American National Gov. Final (jcjc)

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Which branch of government has the power to raise and equip an army and a navy?

Legislative Branch

Which branch of government is empowered by the elastic clause, which gives it the power "to make all laws necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers"?

Legislative Branch

Which branch of government is responsible for coining money?

Legislative Branch

Which statement about the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is accurate?

The CIA has sometimes become involved in other nations' internal affairs

United Nations

created in 1945 as an international peacekeeping organization that also runs programs in areas including economic development and health, education, and welfare

Civil Liberties

1-10th Amendments

Civil Rights

13, 14, 15th Amendments

Which 3 Amendments are popularly known as the "Civil Rights" Amendments?

13th, 14th, & 15th Amendment

The Brown v. Board of Education case pertains to which Amendment?

14th Amendment - equal protections under the U.S. Constitution for ALL U.S. citizens

During what year was the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia held?


What is the ONLY Amendment to be repealed?

18th Amendment

The Collins v. Smith case pertains to which Amendment?

1st Amendment

The Lemon v. Kurtzman case pertains to which Amendment?

1st Amendment

The Near v. Minnesota case pertains to which Amendment?

1st Amendment

The Schenk v. United States case pertains to which Amendment?

1st Amendment

How many amendments does the Constitution have so far?


The Miranda v. Arizona case pertains to which Amendment?

5th Amendment - no double jeopardy or no witness against yourself

How many articles are in the Constitution?


Which of the following places a major strain on the Social Security system?

Americans are living longer

Creates and establishes the responsibilities of the Executive Branch

Article II (2)

Creates and establishes the responsibilities of the Judicial Branch

Article III (3)

Establishes the relationships between states

Article IV (4)

Establishes the process to amend the Constitution

Article V (5)

Establishes the supremacy of the federal law

Article VI (6)

Establishes the process for ratifying the Constitution

Article VII (7)

The 1st 10 Amendments are ALSO known as?

Bill of Rights

In this case, the Supreme Court overturned the decision in Plessy v. Ferguson which stated that segregated schools were okay as long as the facilities were equal

Brown v. Board of Education

United Nations Security Council

China, France, Russia, Great Britain, and the United States are the permanent members of this group

The Dred Scott v. Sanford case relates to which constitutionally protected right, which arose after the case was decided?

Civil Rights (13, 14, 15th Amendments)

In this case, the Supreme Court ruled that a city could NOT use expensive permits to stifle a Nazi march

Collins v. Smith

This case struck down a Washington, D.C. law that restricted the ownership of handguns and required unused guns to be disassembled and trigger locked

District of Columbia v. Heller

Now overturned, this 1857 case ruled that a black man had NO protections under the United States Constitution

Dred Scott v. Sanford

The Brown v. Board of Education case involves which constitutionally protected right?

Equal Protection Under the Laws

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" (Amendment 1) <-- prohibits the government from "establishing" a religion

Establishment Clause

The Lemon v. Kurtzman case involves which constitutionally protected right?

Establishment of Religion

Which branch of government has the authority to appoint ambassadors?

Executive Branch

Which branch of government has the authority to grant pardons?

Executive Branch

Which branch of government has the authority to negotiate treaties (although they must be approved by another branch)?

Executive Branch

Which branch of government has the authority to veto laws?

Executive Branch

Which branch of government is considered the commander-in-chief of the armed forces?

Executive Branch

Which branch of government is responsible for enforcing laws?

Executive Branch

Which branch of government is responsible for informing the others on the State of the Union?

Executive Branch

The Collins v. Smith case involves which constitutionally protected right?

Freedom of Assembly

The Schenk v. United States case includes which constitutionally protected right?

Freedom of Speech

The Near v. Minnesota case involves which constitutionally protected right?

Freedom of the Press

"Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof" - (Article IV (4) ; Section 1) - each state MUST respect laws of other states!

Full Faith and Credit Clause

Which of the following is most accurate of bouts of inflation in recent decades?

It is mostly influenced by soaring energy costs, such as oil prices

Who is known as the "Father of the Constitution"?

James Madison

Which branch is composed of members who serve a lifetime after being appointed?

Judicial Branch

Which branch of government has the authority to declare a law to be UN-constitutional?

Judicial Branch

Which branch of government has the authority to declare a president's actions to be unconstitutional?

Judicial Branch

Which branch of government has the authority to determine punishments for citizens who break the law?

Judicial Branch

Which branch of government is comprised of members appointed by another branch?

Judicial Branch

Which branch of government is presumed to be nonpartisan since its members are not elected?

Judicial Branch

Which branch of government is responsible for interpreting the laws?

Judicial Branch

Which branch of government protects citizens' rights from their state governments?

Judicial Branch

Which branch of government has the authority to regulate commerce?

Legislative Branch

Which branch of government has the power to establish a post office?

Legislative Branch

Which branch of government is responsible for levying taxes?

Legislative Branch

Which branch of government is responsible for making laws?

Legislative Branch

Which branch of government is responsible for setting a national budget?

Legislative Branch

This case affirmed that aid to church-related schools MUST have a secular legislative purpose and have a primary effect that neither advances nor inhibits religion and does NOT foster government entanglement in religion

Lemon v. Kurtzman

This case established rules for police questioning during an investigation

Miranda v. Arizona

Which branch of government is the strongest?


How many women and African Americans were consulted about or allowed to provide insight into the drafting of the U.S. Constitution?

NONE of them

In this case, the Supreme Court ruled that the state could NOT prevent a newspaper from publishing its stories, an act known as "prior restraint"

Near v. Minnesota

What is NOT a freedom protected by the 1st Amendment?


The Miranda v. Arizona case involves which constitutionally protected right?

Right against self-incrimination

The District of Columbia v. Heller case involves which constitutionally protected right?

Right to Bear Arms

This case found that the government could limit a man handing out pamphlets that encouraged people to AVOID the draft IF his actions provoke a clear and present danger of substantive evils, BUT only when that danger exists can the government restrain this right

Schenk v. United States

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, ANYTHING in the Constitution or laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding" - (Article VI (6) ; Clause 2) - AKA "supreme law of the land"

Supremacy Clause

affordable care act

anyone not covered by employers, young adults, adults, children, and individuals who make less 138% of the poverty line; obamacare


children & adults in low-income families


children whose families' have a high income to qualify for medicaid BUT too low to afford private coverage

European Union

coordinates members' monetary, trade, immigration, and labor policies; U.S. is NOT part of this!

Which party is traditionally more concerned with educational access and providing healthcare to citizens?

democratic party

Life expectancy in the United States is higher than in other developed countries


True or False: If their state conventions agrees by a majority vote, individual states' constitutions OR laws may supercede the U.S. Constitution.


Which party is traditionally more concerned with ecological sustainability and community?

green party

Which party is traditionally more concerned with individual freedom and limited government?

libertarian party

Does the United States spend MORE or LESS on healthcare than any other country?


NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

provides mutual defense for the United States and Western Europe

opponents of environmental regulations most often argue that such controls..?

reduce economic growth

A nation that is following a foreign policy course of isolationism is most likely to?

refuse to intervene in an armed conflict between two other countries

How does the American public typically respond to a technical policy issue?

rely on interest groups to have expertise to tackle the technical details

Which party is traditionally more concerned with building a strong military and protecting the interests of businesses and corporations?

republican party

What is the name of the introduction to the Constitution?

the Preamble

Of all the recipients from entitlement programs in the United States, which group benefits the most?

the elderly

Of developed nations, the United States provides the shortest paid parental leave for a two-parent family


One of the most rapidly increasing parts of the federal budget is Medicare. One of the reasons that healthcare policy favors the elderly is because the AARP is a powerful lobbying group


What famous phrase opens the Constitution and establishes a commitment to popular sovereignty?

"We The People"

Which Amendment, passed in 1920, granted women the right to vote?

19th Amendment

Creates and establishes the responsibilities of the Legislative Branch

Article I (1)

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

goal is reducing barriers to trade


the elderly

The District of Columbia v. Heller case pertains to which Amendment?

2nd Amendment

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