ANAT 100 - Block Theory 3

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Which of the following protect or stabilize each kidney? Select one: a. Umbilical ligament, renal capsule, and adipose capsule b. Adipose and renal capsule only c. Adipose capsule only d. Fibrous capsule, adipose capsule, and renal fascia

Fibrous capsule, adipose capsule, and renal fascia

What structure is the quadrate lobe of the liver adjacent to? Select one: a. Inferior vena cava b. Caudate lobe c. Hepatic portal vein d. Gall bladder

Gall Bladder

Where are Peyers patches found? Select one: a. Ileum b. Ascending colon c. Stomach d. Duodenum


Which of the following best represent the ureters? Select one: a. Float freely within the abdominal cavity b. Muscularis is skeletal muscle c. Retroperitoneal d. Have specialized subdivisions called urethrae


Which listed structure is part of the nasal septum? Select one: a. Septal cartilage b. Nasal conchae c. Nasal bone d. Sphenoid bone

Septal cartilage

What type of epithelium lines the alveoli? Select one: a. Stratified squamous b. Cuboidal c. Pseudostratified columnar d. Simple squamous

Simple Squamous

Which of the following statements concerning the human pharynx is not correct? Select one: a. During swallowing, pharyngeal muscles constrict b. The pharynx is continuous with the trachea inferiorly c. The pharynx is continuous with the nasal cavity superiorly d. The muscles of the pharynx are skeletal

The pharynx is continuous with the trachea inferiorly

An identifying structural feature of the esophagus is: Select one: a. A muscularis of only smooth muscle b. A lamina propria of dense connective tissue c. The presence of submucosal glands d. A tube consisting mainly of connective tissue

The presence of submucosal glands

Approximately how long (cm) is the duodenum? Select one: a. 30 b. 15 c. 20 d. 25


How many layers are usually found in the mucosa of the G-I tract? Select one: a. 4 b. 3 c. 1 d. 2


How many groups of extrinsic tongue muscles are there? Select one: a. 3 b. 1 c. 4 d. 2


How many secondary bronchi are there? Select one: a. 6 b. 4 c. 2 d. 5


What are the functional gas exchanging units in the lung called? Select one: a. Bronchioles b. Lobar areas c. Alveoli d. Lobules


What fluid would be found in the main pancreatic duct? Select one: a. Pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes and neutral mucus b. Duodenal juice containing digestive enzymes and acid mucus c. Duodenal juice containing mucus and bile d. An alkaline pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes

An alkaline pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes

Which of the following is not found on the right lobe of the lung? Select one: a. Horizontal fissure b. Cardiac notch c. Oblique fissure d. Middle lobe

Cardiac notch

Which of the following is not a change in histology as the respiratory tree branches from larger to smaller passageways? Select one: a. Submucosal glands disappear b. Cartilage increases c. Smooth muscle first increases, then decreases d. Goblet cells disappear

Cartilage increases

Structural features of the gastric mucosa include: Select one: a. Parietal cells that absorb vitamin B12 b. Endocrine cells that produce the hormones secretin and cholecystokinin c. Columnar shaped cells that produce mucus d. Villi

Columnar shaped cells that produce mucus

Convergence of which two ducts forms the common bile duct? Select one: a. Right hepatic duct and the left hepatic duct b. Main pancreatic duct and the cystic duct c. Main pancreatic duct and the common hepatic duct d. Common hepatic duct and the cystic duct

Common hepatic duct and cystic duct

Which statement best represents the larynx? Select one: a. Has lateral cartilage ridges called false vocal folds b. Has an upper pair of avascular mucosal folds called true vocal folds c. Contains the cricoid cartilage also called the Adam's apple d. Contains the thyroid cartilage

Contains the thyroid cartilage

Which of the following cartilages is involved in formation of lower end of the larynx? Select one: a. Cricoid b. Thyroid c. Cuneiform d. Arytenoid


What muscle is responsible for compressing the urinary bladder to expel its contents? Select one: a. Detrusor b. Internal urethral sphincter c. Pyramidalis d. External urethral sphincter


What are the fat tags of the large bowel called? Select one: a. Haustra b. Epiploic sacs c. Teniae coli d. Sacculations

Epiploic sacs

You are six years old and have lost two primary incisors which have been replaced by their permanent successors. Unfortunately, you have also had an accident and lost two other primary incisors which have not been replaced. All your six year molars have erupted. How many teeth do you have? Select one: a. 20 b. 18 c. 22 d. 24


Structural features of the jejunum would include that Select one: a. It has numerous submucosal glands b. It has plicae circulares to increase surface area c. It contains Peyer's patches d. The mucosa is dominated by goblet cells

It has plicae circulares to increase surface area

Regarding the liver which of the following statements is correct? Select one: a. It is attached to the diaphragm by the celiac ligament b. It possesses a large left lobe and a smaller right lobe c. It possesses a complex network of acini and ducts d. It receives blood via both the hepatic portal vein and hepatic artery

It receives blood via both the hepatic portal vein and hepatic artery

The lowermost portion of the pharynx is called the Select one: a. Nasopharynx b. Pharyngeal tonsils c. Laryngopharynx d. Oropharynx


The lesser omentum is attached to what part of the stomach? Select one: a. Lesser curvature b. Antrum c. Greater curvature d. Pylorus

Lesser curvature

Which of the following is not part of the renal corpuscle? Select one: a. Tubular pole b. Vascular pole c. Loop of Henle d. Bowmans capsule

Loop of Henle

What coordinates the process of urination? Select one: a. Peristalsis b. Micturition reflex c. Voluntary control of the ureteric sphincter d. Rate of urine production in the kidneys

Micturition reflex

What structure do the internal nares open into? Select one: a. Trachea b. Oropharynx c. Nasal cavity d. Nasopharynx


What is the basic structural and functional unit of the kidney? Select one: a. Renal medulla b. Renal cortex c. Nephron d. Renal capsule


The intrinsic muscles of the tongue Select one: a. Attach the tongue to the floor of the mouth b. Merge to form the lingual frenulum of the tongue c. Originate and insert within the tongue d. Allow for protrusion of the tongue

Originate and insert within the tongue

The pleural cavity is the space between the lung and __________ Select one: a. Mediastinum b. Visceral pleura c. Thoracic wall d. Parietal pleura

Parietal pleura

The pleura is most analogous in structure and function to the Select one: a. Mesentery b. Greater omentum c. Peritoneum d. Meninges


Problems caused by a blockage of the cystic duct would include Select one: a. Reduced ability to digest fats b. Appendicitis c. Constipation d. Decreased intestinal motility

Reduced ability to digest fats

Where are the kidneys located? Select one: a. At the levels between T10 and L1 b. Medial to the aorta c. Anterior to the colon and pancreas d. Retroperitoneal


What structure contains C-shaped pieces of cartilage? Select one: a. Trachea b. Pharynx c. Larynx d. Bronchioles


Which of the following cells secrete surfactant that reduces the tendency for pulmonary alveoli to collapse? Select one: a. Interstitial b. Type I alveolar c. Type II alveolar d. Macrophage

Type II alveolar

Which of the following is not part of the urethra in the male? Select one: a. Penile b. Membranous c. Prostatic d. Urachus


Which of the following statements concerning the human tongue is correct? Select one: a. Voluntary movement of the tongue during chewing is controlled by the CN XII b. Involuntary movement of the tongue during swallowing is controlled by CN IX c. Circumvallate papillae are found over the entire dorsal surface, front and back d. Stratified squamous epithelium is found on the ventral surface only

Voluntary movement of the tongue is during chewing is controlled by the CN XII

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