Anatomy Chapter 9 Skeletal Muscle Fibers

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The function of the muscle upon contraction


Responsible for producing a particular movement


Actions oppose the action of the agonist


Examples of parallel muscles

Biceps brachii, rectus abdominis

Muscle fibers are on both sides of the tendon


2 methods of describing muscle actions

Bone region, joint

Muscle fibers form concentric rings (sphincter muscles)


Muscle fibers form a broad area but come together at a common point


Examples of multipennate

Deltoid muscle

Unipennate example

Extensor digitorum

Examples of Circular muscles

Orbicularis oris, orbicularis oculi

Point of muscle attachment that remains stationary


Muscle fascicles are parallel to the longitudinal axis


Examples of convergent

Pectoralis major

Muscle fibers form an oblique angle to the tendon of the muscle


Fibers associated with the leg muscles

Slow fibers

Fibers that have small diameter, take a while to contract, last long intervals, have a lot of myoglobin, and use aerobic metabolism

Slow fibers

Red fibers

Slow fibers

Fibers associated with back and legs

Slow, intermediate

Assist the action of the agonist


Primemover is Biceps brachii, what is the antagonist?

Triceps brachii

All the muscle fibers are on the same side of the tendon


Examples of bipennate

rectus femoris

Fibers associated with eye muscles

Fast fibers

Fibers associated with eyes and hand

Fast fibers

Fibers that are large in diameter, large in glycogen reserves, few mitochondria, fatigue easily but are very powerful

Fast fibers

Fibers that use anaerobic metabolism

Fast fibers

White fibers

Fast fibers

Antagonist and agonist muscles contracting at the same time to stabilize a joint


Primemover is Biceps brachii, what is the fixator

Flexor and Extensor muscles

Point of muscle attachment that is movable


Running long distance increases proportion of ___fibers


Fibers that have low myoglobin but high glycogen, use anaerobic metabolism, lots of mitochondria and resist fatigue

Intermediate fibers

Pink fibers

Intermediate fibers

Primemover is Biceps brachii, what is the synergist

Latissimus dorsi, teres major

The tendon branches within the muscle


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