American Gov Study Guide M05

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In order to become a member of the Senate, a person must be at least _____ years of age and have been a citizen for at least _____ years.

30 / 9

In the 1980s, before partisan deadlock, congressional approval ratings were about ______ percent.


To plan strategy and resolve policy issues, party members in Congress typically meet behind closed doors in a session called a party _____.


The president who redefined the role of the vice president was ______.

Jimmy Carter

A committee that is composed of members of both chambers of Congress is known as a _____.


The president's top advisers on matters related to foreign policy make up part of the ______.

National Security Council

What are conference committees?

Temporary joint committees formed to work out differences in bills

What holds party lawmakers together?

They have far more in common with each other than they do with lawmakers of the other party.

After Vietnam, Congress sought to limit the ability of presidents to commit the United States to war by passing the ______.

War Powers Act

Both political parties in the House we have a _____, who acts as a go-between with the leadership and the party members in the House.


Which of the following are true concerning women and minorities who run for congressional office?

Women and minorities are less likely to run for Congress than white males. There are more women than there are minorities in Congress.

Since the Truman administration, the number of bureaucratic agencies has ______.


When, during a term of office, should the president expect to experience the highest level of public approval?

early in a new president's administration

The beginning of a new presidential administration, which is often characterized by higher levels of public approval, is known as a ______.

honeymoon period

Every bill must be approved by both the House and the Senate in _____ form before it can be sent to the president.


What term describes the situation in which Republican and Democratic lawmakers vote in the same way as their fellow partisans, regardless of constituency differences?


If the Rules Committee places a "closed rule" on a piece of legislation, ______ amendments are permitted.


In the 2018 Senate race in Missouri, incumbent Claire McCaskill lost to challenger Josh Hawley in part because ______.

outside groups spent $40 million to defeat her

If a "turf war" erupts as different committees vie for jurisdiction over a bill, who or what decides the committee assignment?

party leaders

The blurring of the line between campaigning and governing has come to be known as the _____ campaign.


The president's executive power can be used to both ______ and ______ the use of federal funds for certain purposes.

permit; prohibit

The minority party's committee and subcommittee leaders are its _____ members.


The sole purpose of a conference committee is to ______.

reconcile differences in the House and Senate versions of a bill

Members of Congress give various interests to a voice in the legislative process as part of Congress's ______ function.


A permanent committee in Congress is known as a(n) _____ committee.


Who is more likely to vote in a primary election?

strong partisans

Who works together to achieve legislative goals?

the Congress the president

During which of these major events was there an enormous expansion of presidential authority?

the Great Depression

Which of the following documents revealed that President Lyndon Johnson had presented a falsely optimistic picture of the Vietnam War?

the Pentagon Papers

In the House of Representatives, debate is limited on the congressional floor by ______.

the Rules Committee

The president's cabinet consists of ______.

the leaders of the top executive departments

Andrew Jackson was the first president to forcefully assert the idea that ______.

the president rather than Congress should take the lead on national policy issues

Positive aspects of party polarization include the fact that ______.

voters can more clearly see and understand party differences

Political scientist Richard Neustadt contended that an effective president is successful in using ______.

"the power to persuade"

Reapportionment takes place every _____ years following a census.


At present there are _____ standing committees in the House of Representatives.


Today, in the grip of partisan deadlock, congressional approval ratings are about ______ percent


The president appoints approximately how many ambassadors?


In order to be a member of the House of Representatives, a person must be ______ years of age.


Which of the following are activities that typically take place in a party caucus?

Adopting a single policy message Developing issues

Economic problems usually affect the public's confidence in ______.

American presidents

To end a filibuster, sixty senators must agree to invoke _____ and the debate.


If the president chooses to veto a bill, ______.

Congress can override the veto by a two-thirds vote in each chamber

True or false: It is more common for House incumbents than Senate incumbents to face challengers in the form of prominent local politicians.


If the majority of the members of the House of Representatives are Republican, then every committee and subcommittees in the House will _____.

Have a majority of Republican members

Why was President Hoover slow to respond to the Great Depression?

He claimed he lacked the constitutional authority to take strong action.

The difference between amendments that can be offered to a bill under consideration in the House and Senate is that in the _____.

House, amendments must directly relate to a bill's contents

Donors are more willing to make campaign contributions to


When a bill falls into the area in which a committee is authorized to act, that committee is said to have _____.


How has the importance of local issues changed in Congress as party polarization has taken hold?

Local issues are less important.

Which of the following positions in the Senate schedules debates on legislation?

Majority leader

The framers of the Constitution granted Congress the power to _____, the greatest of all powers of government.

Make laws

The Executive Office of the President includes which of the following components?

National Economic Council Office of Management and Budget White House Office National Security Council

Which of the following describes the power of Congress relative to the other branches of government?

No executive agency or lower court can exist without congressional authorization.

The partisan divide in Congress has grown in recent years, to the point where each party has a high level of ______, which is when party members band together on legislation and oppose the other party.

Party unity

Which cabinet member can be described as a close advisor to the president in most administrations?

Secretary of State

What happened in the 1830s that helped to strengthen the power of voters as well as the presidency itself?

States decided to award their electoral votes to the winner of the state's popular vote.

Which of the following descriptions of the U.S. presidency are true?

The degree of leadership the president can exert largely depends on circumstances. The formal powers of the presidency are modest. It operates in a system of divided powers.

How much control does the president actually have in managing the national economy?

The president has limited control over the national economy but can set some economic priorities.

The text uses the immigration issue as an example of a national issue on which Republican and Democratic lawmakers cannot agree. What is the sticking point?

The two parties have different solutions to the same problem.

Polls indicate that voters' opinions of Donald Trump's performance had what effect in the 2018 midterms?

Those who were discontented with Trump helped Democrats retake control of the House.

True or false: After clearing the committee stage, floor debate on a bill is usually led by the majority party's leadership in the House.


True or false: The fact that presidential candidates are now chosen by voters in primary elections has enhanced the authority of the president who is ultimately elected.


Members of the House of Representatives typically serve on _____ committees, while members of the Senate serve on _____.

Two, four

A procedural move in which a member or members of the Senate speak for an unlimited amount of time on the Senate floor in order to prevent a vote on a bill is known as ______.

a filibuster

Partisan divisions have become more ______ as a result of party polarization.


In Congress, disagreement over national policy usually occurs ______.

along partisan divisions

In the Whig theory of leadership, the president serves mainly as ______.

an administrator of the will of Congress

If congressional representatives find themselves having to choose between angering voters and donors or angering party leadership by refusing to go along with a vote, which will they likely choose?

angering leadership by voting the way their donors and voters want them to

In his role as chief diplomat, the president ______.

appoints ambassadors negotiates treaties with other nations

In his role as chief diplomat, the president ______. Multiple select question.

appoints ambassadors negotiates treaties with other nations

The percentage of survey respondents who say that they support the work the president is doing is known as the president's ______ rating.


A(n) _____ is a proposed legislative act that if passed by both chambers of Congress and signed by the president becomes law.


To plan strategy and resolve policy issues, party members in Congress typically meet behind closed doors in a session called a party _____.


Which of the following is not a direct power of the committee chair?

changes party affiliation at will

Members of Congress usually serve on congressional committees that concentrate on policy areas that affect the members' ______.


Members of Congress are attentive to the concerns of constituents because constituents ______.

determine whether or not they stay in office

The scenario in which the president belongs to one political party while the opposition party has majority control of at least one chamber of Congress is known as ______.

divided government

Which of the following could be considered personal misconduct that might lead to a congressional incumbent losing a bid for reelection?

engaging in bribery being involved in a sex scandal

The president's ______ power includes the responsibility to faithfully execute the laws of the nation and to appoint major administrators.


In general, presidents have more power to act on their own in which policy area?

foreign policy

Article I of the Constitution lists the powers of Congress and Article II lists the powers of the presidency. Compared to Article I, the wording of Article II is more ______.


The redrawing of congressional boundaries to benefit a political party is called _____.


The redrawing of congressional boundaries to benefit a political party is called ______.


Since the 1790s, the power of the presidency has evolved owing to the ______.

increased involvement of the presidency in a range of policy areas

As a result of the increased level of party polarization in the United States, which candidates face the greatest risk of losing a primary election?

incumbent moderates

The purpose of pork barrel projects is to show constituents that their representative

is actively working for them in Congress

Which function is the main responsibility of Congress, to which all other functions of Congress are related?


In the House, both the full committee and a subcommittee may ______, or propose changes to, a bill.

mark up

When major disruptive issues occur, incumbents are ______.

more likely to lose

Presidents can use their authority as _____ to work with their allies in Congress.

party leader

Which of the following are common threats to incumbency?

personal misconduct strong challengers disruptive issues

Going into the 2018 election, the Democratic Party was able to field an unusually strong set of candidates because ______.

polls showed that voters were trending toward the Democrats

When foreign countries look to the United States for leadership, they direct their attention to the ______.


The process of determining how many House seats each state is allowed as a result of population change since the last census is known as ______.


Redistricting consists of _____.

redrawing congressional district boundaries within a state

Political scientist John Hibbing advises that the "first thing to being reelected is to stay away from ______."


The Speaker of the House has the right to do which of the following?

select the chairperson of the House Rules Committee choose who may speak on the House floor speak first during House debate on legislation

On major bills, it is increasingly typical for the majority party's leaders to

shape the bill's broad content. direct the floor debate after the bill leaves the committee.

Incumbents have ______ over challengers.

substantial advantages

Which of these communication strategies have presidents used to promote their agenda to the general public?

televised press conferences posts on social media "fireside chats" on the radio

Who helps the Speaker set the party's legislative agenda in the House?

the majority leader

Members of the president's party in Congress have a stake in the president's success because ______.

their ability to win reelection can depend on it

The scenario in which the president belongs to the same political party that controls the House and Senate is called ______.

unified government

Candidates challenging an incumbent in a House election _____ fall short of their fundraising needs.


In terms of their careers, most members of Congress _____.

want to stay in Congress and put themselves in position for reelection

Which of the following are duties of the Secretary of State?

protecting U.S. citizens abroad overseeing the diplomatic corps participating in international conferences providing advice to the president on foreign policy

Why is the Rules Committee considered one of the most important committees in the House?

Because it decides the length of debate that will occur on a bill and whether amendments will be allowed

True or False: The Senate majority leader's position is more powerful than that of the House Speaker.


True or false: An executive agreement made by the president with another country has the same force of law as a formal treaty and cannot be rescinded.


True or false: Members of Congress are often willing to vote in ways that put their reelection at risk


______ typically benefit from gerrymandering because the majority party ensures that there are enough of the party's voters in the district to guarantee their election.


Which of the following correctly describes the role of the cabinet in the modern presidency?

It is made up of the heads of the executive departments. Members are important figures in an administration. Members are selected by the president, subject to Senate confirmation.

What shift brought the president to a more central role in the legislative process?

National and international forces combined to place greater policy demands on the federal government.

The emergence of _____ _____, groups that can pour money into a political campaign with few limits, has given challengers a better opportunity to unseat congressional incumbents.

Super PACS

For which of the following reasons is the president better suited to oversee government activity and develop comprehensive public policy?

The president is able to direct the actions of federal agencies. Final authority rests with a single individual.

Which of the following statements about midterm elections are generally true?

Voter turnout is lower than for presidential elections. There is less media coverage of candidates and issues than in a presidential election. The president's party usually loses seats.

Members of Congress may experience conflict between their lawmaking responsibility and their responsibility to represent their constituency when ______.

a policy that is good for the nation as a whole does not coincide with the needs of their constituency

There are more than 2,000 full-time presidential appointees. How many of those are subject to Senate confirmation?

about a third

A key to understanding the power of the presidency is a recognition that presidential power ______.

depends on the occupant of the office

The duties of each vice president are ______.

determined by the particular president with whom he or she serves

Over the course of American history, the powers of the president have ______ from those envisioned by the founding fathers.


Which of the following problems is most likely to jeopardize an incumbent's chances of reelection?

getting caught in a scandal

Which of the following are the functions of Congress?

lawmaking oversight representation

An example of Congress's ______ occurs when Congress passes legislation that creates incentives for the development of alternative energy sources.

lawmaking function

What has been one result of the decreasing number of moderates in Congress?

legislative deadlock

The practice in which members of Congress agree to vote for a bill in exchange for their colleague's vote on another bill is called _____.


In Insecure Majorities, Frances Lee noted that, in the currently closely matched parties, members of Congress are engaged in "______" rather than "governing."


The House and the Senate each elect ______ to direct their party's efforts in the chamber.

party leaders

The interdependence of the president and members of the president's party in Congress has increased in recent decades because of ______.

party polarization

The increase in party polarization in Congress has led to increased ______.

policy deadlock

The importance of an advertising style of governing emerged when candidates began to build their campaigns around which three of the following?

polling the media rallies

Going into the 2018 election, the Democratic Party was able to field an unusually strong set of candidates because

polls showed that voters were trending toward the Democrats

In terms of the budget to hire office staff, ______.

senators receive varying amounts of money, depending on the population of their state House members receive identical amounts of money

Choosing committee chairs based on which member has the longest continuous tenure on a standing committee is an example of the _____ system.


Members of Congress cannot claim to be the leader of the United States because they ______.

share power with other members of Congress are elected from different areas and not nationally

Presidents have more power in foreign policy making in part because ______.

they have more access to relevant information than Congress does

Hearings are an affective way for committees to _____.

gather information

A limit of ______ exists for how long a Republican member can chair a particular committee.

six years

Match each of the president's roles under Article II of the Constitution to its description.

Chief executive - the president makes sure that the laws are faithfully executed Commander in chief - the president is the head of all branches of the military Chief diplomat - the president appoints ambassadors to other countries and receives ambassadors from other countries Chief legislator - the president recommends measures to Congress and informs Congress about the state of the union

Match two types of actions presidents can take on their own with their descriptions.

Executive order - a directive that implements or interprets a law passed by congress Executive agreement - formal agreements made with foreign nations that are legally binding

True or false: Members of Congress are often willing to vote in ways that put their reelection at risk.


True or false: The president's personal advisers are subject to Senate confirmation.


Which two of the following are aspects of the dual nature of congress?

Its members have a duty to serve people in their states or individual districts It has the responsibility to make laws for the country as a whole

Which two of the following executive orders exceeded the president's authority?

President Trump's initial order banning entry of foreign nationals from seven Muslim countries President Obama's order granting temporary deportation relief to 4 million undocumented immigrants

Which of the following statements are true of bills that are killed in committee?

Some bills are not supported by the members who introduced them. They can be brought back to life by a vote of the full House or Senate. Most are poorly conceived or of little interest to anyone.

Many of the bills Congress passes are _____ in nature, which means they provide benefits to a particular group in society while spreading the costs across the taxpaying public as a whole.


Presidents encounter trouble when their executive orders ______.

go beyond the limits of the law

Which of the following strongly and positively affects a congressional candidate's ability win an election?

Being an incumbent

True or false: Today, nearly every foreign policy initiative originates with Congress.


True or false: The president's ability to command attention via the bully pulpit guarantees that the desired policy objectives will be achieved.


Among presidents remembered for rising to challenges (benefiting from circumstance) while in office are ______.

Franklin Roosevelt Lyndon Johnson Ronald Reagan

Which of the following circumstances help to create a powerful president?

a major national problem a decisive election victory

More than half of post-World War II presidents have left office with an approval rating of ______.

less than 50 percent

What is a distributive policy?

one that confers a benefit on a particular group while spreading the cost across the taxpaying public

According to the stewardship theory of the U.S. presidency, ______.

presidents are free to take any action as long as it is not against the law

Presidents are most able to get Congress to pass policy initiatives when ______.

their party controls both houses of Congress

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