

bridge edges

in any weighted, undirected, connected graph G = (V, E) and partition {L, R} of V, these ________ B ⊆ E are edges with one end in L and the other in R

outline of Greedy Patterns for finding MST

init K as an empty set and partition G, go through finding the minimum weight bridge edge, add it to K, update the partition. Keep doing that until K has n-1 edges, then return K

operations in a max priority queue

init(S), is_empty(S), maximum(S), extract_max(S), increase-key(S,x,k)

boolean circuit evaluation

input: A Boolean circuit 𝐶 = (𝑋; 𝑇) with 𝑘 variables and 𝑛 vertices, and Boolean circuit assignment 𝐴 with 𝑘 variables output: the Boolean output of circuit 𝐶 for assignment 𝐴

Dijkstra's algorithm + MH pseudocode (Binary heap for PQ implementation)

input: Graph + start for all verts in G, make their distances infinite and their previous null if the vert isn't the start, add to PQ set distance S to 0 While PQ != empty current = Min from PQ for all u's unvisited neighbors tempD = dist[u] + u,adj edge weight if tempD < dist[v] dist[v] = tempD prev[v] = u return distance[] and previous[]

circuit satisfaction problem

input: a Boolean circuit 𝐶 with k variables and 𝑛 vertices output: a Boolean assignment 𝐴 that satisfies 𝐶, or 𝑁𝑜𝑛𝑒 if no such assignment exists

Minimum Spanning Tree Problem

input: a connected, undirected, and weighted graph G = (V; E) with n = |V| vertices and m = |E| edges output: set of edges K such that T = (V; K) is a minimum spanning tree for G

traveling salesperson problem

input: a graph G = (V, E) where each edge e ε E has a numeric weight output: a Hamiltonian cycle in G of minimum total weight, or None if no such cycle exists

permutation generation problem

input: a list L of length n output: a list of all permutations of L in unspecified order, where each permutation is a list of exactly n elements

the sorting problem

input: a list U of n comparable elements output: a list S containing the elements of U in non-decreasing order

the factoring problem

input: a positive integer n output: two integers a>1 and b>1 such that 𝑛 = 𝑎. 𝑏 of None, if a and b do not exist

subset generating problem

input: a set U of n distinct elements, represented by an utterable object output: an iterator for every subset S of U, where each subset is represented by a vector of distinct elements

sequential optimization problem

input: an iterator for a sequence S of n > 0 elements output: the element x of S that's the best according to <SPECIFIC MEASURE>

non-negative single source shortest paths problem

input: an undirected graph G = (V, E) with nonnegative edge weights and a start vertex s ε V output: two lists distance and penultimate, each of length n for any v ε V

0-1 knapsack problem

input: non-negative integers W (the size of the knapsack), n (the number of items), X (a list of n weights), V (a list of n values) such that V[i] is the value of item X[i] output: a kist L of items chosen from the list X such that the sum of the weights is less than the size of the knapsack

GCD problem

input: two positive integers a and b output: the greatest positive integer d such that (a mod d = 0) and (b mod d = 0)

Random-Access Machine (RAM)

instructions are executed sequentially; nothing happens simultaneously

iterative process

involves working through many drafts

why basic selection sort is a pure algorithm

it takes in U as an argument, and returns a new list object S, leaving U unchanged

generating candidates

iterate through the elements of the problem instance for the inputs

exhaustive search

iterates through objects in search for a particular kind of object

exhaustive optimization

keep track of the best acceptable candidate that we have seen so far, and update best whenever a superior candidate is found


last element in is the first one out

lower bound of sorting

lays the foundation for the lower bounds/ worst case run time of best possible algorithm of other problems


linear; for loop

array vs linked list

linked list is more complex to code and manage than arrays, but has advantages

examples of data structures

lists, arrays, stacks, queues

O(log n)

logarithmic; search a balanced search tree


maintains elements in First-in First-out (FIFO) order

sequential optimization method

make a guess about which element is best, and initialize best with any element; if a better elem is found, better -> best

steps for proving efficiency class with limits

make an informed guess about which efficiency class to use, take the limit [lim n→∞ T(n)/f(n)], if the limit is constant with respect to n and non-negative, conclude that 𝑇 (𝑛) 𝜖 𝑂(𝑓(𝑛)), otherwise try again with a different efficiency class

steps for proving by induction

make an informed guess about which efficiency class to use, use algebra to solve for the constants c and n0 that seem likely to work, prove the base case: T(n) ≤ c(f(n)) when n = n0, prove the inductive step that for any n > n0, T(n) ≤ c(f(n)) implies T(n+1) ≤ c(f(n+1)), conclude that T(n) ϵ O(f(n))

cons of mathematical analysis

math knowledge

Spanning Trees Properties

maximally acyclic; adding one edge to the spanning tree will create a cycle/ loop

worst-case complexity

maximum number of steps

problem definition

may introduce mathematical variables whose scope is limited to that problem definition


measured in units of bits, bytes, gigabytes, or generic words

input/output bandwidth (I/O)

measured in units of bytes or blocks


measured in units of integers


measured in units of kilowatt-hours


measured in units of seconds, CPU instructions, or generic steps

execution time and memory need

measurements of algorithm quality that this class focuses on

time complexity

measures the time taken to execute each statement of code in an algorithm

Spanning Trees Properties

minimally connected; Removing one edge from the spanning tree disconnects the graph

best case complexity

minimum number of steps

handling nested loops

multiply the inner loop's complexity by the outer loop's complexity (i.e. O((3n + 2)n) → O(n²))

generating candidates

need to be done to design an exhaustive search

Bill payer problem

need to pay bills, but you don't do them right away

general rules for computing the step count

nested loops are analyzed inside out

Single source shortest path applications

network routing, trip planning/driving directions, and other planning problems; robotics; airline crew scheduling

pros of experimental analysis

no math, straightforward method

cons of experimental analysis

not always reliable and is heavily dependent on the sample inputs + the programming language and environment

naive algorithm pattern

not based on any of the formal and structured patterns

loops and subroutine calls

not basic operations

traveling salesperson problem

number of roundtrip permutations and combinations grows extremely fast, with a slight change in the number of destinations

average case running time

often as bad as the worst case running time

Adjacent Exchanges: Johnson-Trotter algorithm (1962)

one of the most prominent permutation enumeration algorithm

simplifying assumptions made when analyzing the running time of an algorithm

only consider the leading term, ignore constants, solutions that take constant time have constant run time

improving the efficiency of an algorithm

optimize the algorithm

data structures

organized to ensure efficient processing

penultimate[v] from non-negative single source shortest paths problem

p(subs,v) if s and v are connected s if s = v infinity if s and v are not connected

Dijkstra's algorithm pseudocode

pass in G and starting node s Init lists/vectors distance (G.v, None), penultimate (G.v, None), and seen (G.v, False), distance[s] = 0 seen[s] = True done = False; while not done: find edge b= {v, u} so path to the end node = shortest If no edge, then done else update u distance with v's distance + weight of b, u's penultimate is v, u is seen return distance and penultimate

experimental analysis steps

pose a question, state a hypothesis, make a prediction, test, analyze

data structures

present specialized format for organizing and storing data

mathematical analysis methodologies

proving efficiency class by induction, limits, or properties of big O

O(log n)

push an element into the heap, pop the minimum element and heapify, pop the top and heapify

inserting an element into a binary heap

put the new element into a placeholder and increase heap size by 1, insert the new element at the end of the heap, fix up/ heapify the heap


quadratic; two nested loops

traveling salesperson problem

received a lot of attention due to its puzzlelike character, and its practical applicability

boolean circuit

recursion can be used to evaluate these

order of growth

relevant for large inputs

constructing a spanning tree from a complete graph

remove a maximum of e-n+1 edges


removing an element from a queue

Euclid's algorithm

replace the larger number by the difference of the numbers, and repeating this until the two numbers are equal

graph edges

represents a connection between two vertices


return info about the set, an element in the set, or a group of elements in the set

proper exhaustive search

returns the first acceptable candidate

sequential optimization vs sequential search

search for the best element according to a particular measure vs one element with a particular property

MST by exhaustive search

search for the minimum; need optimization instead of search

knapsack problem

selecting a set of items to fit inside knapsack. Each item has an integer weight and real-number value, the knapsack has an integer weight capacity. The goal is to choose a subset of items that maximizes the total value while fitting within the knapsack's weight capacity.


sequential optimization time complexity (assuming the comparisons are in O(1) time)

dynamic sets

sets that can change over time


similar to program source code in a language such as Python or C, but is not required to be syntactically-perfect code.

general rules for computing the step count

simple operations take 1 unit of time

how selection sort operates

smallest element is selected in unsorted, then swapped with the leftmost elem to become part of sorted

naive algorithms

some real-world software development problems can be solved efficiently by ______

selection sort

sort an array by repeatedly finding the minimum element from unsorted part and append it to the beginning of the array

generating pairs

space complexity = O(1)

minimum spanning tree

spanning tree with the lowest possible cost


spanning trees in a complete graph

strategies for bill payer problem

stack, queue, and heap strategies

examples of priority queues

stacks, queues, and heaps

deleting elements from a binary heap

standard deletion operation on Heap is to delete the element present at the root node of the Heap

in-place selection sort

start at the beginning of U, find the smallest elem and swap it to the front. Keep doing this and move down U until the entire thing is sorted

steps for proving by induction: conclude that T(n) ϵ O(f(n))

state that by induction T(n) ϵ O(f(n))


stores a set of elements in a Last-in First-out (LIFO) order

sequential search

straightforward approach to this is to use a loop to check each element of S for the desired property; if a match is found, return the element and stop the loop


supports adding and removing elements dynamically


supports same operations as an array: retrieving by index, assigning by index, and iteration

boolean circuit: literal vertex

tabled with an index i corresponding to variable xi, no incoming edges, and exactly one outgoing edge (these are the tree's leaves)

how to prove efficiency classes with properties of O

take the limit of T(n)/f(n) as n goes to infinity, if the limit is nonnegative and constant with respect to n

Johnson-Trotter Algorithm

takes O(n!n) total time


takes a finite amount of time/steps

lexicographic algorithms

takes longer because more than one exchange may be needed to generate the next element

step counting

the amount of computing represented by one step may be different from that represented by another

space complexity

the amount of memory required for the algorithm to execute; the less space needed, the better the quality

average case complexity

the input is chosen at random, the average number of steps


the key to understanding algorithm

exhaustive search

the list of candidate solutions is typically larger than the input size

general rules for computing the step count

the maximum step count of a for loop is the step count of the statements inside the for loop times the number of iterations

n-1 (n is the number of vertices)

the number of edges in the graph/ tree

step count / running time

the number of primitive operations or steps

p(sub s;v) in single-source shortest path

the penultimate (next to last) vertex on a shortest path from s to v L(sub s,v) = (..., p(sub s;v); v)

power set problem

the power set of the set U is the set of all possible subsets of that set, including NULL


the product of two prime numbers

how algorithm quality is measured

the resources used when the algorithm is executed on a computer are measured

E in single-source shortest path

the set of grapg edges where each elem of E is a set of exactly two vertices

V in single-source shortest path

the set of graph vertices

d(sub s;v) in single-source shortest path

the shortest distance between s and v (aka the total weight of all edges visited by some L(sub s;v)

greedy pattern

the simplest algorithm pattern

step count / running time

the sum of steps (or running times) for each executable statement

the total number of steps executed by a for loop

the sum of the number of steps executed in each individual iteration

find, remove, append

the three main steps of a selection sort; need to be detailed

time complexity

the time required for the algorithm to execute; the shorter it is, the better the quality

amortized analysis

the time required to perform a sequence of operations over all the operations performed

W(X) in single-source shortest path

the total weight of a path X

sorted and unsorted

the two subarrays in a selection sort array

ends of the edge

the two vertices connected by an edge

amortized analysis

the university classroom example is an example of what kind of analysis

worst-case running time of an algorithm

the upper bound on the running time for any input

in-place selection sort

the version of selection sort that is mostly used

w(sub e) in single-source shortest path

the weight of any edge e ε E

why loops and subroutines aren't basic operations

they depend on the size of the data and the contents of a subroutine

generating pairs

time complexity = O(|L|·|R|)

knapsack problem

time complexity depends on method and data structures used


time complexity for access a node's element node.element


time complexity for access an entry's key entry.key


time complexity for access an entry's value entry.value

O(1) amortized

time complexity for add element x to the back (highest index) vector.add_back(x)


time complexity for add element x to the back and return the new node node = ll.add_back(x)


time complexity for add element x to the front and return the new node node = ll.add_front(x)


time complexity for all queue operations


time complexity for all stack operations


time complexity for create a vector with n copies of x vector = Vector(n, x)


time complexity for create an array array = Array(n, x)


time complexity for create an empty linked list ll = LinkedList()


time complexity for create an empty vector vector = Vector()


time complexity for get an iterator for all elements iter(ll)


time complexity for get the element at index I vector[i]


time complexity for get the element at index i array[i]


time complexity for get the first element of a non-empty list x = ll.first()


time complexity for get the first node of of a non-empty list node = ll.first_node()


time complexity for get the last element of a non-empty list x = ll.back()


time complexity for get the last node of of a non-empty list node = ll.last_node()


time complexity for get the length of a linked list len(ll)


time complexity for get the node at index i node = ll.node_at(i)


time complexity for insert element x after node p and return the new node node=ll.insert_after(p,x)


time complexity for insert element x before node p and return the new node node=ll.insert_before(p,x)


time complexity for remove a node at an arbitrary position and return its element x = ll.remove(node)


time complexity for remove and return the first element of a non-empty list x = ll.remove_first()


time complexity for remove and return the last element of a non-empty list x = ll.remove_last()

O(1) amortized

time complexity for remove the element at the back (highest index) vector.remove_back()


time complexity for return an iterator for all elements iter(array)


time complexity for return an iterator for all elements iter(vector)


time complexity for return array length len(array)


time complexity for return the length of a vector len(vector)


time complexity for set the element at index I to x array[i] = x


time complexity for set the element at index I to x vector[i] = x

O(|V|²) time

time complexity of Dijkstra's algorithm using an adjacency matrix


time complexity of sequential search (assumes each elem can be tested in O(1) time)

Less than O(|V|²)

time it takes to do the rest of Dijkstra's algorithm

can be used to measure efficiency

time, space, I/O bandwidth, cache, energy

subset generating problem

to create a vector with a subset of U, need to map from an int 𝑖 ∈ [0, 2^n] to a specific subset 𝑆𝑖 ⊆ 𝑈

exhaustive optimization

to look for and return an optimal candidate


total number of edges in a complete graph

Huffman encoding

used in compressing data


used to access elements and to permit alteration of individual elements

order of growth for large inputs

used to determine the asymptotic efficiency of algorithms

Dijkstra's algorithm

used to find the shortest path through a graph

Random-Access Machine (RAM)

used to predict running time

adjacency list

uses linked list of vertex objects

mathematical analysis

uses math to estimate the running time od an algorithm

experimental analysis

uses scientific knowledge verification methods

RSA algorithm

uses semiprimes to calculate public and private keys

mathematical analysis

using the mathematical method of modeling, lemma, and proof

experimental analysis

using the scientific method of hypothesis, experiment, and empirical data analysis

naive algorithm pattern

usually an adhoc approach


usually concerns finding nontrivial factors that != 1 or n

MST by exhaustive search

verify and compare sub algorithms need to be separated

execution time increases

what happens when time complexity and input size increase

any kind

what kinds of nodes can be the root node

naive / simple

when ________ algorithms are possible and optimal, use them instead of complicated ones

when the edge weights aren't unique

when can a graph have more than one minimum spanning tree

when it consumes few resources

when is an algorithm efficient

when the first algorithm has a lower order of growth

when is an algorithm is more efficient than another

the execution time depends on the processor's speed

why measuring the execution time of an algorithm is not useful


worst case time complexity for pure selection sort


worst case time complexity of in-place selection sort

subset generating

yields a sequence of 2^n vectors of length n at most

Johnson-Trotter Algorithm

yields a sequence of n! vectors of length n

in-place selection sort

|U| + |S| = n Because each iteration of while moves an elem out of U and into S

formal notation for for loop summation

∑t(sub(x)) (x ϵ X)

undirected graph

𝐺 = (𝑉, 𝐸) where 𝑉 is a set whose elements are called vertices, and 𝐸 is a set of unordered pairs of distinct elements of V

Single source shortest path elements

𝐺, V, E, path, w(sub e), W(X), L(sub s;v), d(sub s;v), p(sub s;v)

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