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Which of the following are anthropological research strategies? Select all that apply.

1. Culture is constantly changing., 2. The human capacity for sharing and learning culture is unique among animal species.

Which of the following statements about fieldwork are correct? Select all that apply.

1. Fieldwork begins with people., 2. Fieldwork shapes the anthropologist., 3. Fieldwork can be considered both social science and art.

Which of the following are anthropological research strategies?

1. Interviews, 2. kinship analysis, 3. field notes

Anthropologists work with both quantitative and qualitative data. What defines qualitative data?

Qualitative data include information that cannot be counted, such as personal stories and interviews, life histories, and general observations.

Bernice spends time each day reading online news reports from several different news agencies around the world. As a result, she becomes aware of multiple ideas and perspectives and incorporates them into her own outlook and actions. This is an example of which of the following?


Bernice spends time each day reading online news reports from several different news agencies around the world. As a result, she becomes aware of multiple ideas and perspectives, incorporating these into her own outlook and actions. This is an example of which of the following terms?


A company is interested in building a new factory in Bolivia and wants to know how to ensure positive interactions between workers and management. Which type of anthropologist should the company contact?

cultural anthropologist

"The ability or potential to bring about change through action or influence" (page 50) is known as:


Anthropological descriptions of cultural groups often include discussions of the role of the anthropologist herself in conducting the research. This provides important context to the reader, and is a concept known as:


Anthropological descriptions of cultural groups often include discussions of the role of the anthropologist him- or herself in conducting the research in order to provide important context to the reader. This concept is known as


Boas and his students rapidly gathered ethnographic material from Native American cultures so that we could learn as much as possible about them before they disappeared. This type of study is known as:

salvage ethnography.

Which of the following theoretical perspectives sees culture as a symbolic system of deep meaning?

the interpretivist approach

When did anthropology arise as a scientific discipline?

the mid-1800s When did anthropology arise as a scientific discipline?

What is globalization?

the ongoing phenomenon of interactions between people becoming more frequent and easier

Anthropology is defined as

the study of the full scope of human diversity, past and present, and the application of that knowledge to help people of different backgrounds better understand one another.

Which key dynamic of globalization is at work when Andre sends a text message and becomes concerned when he does not receive an immediate response?

time-space compression

In his book Golden Arches East: McDonald's in East Asia, James Watson argues that East Asians go to McDonald's

to participate in what they view as a middle-class activity.

Anthropology is described as a "holistic" field. This means that (check all that apply):

-anthropology studies the whole picture of human life. -anthropology studies humans in all places. -anthropology studies humans across all time periods.

What are the four fields of Anthropology?

-linguistic anthropology -archaeology -cultural anthropology -physical anthropology

Claudia is frustrated because, having just arrived at her field site, she is having a hard time convincing people to sit down for an interview with her. What words of encouragement would be most appropriate to offer?

"Don't worry, you just haven't had time to establish rapport."

Which of the following are key dynamics of globalization? Select all that apply.

-Time-Space Compression -Increasing Migration -Uneven Development -Rapid Change -Shaping the Natural World

Anthropology began with the study of largely isolated small-scale communities. How has globalization changed anthropology? Select all that apply.

-Anthropologists focus more on how cultures change over time. -Anthropologists focus more on interactions between cultures. -Concepts of geographic borders separating cultures are less important than they once were, resulting in multi-sited ethnographies.

Which of the following attributes makes anthropology unique among the sciences? Select all that apply

-Anthropology is global in scope. -Anthropologists study both people and the structures of power. -Anthropologists believe that all humans are connected.

Curtis wants to study how teachers in an urban high school feel about administrators such as the principal and superintendent. He wants to use a hidden camera in the teachers' lounge to capture teacher comments, then, in his report, to describe how these comments differ between teachers in different disciplines such as math, English, etc. Which of the following statements would apply to this scenario? Select all that apply.

1. This study is not ethical because there is no plan for obtaining informed consent., 2. This study is not ethical because listing teacher comments according to discipline fails to preserve anonymity.

Which of the following are examples of cultural relativism? Select all that apply.

1. attempts to explain the dangers of starvation rituals to an indigenous group, 2. attempts to understand native feasting behavior in its local context, 3. attempts to comprehend the motives behind the 9/11 attacks

Which of the following are listed in your chapter as ways in which globalization is transforming culture? Select all that apply.

1. homogenization, 2. two-way transference of culture through migration, 3.increased cosmopolitanism

Preparation for ethnographic fieldwork includes

1. learning the language of the culture you wish to study. 2. conducting a literature review of relevant research previously carried out on this culture. 3. applying for permission from the community of study and the local government.

Which of the following are examples of ethnographic fieldwork? Select all that apply.

1. living and interacting with the people you are studying, 2. studying people over a long period of time

ethnographic authority

Early in the ethnography, the anthropologist discusses the preparation and methods involved in his fieldwork.

"Individuals and groups have the power to contest cultural norms, values, mental maps of reality, symbols, institutions, and structures of power" (p. 54). That potential is known as


In her ethnography of a Brazilian shantytown, why does Nancy Scheper-Hughes use the phrase "the market town that I call [emphasis added] Bam Jesus da Mata"?

Anthropologists often change the names of people or places that they study to protect their anonymity.

What about ethnographic research has changed as a result of globalization?

Both process and content have changed.

How are you connected to the people of Plachimada, India?

Coca-Cola opened up a bottling plant in Plachimada that severely affected local water levels and increased levels of pollution.

Why is it so easy for a college student with either no job or only a part-time job to qualify for credit cards?

Credit card companies hope to create a perpetual cycle of debt by having cardholders work to pay off the debt, only to incur more debt.

Which statement is at the core of the American Anthropological Association's statement on ethics?

Do no harm

Which statement is at the core of the American Anthropological Association's Statement on Ethics?

Do no harm.

Is a culture a static construct or a dynamic one? (Does it always stay the same or does it regularly change?)


What allows modern immigrants to participate in a transnational migration experience?

Improvements in communications and transportation technologies allow immigrants to maintain regular contact with their homeland.


People who hold opinions on multiple sides of a key cultural issue are quoted.

What did Max Weber argue was the relationship between the Protestant ethic and capitalism?

The Protestant ethic—thrift, modesty, moderation, frugality, and self-denial—encouraged and promoted capitalist economic systems, thus allowing capitalism to thrive where it had previously failed.

tone and style.

The anthropologist focuses the words she uses on a specific audience-whether other anthropologists or the people she studies.


The anthropologist includes his own reflection on the process of completing the fieldwork

Why are anthropologists concerned about the effects of homogenization on cultures around the world?

The increasing effect of homogenization diminishes the diversity of the world's cultures.

The term "informed consent" refers to the idea that

The subject of study is informed about the anthropologist's research and consents to participate.

Which of the following do anthropologists believe to be true?

There are no longer any undiscovered, isolated groups of humans.

You've just spent five hours engaged in participant observation of a ritual feast and dancing in your study community. How should you record your observations?

Write detailed field notes as soon as possible.

Which of the following are attributes of culture? Select all that apply.

a. Culture is shared within groups of people. b. Culture shapes our ideas of what is normal and natural. d. Culture is a system of behaviors and beliefs.

Which of the following attributes are associated with culture? Select all that apply.

a. The human capacity for sharing and learning culture is unique among animal species. b. Culture is constantly changing. c. Core cultural beliefs are often challenged.

Which of the following can be considered a culture? Select all that apply.

a. fans of a sports team c. students at a particular college or university d. a group of people trapped in an elevator

What feature or features allowed the growth of a consumerist culture?

a. the creation of consumer demand b. a robust and omnipresent advertising system c. a widely available system of easily available credit

The ability of individuals and/or groups "to contest cultural norms, values, mental maps of reality, symbols, institutions, and structures of power" (page 54) is known as:


Anthropology seeks to study

all people and cultures around the globe.

Scientists predict what change in global temperatures by the year 2100?

an increase of 2.5 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit

Anthropologists who use anthropological skills and insights in efforts to solve contemporary world problems are known as __________ anthropologists.


April is excited to see a display of arrowheads and other stone tools in a local museum. She wants to learn more about some of the tools. Which type of anthropologist should she contact?


The process of fieldwork alters the character of:

both the anthropologist and the study community.

Charles is interested in studying access to paved sidewalks, bike paths, and jogging trails as a means of encouraging fitness in his study community. To aid his research, he creates a map of the study community's:

built environment.

Americans tend to drive on the right side of the road. This is an example of a:

cultural norm

Anthropologists attempt to understand a group's beliefs and practices within their own cultural context, as opposed to the context of the anthropologist's home culture. This practice is best known as

cultural relativism

The handshake as a form of greeting in the United States is an example of a:

cultural symbol.

Contemporary debates about privacy in American society post-9/11 are fundamentally debates about which of the following?

cultural values

Which of the following terms refers to the process of learning culture?


Bertha likes to eat dinner at 5 p.m. She travels to Italy and decides she doesn't like the country because restaurants tend to open for dinner at 7 p.m. or later. Bertha is practicing:


Chan has started a project comparing ethnographic data about health care practices from a village in Mozambique to data about similar techniques in rural Kentucky. This process is known as:


Ana has started a project comparing ethnographic data about educational techniques in Lesotho to data about educational techniques in New York City. This process is known as:


Bertram marries someone from outside his cultural group. Which anthropological term best applies to this situation?


A company that used to be based solely in the United States now has factories in the United States plus Mexico, Guatemala, and Indonesia. Which key dynamic of globalization is at work in this example?

flexible accumulation

Franz Boas

four-field approach, salvage ethnography

Which of the following terms refers to "the worldwide intensification of interactions and the increased movement of money, people, goods, and ideas within and across national borders"? (page 19)


While material power such as coercion and brute force were tools used by the Nazi regime, the creation of cultural agreement about the "dangers" of populations such as the Jews, Roma, and others was what ultimately allowed the horrors of the Holocaust to take place. This cultural agreement is known as:


Franz Boas believed that cultures develop in different ways because of the unique and complex sets of issues and situations that members of the cultural group face over time. This way of understanding cultural differences came to be known as:

historical particularism

Which of the following is most likely to be studied by an anthropologist?

how minority residents of a small town react to discriminatory policies by working together

A hundred years ago in the United States, most college-age adults envisioned living and working near the town where they grew up. Today, many more college-age adults envision living and working in a location away from the town where they grew up. Which key dynamic of globalization best explains this phenomenon?

increasing migration

Anthropologists are ethically bound to let those we study know why we are studying them, and to obtain their permission to do so. Which term summarizes this obligation?

informed consent

Anil is an anthropologist who studies how words transmitted via social media have been used both to resist and to uphold power during recent revolutionary periods in Libya, Egypt, and the Sudan. Anil would most likely classify himself as a....

linguistic anthropologist

Advances in transportation technology via seafaring allowed Europeans to travel farther and faster, thus seeing more of the diversity of the world's people. This resulted in the creation of the concept of different "races" of humans. This concept of race as signifying human difference is best described by which term?

mental map of reality

Some, but not all, cultures participate in daylight savings time.

mental map of reality

The belief that cultural patterns are determined by our genetic makeup is best described using which term?


There are rules governing when to kiss someone


Carlos is an anthropologist who wants to learn more about American college student culture. He decided to enroll in a college, take classes, live in a dorm, and interact with students. This ethnographic technique is best known as:

participant observation.

Corrine is researching the Nuer of South Sudan, and she learns how they care for their cattle by asking a lot of questions and pitching in with daily tasks that the Nuer undertake to care for these important animals. This practice is best known as

participant observation.

Augusto the farmer encounters several bones while plowing his field and wants to know if the bones are human. Which type of anthropologist should he call?

physical anthropologist

There is evidence that minority residents of Anytown have less access to resources such as strong schools, libraries, and recreational centers than their majority counterparts. This is an example of:


The belief that culture is held together by a series of important elements such as economy, education, religion, kinship, and politics that all serve to maintain societal equilibrium is known as:

structural functionalism.

Which of the following can be considered a culture? Select all that apply.

students at a particular college or university b. citizens of a nation c. a group of people trapped in an elevator d. fans of a sports team

Ethnographies about Puerto Rican culture written by Julian Steward and Sydney Mintz are important to the history of anthropological research because they:

study how modern societies integrate into the modern world system.

You arrive at a red, eight-sided sign when driving your car, and know that the sign is suggesting that you stop. symbol


What do professional anthropologists consider to be the ethical concern about the so-called "weaponizing of anthropology"?

that anthropological research strategies and knowledge may be turned into a tool of war

The term ethnology refers to

the analysis and comparison of data gathered by fieldwork across cultures.

A hydroelectric dam is built in Haiti to provide electric power to those who can afford it. The Haitian citizens who had lived in the valley where the dam is built are relocated to a mountainous location that makes it very difficult for them to make a living sufficient to afford electricity. Which key dynamic of globalization does this story best illustrate?

uneven development

The suggestion that all cultures progress through a similar set of stages is no longer accepted in contemporary anthropology. This theory was known as:

unilineal cultural evolution.

Freedom of religion is a cornerstone of American society


During fieldwork, conversational pauses or things unsaid by respondents can convey important meaning to the anthropologist. Which term is used in your chapter to describe these elements of a story that are not told or seen, or key details omitted from a conversation?


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