American Government Exam Two

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What is the congressional franking privilege? A) It provides money for congresspersons to travel to their home state. B) It is the right to eat a free meal at any Washington, D.C. restaurant. C) It is free postage for official business. D) It is unlimited use of a government automobile. E) It provides free hot dogs and sausages to all elected officials.

It is free postage for official business.

The bureaucracy is defined as doing which of the following? A) It exercises comparatively little influence on the congressional process B) It is often involved with interest groups and congressional committees in subgovernments. C) It is more powerful as iron triangles become more powerful. D) It must operate in a period of tight budgets, which increases the number of distributive issues to be solved. E) None of the above

It is often involved with interest groups and congressional committees in subgovernments.

Which of the following is true of presidential popularity? A) It did not affect congressional elections when Reagan ran in 1980, but it did when George Bush ran in 1988. B) It typically means little or nothing in midterm congressional elections. C) It was first referred to as "coattails" by then Congressman Abraham Lincoln. D) It had sagged so far that Bush lost a lot of Republican congressional support in the midterm elections of 1990. E) None of the above

It was first referred to as "coattails" by then Congressman Abraham Lincoln.

The roots of liberalism can be traced to the great English philosopher, _______. A) Herbert Croly B) Adam Smith C) Thomas Jefferson D) John Locke E) None of the above

John Locke

Generally, what is the minority leader's role? A) Leader and chief spokesperson for the majority party B) Leader and chief spokesperson for the minority party C) Member of each party's leadership responsible for party discipline D) Member of each party's leadership responsible for attendance for key votes E) None of the above

Leader and chief spokesperson for the minority party

Which is the most prominent women's organization in the United States? A) American Association of Women B) National Organization for Women C) Equal rights movement D) League of Women Voters E) None of the above

National Organization for Women

Which of the following is not true about congressional races? A) After incumbency, the single most important determinant of voting in congressional races is party. B) Issues usually play even less of a role in congressional campaigns than in presidential campaigns. C) The better the economy is doing, the better the congressional candidates of the president's party do. D) Negative campaigning is less of a trend and an issue for congressional campaigns than for presidential ones. E) None of the above

Negative campaigning is less of a trend and an issue for congressional campaigns than for presidential ones.

Currently, how much money may individuals give? A) $2000 per candidate in each primary and general election B) No more than $5000 during each federal election year C) No more than $5000 to one political action committee per election per year D) More than political action committees are able to give to candidates E) None of the above

No more than $5000 to one political action committee per election per year

Laissez-faire economics is a view that government should do which of the following? A) Not interfere in the workings of the economy B) Interfere in the workings of the economy C) Strictly regulate business D) Promote social welfare E) None of the above

Not interfere in the workings of the economy

What does the Committee of the Whole refer to? A) Parliamentary device used by the House to facilitate floor consideration of a bill B) Parliamentary device used by the House to suspend debate C) Is smaller than most subcommittees D) Is smaller than most standing committees E) Is necessitated by most modified rules

Parliamentary device used by the House to facilitate floor consideration of a bill

What is the primary reason for the party resurgence that some observers see? A) Interest group initiatives B) Media initiatives C) Parties adjusting their activities D) The decline of modern political campaigns E) None of the above

Parties adjusting their activities

In recent years interest groups have been deeply involved in the financing of political campaigns. This has been done usually through what means? A) Single-issue groups B) Political action committees C) Radical groups D) Mainstream groups E) None of the above

Political action committees

Which of the following scenarios is the best example of a positive state? A) President Bob recognizes there are inequalities of wealth and income in society and quickly intervenes to redress the most excessive. B) President Frank recognizes there are inequalities of wealth and income in society and decides to let the market work it out. C) President Jennifer recognizes there are inequalities of wealth and income in society and redistributes it equally. D) President Mary recognizes there are inequalities of wealth and income in society and decides to raise taxes on the poor and middle classes. E) None of the above.

President Bob recognizes there are inequalities of wealth and income in society and quickly intervenes to redress the most excessive.

What is the term for the pool of money collected from a $3 check-off on the federal income tax form and available to presidential candidates for campaign expenses? A) Candidate Campaign Fund B) Candidate Election Campaign Fun C) Presidential Election Campaign Fund D) Presidential Campaign Electoral Fund E) Political Action Fund

Presidential Election Campaign Fund

Frank is an avid supporter of government programs that ease the problems of industrialization such as worker's compensation. Frank's political ideology is most in line with _______. A) Progressivism B) Conservatism C) Libertarianism D) Democratic Socialism E) Social Darwinism


Political machines are political organizations that do which of the following? A) Recruit and control their membership through the use of governmental authority to bestow benefits on supporters and withhold them from opponents B) Run the voting machines citizens use to vote on election day C) Run the voting machines that tally the votes on election day D) Guide political party organizations on an ongoing basis E) None of the above

Recruit and control their membership through the use of governmental authority to bestow benefits on supporters and withhold them from opponents

Which is the most visible of all the narrow single-issue groups in the U.S.? A) Environmental Defense Fund B) Right-to-life movement C) Christian Right D) American Civil Liberties Union E) None of the above

Right-to-life movement

Political parties and interest groups are alike in that their members do which of the following? A) Select candidates to run for public office B) Share common political views or objectives C) Seek to gain control of the government D) Focus on a wide range of issues E) None of the above

Share common political views or objectives

Which of the following is the correct order of events regarding how a bill becomes a law in the U.S. House of Representatives? A) The bill is introduced in the House and referred to a House committee that holds hearings and recommends passage. Then the Rules Committee sends the bill to the House floor. The House debates and passes the bill, and then the Senate and House confer and offer the same legislation. Finally, the president signs it into law. B) The bill is introduced in the House, and the House debates and passes the bill. Then the Senate and House confer and offer the same legislation. Next the Rules Committee sends the bill to the House floor. Finally, the president signs it into law. C) The Rules Committee sends the bill to the House floor. Then the Senate and House confer and offer the same legislation. Next the House debates and passes the bill. Finally, the president signs it into law. D) The Rules Committee sends the bill to the House floor. Then the bill is introduced in the House, and the House debates and passes the bill. The Senate and House confer and offer the same legislation. Finally, the president signs it into law. E) None of the above

The bill is introduced in the House and referred to a House committee that holds hearings and recommends passage. Then the Rules Committee sends the bill to the House floor. The House debates and passes the bill, and then the Senate and House confer and offer the same legislation. Finally, the president signs it into law.

Classical liberalism believed which of the following? A) The government that governed least governed best. B) The government that governed most governed best. C) Absolute government control was necessary. D) Socialism was the ideal form of government. E) None of the above

The government that governed least governed best.

Citizens with Burkean ideals would most likely agree with which of the following statements? A) The state must promote virtue and take appropriate measures to improve the moral climate of society. B) The state must promote equality and take appropriate measures to stabilize the status quo. C) The state must prohibit prayer in public schools. D) The state must not restrict abortions. E) None of the above.

The state must promote virtue and take appropriate measures to improve the moral climate of society.

Which of the following is true about the Senate versus the House? A) There are more senators, and senators have shorter terms. B) There are more senators, and they have longer terms. C) There are fewer senators, and they have shorter terms. D) There are fewer senators, and they have longer terms. E) There are no such things as senators and terms.

There are fewer senators, and they have longer terms.

Primarily, why is voter turnout lower in the United States than elsewhere? A) There are more obstacles and fewer incentives in the United States. B) U.S. citizens are less educated than citizens of other nations. C) Politics is more complex in the United States than in other nations. D) The voting procedures are too difficult for voters to understand. E) None of the above

There are more obstacles and fewer incentives in the United States.

Which of the following is true of national party conventions? A) They are held in the late spring. B) They frequently have had second and third ballots in recent years. C) They use rules committees to determine who is to be seated. D) They are stage-managed and sanitized for the home viewer. E) None of the above

They are stage-managed and sanitized for the home viewer.

How are political parties are characterized? A) They are some of the least enduring features of the American political landscape. B) They cannot integrate somewhat diverse interests into reasonably unified political coalitions. C) They complement the legally established process for choosing public officials. D) They cannot legally recruit and train political leaders. E) None of the above

They complement the legally established process for choosing public officials.

Which of the following is true of the media? A) They have less and less to do with shaping the modern presidential campaign. B) They have improved satisfaction with modern campaigns. C) The reforms that have been proposed do NOT conflict with First Amendment principles of freedom of press and speech. D) They create problems that stem especially from the great expense involved, particularly with television. E) None of the above

They create problems that stem especially from the great expense involved, particularly with television.

What are the prospects for party alignment? A) They are clear. B) They may favor either the Democrats or the Republicans. C) They must consider that Republican identification is down to around 20 percent of the electorate. D) They must consider that Democratic identification has risen to over 50 percent of the electorate. E) None of the above

They may favor either the Democrats or the Republicans.

Which of the following is true of the members of Congress? A) They are responsible to primarily farmers and ranchers. B) They represent a cross section of the adult population. C) They remain predominantly male. D) They include a proportionate number of working class backgrounds. E) None of the above

They remain predominantly male.

Term limits are in place for what reason? A) They restrict the number of terms an elected representative may serve. B) They restrict the number of elections a candidate may run in. C) They limit the number of primaries in which a candidate may run. D) They limit the number of general elections in which a candidate may run. E) None of the above

They restrict the number of terms an elected representative may serve.

Why were the Jim Crow laws created? A) To limit African American voting B) To allow only African American men to vote C) To allow women to vote D) To stimulate African American participation in politics E) None of the above

To limit African American voting

How has direct mail been used in recent years by interest groups? A) To discredit the government B) To elect opinion leaders C) To solicit financial contributions D) To form political parties E) None of the above

To solicit financial contributions

Where does the strategic advantage in campaigns lie? A) Usually in stressing states without winner-take-all electoral schemes B) Usually in rejection of the Rose Garden strategy for incumbents. C) Almost always in stressing issues as clearly as possible D) Usually in as few debates and as much structure to them as possible for incumbents E) None of the above

Usually in as few debates and as much structure to them as possible for incumbents

What do "delegate" representatives do? A) Vote for their constituents' desires B) Use their own judgment when voting on issues C) Only vote on issues that involve their constituents D) Abstain from voting on controversial issues E) None of the above

Vote for their constituents' desires

Which was the first state or territory to grant woman suffrage? A) New York B) Virginia C) Wyoming D) Maryland E) None of the above


What are the two social characteristics with the strongest relation to voting? A) Age and income B) Age and education C) Income and education D) Gender and income E) Race and income

age and education

Libertarians hold that the essential role of government should be only the protection of the following human right(s): A) Life, by which libertarians mean protection against the use of force by others B) Liberty, meaning the freedoms of speech, press, and assembly C) Protection against government restrictions on ideas books, films, or other means of communication D) Property, by which libertarians support protection of individuals against confiscation, robbery, trespass, libel, fraud, and copyright violations E) All of the above.

all of the above

Voting turnout varies with people's _______. A) Social characteristics B) Psychological attitudes C) Circumstances of voting D) All of the above E) None of the above

all of the above

What is the duty (or duties) of the Speaker of the House? A) He/she is the presiding officer of the House of Representatives. B) He/she is nominated by the majority party. C) The duty was established by Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution. D) He/she is next in line to succeed the president after the vice president. E) All of the above

all of the above

Which of the following are given in the text as major ways in which interest groups are involved in the judicial process? A) Affecting the selection of judges who sit on the bench B) Class action suits C) Encouraging individuals to bring legal action and providing them with assistance D) Filing amicus curiae briefs E) All of the above

all of the above

Which of the following are true of ex post facto laws? A) They are laws that make an act a crime after it was committed. B) They are laws that increase the punishment for a crime already committed. C) They are prohibited by the Constitution. D) They are in violation of personal liberties. E) All of the above

all of the above

Which of the following characterizes the Christian Right? A) It is comprised of religiously based groups that involve themselves in the political process. B) It has worked for a constitutional amendment to allow prayer in the public schools. C) It has worked for the teaching of creationism in public schools. D) It has worked against laws favoring the rights of women and homosexuals and the teaching of anything but abstinence in sex education. E) All of the above

all of the above

Which of the following is a recent proposal to increase the number of registered voters in the U.S? A) Registration by mail B) Registration at the same time a driver's license is issued C) Registration at offices of state agencies D) Prohibiting states from purging citizens from the rolls just because they have NOT voted in a recent election E) All of the above

all of the above

Which of the following is part of the electoral functions of political parties? A) Integrating interests B) Simplifying alternatives C) Complementing the legally established process for choosing public officials D) Serving as the prime means of recurring and training political leaders E) All of the above

all of the above

Which of the following is true of Congressional seniority? A) It is based on the length of continuous serve in Congress. B) It can affect committee assignments. C) It can affect the amount of office space a member is granted. D) It can affect the deference shown a member during floor debate. E) All of the above

all of the above

Which of the following is true of the Federal Election Campaign Act? A) It was passed in 1971 and amended several times. B) It regulates campaign financing. C) It requires full disclosure of sources and uses of campaign funds. D) It limits contributions to political candidates. E) All of the above

all of the above

Which of the following statements about how a bill becomes a law is true? A) At each step along the way a bill can be stymied. B) All bills must go through both House and Senate before reaching the president. C) Most legislation begins as similar proposals in both houses. D) Should the president veto the bill, Congress may pass the bill into law by a two-thirds vote in each house. E) All of the above

all of the above

According to the text, __________ "spells out what is valued and what is not, what must be maintained and what must be changed." A) the capitalist system B) the president C) the Constitution D) an ideology E) None of the above

an ideology

A member of Congress who intervenes with the government on behalf of individual constituents is referred to as which of the following? A) A legislative liaison B) A caseworker C) An ombudsman D) A trader E) None of the above

an ombudsman

A lot of time goes into the presidential decision of choosing a vice-presidential running mate. This decision-making process is referred to as the need to do what? A) Caucus B) Elect the college C) Balance the ticket D) Balance the primary E) Balance the election

balance the ticket

A caucus is which of the following? A) A meeting of members of a political party or the members of a party in a legislature B) A process of selecting delegates to the national conventions, which nominate presidential candidates C) The seventh party system D) Both A and B E) Both A and C

both A and B

Conservatism became the ideology of America's _______. A) business class B) working class C) lower class D) philosophers E) None of the above

business class

Like Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson believed that liberty was the absence of government interference with the rights of all citizens to enjoy the fruits of their labor and prosperity. This is an example of which of the following? A) Democratic socialism B) Classical liberalism C) Conservatism D) Neoconservatism E) None of the above

classical liberalism

In a(n) __________ only voters registered as members of the party can participate in the selection process for that party. A) open primary B) general election C) closed primary D) closed election E) None of the above

closed primary

The three-fifths majority vote that ends a debate in the Senate is called a _____. A) filibuster B) closed rule C) stop rule D) cloture E) None of the above


Only ______________ can approve legislation and send it to the House of Senate floor for consideration. A) the president B) the vice president C) committees D) lobbyists E) ombudsmen


The Government Accountability Office is a(n) _______. A) Cabinet department B) Administrative agency C) Presidential commission D) Congressional agency E) None of the above

congressional agency

Social Darwinism was a __________ theory of industrial America. A) Libertarian B) liberal C) New Right D) conservative E) None of the above


The _______ are adamantly against the growth of the welfare state. Additionally, they oppose any increase in the role of the federal government over the general direction of the economy and contend that a vibrant private-sector economy can best create jobs for the poor, immigrants, and minorities. According to this group, welfare programs only create a permanent class of the poor who are dependent on the state and have no genuine incentives to enter the working world. A) Libertarians B) Progressives C) Populists D) Conservatives E) Socialists


The theory that states "gain their legitimacy from the consent of the governed and are formed primarily to protect the rights of individuals to life, liberty, and property" is called _______. A) contact theory B) contract theory C) conflict theory D) condition theory E) constitution theory

contract theory

_______ is the period before each realignment in which the old party structures seem to fall apart? A) Socialization B) Deviation C) Dealignment D) Reinstatement E) None of the above


The ideologies of ______ and _________ are considered radical, because they challenge much of the existing social and political order. A) democratic socialism, libertarianism B) conservatism, liberalism C) conservatism, progressivism D) neoconservatism, liberalism E) populism, liberalism

democratic socialism, libertarianism

In stark contrast to the Electoral College, some citizens are in favor of the _____________________ election where the selection of officials is based on those receiving the largest number of votes cast A) direct popular B) general popular C) primary popular D) singular popular E) electoral popular

direct popular

The size of an interest group is the most important factor in determining what? A) Ideology B) Effectiveness C) Support of candidates for public office D) Closeness to the mainstream of American politics E) None of the above


How is the office of the Speaker of the House generated? A) Established by the Constitution B) Established by the members C) Established by the president D) Voted on by both the House and the Senate E) None of the above

established by the constitution

The polls of voters taken as they leave polling places, usually conducted by the media to get an advance indication of voting trends and facilitate analysis of the reasons behind the outcome of the election, are called _______. A) retreat polls B) exit polls C) entrance polls D) general polls E) primary polls

exit polls

Sometimes persons chosen as electors for a particular presidential ticket are under no effective legal obligation to actually cast their ballots for that ticket. This challenge within the Electoral College is referred to as the _____________ problem. A) confused elector B) faithless elector C) faithful elector D) faithless voter E) faithful voter

faithless elector

What group in the first party system favored more centralization of power in the national government? A) Democrats B) Tories C) Federalists D) Whigs E) None of the above


Liberals champion a humanistic and nonmilitary approach to _______. A) the war on drugs B) foreign policy C) defense policy D) social policy E) None of the above

foreign policy

What are the policies that involve partnerships in economic decision-making among government officials, labor unions, and public interest groups? A) Industrial policies B) Postindustrial policies C) Insurance policies D) Inflation policies E) Deflation policies

industrial policies

Leaders of interests groups have been known to act in ways that promote their own selfish interests rather than the interests of the broader membership of their group. What is this called? A) Interest group elitism B) Interest group pluralism C) Cross-cutting cleavage D) Party decline E) Realignment

interest group elitism

"The arrival of a pluralistic system at a state of paralysis in which an overabundance of interest groups develops and each refuses to compromise" is referred to as which of the following? A) Interest group pluralism B) Interest group elitism C) Interest group gridlock D) The two-step flow E) None of the above

interest group gridlock

The iron triangle is a combination of _____________, ___________, and _____________ seen as extremely influential in determining the outcome of political decisions. A) interest group representatives, legislators, government administrators B) judges, lawyers, witnesses C) cabinet members, legislators, Supreme Court justices D) constituents, interests groups, lobbyists E) legislators, lobbyists, committee chairs

interest group representatives, legislators, government administrators

_______ are associations of people who hold common views and who work together to influence what government does. A) Political parties B) Campaign workers C) Interest groups D) Communal workers E) None of the above

interest groups

What wiped out the gains made among African American voters in the South after the Civil War? A) Registration laws B) Jim Crow laws C) High-stimulus elections D) Political efficacy E) None of the above

jim crow laws

A congressional aide who analyzes bills, drafts laws, writes speeches, and prepares position papers is called a/an _______. A) secretary B) administrative assistant C) legislative assistant D) coffee runner E) barista

legislative assistant

What is the mainstay of interest group activity in the legislative process? A) Writing legislation B) Introducing legislation C) Lobbying members of Congress D) Publishing books about members of Congress E) None of the above

lobbying members of congress

_______ is when members of Congress exchange votes to help each other. A) Personal courtesy B) Logrolling C) Legislative work D) Perk pay E) None of the above


A_______ election is when the victor must receive more than half of all the votes? A) proportional B) plurality C) majority D) deviating E) None of the above


What is the process in which a legislative committee sets the precise language and amendments of a bill called? A) Private calendar B) Union calendar C) House calendar D) Mark-up E) Fowl-up


Sometimes, interest groups band together in a common cause. What is this called? A) Commencement B) Movement C) Strategy D) Lethargy E) Election


The Speaker assigns pieces of major legislation to two or more committees with strict deadlines. This is known as what? A) Speaker's choice B) Suspension of the rules C) A mark-up D) Multiple referrals E) None of the above

multiple referrals

What is the quadrennial meeting of an American political party that focused on the upcoming presidential election called? A) National meeting B) National convention C) American convention D) Conventional politics E) Party election

national convention

An interventionist, military-oriented foreign policy such as President George H.W. Bush's decision to use military force in the Persian Gulf in 1991 is most closely associated with which of the following political ideologies? A) Liberalism B) Libertarianism C) Democratic socialism D) Neoconservatism E) Progressivism


In the 1970s, a number of leading American intellectuals, many of them longtime liberals, became openly critical of contemporary liberalism's overestimation of government's role. They were labeled ____________ in the popular press. A) John Lockeans B) Edmund Burkeans C) Neoconservatives D) Neoliberals E) None of the above


Free trade, reform of entitlement programs, a strong but economical defense, and the creation but not redistribution of wealth are ideas of which ideology? A) Classical liberalism B) Contemporary liberalism C) Contemporary conservatism D) Neoliberalism E) None of the above


In a(n) __________ primary election, any voter, regardless of party affiliation, can participate. A) open B) closed C) caucus D) presidential E) general


Political parties regularly schedule general meetings for the purpose of ratifying party policies and deciding on party candidates. What are these meetings called? A) Party caucuses B) Party conventions C) Party parties D) Party chairs E) Party elections

party conventions

Confusing electoral alternatives, non-integrated interests, and the fragmentation of campaigns and elections—all are some of the consequences of which of the following? A) Strong party loyalty B) Party decline C) Strong party coalitions D) Strong party platforms E) None of the above

party decline

Who acts as an assistant to majority or minority leaders? A) Ombudsman B) Caseworker C) Reciprocity D) Party Whip E) Party chair

party whip

Political candidates and parties often conjure up broad statements of their philosophies and programs under which they will run for election. These are called a party or candidate ______. A) transform B) chloroform C) platform D) platitude E) latitude


An election in which a candidate wins simply by getting more votes than any other candidate, even if it is less than a majority of the votes, is called a _______ election. A) majority B) minority C) plurality D) pluralism E) run-off


The manner of representation in which members of Congress attempt to strike a balance between the interests of their constituents and the dictates of their own judgment and conscience is which of the following? A) Trustee role B) Delegate role C) Ombudsman role D) Politico style E) Cloture style

politico style

Belief in the democratization of government and economic reforms are key ideas and policies of which of the following political ideologies? A) Classical Liberalism B) Neoliberalism C) Democratic Socialism D) Populism E) Libertarianism


_______ is the concept of getting national government spending in a member's district. A) Domestic politics B) Pork barrel politics C) Agricultural politics D) Franking privileges E) None of the above

pork barrel politics

The __________ achieved their major success during the presidential administration of Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) and Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921). A) Classical liberalists B) Contemporary conservatives C) Progressives D) Neoliberals E) None of the above


The Constitution ___________ passing bills of attainder by Congress. A) requires B) permits C) prohibits D) encourages E) None of the above


The Federal Election Act of 1974 caused political action committees to do what? A) Proliferate B) Become less prominent C) Decrease greatly in number D) Become less involved in politics E) None of the above


All of the following describe the agenda of conservatism since the 1980s EXCEPT _______. A) reducing social spending B) reshaping the tax code C) rebuilding national defense D) promoting welfare state programs E) opposing any increase in the role of federal government over the general direction of the economy

promoting welfare state programs

An iron triangle involves interest groups, pertinent administrators, and pertinent congressional committees in the making and implementation of which of the following? A) Awards and settlements B) Subpoenas C) Public policy D) Court decisions E) None of the above

public policy

Senator Carlin extends support to Senator Pryor's legislation with the expectation that the favor will be returned. This is an example of which legislative norm? A) Pork barrel B) Reciprocity C) Case work D) Cloture E) Referral


The purpose of the conference committee is to __________ the House and Senate versions of a bill. A) accept B) reject C) mark up D) reconcile E) None of the above


Sometimes primary elections are held across an entire geographic area rather than a single state. These are called ____________ primaries. A) open B) closed C) regional D) party E) general


In a recent majority election with four candidates, Candidate One received 40 percent of the votes; Candidate Two 35 percent; Candidate Three, 20 percent; and Candidate Four, the remaining 5 percent. As a result, Candidates One and Two must take part in a/an ____________ election. A) majority B) run-off C) plurality D) minority E) proportional


Sometimes the division of voters between the parties in certain congressional districts is so lopsided that it virtually ensures the party a victory. This homogeneity is called _______. A) term limits B) safe seats C) exit polls D) entrance polls E) primaries

safe seats

The United States Congress is considered bicameral because it is divided between which two branches of government? A) Senate and Legislature B) Senate and the House C) The House and Executive D) The House and Legislature E) Checks and Balances

senate and the house

Herbert Spencer and William Graham Sumner developed what concept? A) The New Deal B) The positive state C) Social Darwinism D) The Great Society E) None of the above

social darwinism

For members of Congress to get re-elected they must cultivate the support and trust of which of the following? A) The president B) Their constituents C) Other members of Congress D) Their party's chairman E) None of the above

the constituents

The power to originate tax bills established in the Constitution was solely given to which of the following? A) The House B) The Senate C) The president D) Congress as a whole E) None of the above

the house

The Senate majority leader spends much time accommodating the hectic schedules of which political entity? A) The lobbyists B) The individual senators C) His constituents D) Members of the White House staff E) None of the above

the individual senators

Many interest groups try to create public support or sympathy for their political goals. What is the major channel for this support? A) Word-of-mouth B) Political action committees C) The mass media D) High-tech lobbying of Congress E) None of the above

the mass media

Ultimate authority within party organizations in the United States is vested in _______. A) the national level B) the state level C) both the national and state levels D) the Constitution E) None of the above

the national level

Congress is sometimes referred to as which branch of government? A) The second branch B) The third branch C) The people's branch D) The ultimate branch E) None of the above

the people's branch

Plurality or majority elections, rather than proportional representation, help explain why the United States has a _______. A) multiparty system B) two-party system C) unitary party system D) proportional representation system E) None of the above

two-party system

Tax and approximation bills are placed on which congressional calendar? A) House B) Private C) Union D) Senate E) Capital


In the event of a tie in the U.S. Senate, who may cast the tie-breaking vote? A) President B) Vice president C) Chief Justice of the Supreme Court D) Speaker of the House E) Majority Leader

vice president

What were voter registration laws originally enacted to prevent? A) African Americans from voting B) Women from voting C) Voter fraud D) Both African Americans and women from voting E) None of the above

voter fraud

According to the text, what is the defining act of democracy? A) A political discussion B) Working in a political party C) Voting D) Joining political groups E) None of the above


What did the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution allow? A) African American men to vote B) Women to vote C) Eighteen-year-olds to vote D) Only property owners to vote E) None of the above

women to vote

According to the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1974, what is the maximum amount that a group can contribute to a candidate in an election period? A) $10,000 B) $5,000 C) $2,000 D) $1,000 E) None of the above


What is a caucus? A) It is a meeting of members of a political party. B) It is used in some states to select delegates to the national conventions. C) It is a fundraiser for political candidates. D) A & B E) A & C

A & B

Which of the following is not a constitutional requirement to become president of the United States? A) A resident of the District of Columbia B) A natural-born citizen C) Being at least 35 years of age D) A resident of the United States for fourteen years E) None of the above

A resident of the District of Columbia

The Wealth of Nations, considered to be the bible of capitalism, was written by _______. A) Thomas Jefferson B) Adam Smith C) John Locke D) Andrew Jackson E) None of the above

Adam Smith

The _________ was founded by Eugene V. Debs. A) Communist Party of America B) New Right C) American Socialist Movement D) Libertarians E) None of the above

American Socialist Movement

Americans for Democratic Action is a leading group that represents _______. A) the Communist Party of America (CPA) B) Social Darwinism C) Classical liberalism D) Contemporary liberalism E) None of the above

Contemporary liberalism

What is the biggest difference between distributive and redistributive policies? A) Distributive policies provide considerable benefits to special interests whereas redistributive policies usually do not. B) Distributive policies provide considerable benefits for a few people and relatively small costs for many whereas redistributive policies produce considerable benefits to some segments of society but high costs to others. C) Distributive policies are capitalist whereas redistributive policies are socialist. D) Distributive policies are conservative in nature whereas redistributive policies are liberal. E) None of the above

Distributive policies provide considerable benefits for a few people and relatively small costs for many whereas redistributive policies produce considerable benefits to some segments of society but high costs to others.

According to your textbook, when it comes to the qualities of the candidate, voters seem to put the greatest weight which of the following three factors? A) Experience, Leadership, and Personal Qualities B) Experience, Voting Record, and Looks C) Voting Record, Education, and Age D) Income, Education, and Age E) Gender, Age, and Race

Experience, Leadership, and Personal Qualities

The most recent form of libertarianism, referred to as the Tea Party movement, is a blend of conservative and libertarian positions that call for promoting the principles of which of the following? A) Fiscal irresponsibility, big government, and strictly regulated markets B) Fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets C) Laissez faire economics, small government, and socialism D) Loosely regulated markets, big government, and free trade E) Green tea, black tea, and Boston tea

Fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets

According to the text, what are the governmental functions of parties? A) Educating citizens about politics B) Helping people to structure their perceptions of politics C) Simplifying alternatives that voters can pick from D) Helping make government responsible to the people E) None of the above

Helping make government responsible to the people

Many observers see party resurgence in which context? A) Only in the formal party organization B) Only in the party in the electorate C) Only in the party in government D) In the party organization, the party in the electorate, and, to some extent, the party in government E) None of the above

In the party organization, the party in the electorate, and, to some extent, the party in government

Unlike the Speaker of the House, the president pro tempore of the Senate does what? A) Is nominated by the minority party B) Is mostly a ceremonial role C) Votes only to break ties D) Is next in line to succeed the president after the vice president E) None of the above

Is mostly a ceremonial role

How did the white primary affect the vote? A) It required African Americans to pay a tax to vote. B) It allowed only whites to vote in party primaries. C) It allowed African Americans to vote in all elections. D) It allowed 18-year-olds to vote. E) None of the above

It allowed only whites to vote in party primaries.

Which of the following is true of the Electoral College? A) It gives summer term credit. B) It is composed of the same number of electors from each state. C) It includes 538 electors. D) It meets in Washington, D.C. E) None of the above

It includes 538 electors.

What is today's campaign financing situation? A) It has steadily declined as a controversial aspect of electioneering. B) It includes political action committees that are legally, but not functionally, independent of candidates. C) It no longer includes the problem of soft money. D) It has not raised a reform proposal to increase individual contributions to candidates. E) None of the above

It includes political action committees that are legally, but not functionally, independent of candidates.

Which of the following is true of the media coverage of presidential candidates? A) It is becoming longer per spot. B) It is becoming shorter per spot. C) It has not changed significantly in recent years in the length of spots. D) It makes less use of "sound bites." E) None of the above

It is becoming shorter per spot.

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