Anatomy Exam 3

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After activation, differentiates to become plasma cell or memory B cell

B cell

Destroys cells by lysis or by production of cytokines

Cytotoxic T cell

Cell that increases in number during parasitic infection


Activates B and effector T cells

Helper T cell

Which of the following minerals is part of the hemoglobin molecule?


Quick and responsive to antigen, remembers previous exposure

Memory cell

Lyses tumor and virus-infected cells

Natural killer cell

First cell to enter infected tissues


Trypsin, carboxypeptidase


A patient's blood analysis indicated an increase in the number of eosinophils. Which of the following is the most likely cause?

Parasitic worm infection

Produces antibodies

Plasma cell

Salivary amylase

Salivary glands

Lactase, peptidases, secretin, cholecystokinin (CCK), dissacharridase

Small intestine

Gastric lipase, pepsinogen


Where does the majority of nutrient absorption occur?

The jejunum and duodenum

Volume of air inspired during normal inspiration

Tidal volume

Sum of the inspiratory reserve, expiratory reserve, tidal, and residual volumes

Total lung capacity

Sum of the expiratory reserve, inspiratory reserve, and tidal volumes

Vital capacity

What is the function of the ciliated epithelium of the tracheobronchial tree?

a mucus-cilia escalator

Diffusion and active transport are likely to be important in

absorption of food

Beta oxidation results in the formation of

acetyl CoA

Gas exchange between the air in the lungs and the blood takes place in the


Most O2 is carried in the blood ______; but most CO2 is _____

bound to hemoglobin; associated with bicarbonate ions in the plasma


can be manufactured by most tissues

Complement proteins

can form holes in the plasma membrane of target cells

The major regulator of respiration is the plasma concentration of

carbon dioxide

Lymph movement is assisted by

contraction of skeletal muscle, contraction of smooth muscle in lymph vessel, pressure changes in the thorax during respiration, compression of lymphatic vessels


emulsifies fats in the small intestine

Which areas of an antigen are recognized by lymphocytes so that the cells can respond?


The chloride shift refers to the

exchange of Cl- for bicarbonate ions across the red blood cell membrane

The spleen

filters damaged red blood cells from the blood

Which of the following is the correct sequence?

glycolysis, acetyl-CoA formation, citric acid cycle, electron transport chain

During expiration, the alveolar pressure must be

greater than the atmospheric pressure

The Hering-Breuer reflex

helps prevent over inflation of the lungs

Nutrient-rich blood from the digestive tract comes to the liver by way of the

hepatic portal vein

The portion of the brain regulates body temperature is the



moistens food and begins starch digestion in the mouth

What are the two major neurotransmitters of the enteric nervous system?

norepinephrine and acetylcholine

An MHC class II/antigen complex on the surface of an antigen-presenting cell (APC) binds to a T-cell receptor. What results from this interaction?

other immune cells are stimulated to respond to the antigen

The inflammatory response

prevents the spread of an infection

The lymphatic system plays a role in maintaining fluid balance within the body by

returning interstitial fluid to the blood

In systemic inflammation, pyrogens

stimulate fever production

Nutrition includes the study of

the nutrients in foods, the body's utilization of nutrients, how nutrients play a role in your body's health, digestion, absorption, and transportation of nutrients

When the inspiratory muscles contract

thoracic volume increases

Feces consist of

water, undigestible food, bacteria, sloughed-off epithelial cells

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