Anatomy and Physiology 2 Final

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different disease conditions caused by an inablility of the blood to carry sufficient oxygen to the body cells.

vas deferens

duct connecting the epididymis and the ejaculatory duct

Sertoli cells

elongated cells to which spermatids become attached


essential organ of reproduction (gonad) in the female; produces ova


external reproductive organ in the female


external reproductive organs


female sex hormone secreted by the ovaries; the "feminizing hormone"


general term for male sex hormones


gland located below the bladder; secretions helps activate sperm adn helps maintian motility

labia majora

homologous to the scrotum in the male


hormone secreted mainly by the corpus luteum

tunica intima

innermost layer of a blood vessel, consisting of endothelium


innermost lining of the uterus; mucous membrane


internal tube from the uterus to the vulva


male gonads


male organ of copulation


male reproductive fluid


male sex hormone produced by interstitial cells in the testes

seminal vesicle

paired glands that contribute a fluid rich in fructose to seminal fluid


permanent termination of menstrual cycle activity


pouch-like sac containing the testes


production of sperm cells


release of ovum at the end oogenesis


secretion of milk for the nourishment of newborn infants


sex cell


sex glands in which gametes are formed


the area between the labia minora


the male reproductive cell

parathyroid hormone

this hormone causes an increase in blood calcium levels

thyroid hormone

this hormone contains atoms of iodine


this hormone decreases the concentration of calcium in the blood


this hormone is a chief glucocorticoid released by the adrenal gland

human chorionic gonadotropin

this hormone is made by a fetal tissue component of the placenta


this hormone is produced by beta cells of the pancreas


this hormone is produced by the alpha cells of the pancreas


this hormone lowers the concentration of glucose in the blood


this hormone regulates how electrolytes are processed in the body

thyroid hormone

this hormone regulates metabolism rate, processes cell growth, and tissue differentiation.


this is the only important mineralcorticoid hormone in humans.


tightly coiled tube where sperm mature and develope the ability to swim; lies along the top and behind the testes


type of vessel where exchange occurs between the blood and tissue fluid


type of vessels that carries blood away from the heart


vessels that carry blood toward the heart

all of the above


Vitamin B 12

Pernicious anemia may occur due to the lack of:

it does not contain either anti-A or anti-B antibodies

Type AB blood is considered to be the universal recipient because:

mother-, father+, infant+

Which of the following Rh factor combinations could cause aggulination of the infant's red blood cells?


Which of the following can carry oxygen?

lymphocytes and monocytes

Which of the following cell types are classified as agranulocytes?

tunica albuginea

Which of the following divides the testes into lobules?


Which of the following does not hasten clotting?


Which of the following does not serve as an air distributor?


Which of the following endocrine glands is located in the neck?


Which of the following formed elements assists in coagulation?

neutrophils and monocytes

Which of the following have the greatest power of phagocytosis in the tissues?

all of the above.

Which of the following helps to determine the amount of oxygen that diffuses into the blood each minute?


Which of the following hormones causes ejection of milk into the mammary ducts, making it accessible for the infant?


Which of the following is an example of a leukocyte?

short distance traveled by chemical messenger

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the endocrine system?

amount of blood cells

Which of the following is not a factor in determining a person's blood volume?

determines the quality of voice

Which of the following is not a function of the pharynx?


Which of the following is not a leukocyte?


Which of the following is not a paranasal sinus?

Raising the ribs decreases the depth and width of the thorax.

Which of the following is not a true statement?


Which of the following is not an accessory structure of the repiratory system?

all of the above: age, body type, sex, and method of measurement

Which of the following is/ are involved in determining a person's total blood volume?


Which of the following is/are an anticoagulant?


Which of the following types of white blood cells is thought to play a role in the prevention of clotting:

pulmonary vein

Which of the following vessels carries blood from the lungs to the heart?


Which of the following vessels do not have the ability to constrict and dilate?


Which of these is not an opening in the pharynx?

mons pubis

a skin-covered pad of fat over the symphysis pubis


a small organ of erectile tissue


a type of clotting disorder caused by a decrease in the platelet count; characterized by bleeding from many small blood vessels throughout the body.


accessory organ of reproduction in the female; hollow, muscular organ where a fertilized egg implants and grows


an abnormally high white blood cell count


an inherited disorder characterized by a failure to form blood-clotting factors VIII, IX, or X.


another name for Cowper's gland

systemic circulation

blood flow from the heart to the body ( not the lungs) and back to the heart

pulmonary circulation

blood flow from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart


Which artery in the arm is used for measuring blood pressure?

common carotid

Which artery is used for feeling the pulse in the neck?


Which artery is used in the wrist for taking the pulse?

type A

Which blood type would a person with anti-body B in their plasma be?

Oxytocin & Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

The neurohypophysis serves as a storage and release site for:

heme; globulin

The part of the hemoglobin that contains an iron atom and transport oxygen is __________, and the part that is a protein and transport carbon dioxide is __________.


The part of the vulva which is composed of erectile tissue and is located just behind the junction of the labia minora is called the:

triiodothyronine (T3).

The principal thyroid hormone is:


The pulmonary arteries carry blood to the:


The region between the vaginal orifice and the anus is called the:


The small leaf-shaped cartilage behind the tongue and hyoid bone is the:

urinary meatus

The small opening of the urethra, located between the clitoris and the vaginal orifice

allow branches of the olfactory nerve to enter the cranial cavity and reach the brain.

The small openings in the cribiform plate function to:

the heart and blood vessels

The structural components of the circulatory system include:

thyroid cartilage

The structure known as the "Adam's Apple" located in the neck is the:

SA node

The structure referred to as the pacemaker of the heart is the:


The structure referred to historically as the master gland is the:

about 3 degrees below normal body temperature

The temperature required for sperm production is:

elastic recoil

The tendency of the thorax and lungs to return to the pre-inspiration volume is called:

tidal volume

The term used to describe the volume of air exchanges during normal inspiration and expiration is:

20 feet in length

The tightly coiled tube of the epididymis measures:

tunica adventitia, tunica media, tunica intima

The tissue layers of blood vessels from exterior to interior are:


The type of breathing characterized by gradually increasing tidal volume for several breaths followed by several breaths with gradually decreasing tidal volume is:


The upper respiratory tract includes all of the following structures except the:

inspiratory reserve volume, tidal volume, and expiratory reserve volume.

The vital capacity is equal to the sum of the:


This calcium-regulating hormone is made in the thyroid gland

blood clotting

Thrombocytes are used for:


To be capable of fertilizing an ovum, sperm must undergo a process called:


A decrease in red blood cell numbers can result in:

40 ml of red blood cells and 60 ml of fluid plasma

A hematocrit of 40 % means that in every 100ml of whole blood, there are:

4.8 to 5.5 million/cubic mm

A normal adult red blood cell count ranges from:


A patient who is troubled by intravascular coagulation (thrombosis) might be treated with:


A period of hyperventilation leading to loss of consciousness would tend to be followed by a period of

spermatic cords

A supporting structure of the male reproductive system is the:

become fibrous cords that remain throughout life

After birth, the umbilical vessels remaining in the infant's body:


All arteries of the systemic circulation branch from the:


All of the following are classified as accessory organs of reproduction in the female except the:

aspirin produces some of its effects by increasing PGE synthesis

All of the following are true statements except:

thyroid gland

An abnormally high metabolic rate could be associated with the functioning of the:

1-3 weeks

As part of the maturation process, the sperm will stay in the epididymis for:

has the opposite effect of parathyroid hormone.


the first heart sound ( lubb)

Contraction of the ventricles produces:


During a 28-day menstrual cycle, ovulation would be most likely to occur on day___of the cycle.

a decrease in alveolar pressure

During insipiration, the expansion of the lungs causes:

inguinal canal

Each of the following is a duct in the male reproductive system except:


Each of the following structures is a part of the vulva except the:

released by the kidney to stimulate red blood cell formation

Erythropoientin is a hormone:

red blood cells

Erythropoiesis is the formation of:

fallopian tube

Fertilization of an ovum most often occurs in the:

25 million

Functional sterility results when the sperm count per millileter falls below which number?


Gas exchange, the lungs' main and vital function, takes place in the:


Heme is broken down into this pigment, which is excreted in bile:

all of the above

Hormones may be:


Human chorionic gonadtropin is produced by the:

slow to appear, but long lasting

In comparison to the nervous system, the regulatory effects of the endocrine system are:

arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins

In order of blood flow through the vessels is:


In the formation of a clot, the insoluble network of fine threads in which the cellular elements of blood are trapped is called:


In the male reproductive system, the essential organs of reproduction are called:

all of the above

In the male, the urethra:


Labored or difficulty breathing is known as:

red blood cells

Many types of blood cells are produced in the:


Normal quiet breathing is known as:

Vitamin D

Parathyroid hormone increases calcium absorption in the intestines by activating:

fallopian tubes

Salpingitis is inflammation of the:

tunica media

Smooth muscle in blood vessels is located in the:

seminal vesicle

The male gland that secretes a fructose sugar used as an energy source for sperm is the:


The mature cell has no nucleus, mitochondria, or ribosomes.


The more common name for the pharynx is the:


The artery that serves the brain tissue is the:

45-50 years

The average age at which menopause occurs is:


The compound that is referred to as a tissue hormone is:

tunica albuginea

The dense, white fibrous capsule that encases each testis is called the:

b and c

The female reproductive system differs from the male reproductive system in that:


The foreskin in the male is also known as the:

prevent each alveolus from collapsing as air moves in and out during respirations.

The function of the surfactant is to:

area above where the tubes enter

The fundus of the uterus is the:


The funnel-shaped, open-ended portion of the oviduct is called the:

prostate gland

The gland that secretes an alkaline substance that constitutes about 30% of the seminal fluid is the:


The gland that serves both an exocrine and an endocrine capacity is the:


The greatest resistance to blood flow occurs in the:


The hormone that causes ejection of milk into the mammary ducts is:


The hormone that causes the alveoli of the mammary glands to secrete milk is:


The hypothalamus produces:

corpus luteum

The largest amount of progesterone is produced by the:


The largest of the paranasal sinuses is the

number of sperm ejaculated

The main factor detemining male fertility is the:


The major hormone produced by the corpus luteum is:


The major ingredient hemoglobin that allows oxygen to be transported is:

biconcave disks without nuclei

Under the microscope, eyrthrocytes appear as:


Valves controlling the direction of blood flow are found in the:

expiration occurs

When the pressure in the lungs is greater than the atmospheric pressure:

2, 3, 5, and 6

When the semilunar valves of the heart are open, which of the following occur? 1. coronary arteries fill, 2. the AV valves are open, 3. the ventricles are in systole, 4. the ventricles are in diastole, 5. blood enters the aorta, 6. blood enters the pulmonary artery, 7. the atria contract.


condition in which a clot dislodges and circulates through the bloodstream

tunica media

middle layer of blood vessel containing smooth muscle


monthly shedding of the outer layers of the endometrium

uterine tube

one pair of tubes that conduct ova from the ovary to the uterus; also called fallopian tube

tunica adventitia

outer connective tissue layer of a blood vessel

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