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Which of the following took the most criticism after the shocking success of Russia's Sputnik? A) American educational system B) United States Air Force C) TV programs D) US Congress

A) American educational system

Which of the following most directly supports the argument found in the excerpt? A) Appointment of Charles Evans Hughes as Secretary of State B) Appointment of Harry M. Daugherty as Attorney General C) Appointment of Herbert Hoover as Secretary of Commerce D) Selection of Calvin Coolidge for Vice President

B) Appointment of Harry M. Daugherty as Attorney General

Which of the following most advanced liberal domestic policies during the Truman administration? A) the ratification of the 22nd amendment B) the executive order ending racial discrimination in the military C) the passage of the Taft-Hartley Act to outlaw closed shops D) the successful implementation of wage and price controls

B) the executive order ending racial discrimination in the military

Which of the following would most likely support the recommendations of this excerpt? A) Building more suburban shopping centers B) Increasing the sales of TVs C) Creating NASA D) Expanding tax breaks for American Corporations

C) Creating NASA

Which of the following would best support the sentiments found in this excerpt? A) Poor advisors in the White House resulted in poor policies B) small tactical nuclear weapons could be used as battlefield weapons C) Eisenhower was baffled by many of the problems that faced him D) Eisenhower was a decisive president who avoided nuclear war

D) Eisenhower was a decisive president who avoided nuclear war

Which of the following interpretations of progressivism would most likely support this excerpt? A) Progressives were mostly conservatives in disguise B) Progressives were almost entirely white, middle class, and urban C) Progressives were educated modernizers interested in efficiency D) Progressives were a diverse group who supported various reforms

D) Progressives were a diverse group who supported various reforms

Which of the following coalitions provided the strongest opposition to Truman's domestic programs? A) Republicans and Roosevelt Democrats B) Antiwar progressives and Republicans C) Dixiecrats and members of the Progressive Party D) Republicans and southern Democrats

D) Republicans and southern Democrats

The 'Brown' decision was controversial for a variety of reasons, but which of the following is most evident in this selection? A) Most of the all-black schools were not physically equal B) The decision was based on tangible, or physical factors C) The Court condemned segregated schools in the South D) The Court used psychological evidence to support their case

D) The Court used psychological evidence to support their case

Many historians criticize the economy that developed during the 1920's. Which of the following statements best supports that point of view? A) Consumerism weakened the moral character of the nation B) The growth of the auto industry badly hurt the railroads C) Advertising was based on gaining status and popularity D) The boom was based on speculation and borrowed money

D) The boom was based on speculation and borrowed money

Which of the following women most helped to reshape the women's movement and organize NOW in the 1960's? A) Betty Friedan B) Lady Bird Johnson C) Eleanor Roosevelt D) Gloria Steinem

A) Betty Friedan

In which way did Johnson most significantly depart from the policies of prior presidents? A) He used US troops in a combat role in Vietnam B) He attempted to negotiate with North Vietnam C) He limited the number of troops sent to Vietnam D) He turned over all decision making to the generals

A) He used US troops in a combat role in Vietnam

Which of the following developments in the 1920's would most directly support the author's sentiments in the excerpt? A) Liberalized divorce laws B) labor-saving household appliances C) Employment as secretaries, nurses, and teachers D) New fashions and hair styles

A) Liberalized divorce laws

The above excerpt is most closest associated with which sector of the Progressive movement? A) Muckrakers B) Trust-busters C) Wisconsin Idea D) Square Deal

A) Muckrakers

Which of the following cites an event that most clearly challenges the interpretation expressed in the above excerpt? A) The Washington Conference of 1921 B) The Fordney-McCumber Tariff C) The Tea Pot Dome leases D) the veto of McNarey-Hagen bill of 1928

A) The Washington Conference of1921

The Prohibition Movement was similar to the other Progressive reforms because it A) began on the local and state levels before becoming national B) started out under the leadership of the Christian clergy C) primarily was concerned about poor immigrant workers D) aimed to reduce immorality destroying family life

A) began on the local and state levels before becoming national

To implement the policies based on this excerpt, the US for the first time had to A) create permanent peacetime alliances with other nations B) turn over the command of US troops to foreign governments C) employ spies to gather information on foreign governments D) get involved in civil wars and nation building

A) create permanent peacetime alliances with other nations

Which of the following would most likely support the author's perspective that Eisenhower "was not always right"? A) Eisenhower's leadership style emphasized the delegation of authority B) Eisenhower supported the overthrow of the elected government of Iran C) Eisenhower failed the balance five out of eight federal budgets D) Eisenhower ignored the environmental impact of the Interstate Highway Act

B) Eisenhower supported the overthrow of the elected government of Iran

'The Jungle' directly contributed to the passage of the A) National Labor Act B) Meat Inspection Act C) Eight-Hour Day D) Federal Trade Commission

B) Meat Inspection Act

Which of the following is an example of a Fair Deal reform that would best support the passage that 'problems were ignored, programs shelved'? A) Committee of Civil Rights B) National health care insurance C) Outlawing of closed shop D) two-term limit for President

B) National health care insurance

The administration of which of the following presidents who served between 1865 and 1900 most closely resembles the corruption of the Harding Administration? A) Andrew Johnson B) Ulysses S. Grant C) James Garfield D) William McKinley

B) Ulysses S. Grant

Which of the following best explains the result of the 1965 march from Selma to Montgomery? A) the marchers, along with Dr. King, were jailed for civil disobedience B) Under pressure, Congress passed the most effective voting rights legislation under Reconstruction C) there was white backlash against blacks for demanding too much D) Race riots were sparked in cities across the nation

B) Under pressure, Congress passed the most effective voting rights legislation under Reconstruction

The above excerpt most directly reflects that the temperance movement A) started out as an unpopular women's fringe group B) appealed to a varied constituency of reformers C) drew strong support from immigrant groups D) gained support by opposing the 'liquor trust'

B) appealed to a varied constituency of reformers

Which of the following best characterizes the position of the President's antiwar critics? A) the war primarily enriched the military-industrial complex B) the conflict was primarily a civil war between factions in Vietnam C) the containment policy would not work in Asia D) Johnson did not want to look soft on Communism

B) the conflict was primarily a civil war between factions in Vietnam

Levittown is most closely association with which of the following? A) The baby boom that occurred after WWII B) the mass production of affordable suburban housing C) The impact of the GI Bill of Rights on economic development D) The focus of women after WWII on full time homemaking

B) the mass production of affordable suburban housing

Which of the following trends of the 1920s is most clearly portrayed in this advertisement? A) The expansion of auto dealers throughout the country B) the use of extended payment plans to purchase consumer goods C) The emergence of General Motors as the largest company D) The growth of middle-class incomes

B) the use of extended payment plans to purchase consumer goods

Recent historians would argue that Lippmann was A) not concerned enough about the strength of the USSR B) unaware of how engaged Eisenhower actually was C) right to be critical of American culture in the 1950s D) expressing a view of commonly held by Republicans

B) unaware of how engaged Eisenhower actually was

Which of the following goals from the NOW Bill of Rights did the feminist movement most clearly fail to achieve? A) assistance with child care B) Employment opportunities C) Equal Rights Amendment D) Reproductive rights


Upton Sinclair's 'Jungle' was primarily concerned about working conditions. Which of the following most directly helped organized labor? A) Mann-Elkins Act B) The White House Conference C) Clayton Anti-Trust Act D) National Urban League

C) Clayton Anti-Trust Act

Which of the following groups faced the most difficult economic conditions during the 1920's? A) Non-unionized workers in older industries B) Assembly line workers in factories C) Farmers and many rural areas D) Businesses that did not accept credit cards

C) Farmers and many rural areas

Which of the following best supports the observation that 'Ike restored order and supremacy by force'? A) The Korean War Armistice B) the conflict in Indochina C) Little Rock Central High School D) The Second Berlin Crisis

C) Little Rock Central High School

Which of the following best explains the dramatic increase in personal ownership of homes after WWII? A) Americans were marrying younger and having larger families B) Second incomes of married women helped to finance home purchases C) Mortgages were at low rates, government insured, and tax deductible D) population was shifting to the Southern and Western States

C) Mortgages were at low rates, government insured, and tax deductible

Which of the following would most directly support the argument that Progressives were 'exclusionary'? A) Rural agrarian reformers played little role in the movement B) Women's movements were sidelined by male-dominated governments C) Progressives did little to end the segregation of African Americans D) Most Progressives wanted to keep immigrants and laborers from voting

C) Progressives did little to end the segregation of African Americans

Which of the following best describes the initial reaction to the 'Brown' decision? A) Southern leaders supported the decision, but the voters did not B) President Eisenhower provided active support for the decision C) Resistance was widespread and initially few schools were integrated D) It was implemented with little opposition in larger cities

C) Resistance was widespread and initially few schools were integrated

Which one of the following best reflected the policies advocated in the above excerpt? A) The proposal to militarily roll back Communism in Eastern Europe B) General MacArthur's criticism of the concept of limited wars C) The Truman Doctrine of aid to Greece and Turkey D) George Marshall's negotiations to end the Chinese civil war

C) The Truman Doctrine of aid to Greece and Turkey

Which of the following best reflects the loss of faith by younger African Americans in the non-violent civil rights movement after the March to Montgomery? A) The events that started the Watts Riot in LA B) The conversion of Malcolm X to the Black Muslims C) The shift in tactics of SNCC under Stokely Carmichael D) The reaction to the Kerner Commission's findings on racism

C) The shift in tactics of SNCC under Stokely Carmichael

The 1966 NOW statement, although broadened during the conference, most emphasized which of the following? A) Child care B) Empowerment of wives C) Job opportunities D) reproduction rights

C) job opportunities

The foreign policy position for Vietnam explained in the excerpt is most directly based on A) the practice of brinkmanship B) the process of decolonization C) the belief in the domino theory D) the principle of mutually assured destruction

C) the belief in the domino theory

Which of the following Progressive reforms most directly promoted 'active citizenship'? A) City manager laws B) breaking up trusts C) the direct election of senators D) regulatory commissions

C) the direct election of senators

In what way did the Marshall Plan best implement the goals of George Kennan? A) It offered economic aid to eastern Europe and the Soviet Union B) It funded and organized the airlift of supplies to save Berlin C) It reorganized all military services under the Department of Defense D) It used U.S. aids to block the appeal of Communism in western Europe

D) It used U.S. aids to block the appeal of Communism in western Europe

Which of the following most influenced thinking about sexual behavior during the 1920's? A) Research of Frederick Taylor B) Writing of the Lost Generation C) Advertising of consumer products D) Popularization of Sigmund Freud

D) Popularization of Sigmund Freud

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