Anatomy Lab Quiz Upper Limb

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Anconeus (Extensor Surface of Forearm & Hand action)

extends forearm at elbow joint

Triceps brachii (upper arm muscle action)

extends forearm at elbow joint

Extensor digitorum (Extensor Surface of Forearm & Hand action)

extends index, middle, ring, and little fingers

Extensor digiti minimi (Extensor Surface of Forearm & Hand action)

extends little finger

Infraspinatus (shoulder muscle action)

laterally rotates, transversely abducts, and stabilizes arm at glenohumeral (shoulder) joint

Teres minor (shoulder muscle action)

laterally rotates, transversely abducts, and stabilizes arm at glenohumeral (shoulder) joint

Subscapularis (shoulder muscle action)

medially rotates and stabilizes arm at glenohumeral (shoulder) joint

Coracoid process (scapula)

process above the glenoid cavity that permits muscle attachment Large, hooked-shaped projection located at lateral end of the superior border of the scapula; Acts as a point of attachment for the pectoralis minor, coracobrachialis, & biceps brachii (short head) muscles

Pronator quadratus (flexor compartment of forearm & hand action)

pronates forearm at radioulnar joints

Pronator teres (flexor compartment of forearm & hand action)

pronates forearm at radioulnar joints

Supinator (Extensor Surface of Forearm & Hand action)

supinates forearm at radioulnar joints

Fossae of the Scapula

supraspinous fossa, infraspinous fossa, subscapular fossa

Infraspinous fossa (scapula)

depression located on posterior surface of scapula below spine

Abductor pollicis longus (Extensor Surface of Forearm & Hand action)

Extends & abducts thumb at first carpometacarpal joint

Extensor carpi ulnaris (Extensor Surface of Forearm & Hand action)

Extends & adducts hand at radiocarpal (wrist) joint

Extensor carpi radialis brevis (Extensor Surface of Forearm & Hand action)

Extends hand at radiocarpal (wrist) joint; abducts hand at radiocarpal and midcarpal joints

Extensor carpi radialis longus (Extensor Surface of Forearm & Hand action)

Extends hand at radiocarpal (wrist) joint; abducts hand at radiocarpal and midcarpal joints

Extensor indicis (Extensor Surface of Forearm & Hand action)

Extends index finger

Extensor pollicis brevis (Extensor Surface of Forearm & Hand action)

Extends thumb

Extensor pollicis longus (Extensor Surface of Forearm & Hand action)

Extends thumb

Surfaces of Scapula

2 Surfaces of Scapula: • Costal (ribs) Surface - anterior side, towards ribs • Posterior Surface - dorsal side Spine of scapula - located on posterior surface

Triquetrum (triangular) (carpal)

3rd carpal bone (from lateral to medial) of proximal row Pyramidal shape & articulates w/ lunate, pisiform, & hamate bones

Lunate (semilunar) (carpal)

2nd (from lateral to medial) of the 4 carpal bones of proximal row; articulates w/ radius, capitate, hamate, scaphoid, & triquetral bones Most commonly dislocated bone of wrist

Capitate (carpal)

3rd & largest carpal bone of the distal row. It is located in the center of the wrist and articulates with the scaphoid, lunate, trapezoid, hamate, and second, third, and fourth metacarpal bones. During falls with the hand extended, it imparts force to other bones of the wrist and is responsible for the injuries occurring to the scaphoid and lunate bones that were mentioned above

Number of bones in pectoral girdle & upper limb

64 bones found in the pectoral girdle and upper limbs, including the scapula (2), clavicle (2), humerus (2), radius (2), ulna (2), carpals (16), metacarpals (10), and phalanges (28)

Radial tuberosity (radius)

A tuberosity located distal to the neck on the medial side of bone. Acts as a attachment point for the biceps brachii muscle

Body (clavicle)

Area between the 2 ends; central portion of clavicle

Sternal End (clavicle)

Articulates w/ manubrium of sternum at sternoclavicular joint Medial rounded end of clavicle, that articulates w/ the clavicular notch of manubrium through an articular facet. Sternal articular surface - facet that articulates the sternal extremity of clavicle w/ clavicular notch of manubrium

Intercarpal (wrist joint)

Articulation between the various carpal bones

Humeroradial (elbow joint)

Articulation of capitulum of humerus w/ fovea on the head of the radius

Carpometacarpal (wrist joint)

Articulation of distal row of carpal bones w/ base of metacarpal bones

Acromioclavicular (shoulder joint)

Articulation of the acromial extremity of clavicle w/ acromion of scapula

Proximal radioulnar (elbow joint)

Articulation of the articular circumference of the head of the radius with the radial notch of the ulnar

Distal Radioulnar (wrist joint)

Articulation of the articular surface of ulna w/ ulnar notch of the radius

Radiocarpal (wrist joint)

Articulation of the carpal articular surface of radius to scaphoid & lunate bones of wrist

Scapulothoracic (shoulder joint)

Articulation of the costal surface of the scapula w/ the body (shaft) of the ribs

Glenohumeral (shoulder joint)

Articulation of the head of the humerus w/ the glenoid cavity of scapula

Metacarpophalangeal (MCP) (hand joint)

Articulation of the head of the metacarpal bone with the base of the proximal phalanx

Distal Interphalangeal (DIP) (hand joint)

Articulation of the head of the middle phalanx with the base of the distal phalanx

Interphalangeal (IP) (hand joint)

Articulation of the head of the proximal phalanx w/ the base of the distal phalanx (thumb only)

Proximal Interphalangeal (PIP) (hand joint)

Articulation of the head of the proximal phalanx with the base of the middle phalanx

Midcarpal (wrist joint)

Articulation of the proximal row of carpal bones with the distal row of carpal bones

Sternoclavicular (shoulder joint)

Articulation of the sternal extremity of the clavicle with the clavicular notch of the manubrium

Humeroulnar (elbow joint)

Articulation of trochlea of humerus w/ trochlear notch of ulna

Body (humerus)

Body or shaft - the long tubular part of the bone

Carpal Bones

Bones of wrist; arranged in 2 rows of 4 bones each

Injury and Dysfunction (metacarpal bones)

Commonly broken or dislocated Ex: head of 5th metacarpal bone is broken from the body when an awkwardly thrown punch is landed ("boxer's fracture")

Ulnar notch (radius)

Concave depression on the medial side of the distal end of the radius, which articulates, w/ head of ulna

Carpal articular surface (radius)

Concave surface on distal end of radius that articulates w/ scaphoid & lunate bones of wrist (forms radiocarpal joint)

Styloid process (radius)

Conical projection located laterally on distal end of radius; Acts as a attachment point for the brachioradialis muscle

Neck (scapula)

Constricted area between the head & body of scapula Constricted, medial part of the angle of the bone; Slightly constricted area surrounding glenoid cavity

Neck (radius)

Constricted region of bone, which supports the head

Surgical neck (humerus)

Constriction of humerus just distal to the tubercles; frequent site of fracture

Head (scapula)

Contains glenoid cavity; Expanded lateral part of lateral angle of bone

Dorsal tubercle (radius)

Distal posterior surface is marked in the middle by the dorsal tubercle. A part of the extensor retinaculum attaches to this tubercle

Deltoid tuberosity (humerus)

Elevated area of bone located on anterolateral surface of body of humerus; Acts as attachment point for deltoid muscle Pectoralis major muscle attaches above deltoid tuberosity, the brachialis muscle just below; Groove for Radial Nerve - Shallow depression immediately distal to the deltoid tuberosity

Acromial end (clavicle)

Flattened lateral end of clavicle that articulates w/ acromion of scapula thru an articular facet Acromial articular surface - facet that articulates the acromial extremity of the clavicle w/ acromion of scapula

Metacarpal Bones

Found in hand, extend from carpal bones to proximal phalanges 5 metacarpal bones that are numbered 1-5 from thumb (radial side of the arm) to little finger (ulnar side of the arm) Each has a proximal base, a middle body, & distal head Tubercles - found on each side of the metacarpal heads Proximal bases - articulate w/ carpal bones at the carpometacarpal joints Distal heads - articulate w/ the proximal phalanges at the metacarpophalangeal joints (MCP); the knuckles

Proximal Row of Carpal Bones

From radial to ulnar side: Scaphoid (navicular), Lunate (semilunar),Triquetrum (triangular), Pisiform

Trochlear notch (ulna)

Large depression found on the anterior, proximal end of the ulna. Formed jointly by depressions in coronoid process & olecranon. The trochlear notch serves as an articular surface for the trochlea of the humerus

Subscapular fossa (scapula)

Large depression occupying much of the anterior surface of the scapula

Olecranon (ulna)

Large process making up the most proximal, posterior part of ulna; Prominent piece of bone that can palpate at the elbow & act as a attachment point for triceps brachii & flexor carpi ulnaris muscles. When the forearm is extended, the olecranon fits into the olecranon fossa of the humerus

Crest of greater tubercle (humerus)

Larger, more lateral tubercle located just distal to the head & anatomical neck; Acts as a attachment point for the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, & teres minor muscles

Scaphoid (navicular) (carpal)

Largest & most lateral bone of proximal row; articulates w/ radius, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, & lunate bones Most frequently broken wrist bone during a fall Tubercle of the scaphoid is located on the lateral edge of the palmar surface. The tubercle is a rounded projection to which the flexor retinaculum attached

Trapezium (greater multiangular) (carpal)

Most lateral bone of distal row. It articulates w/ scaphoid, 1st & 2nd metacarpals, & trapezoid bones. Tubercle of the trapezium is a distinct ridge on palmer surface

Pisiform (carpal)

Most medial bone of proximal row; positioned more to the palmar surface than the scaphoid, lunate, & triquetral bones; articulates only w/ triquetral bone

Hamate (carpal)

Most medial of 4 bones of distal row Bears prominent hook-shaped process, the hook (hamulus) on its palmar aspect The tubercle is the attachment point of several arm & hand muscles; articulates w/ lunate, triquetral, capitate, & 4th & 5th metacarpal bones

Acromion (scapula)

Outward extension of the shoulder blade forming the high point of the shoulder Lateral extension of spine of scapula; Acts as an area for attachment of the deltoideus & trapezius muscles, & along its medial border, it contains a facet for articulation w/ acromial end of clavicle

Olecranon fossa (humerus)

Prominent depression located on posterior aspect of humerus above the trochlea; it accepts the olecranon of ulna when the forearm is in an extended position

Medial epicondyle (humerus)

Prominent projection of bone at end of the medial supracondylar ridge above the trochlea; acts as attachment point for pronator teres muscle & many of the flexor muscles of the forearm Groove for ulnar nerve - groove under the medial epicondyle on posterior of bone

Coronoid process (ulna)

Prominent projection of bone that extends anteriorly from ulna just distal to the olecranon. The lateral surface of the coronoid process has a shallow depression, the radial notch, which articulates with the articular circumference of the head of the radius. It serves as a point of attachment for the brachialis, flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor digitorum profundus, and pronator teres muscles

Spine of the scapula

Prominent, elongated, bony process that arises from posterior surface of scapula Divides posterior surface into 2 unequal region: supraspinatus (supraspinous) fossa —more superior but smaller area infraspinatus (infraspinous) fossa—more inferior but larger area

Trochlea (Medial Condyle) (humerus)

Pulley-shaped area of bone found medially on the distal end of humerus; consists of 2 elevated areas of bone between which is a depression; Articulates w/ trochlear notch of ulna

Tuberosity of ulna (ulna)

Roughened eminence at junction of the coronoid process w/ body of the ulna. Tuberosity is the insertion of Brachialis muscle

Head (ulna)

Rounded articular surface making up the distal end of ulna; articulates w/ the triangular articular disc overlying the wrist & ulnar notch of the radius

Head (humerus)

Rounded, proximal extremity of humerus; articulates w/ glenoid cavity of scapula thru ball-&-socket glenohumeral joint

Coronoid fossa (humerus)

Shallow depression located on the anterior aspect of humerus above the trochlea; It accepts the coronoid process of the ulna when the forearm is in a flexed position.l

Radial fossa (humerus)

Shallow depression located on the anterior aspect of the humerus above capitulum; it accepts the head of the radius when the forearm is in a flexed position

Anatomical neck (humerus)

Shallow groove, which passes around the circumference of the head

Glenoid cavity of scapula

Shallow socket that articulates w/ the head of the humerus Marks the lateral extent of the angle & is the articular surface, which accepts the head of the humerus. The glenoid cavity is ringed by the glenoid labrum, a fibrocartilaginous ring which helps stabilize head of humerus in the glenoid cavity. Supraglenoid tubercle - located at dorsal edge of glenoid cavity

Sesamoid Bones

Small rounded formations of bone associated w/ tendons of Flexor brevis pollicis muscle attachment on the palmar surface of the thumb at the interphalangeal (IP) joint

Crest of lesser tubercle (humerus)

Smaller but more obvious tubercle located on the anterior surface of the humerus just medial to the greater tubercle; Acts as attachment point for the subscapularis muscle

Trapezoid (lesser multiangular) (carpal)

Smallest bone of distal row; 2nd bone from lateral to medial; articulates w/ scaphoid, 2nd metacarpal, trapezium, & capitate bones

Body (ulna)

The length of bone extending from coronoid process distally to the head of the ulna. It is triangular in its proximal 3/4 & then becomes cylindrical

Head (radius)

The circular, proximal end of the radius, which through the articular fovea, a shallow cup-like depression on its cranial surface, articulates, with the capitulum of the humerus. The margin of the head is smooth and is called the articular circumference, a surface that articulates with the radial notch of the ulna

Intertubercular sulcus (humerus)

The depression separating the greater & lesser tubercle; It gives passage to the tendon of the long head of biceps brachii muscle; Acts as attachment point for latissimus dorsi muscle along its distal aspect

Body (Shaft) (radius)

The elongated length of bone located between the neck and the distal extremity

Injury & Dysfunction (humerus)

The humerus is subject to fracture & traumatic separation. Fractures of the proximal extremity of the humerus often occur at the anatomical & surgical necks. In elderly persons, fractures frequently occur just above the surgical neck superior to the insertions of the pectoralis major, teres major, & latissimus dorsi muscles Because the axillary, radial, & ulnar nerves are associated w/ the humerus, other fracture sites along the humerus may result in nerve injury. Traumatic separation of the proximal epiphysis from the shaft of the humerus can occur in young individuals prior to the age of 20. The proximal epiphysis is a growth point & doesn't unite w/ the body of the humerus until about age 18 in females & age 20 in males.

Body (scapula)

The major portion (mostly flat) of shoulder blade; Thin, triangular part of the bone

Ulnar styloid process (ulna)

The most distal, medial projection of bone arising from the ulna

Capitulum (Lateral Condyle) (humerus)

The rounded, smooth, elevated area of bone found laterally on the distal end of humerus; articulates w/ head of radius

Lateral epicondyle (humerus)

The small projection of bone located at the distal end of the lateral supracondylar ridge just above the capitulum. It serves as a point of attachment for supinator muscle and many of the extensor muscles of the forearm

Injury and Dysfunction (radius & ulna)

When one falls on outstretched hands, the radius & ulna are subject to fracture. Usually the distal end of radius & the styloid process of the ulna that will break. Radius is often broken into pieces & shortened

Supraspinatus (shoulder muscle action)

abducts and stabilizes arm at glenohumeral (shoulder) joint

Deltoid (shoulder muscle action)

abducts, flexes, extends, medially rotates and laterally rotates arm at glenohumeral (shoulder) joint

Coracobrachialis (upper arm muscle action)

adducts and flexes arm at glenohumeral (shoulder) joint

Teres major (shoulder muscle action)

adducts and medially rotates arm at glenohumeral (shoulder) joint


bones of the fingers Each finger, except for thumb, has a proximal, middle, & distal phalanx; thumb contains only proximal & distal phalanx Each bone has a proximal base, a middle body, & a distal head similar to the metacarpal bones

Flexor carpi ulnaris (flexor compartment of forearm & hand action)

flexes and adducts hand at radiocarpal (wrist) joint

Brachialis (upper arm muscle action)

flexes forearm at elbow joint


flexes forearm at elbow joint

Biceps brachii (upper arm muscle action)

flexes forearm at elbow joint; supinates forearm at radioulnar joints

Flexor carpi radialis (flexor compartment of forearm & hand action)

flexes hand at radiocarpal (wrist) joint; abducts hand at radiocarpal and midcarpal joints

Palmaris longus (flexor compartment of forearm & hand action)

flexes hand at radiocarpal (wrist) joint; stabilizes palmar aponeurosis

Flexor digitorum profundus (flexor compartment of forearm & hand action)

flexes index, middle, ring, and little fingers

Flexor digitorum superficialis (flexor compartment of forearm & hand action)

flexes index, middle, ring, and little fingers

Flexor pollicis longus (flexor compartment of forearm & hand action)

flexes thumb

Distal Row of Carpal Bones (carpal)

from radial to ulnar side: Hamate, Capitate, Trapezoid (lesser multiangular), Trapezium (greater multiangular)

Supraspinous fossa (scapula)

the depression located on the posterior surface of the scapula above the spine

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