AMSCO 2018 Multiple Choice

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How is the topic of Locke's writing similar to most writing in the colonies in the 18th century?

He wrote about politics and most writing was about politics or religion

Hamilton's constitutional argument was based on which of the following types of powers?


Which of the following groups made up most of the servants referred to in the passage?

Indentured servants from Europe

Which of the following is a reason historians are most likely to criticize the view of Columbus expressed in this excerpt?

It uses highly charged language

Who of the following provided the strongest influence on President Monroe in the writing of the Monroe Doctrine?

John Quincy Adams

According to Mayhew, the people should be willing to challenge abuses by the...


Which of the following groups or individuals would have been most likely to agree with King George?


Which of the following benefited most directly from the bank that Hamilton strongly supported?


Who of the following would be most likely to agree with German's position on the war?

Merchants from New England

Which of these was a common reaction by Indians to Europeans and represented a rejection of Chief Johnson's suggestions?

Migrating westward

Which of the following leaders from an earlier period represented a group in a similar situation as cited in this excerpt?

Nathaniel Bacon

What was the context in which Mayhew was writing?

Opposition to British rule of the colonies was increasing

The Kentucky and Virginia resolutions were issued in reaction to the...

Passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts

Voters demanded patronage reform in politics after

President James Garfield was assassinated

The concern expressed in this excerpt helps explain why the British passed the...

Proclamation of 1763

Which of the following best explains the underlying cause of the Spanish actions described by Las Casas?


Which group would most strongly support Zenger's position on the press?

Residents of cities

Which of the following religious groups were the authors of the Maryland Acts of Toleration trying to protect?

Roman Catholics

Despite the success of tobacco in Virginia, the colonies still faced problems and eventually became a...

Royal colony

Which of the rights in the excerpt is expressed in a way that today would be considered a limitation of individual rights?

Section 6 -- the right to vote

In the context of the various disputes between the colonists and Britain, which of the following would be the most important right cited?

Section Two -- all power comes from the people

The protests by the Paxton boys occurred during a period when many colonists were objecting to British policies that were a result of the...

Seven-Years War

Which of the following groups in the colonies in the late 17th century would be most critical of Locke's ideas?

Slave owners

Jefferson's statement "that the minority possesses the equal rights, which equal law must protect" was supported by his actions with regard to...

The Alien and Sedition Acts

Which of the following actions by the colonists is most similar to the one recommended in the excerpt above? (Virginia delegates to the First Continental Congress)

The Boston Tea Party

Which of the following was the primary reason for Hamilton's call for African-American soldiers?

The British were recruiting African Americans

Which of the following possible influences on Mayhew is most clearly reflected in his statement?

The Great Awakening

The resolution of the Stamp Act Congress expressed respect for which person or group?

The King

Based on this excerpt, which of the following would Tecumseh most likely have objected to?

The Louisiana Purchase

Which of the following led the opposition to Bacon's Rebellion?

The colonial governor

Which of the following was a long-term effect of the jury's decision in the Zenger case?

The colonial press became more willing to criticize the British

Which of the following is the best support for German's claim that the United States has "abundant cause for war?"

The impressment of U.S. sailors

The activities of Coronado and other Spanish and Portuguese explorers in the Americans in the 16th century primarily depended on the support of...

The monarchs

The primary audience that Las Casas hoped to influence by his writing was...

The monarchs of Spain

Which of the following had an effect on attitudes towards traditional authority similar to the effect of the Zenger case?

The spread of the Great Awakening

Based on the information in this excerpt, what is Samuel Kercheval's point of view toward Bacon and his followers?

They were frustrated men who were taking action because the government did not

Who of the following would be most critical of Hamilton's position on the bank?

Thomas Jefferson

For some, the Revolutionary War was also a civil war because of the role played in the war by the...


The group most likely to oppose the ideas expressed in this excerpt would have been...

Tories such as William Franklin

Which of the following factors best explains why native American efforts to unite were rare?

Tribes had traditions of independence

Jefferson's call to avoid entangling alliances is similar to advice found in...

Washington's farewell address

Which of the following is the underlying goal of the colonists in the excerpt? (Virginia delegates to the First Continental Congress)

Win political representation

president jackson's veto of the bank bill would contribute most significantly to

a financial panic

To issue an Emancipation Proclamation, President Lincoln felt that he needed which of the following?

a military victory

the development of which of the following best demonstrates the growing power of the nativist movement in the mid 19th century

a secret society

the victor in the 1876 presidential election was decided by

a special electoral commision

which of the following parts of the compromise of 1850 was the most appealing to the north

admitting california as a free state

Henry Grady's comments best express the viewpoint of which group of people?

advocates of a new south

which of the following was most closely allied to the sentiments in this excerpt?

american federation of labor

Support for the bill would have been consistent with support for which of the following?

american system

which of the following reinforced the message that burleigh was sending to people who wanted to move to america?

american system

which of the following was the immediate cause of the publication of the statement in this excerpt

an increase in the tariff passed by congress

which of the following best demonstrates henry grady's vision for the south

birmingham, alabama, became one of the nations leading steal producers

which of the following developed during reconstruction to provide direct support self determination for those freed from slavery

black churhces

which of the following would in part cause douglass's view that for african americans "citizen is but a sham"

black codes

Monroe counted on which of the following European nations to be an ally if any nation challenged the Monroe Doctrine?

britain, because it opposed the strengthening of its european rivals

The Union was most disturbed because they believed that Britain was supporting the Confederates by doing which of the following?

building warships

which of the following individuals would be most critical of van burens economic policy as presented in this excertp

henry clay

While Calhoun and many other Southerners disagreed with President Jackson's opposition to nullification, they agreed with him on

his opposition to the anti slavery movement

which of the following caused the movement described in this excerpt


one of the primary reasons to form a union during this period was to

improve working conditions

which phrase best summarizes what riis considers the cause of the problems he sees

in the tenements all the influences make for evil

A decline in the amount of money in circulation in proportion to the population would most likely result in a(n)...

increase in interest rates and a decline in prices

the economic reasoning behind the ocala platform assumes that

increasing the money supply would increases prices and incomes

Stevens disagrees with those who oppose free public education because

it will result in increased taxes

the major opposition to the mexican war based on the belief that

it would expand slavery

which of the following is or are most similair to the statement in the excerpt

kentucky and virginia resolutions

which idea would sumner most likely support


in the two decades following Burleigh's comments, the portions of the United States most affected by immigration were the

lands west of the appalachian mountains

President Jackson's guiding principle to check the injustices of the government was

limited government

which of the following was most important in enabling the democratic party to regain political power in the south

limiting the voting rights of the freedman

President Polk was motivated to reject the treaty with Mexico because of which of the following?

many southerners wanted the united states to get larger gains in the territory

The first free public education system in the United States began in which of the following colonies?


by going to war the united states gained the territory labeled as the

mexican cession

which of the following acts of congress was declared unconstitutional in the dred scott decision?

missouri comrpomise of 1820

which best explains why the american people were so supportive of the monroe doctrine


For future Supreme Courts, one of the key points of the 14th Amendment would be which of the following?

nor deny...equal protection of the laws

which of the following political groups had its efforts to find compromise over slavery effectively ended by taney's decision in the dred scott case

northern democrats

which of the following describes a reason not mentioned by strong in this excerpt that ultimately stopped britain from recognizing the confederacy

opposition from the british working class

which of the following parts of the compromise of 1850 was the most appealing to the south?

passing a new fugitive slave law

during the late 19th century which of the following groups most benefited from the poverty described by riis

political machines

McElroy's letter uses humor to make a point. Which of the following statements reflects McElroy's true criticism?

politics was primarily about holding office for personal gain

Winthrop suggests that Polk's slogan of "Fifty-four Forty or Fight!" was based mainly on which of the following attitudes?

polk hoped to get political benefit

An increase in which of the following was the key part of the Kansas-Nebraska Act to attract Southern support?

popular sovereignty

which of the following ideas is douglas appealing to when he says "wether the people of the territories shall be allowed to do as they please upon the question of slavery"?

popular sovereignty

the development of commercial farming in the old northwest by the time this excerpt was written gave support to

population growth in eastern cities

which of the following groups would most likely support the sentiments behind this cartoon

proponents of anti monopoly legislation

which of these groups would most strongly agree with stevens on his view of education?

protestant churches

which of the following best explains the tariff rates during the period from 1865-1900

republicans believed that high tariffs would protect american business from foreign competition

the ocala platform resulted from a protest movement that primarily involved

small farmers

which group would be most likely to oppose government intervention to improve the tenements

social scientists who used the scientific method to research poverty and urban problems

in the chart above the new immigrants include those who arrived in the untied states from

southern and eastern europe

to which politicians is clay directing the last line of the exerpt

southerners who are threatening to secede

The key idea in the excerpt is that Grady believes

the South needed to industrialize

which of the following served as a major cause of the war with mexico

the annexation of texas

sojourner truth saw connection between the women's rights movement and

the antislavery movement

The kind of sentiments in the cartoon above contributed most directly to which of the following?

the breakup of standard oil into competing oil companies

according to the author what has most contributed to the need for wage earners to organize?

the concentration of corporate wealth and power

Northerners were most upset by the Supreme Court's Dred Scott decision because

the decision allowed slavery in the territories

which statement best describes the level of tarrifs in the united states in the 19th century

the election of lincoln ushered in a period of high terrifs

susan b anthony was arrested and fined 100 dollars for casting an illegal vote in the presidential election of 1872. she refused to pay the fine. her protest was most similair to which of the following?

the jailing of henry david thoreau for not paying taxes for what he considered an immoral war

susan b anthony's arguments for womens suffrage can be best understood in the context of

the reconstruction amendments

in july of 1861, president lincoln was particularly concerned about how his policies on slavery would affect which areas

the states in white because they were slave states that remained in the union

sojourner truth strongly rejects criticisms of women that are based on which of the following?

the teachings of religion

President Polk accepted a compromise with Britain on the Oregon dispute because

the united states was facing problems with mexico

which of the following most likely explains the change in the amount of currency in circulation between 1865 and 1870?

the withdrawl of greenbacks from circulation

which of the following statements best describes the states in dark grey?

they had a strong military tradition

which of the following statements best describes the states in medium gray

they included most of the country's population

Democrats agreed to accept Rutherford B. Hayes as president in 1876 in part if he agreed to which of the following?

to remove federal troops from the south

which of the following groups held views most similair to the ideas expressed in this excerpt


Based on the voting patterns shown in the chart, support for federal funding for internal improvements was strongest in

undeveloped regions

which of the following groups provided the greatest support for the jackson's veto of the bank?


One attempt to prevent slavery in the territories was the

wilmot provisio

a major part of the confederate strategy for winning independence was based on

winning recognition and support from great britain

Harlan's opinion was consistent with the beliefs expressed by the...

writer WEB du bois

Locke's writings had the most direct influence on the...

American Revolution

which period was the peak of manifest destiny


Mayhew would probably apply his warning, "Not use our liberty for cloak of maliciousness," to...

Bacon's Rebellion

Which of the following best summarizes the attitude towards religious beliefs expressed in this document?

Christians should be able to practice their faith without fear of prosecution

Which of the following documents most forcefully disagreed with the views King George expressed in this excerpt?

Common Sense by Thomas Paine

Bacon's Rebellion was initiated by a group of farmers who felt most directly threatened by

Conflicts with American Indians

Which of the following was a direct British response to the colonial views expressed by the Stamp Act Congress?

Declaratory Act stating the right to tax

Which individual or group among the following would be the strongest supporter of the Kentucky resolution?


For the first time, the Stamp Act placed on the colonies a tax that was...


One of the strong reasons that Washington and others warned against political parties was concern about...

Divisive sectionalism

The dispute involving the Kentucky resolutions demonstrated that some people had rejected George Washington's warning against...

Encouraging sectional differences

The primary market for the Virginian tobacco crop during this period was...


Which of the following European nations would be the least likely to share the characteristics Stannard uses in describing Columbus?


In addition to his farewell's address, part of Washington's legacy was that he...

Established the precedent of a two-term limit

Which of the following factors that affected native Americans is directly implied but not stated in this excerpt

European diseases were killing native Americans

Based on Coronado's observations, which of the following best describes Spanish efforts in Mexico in the mid-16th century?

Exploring lands new to them

Tecumseh believed that which of the following would be the best way for American Indians to respond to the desire of white settlers for land?

Forming a confederacy among all American Indians

In the United States, support for the War of 1812 was the strongest from...

Frontier settlers who wanted land and protection from American Indians

King George's rejection of the olive branch petition demonstrates that he believed most colonists...

Had always planned to revolt

Which of the following describes a policy of Jefferson's that reflects the attitude of federalists expressed in this speech?

He attempted to gain the trust of federalists by continuing the national bank

president lincoln delated issuing an emancipation proclamation because of his concern that it would

cause the border states to secede

the ideas expressed in this excerpt most clearly show the influence of which of the following

charles darwin's on the origins of species

Which best provides an example of how the "Constitution and its righteous laws," according to Douglass, provide hope for the "colored people of this country'?

civil rights act of 1866

This excerpt was written to most directly support which of the following?

collective bargaining

which of the following developments would be most consistent with the beliefs expressed in the excerpt

consolidation of wealth by an elite

which of the following would the author, as a critic of the politics of the era, most likely oppose

court decisions allowing unlimited campaign contributions by wealthy donors

Urban workers such as the Philadelphia Mechanics' Union of Trade Associations believed they could improve their conditions through labor unions and


In proclaiming that all persons born in the United States were citizens, the 14th Amendment directly repudiated which of the following?

dred scott decision

Workers in the 1820s faced difficulty because of problems with

ethnic rivalries

Anthony targeted the states as the parts of government discriminating against women primarily for which of the following reasons?

except for the 14th and 15th amendments, the united states constitution left the power to the states to determine who could vote

Harlan's opinion goes against the majority opinion on the Supreme Court that

facilities could be segregated by race if they were seperate but equal

The Ocala Platform proved an important link between which of the following groups?

farmer organizations and the populist movement

which of the following groups during the period from 1865 from 1895 most actively campaigned to increase the money supply?

farmers and debtors

Van Buren believed that the strength of the American economy was based on

farmers and planters

which of the following most likely explains the significant reduction of immigration during the 1870s and 1890s to the united states

financial panics and depressions

the opposition to foreigners is most similair to the view that many had toward which of the following in america at this time

free african americans

Thoreau believed that a just man should be prepared to do which of the following?

go to jail for his beliefs

Which phrase by Burleigh best addresses the motives of the largest number of immigrants coming to the United States during the years from 1816 to 1848?

good pay for labor

Thoreau challenged the government because

he opposed war in all cases

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