Anatomy class FINAL

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O2 diffuses from the blood into tissues, while CO2 diffuses from tissues into the blood.

In what direction do gas molecules diffuse at the arterial end of the systemic capillaries?


In what type of blood vessel is the tunica media the thickest?


It has ----- major branches off of its arch.


Microorganisms trapped in the mucus of the nasal cavity eventually end up in the __________.


Movement of molecules through a membrane by filtration depends upon __________ pressure.


Name the bony processes that curl out from the lateral walls of the nasal cavities, serving to stir up the air as it is inhaled.


Name the by-product of hemoglobin breakdown that is excreted by the kidneys and intestines.

Stratum lucidum

Name the epidermal layer that is found in thick skin, but is absent from thin skin.

cell cycle

Name the series of events that the cell undergoes from the time it forms until the time it divides.


Nerve cells release neurotransmitters using what process?

either superficial or deep

Partial-thickness burns are __________.

Aorta, larger arteries,artioles,capillaries,venules,medium veins,large veins,venae cavae

Place the vessels in the order through which blood would pass, starting as blood enters the systemic circuit after being ejected from the heart.


Programmed cell death is called __________.

red and white blood cells and platelets

Red bone marrow functions in the formation of __________.


Relaxation of the heart is called __________.


Respiratory disorders fall into each of the following categories except __________.


Ribosomes are composed largely of protein and __________.


Severe burns lead to how many different stages of shock?

Respitory failure

Shifts in the partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood can indicate _________

cross section; oblique section; longitudinal section

Sometimes, a cylindrical organ such as a long bone is sectioned. In this case, a cut across the structure is called a(n) __________; an angular cut is a(n) __________; and a lengthwise cut is a(n) __________.

double; phosphate; fatty acids

The cell membrane is composed of a ___ layer of phospholipids with the ______ portion forming the extracellular surface and the _______ portion forming the interior portion of the membrane.


The cells that break down bone are called __________.


The cells that build up new bone are called __________.

thoracic cavity into right and left parts

The compartment called the mediastinum separates the __________.

brachiocephalic trunk

The first branch is the -----

thoracic cavity

The heart is located in the

lungs, vertebral column, sternum

The heart is positioned between the_________, ; in front of the___________and behind the__________


The heart, esophagus, trachea, and thymus are located within the _________________.


The knee is __________ to the ankle.


The liquid in which a cell's contents are suspended is called ________.


The microscopic bony chambers that house mature bone cells are called __________.

Antibiotics are not effective against the common cold.

The most common antibiotic used to treat the common cold is __________.

Muscles, glands, and sensory receptors

The nerve fibers scattered throughout the dermis are associated with what structures?

Trap bacteria and debris

The nose and its nasal mucus helps to _________, protecting the respiratory system.


The painful condition known as angina pectoris comes from a blockage in an artery that supplies what region?


The pigment bilirubin is formed from


The process by which mature osteoclasts use enzymes to remove existing bone tissue is called __________.


The right eye and right lung are __________.

left common carotid artery

The second branch is the-------


The spongy cancellous bone consists of thin interlocking plates called __________.

left subclavian artery

The third branch is the

nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane

The three major parts of a typical cell are the __________.

cardiac output

The volume of blood discharged from the ventricle in a minute is called __________.


Transferrin and ferritin are molecules named for their association with

cell membrane

Vesicles are formed mainly by folding of the __________.


Water, or H2O, is an example of which level of organization?

protien synthesis

What activity takes place on ribosomes?


What are attached to the surface of rough endoplasmic reticulum?


What are the cells called that are responsible for removing excess bone tissue after the fracture repair process?

trabeculae carneae

What are the muscular ridges within the ventricles called?

Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase

What are the phases of the cell cycle?

To enable the cell to communicate with and attach to other cells

What are two functions of the cell membrane?


What body cavity would contain the heart, esophagus, and trachea?


What bone articulates with the humerus and carpal bones?


What bone articulates with the tibia, patella, and coxal bones?

The cranial cavity, vertebral canal, thoracic cavity, and abdominopelvic cavity

What cavities are included in the axial portion of the body?


What cell would have a flagellum?

right ventricle

What chamber of the heart pumps blood to the left lung?


What component of blood accounts for the largest proportion of blood volume?


What ensures the movement of blood in one direction through the heart?

Increase in blood PCO2

What factor will cause an increase in breathing rate?

A bone cell surrounded by matrix

What is an osteocyte?

they die

What is happening to epidermal cells as they are pushed from the deeper part of the epidermis toward the surface?


What is the anatomical name of the voice box?

The maintenance of internal conditions

What is the definition of homeostasis?

The movement of air in and out of the lungs

What is the definition of the term ventilation?

To reduce or eliminate pain

What is the function of analgesics?

Production of skin pigment

What is the function of melanocytes?

to produce ATP

What is the function of mitochondria?

To maintain the osmotic pressure of the bloodCorrect

What is the function of plasma proteins in capillary exchange?


What is the name of the condition in which there is a deficiency in red blood cells or in the amount of hemoglobin?

Epiglottic cartilage

What is the name of the flap-like cartilage that covers the opening to the larynx during swallowing, preventing the entry of food into the airways?

Visceral pleura

What is the name of the membrane on the surface of the lung?

Sinoatrial (SA) node

What is the pacemaker of the heart?

Nasal cavity → pharynx → larynx → bronchial tree → alveoliCorrect

What is the pathway for airflow from the nasal cavity to the location of gas exchange within the lungs?


What is the site of ribosome production?

active transport

What mechanism of membrane transport requires an input of energy?


What organ is found in the thoracic cavity?


What organelle houses enzymes that degrade cellular debris?


What organelle is built of microtubules and fringes the free surfaces of some cells?

Purkinje fibers

What part of the conduction system fibers extend into the papillary muscles?


What part of the hemoglobin molecule is broken down to individual amino acids that can be reused to make new proteins?

sagittal plane

What plane separates the body into left and right portions?


What plasma protein molecule transports iron?

axial portion

What portion of the human organism consists of the head, neck, and trunk?

Decrease in plasma PCO2

What results from the breathing pattern called hyperventilation?


What shape would a transverse section of a banana resemble?

nuclear pores

What structure allows substances to move between the nucleus and cytoplasm?


What structure separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominopelvic cavity?


What term refers to a body part being above another body part?


What term refers to the region in front of the elbow?


What term refers to the structures that provide information about the conditions of the internal environment?

Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium

What type of tissue forms the lining of the nasal cavities?


When compared to living at a lower altitude, the amount of oxygen entering the bloodstream of someone at high altitude will be __________.


When compared to living at a lower altitude, the amount of oxygen entering the bloodstream of someone at high altitude will be __________.

Ventral and dorsal

When considering humans, what terms have the same meanings as the terms anterior and posterior?

bone marrow

Where are blood cells manufactured in adults?

In both the subcutaneous layer and the dermis

Where are blood vessels located that supply the skin?

within larynx

Where are the vocal cords located?

temporal bone

Which bone contains the ear canal?

frontal bone

Which bone forms the anterior portion of the skull above the eyes?

left atrium

Which chamber receives blood returning from the lungs?


Which is not one of the three main parts of a cell?

visceral pericardium

Which membrane is associated with the surface of the heart?

parietal pleura

Which membrane lines the walls of the thoracic cavity?

Serous fluid in the pleural cavity

Which of the following adheres the visceral and parietal pleural membranes together?


Which of the following bones is NOT included within the lower limb?

positive feedback

Which of the following causes conditions in the body to move away from the normal state?


Which of the following directly cause(s) the changes in the internal environment needed to maintain homeostasis?

The subcutaneous layer is between the dermis and the epidermis.

Which of the following does NOT describe the skin?

Shivering in response to a drop in body temperature

Which of the following examples illustrates a homeostatic mechanism?

amount of hemoglobin in blood

Which of the following has the greatest effect on the ability of blood to transport oxygen?

Contracting skeletal muscles

Which of the following helps return blood to the heart?


Which of the following hormone suppresses osteoclasts, inhibiting resorption, to help maintain bone density?

Vertebral column

Which of the following is included in the axial skeleton?

To provide communication from bone to muscle

Which of the following is not a function of bone?


Which of the following is not a requirement to maintain the life of humans?


Which of the following is not part of upper respiratory tract?


Which of the following is part of the appendicular skeleton?

Intravascular volume decreases

Which of the following is true about burn shock?

active transport

Which of the following processes uses specific carrier molecules?

all are correct

Which of the following respiratory disorders can cause respiratory failure?

urinary bladder

Which organ(s) is/are found in the pelvic cavity?

Respond primarily to elevated body temperature

Which statement describes merocrine (eccrine) sweat glands?


Which type of blood vessel serves as a blood reservoir?

muscle cell

Which type of cell has many mitochondria?


White blood cells that take in particles and cellular debris are called __________.

can cause obstruction of the airway

Why is laryngitis a potentially dangerous condition?

protein and lipids

A cell membrane is composed mostly of what two organic compounds?

proteins and lipids

A cell membrane is composed mostly of what two organic compounds?


A response to the situation in question #2 would be an increase in production of __________ by cells of the kidneys.


A resting heart rate that exceeds 100 beats per minute is called __________.


A severe lack of bone density is called __________.

Loss of alveolar walls means loss of the elastic tissue that they contain; elastic recoil is decreased.

Advanced emphysema, involving the destruction of alveolar walls, results in difficulty exhaling. Why would this difficulty develop?

vital capacity

After a full and complete inspiration, the volume of air that can be expelled from the lungs is called the __________.

acute rhinitis

Also known as __________, the common cold is caused by a virus and its symptoms include inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, itching, sneezing, and excessive mucus secretion.


An abnormally slow heart rate (fewer than 60 beats per minute) is called __________.


An increase in blood PCO2 results in a(n) __________ in pH.

decrease; dilation

Arterial blood pressure would decrease due to a(n) __________ in peripheral resistance from __________ of arterioles.

Expiratory reserve volume

At the end of a quiet expiration, an additional volume of air can be expelled from the lungs. What is this additional amount of air called?

Inspiratory reserve volume

At the end of a quiet inspiration, an additional volume of air can be inhaled. What is this additional amount of air called?

Increase in RBC count

Being at high altitude will


Blood flow that travels from the heart to the lungs for gas exchange and then back to the heart describes the __________ circuit.


Bone continually renews its structure and strength via the process of __________.

Decreased blood PCO2 causes vasoconstriction of cerebral arterioles, leading to reduced blood supply to areas of the brain.

Brad suffers from anxiety attacks during which he hyperventilates and occasionally passes out. Why would he faint?


Burns can be evaluated by determining the percentage of body surface area affected, which is known as the rule of __________.


By what process does gas exchange occur?


Common treatments for respiratory failure include all of the following except __________.


Contraction of the heart is called __________.

P wave

Depolarization of the atria is an electrical event that produces what pattern in an ECG tracing?

lower, higher

During inspiration, the pressure within the lungs is --- than atmospheric pressure. During expiration, the pressure within the lungs is ---- than atmospheric pressure.


During normal quiet inspiration, the contraction of the __________ causes air to move into the lungs.

During ventricular systole

During what phase of the cardiac cycle is blood pressure in the systemic arteries the greatest?

From solution A to solution B

In a hypothetical situation, solution A is 10% sodium and solution B is 40% sodium. Which way would a sodium pump move sodium using active transport?

Depolarization of atrial muscle fibers

In an ECG pattern, what event is represented by the P wave?


the outer layer of the heart wall is called the __________.

Epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis

Full-thickness burns destroy which layers of skin?

facilitated diffusion

Glucose is a polar molecule that requires a carrier protein in order to diffuse through the plasma membrane's nonpolar barrier. Diffusion of substances that require carrier proteins is known as ____________.


How many carpal bones are contained in each upper limb?


If a boy was standing on his head, his mouth would be __________ to his nose.


If a boy was standing on his head, his mouth would be __________ to his nose.


If a patient presents with a runny nose, sore throat, and cough, you can determine that the most distal structure in the respiratory tract that the infection has reached is the __________.

The extracellular fluid is hypertonic to the intracellular fluid.

If the fluid outside of a cell membrane contains a greater concentration of dissolved particles than the fluid inside the cell, how is this extracellular fluid described?


Superficial burns affect which layer of skin?


The ---- is the largest artery in the body.


The ---- of the heart points inferiorly and to the left and sits at the level of the ---- intercostal space.


The ---- valve is located between the right atrium and right ventricle.


The ---- valve is located between the right ventricle and pulmonary trunk.


The ----- of the heart, which is more superior, is the point of attachment for the major vessels


The ----- valve is located between the left atrium and left ventricle.


The ----- valve is located between the left ventricle and aorta.


The __________ cavity contains the teeth and tongue.


The __________ cavity is the part of the abdominopelvic cavity that contains the terminal portion of the large intestine, the urinary bladder, and the internal reproductive organs.


The __________ circuit sends oxygen-rich blood from the heart to all cells of the body, removes carbon dioxide and other wastes, and returns blood to the heart.


The __________ region is superior and lateral to the umbilical region.


The breakdown of hemoglobin is due to the activity of

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