Anatomy Exam 4 - Proximal & Distal Attachments, Innervation, Action

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MEDIAL THIGH MUSCLES: Adductor Magnus Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Adductor Part: Ischiopubic ramus Hamstring Part: Ischial tuberosity Distal Attachments: Adductor Part: Linea aspera Hamstring Part: Adductor tubercle Innervation: Adductor Part: Obturator nerve Hamstring Part: Tibial part of sciatic nerve Action: Adductor Part: Adducts and flexes thigh at hip Hamstring Part: Adducts and extends thigh at hip

POSTERIOR THIGH MUSCLES: Biceps Femoris Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Long Head: Ischial tuberosity Short Head: Linea aspera Distal Attachments: Head of the fibula Innervation: Long Head: Tibial division of the sciatic nerve Short Head: Fibular division of sciatic nerve Action: Long Head: Extends thigh at hip and flexes leg at knee Short Head: Flexes leg at knee

MUSCLES OF THE FOOT: LAYER 3 Adductor Hallucis Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Oblique Head: Base of metatarsals 2-4 Transverse Head: Plantar ligaments of 3rd - 5th metatarsophalangeal joints Distal Attachments: Both sides of the base of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit Innervation: Lateral plantar nerve Action: Adducts 1st digit

ANTERIOR THIGH MUSCLES: Rectus Femoris (Quadriceps Femoris) Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: AIIS and ilium inferior to the AIIS Distal Attachments: Tibial tuberosity via quadriceps tendon and patellar ligament Innervation: Femoral nerve Action: Flexes thigh at hip and extends leg at knee

ANTERIOR THIGH MUSCLES: Sartorius Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: ASIS Distal Attachments: Upper medial tibia Innervation: Femoral nerve Action: Flexes, adduction, and lateral rotation of the thigh at the hip; Flexes leg at knee (similar to crossing over your leg while sitting)

GLUTEAL MUSCLES: Tensor Fascia Latae Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: ASIS and anterior iliac crest Distal Attachments: IT band (Gerdy's tubercle) Innervation: Superior gluteal nerve Action: Flexes hip joint Almost forms "Y" aspect with gluteus minimus

MUSCLES OF THE FOOT: LAYER 4 Dorsal Interossei (4) Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Adjacent sides of 1st - 5th metatarsals Distal Attachments: 1st: Medial side of the proximal phalanx of the 2nd digit 2nd-4th: Lateral sides of the 2nd - 4th digits Innervation: Lateral plantar nerve Action: Abducts 2nd - 4th digits and flexes metatarsophalangeal joints

ANTERIOR THIGH MUSCLES: Vastus Intermedius (Quadriceps Femoris) Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Anterior and lateral surface of femur Distal Attachments: Tibial tuberosity via quadriceps tendon and patellar ligament Innervation: Femoral nerve Action: Extends leg at knee

GLUTEAL MUSCLES: Piriformis Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Anterior sacrum Distal Attachments: Greater trochanter of femur Innervation: Nerve to Piriformis Action: Lateral rotation and abduction of thigh at hip "Pear-shaped"

MUSCLES OF THE FOOT: LAYER 3 Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Base of the 5th metatarsal Distal Attachments: Base of the proximal phalanx of the 5th digit Innervation: Lateral plantar nerve Action: Flexes the proximal phalanx of the 5th digit

MUSCLES OF THE FOOT: LAYER 4 Plantar Interossei (3) Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Base of the medial sides of 3rd - 5th metatarsals Distal Attachments: Medial sides of the base of proximal phalanges of 3rd -5th digits Innervation: Lateral plantar nerve Action: Adducts 3rd - 5th digits and flexes metatarsophalangeal joints

MEDIAL THIGH MUSCLES: Adductor Brevis Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Body and inferior pubic ramus Distal Attachments: Pectineal line and proximal linea aspera Innervation: Obturator nerve Action: Adducts thigh at hip

MEDIAL THIGH MUSCLES: Gracilis Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Body and inferior ramus of pubis Distal Attachments: Upper medial tibia Innervation: Obturator nerve Action: Adduction of thigh at hip

MEDIAL THIGH MUSCLES: Adductor Longus Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Body of pubis Distal Attachments: Middle 3rd of linea aspera of femur Innervation: Obturator nerve Action: Adducts thigh at hip

DEEP POSTERIOR COMPARTMENT OF THE LEG: Flexor Hallucis Longus Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Distal 2/3rd of posterior fibula and interosseous membrane Distal Attachments: Base of distal phalanx of 1st digit Innervation: Tibial nerve Action: Plantar flexion and flexes 1st digit

DORSAL (EXTENSOR) MUSCLES OF THE FOOT: Extensor Hallucis Brevis Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Dorsal lateral calcaneus Distal Attachments: Dorsal base of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit Innervation: Deep fibular nerve Action: Extends proximal phalanx of 1st digit

DORSAL (EXTENSOR) MUSCLES OF THE FOOT: Extensor Digitorum Brevis Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Dorsal lateral calcaneus Distal Attachments: Extensor expansions of digits 2-4 Innervation: Deep fibular nerve Action: Extends digits 2-4

MEDIAL THIGH MUSCLES: Obturator Externus Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: External border of obturator foramen and obturator membrane Distal Attachments: Trochanteric fossa of the femur Innervation: Obturator nerve Action: Lateral rotation of thigh at hip

GLUTEAL MUSCLES: Gluteus Minimis Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Gluteal surface between anterior and inferior gluteal lines Distal Attachments: Greater trochanter of femur Innervation: Superior gluteal nerve Action: Abduct and medially rotate thigh at hip. A.I. = anterior & posterior, smaller Almost forms "Y" aspect with tensor fascia latae

GLUTEAL MUSCLES: Gluteus Medius Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Gluteal surface between anterior and posterior gluteal lines Distal Attachments: Greater trochanter of femur Innervation: Superior gluteal nerve Action: Abduct and medially rotate thigh at hip. A.P. = anterior & posterior, larger

ANTERIOR THIGH MUSCLES: Vastus Lateralis (Quadriceps Femoris) Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Greater trochanter and lateral lip of the linea aspera Distal Attachments: Tibial tuberosity via quadriceps tendon and patellar ligament Innervation: Femoral nerve Action: Extends leg at knee

LATERAL COMPARTMENT OF THE LEG: Fibularis Longus Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Head and proximal 2/3rd of lateral fibula Distal Attachments: Base of the 1st metatarsal and medial cuneiform Innervation: Superficial fibular nerve Action: Plantarflexion of foot at ankle and eversion of foot

ANTERIOR THIGH MUSCLES: Iliacus (Iliopsoas) Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Iliac crest, iliac fossa, and ala of sacrum Distal Attachments: Lesser trochanter Innervation: Femoral nerve Action: Flex the thigh at the hip (equivalent to bowing or lying down/lifting legs)

GLUTEAL MUSCLES: Gluteus Maximus Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Ilium posterior to the posterior gluteal line, dorsal sacrum, coccyx, and sacrotuberous ligament. Distal Attachments: IT band and gluteal tuberosity Innervation: Inferior gluteal nerve Action: Extends thigh at hip and lateral rotation of thigh at hip.

GLUTEAL MUSCLES: Obturator Internus Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Internal border of obturator foramen and obturator membrane Distal Attachments: Greater trochanter of femur Innervation: Nerve to obturator internus Action: Lateral rotation and abduction of thigh at hip (Looks like boomerang in coronal view)

DEEP POSTERIOR COMPARTMENT OF THE LEG: Tibialis Posterior Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Interosseous membrane, posterior tibia inferior to the soleal line, and posterior fibula Distal Attachments: Navicular, cuneiforms, cuboid, and bases of 2nd - 4th metatarsals Innervation: Tibial nerve Action: Plantarflexes ankle and inverts foot

ANTERIOR THIGH MUSCLES: Vastus Medialis (Quadriceps Femoris) Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Intertrochanteric line and medial lip of linea aspera Distal Attachments: Tibial tuberosity via quadriceps tendon and patellar ligament Innervation: Femoral nerve Action: Extends leg at knee

GLUTEAL MUSCLES: Superior Gemellus Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Ischial spine Distal Attachments: Greater trochanter of femur Innervation: Nerve to obturator internus Action: Lateral rotation and abduction of thigh at hip (Gemellus = twins) Think of as "smoochers" - shares innervation with other muscles

GLUTEAL MUSCLES: Inferior Gemellus Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Ischial tuberosity Distal Attachments: Greater trochanter of femur Innervation: Nerve to quadratus femoris Action: Lateral rotation and abduction of thigh at hip (Gemellus = twins) Think of as "smoochers" - shares innervation with other muscles

GLUTEAL MUSCLES: Quadratus Femoris Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Ischial tuberosity Distal Attachments: Intertrochanteric crest Innervation: Nerve to quadratus femoris Action: Lateral rotation of thigh at hip

POSTERIOR THIGH MUSCLES: Semimembranosus Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Ischial tuberosity Distal Attachments: Posterior aspect of the medial condyle of the tibia Innervation: Tibial division of sciatic nerve Action: Extends the thigh at the hip and flexes the leg at the knee

POSTERIOR THIGH MUSCLES: Semitendinosus Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Ischial tuberosity Distal Attachments: Upper medial tibia Innervation: Tibial division of sciatic nerve Action: Extends the thigh at the hip and flexes the leg at the knee

DEEP POSTERIOR COMPARTMENT OF THE LEG: Popliteus Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Lateral condyle of femur and lateral meniscus Distal Attachments: Posterior tibia superior to soleal line Innervation: Tibial nerve Action: Laterally rotates femur on fixed tibia, unlocking knee

ANTERIOR COMPARTMENT OF THE LEG: Tibialis Anterior Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Lateral condyle, superior 2/3rd of lateral surface of tibia, and interosseous membrane Distal Attachments: Medial cuneiform and 1st metatarsal Innervation: Deep fibular nerve Action: Dorsiflexion of foot at ankle and inversion of foot

SUPERFICIAL POSTERIOR COMPARTMENT OF THE LEG: Plantaris Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Lateral supracondylar line and oblique popliteal ligament Distal Attachments: Posterior surface of calcaneus Innervation: Tibial nerve Action: Plantarflexion of foot at ankle (weak)

ANTERIOR COMPARTMENT OF THE LEG: Extensor Digitorum Longus Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Lateral tibial condyle, superior 2/3rd of anterior fibula, and interosseous membrane Distal Attachments: Dorsal aspect of base of the 2nd-5th phalanx Innervation: Deep fibular nerve Action: Dorsiflexion of foot at ankle and extension of the 2nd-5th digits

SUPERFICIAL POSTERIOR COMPARTMENT OF THE LEG: Gastrocenmius Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Medial and lateral condyles of the femur Distal Attachments: Posterior surface of calcaneus Innervation: Tibial nerve Action: Plantarflexion of foot at ankle and flexes knee joint

MUSCLES OF THE FOOT: LAYER 2 Quadratus Plantae Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Medial and lateral plantar surfaces of calcaneus Distal Attachments: Posterolateral margin of the flexor digitorum longus tendon Innervation: Lateral plantar nerve Action: Assists flexor digitorum longus in flexion of the lateral 4 digits

MUSCLES OF THE FOOT: LAYER 1 Flexor Digitorum Brevis Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Medial calcaneus and plantar aponeurosis Distal Attachments: Both sides of the middle phalanges of lateral 4 digits Innervation: Medial plantar nerve Action: Flexes of 2nd-5th digits

MUSCLES OF THE FOOT: LAYER 1 Abductor Digiti Minimi Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Medial calcaneus and plantar aponeurosis Distal Attachments: Lateral side of the base of the proximal phalanx of the 5th digit Innervation: Lateral plantar nerve Action: Abducts and flexes the 5th digit

MUSCLES OF THE FOOT: LAYER 1 Abductor Hallucis Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Medial calcaneus and plantar aponeurosis Distal Attachments: Medial side of the base of the proximal phalanx of 1st digit Innervation: Medial plantar nerve Action: Abduction and flexion of 1st digit

LATERAL COMPARTMENT OF THE LEG: Fibularis Brevis Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Middle of lateral fibula Distal Attachments: Base of the 5th metatarsal Innervation: Superficial fibular nerve Action: Plantarflexion of foot at ankle and eversion of foot

ANTERIOR COMPARTMENT OF THE LEG: Extensor Hallucis Longus Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Middle part of the anterior aspect of the fibula and interosseous membrane Distal Attachments: Dorsal aspect of base of the 1st phalanx Innervation: Deep fibular nerve Action: Dorsiflexion of foot at ankle and extension of the 1st digit

MUSCLES OF THE FOOT: LAYER 3 Flexor Hallucis Brevis Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Plantar surface of cuboid and lateral cuneiform Distal Attachments: Both sides of the base of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit Innervation: Medial plantar nerve Action: Flexes proximal phalanx of 1st digit

SUPERFICIAL POSTERIOR COMPARTMENT OF THE LEG: Soleus Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Posterior head and superior 1/4th of fibula, soleal line, and medial border of tibia Distal Attachments: Posterior surface of calcaneus Innervation: Tibial nerve Action: Plantarflexion of foot at ankle

DEEP POSTERIOR COMPARTMENT OF THE LEG: Flexor Digitorum Longus Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Posterior tibia inferior to the soleal line Distal Attachments: Base of distal phalanx of 2nd - 5th digits Innervation: Tibial nerve Action: Plantar flexion and flexes 2nd - 5th digits

ANTERIOR THIGH MUSCLES: Pectineus Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Superior ramus of pubis Distal Attachments: Pectineal line of femur Innervation: Femoral/obturator nerve Action: Adducts and flexes thigh at hip

ANTERIOR THIGH MUSCLES: Psoas Major (Iliopsoas) Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: T12 - L5 vertebra and IV discs Distal Attachments: Lesser trochanter Innervation: Ventral rami of L1-3 Action: Flex the thigh at the hip (equivalent to bowing or lying down/lifting legs)

MUSCLES OF THE FOOT: LAYER 2 Lumbricals Proximal Attachments Distal Attachments Innervation Action

Proximal Attachments: Tendons of the flexor digitorum longus Distal Attachments: Medial aspect of the expansions of the lateral 4 digits Innervation: 1st: Medial plantar nerve 2nd-4th: Lateral plantar nerve Action: Flexes the proximal phalanges and extends the middle and distal phalanges of the lateral 4 digits

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