American Government: Pre-Test: Semester B

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The Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees a jury trial to U.S. citizens. Which responsibility do citizens have to one another to ensure a right to a jury trial. Being an informed voter. Serving on juries. Serve in the military. Taking a firearms safety class.


1. Buy homes in the neighborhood to force the residents to move away so that the airport faces less opposition. 2. Hold neighborhood meetings to gain widespread support for the airport. 3. Run commercials explaining how the cost of the airport will be offset by the economic benefits that it will bring. 4. Build the airport as proposed despite the opposition. 5. Try and replace the members of the city commission with officials who support the existing plan without changes. 6. Make a concession to their opponents by offering to build the airport in a different location in the city. 7. Bring both sides of the issue together to try and settle differences through discussion. A. negotiation B. consensus building C. persuasion D. compromise


A business group wants its city to finance construction of a new airport. The city commissioners and some citizens feel that the new airport will be too expensive and that the proposed site is too close to an old city neighborhood with many low income residents. The business leaders supporting the new airport can take a number of different approaches to get it built. Match the four approaches that represent the democratic process of compromise, consensus building, negotiation, and persuasion. Options and Answers = #39


A city is considering the construction of a subway system. The city's mayor appoints a panel to study several proposed subway plans. Six months later, the panel publishes a 30-page report documenting its findings. Which factor will contribute to the credibility of the report as a source on the topic? cost of the report to the city qualifications of the writers of the report number of tables and charts in the report length of the report


A coalition of environmental groups released a study on how a proposed new housing development would impact local wildlife. Which factor should be considered in evaluating the credibility of the study? use of graphs to display research data public opinion about the housing development cost of publishing the study possible biases of the sponsoring organization


Article 2, Section 4 of the U.S Constitution says this: "The President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." Which principle best applies to this section? separation of powers checks and balances limited government popular sovereignty


Below is the text of the preamble to the U.S Constitution. Read the text and answer the following question. (We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish, Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.) Which constitutional principle is reflected in the preamble to the U.S Constitution? federalism checks and balances separation of powers popular sovereignty


Each of the three branches of government has a role related to the creating of public policy. Select three powers that belong to the legislative branch? Select 3 correct answer(s) imposes taxes makes the laws interprets the laws veto laws declares war appoints and receives ambassadors hears cases with original jurisdiction


How are the powers of Ohio's state government consistent with the powers of the U.S federal government? Ohio's legislative branch has the power to pass laws. Ohio's executive branch has the power to appoint Supreme Court justices. Ohio's executive branch has the power to negotiate with foreign nations. Ohio's legislative branch has the power to appoint all executive officials.


How can an amendment be added to the US Constitution? By a majority vote in the House of Representatives. By a simple majority vote in a national referendum. By a three-fourths vote in the Senate. By a two-thirds vote in both the House of Representatives and Senate, followed by ratification by three-fourths of the state legislature.


How did the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments address the aftermath of the Civil War? by passing Jim Crow voting restrictions into law by providing Southern states with Reconstruction funds by extending freedoms and rights to African Americans by guaranteeing free land and education to former slaves


How did the election of the president and vice president change after the 12th Amendment? Electors vote for a candidate for president and a candidate for vice president separately. Electors of every state must vote for the candidate with the higher national popular vote. Electors choose two candidates for president; the one with the most votes becomes president and the other becomes vice president. Electors must vote for a candidate for president from one party and a candidate for vice president from the opposite party.


How was the U.S Constitution amended to expand participation in federal elections to the District of Columbia? by allowing residents of the District of Columbia to elect a new mayor by giving the District of Columbia representation in the Electoral College. by lowering the voting age in the District of Columbia to 21 by granting the District of Columbia representation in the U.S Senate


How were voting qualifications for national elections changed by a constitutional amendment? by lowering the minimum age to vote by limiting general election voting to those who voted in the primary elections by making citizens over a specific age pass a test to vote by adding a poll tax requirement prior to voting


Identify the branch of government that is responsible for each policy action. A branch may have more than one responsibility. A. Declares laws unconstitutional B. Vetoes bills C. Appoints Supreme Court Justices D. Declares War E. Sets income tax rates 1. Legislative Branch 2. Executive Branch 3. Judicial Branch


In 1851 a new Ohio Constitution was written which made several changes to improve governing. From the list below, select 4 of these changes. Select 4 correct answer(s) Judges were elected by the people. Poll taxes were introduced to raise state revenues. The Supreme Court was required to meet at least once in every county each year. Several executive offices were added to the Executive Branch. District courts were added to the judicial system. A 3rd house was added to the General Assembly Provisions were made to limit the debt incurred by the state


In 1876, Congress passed a law that stated that post office employees "shall be appointed and may be removed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and shall hold their offices for four years unless sooner removed or suspended according to law." In the 1926 Supreme Court case Myers v. United States, the law was ruled unconstitutional. The Supreme Court found that the president has exclusive power to remove officials from the executive branch. How did the Supreme Court's decision in Myers v. United States impact the constitutional principle of separation of powers? It clarified the power of the presidency relative to the Senate. It clarified the power of the Supreme Court relative to the presidency. It decreased the power of the Supreme Court relative to the Senate. It increased the power of the Senate relative to the presidency.


In the 1950s and 1960s, all three branches of the federal government acted to extend civil rights to African Americans. Match each branch with an action it took to extend civil rights during this period. A. Executive Branch B. Judicial Branch C. Legislative Branch 1. Sent the National Guard to enforce desegregation in the South. 2. Outlawed discrimination in public places. 3. Applied due process clause to extend basic rights.


In the United States, the government uses fiscal policies to affect conditions in the economy. Identify which fiscal policy would be best suited for each goal. A. Goal: Lower federal spending B. Goal: Reduce tax rates C. Goal: End a recession D. Goal: Increase tax revenue 1. Slow Economic Growth 2. Encourage Economic Growth


In the aftermath of the Civil War, the United States sought to address issues of African American inequality and rights through constitutional amendments. Which amendment aimed to grant citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the United States, including former slaves, and granted them equal protection under the law? 5th Amendment 13th Amendment 14th Amendment 15th Amendment


Individuals are able to engage government officials on public policy using several different methods. Select two common ways that individuals can engage with government officials. Select 2 correct answer(s) sending letters, emails or making phone calls expressing their opinions offer comments during public meetings hosting entertainment events for government officials organizing military parades joining a political party participating in a local sporting event


Legislators meet with other members of their party prior to the official floor vote to ensure that the group is in agreement about whether or not to support a particular bill. What process is represented in this situation? compromise negation consensus building persuasive argument


Maria's local government is considering an ordinance that would require all residents to separate their trash into two containers before putting it out for collection. One container would be for materials that can be recycled and the other would be for trash. Maria thinks this is a good idea. What action could Maria take to most effectively encourage the passage of this ordinance? attending a public comment session of the city council and giving reasons for her support volunteering to work on the campaign of a candidate for governor who supports recycling organizing people in her community to express their support to the Ohio General Assembly writing to her United States senators to express her opinion and urge them to vote for it


Match the body of government with the type of policy they can create. A. The Supreme Court B. Agencies C. The President D. Congress 1. Laws/Acts 2. Decisions/Remedies 3. Executive Orders 4. Regulations


Match the informal means by which the US Constitution has been changed to each definition. A. Republican and Democratic views have influenced Constitutional changes. B. Laws passed by Congress that created specificity of Constitutional laws. C. The US Supreme Court has interpreted a Constitutional law specifically. D. The President has exerted his power over an ambiguous Constitutional law. E. A series of traditions that were not expressly stated in the Constitution. 1. Political Party Roles 2. Basic Legislation 3. Customs 4. Federal Ratifications 5. Judicial Decisions 6. Executive Actions


Over the course of US History, several constitutional amendments have had a significant impact on the powers and responsibilities of the presidency. Which amendment significantly impacted the presidency by explaining the Presidential line of succession that would be used if a President dies, resigns, or is removed from office? 12th Amendment 20th Amendment 22nd Amendment 25th Amendment


Read the following excerpt. Using your knowledge of American Government as well as the information in the excerpt, answer the question below. Is the author of this excerpt a Federalist or AntiFederalist? Federalist Anti-Federalist


Scenario: A group of citizens gathers in a public park to peacefully protest a recent government decision. They carry signs, chant slogans, and engage in discussions about their concerns. Which amendment from the Bill of Rights protects the rights demonstrated in this scenario? 1st Amendment 2nd Amendment 4th Amendment 8th Amendment


Select 3 of the following that would be arguments of the Federalists. Select 3 correct answer(s) The general welfare of the country is a greater concern than individual states rights The Necessary and Proper Clause is essential in the Constitution in order to allow the government to efficiently run the country. A strong national government is necessary to address the problems encountered under the Articles of Confederation. The Supremacy Clause places too much power in the national government. The powers of the national government should be clearly defined and limited relative to the powers of the state governments. The inclusion of a bill of rights is necessary to protect against government intrusion.


Select 3 similarities included in the Ohio Constitution and the U.S. Constitution. Select 3 correct answer(s) term limits for legislators checks and balances a president separation of powers into three branches limited government


Select ONLY the items specific to Ohio's Constitution, which are not included in the U.S Constitution. Select 4 correct answer(s) Includes a bill of rights Citizens can directly vote on laws Judges are appointed Legislative branch is called the General Assembly Judges are elected Governor is head of the Executive Branch


Select three provisions found in the U.S. Bill of Rights Select 3 correct answer(s) the establishment of universal adult suffrage a requirement for military service the prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment the protection of free speech a guarantee of a trial by jury a ban on the use of poll taxes


Select two ways that the executive branch can check the judicial branch at the federal (national) level. Select 2 correct answer(s) convening both houses of Congress nominating federal judges vetoing legislation impeaching and removing judges declaring laws unconstitutional issuing pardons


Separation of powers is a defining principle of the U.S Constitution. Select all of the powers in the list that are reserved for the judicial branch of the US government. Select 3 correct answer(s) Declare War Sentence Offenders Make Taxes Make policy Interpret laws Establish Judicial Procedures Veto Laws


The 1st Amendment to the Constitution says, in part: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press..." Which constitutional principle is shown in this amendment? popular sovereignty separation of powers checks and balances limited government


The 24th Amendment guarantees people the right to vote regardless of whether or not they have paid a poll tax. Which group does the 24th Amendment aim to protect? poor citizens women soldiers Native Americans


The Anti-Federalists believed that ________________________ was a necessary addition to the Constitution. a Bill of Rights a preamble the Supremacy Clause the Necessary and Proper Clause


The Constitution establishes the basic principles of government in the United States. An excerpt from the U.S. Constitution is shown below. Read the excerpt and answer the following questions. 1. Identify and explain the principle of government that is reflected in this portion of the Constitution. 2. Choose one of the amendments in the excerpt above and fully explain how it shows the principle that you identified in part 1. (This is a short answer question.)


The Federal Government has a number of tools that can be used to maintain economic stability or foster economic growth. These tools often involve changes in taxing or government spending. Identify whether each policy listed is related to taxes or spending. A. The government increases deductions for households with students attending college. B. The government has extended unemployment benefits for qualified workers for an additional six weeks. C. The government has increased revenues by charging extra fees for consumption of gasoline. D. The government decides to being a massive effort to rebuild the nation's highways. 1. Spending Policy 2. Tax Policy


The Federal Reserve purchases and sells government securities, adjusts the reserve requirement, and adjusts the discount rate to produce certain economic outcomes. What is one outcome the Federal Reserve might want to produce when purchasing government securities? increase interest rate reduce the money supply slow economic growth encourage economic growth


The Necessary and Proper Clause of the U.S. Constitution says, "The Congress shall have Power... to make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vest by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof." Why did Federalists want to include this clause in the Constitution? to provide a guarantee of sovereignty to individual states to protect the individual liberties of all citizens to give citizens more opportunities to select government officials to allow the national government to efficiently run the country


The Ohio General Assembly is considering a bill that would increase the driving age in Ohio from 16 years old to 20 years old. A group of parents is opposed to the passage of this bill. What would be the most effect action that the parents' group could take to influence the General Assembly's vote on this bill? offering comments during local city council meeetings filling an appeal with the state Supreme Court start a letter-writing campaign to state legislators hold public demonstrations in front of the White House


The President is trying to get a treaty ratified by the Senate. Select the two strategies that the president's advisors could use that represent forms of negotiation. Select 2 correct answer(s) meet with a group of senators opposed to the treaty to discuss their concerns offer senators support on a domestic spending bill that is important to them give a speech to the Senate outlining reasons that they should approve the treaty threaten to veto all bills until the Senate approves the treaty conduct media interviews about the treaty and why it should be approved hold meetings with members of both parties to settle differences on aspects of the treaty


The government has enacted a law requiring the installation of seatbelts in new cars. What is the intended benefit of this type of increased government regulation? to enhance consumer protections reduce private-sector profits promote economic growth increased tax revenue


The legislative, executive and judicial branches of the federal government each have specific powers. Which power belongs to the executive branch? levying taxes interpreting laws passing resolutions enforcing laws


What is an example of Congress checking the president? Congress declaring a law unconstitutional. Congress voting to override a presidential veto. Congress following an executive order. Congress voting to start the amendment process.


What is one way the judicial branch can check another branch of government? declaring laws unconstitutional ratifying amendments to the Constitution signing bills into law impeaching the president


What is one way the legislative branch can check the judicial branch? declaring laws unconstitutional ratifying amendments to the Constitution impeaching judges/justices signing bills into law


What is the effect when the Federal Reserve increases interest rates? The cost of taking out loans increases. Consumers spend more in the economy. Sudden inflation causes the price of goods and services to go up. The government receives a large increase in tax revenue.


What phrase describes the system of federalism established by the United States Constitution? the restriction of the government to exercise only the powers granted to it by the people the ability of one branch of government to restrain the powers of the other branches the division of powers between the national government and the states the distribution of powers among independent branches of government


When the state department issues a warning about travel in a foreign country, which level of government is most involved in that action? the federal government an international organization the state of Ohio a city government


Which branch of the United States government is primarily responsible for conducting and managing foreign relations, negotiating treaties, and appointing ambassadors? Judicial Branch Legislative Branch State Governments Executive Branch


Which civic responsibility is associated with exercising one's right to vote? receiving firearms training being informed on public issues reporting for jury duty serving in the armed forces


Which power can the U.S. Supreme Court exercise with reference to the U.S. Constitution? provide clarifications and/or extended the meaning of constitutional provisions on a case-by-case basis veto proposed constitutional amendments before they are ratified formally add new constitutional language by rendering decisions, interpretations, and rulings on a case-by-case basis propose, alter, approve, and craft constitutional amendments


Which restriction on the presidency was instituted by the passage of the 22nd Amendment? The President is not allowed to appoint justices to the Supreme Court Congress, not the president, must pick a Vice President if there is a vacancy in the office. The president can only serve 2 terms or a total of 10 years. The President is not allowed to start a new term until March 3rd.


Why were district courts added in Ohio's 1851 Constitution? To reduce the debt burden. To increase tax collection services. To increase the Governor's cabinet appointments To reduce caseload burdens on Ohio's Supreme Court.


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