Anatomy Lecture Exam 1 - Appendicular skeleton - Upper Extremity

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-The deltoid tuberosity provides attachment for deltoid muscle.

What is the function of deltoid tuberosity?

-Provide muscle attachment.

What is the function of lateral and medial epicondyles?

-It accommodates the ulna when arm is extended.

What is the function of olecranon fossa of the humerus?

-The name and location (lateral), it accommodates the radius laterally when arm is flexed.

What is the function of radial fossa of the humerus?

ulna, scapula.

Coronoid process belongs to_______ where as the coracoid process belongs to_______.

-S-shaped, sternal end is rounded, acromial end is flat. -The superior surface is smooth, the inferior surface is rough. -The sternal end articulates medially with the sternum. -The acromial end articulates laterally with the scapula.

Describe the anatomy of the clavicle. How are they located in the body in terms of articulation.

-Located lateral to the ulna. -Proximal head of radius. -Neck of radius separates the head of radius from radial tuberosity. -Radial tuberosity. -Shaft of radius. -Styloid process of the distal lateral end of the radius. -Ulnar notch on the distal medial end of the radius.

Describe the anatomy of the radius

3 borders: medial, lateral, and superior border. 3 angles: superior, inferior, and lateral angles. -The medial border faces the sternum medially. -The lateral border faces the humerus laterally. -Posterior aspect: -The spine of the scapula (scapular spine) runs transversely to end with an ACROMION process laterally. -Superior to the scapular spine: supraspinous fossa. -Inferior to the scapular spine: infraspinous fossa. -Anterior aspect: -Smooth surface, faces the ribs. -Coracoid process. -Subscapular fossa. -Lateral aspect: -The acromion process is projected posteriorly. -The coracoid process is projected anteriorly. -Glenoid cavity is located on the lateral aspect along the lateral border and lateral angle.

Describe the anatomy of the scapula from the: anterior view, posterior view, and lateral view.

-The radial notch of the ulna articulates with the head of the radius.

What is the function of radial notch of ulna? (articulation)

-The radial tuberosity provides muscle attachment for biceps brachii.

What is the function of radial tuberosity?

-It accommodates the ulna medially when arm is flexed.

What is the function of the coronoid fossa of the humerus?

-The coronoid process articulates anteriorly with the coronoid fossa of the humerus.

What is the function of the coronoid process? (articulation)

-The olecranon articulates with the olecranon fossa of the humerus.

What is the function of the olecranon? (articulation)

-Since it's located medially, it will articulate with the trochlear notch of ulna.

What is the function of trochlea?

-The trochlear notch articulates with the trochlea of the humerus.

What is the function of trochlear notch? (articulation)

-Lunate. -"Some LOVERS."

What is the most dislocated carpal bone?

-Scaphoid. -"Some."

What is the most fractured carpal bone?

-Articulates with the capitulum.

Where does the proximal head of radius articulate with?

-The ulnar notch articulates with head of ulna.

Where does the ulnar notch of radius articulate with?

-Head of ulna is located distally. -Head of radius is locate proximally.

Where is the head of ulna located? Where is the head of radius located?

-Group 1: middle. -Because the middle 3rd contains the weakest point due to no joints to support it.

Which group fracture is the most common in clavicle? And why?

-The pectoral girdle (connects the axial skeleton with the upper extremity). -The bones of upper extremity. -The pelvic girdle (connects the axial skeleton with the lower extremity). -The bones of lower extremity.

-What are the bones that make up the appendicular skeleton?

-They provide attachment for shoulder muscles.

-What are the functions of greater and lesser tubercles?

-It contains the tendon for biceps brachii muscle.

-What is the function of intertubercular sulcus?

-Deltoid tuberosity runs laterally along the humerus. -The shaft of the humerus. -Lateral and medial epicondyles. -Capitulum is located laterally. -Trochlea is located medial to the capitulum but lateral to the medial epicondyle. -Three fossae: olecranon, coronoid, and radial fossa.

Describe the distal anatomy of the humerus.

-Head of ulna. -Styloid process of ulna is posteromedial to the head of ulna.

Describe the distal anatomy of the ulna.

-Head of humerus. -Anatomical neck -Greater tubercle. -Lesser tubercle. -Intertubercular sulcus between the two tubercles. -Surgical neck.

Describe the proximal anatomy of the humerus.

-The ulna is located medial to the radius. -Olecranon: posterior bump of elbow -Trochlear notch. -Coronoid process just distal to the trochlear notch. -Radial notch just lateral to the coronoid process.

Describe the proximal anatomy of the ulna.

-Olecranon of ulna (posteriorly) (when arm is extended). -Head of radius. -Trochlea of humerus. -Coronoid process of ulna (anteriorly) (when arm is flexed) -Head of radius (anteriorly) (when arm is flexed). -Head of ulna (distally on the medial side). -Head of radius (proximally on the medial side).

Fill in the articulation: Olecranon fossa articulates with ________. Capitulum articulates with _________. Trochlear notch articulates with _______. Coronoid fossa articulates with ________. Radial fossa articulates with _________. Ulnar notch articulates with _________. Radial notch articulates with _________.

-Conoid tubercle near the acromial end.

From the inferior aspect, What anatomical feature can you see on the clavicle?

-When the force is transferred from three carpal bones (articulate directly with radius) to the radius while extending the hand/carpals.

How does Colles fracture occur?

-The acromion process of scapula articulates with the acromial end of the clavicle.

How does the clavicle articulate with the scapula? Be descriptive.

-4 (2 clavicles + 2 scapula) -60 (30 + 30) -2 ( 1 Os coxae + 1 Os coxae) -60 (30 + 30) -126 bones.

How many bones make up the pectoral girdle? How many bones make up the upper extremity? How many bones make up the pelvic girdle? How many bones make up the lower extremity? How many total?

-Distal end of radius medially. -Proximal end of ulna medially.

The ulnar notch belongs to ________ whereas the radial belongs to ________ .

-2 Humerus. -2 ulna (medial). -2 radius (distal). -16 carpals (8 + 8) -10 metacarpals (5 + 5) -28 phalanges (14 + 14) -10 proximal phalanges (5 + 5) -8 middle phalanges (4 + 4) -10 distal phalanges (5 + 5)

What are the bones of upper extremity? Be descriptive.

-Scaphoid, Lunate, and triquetrum. -"Some Lovers Try" -Direct articulation with the radius.

What are the three carpal bones that transmit the force to the radius that cause Colles fracture?

-Group 1: middle. -Group 2: distal 3rd. -Group 3: medial (proximal) 3rd.

What are the three classifications of clavicle fractures?

-The clavicle. -The scapula.

What bones make up the pectoral girdle?

-Ulna. -Radius

What bones on the arm or antebrachium?

-The humerus only.

What bones on the forearm or brachium?

-5 bones: meta carpal I, II, III, IV, V.

What bones on the palm or metacarpals?

-8 bones: scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate Some Lovers Try Positions, That They Cannot Handle.

What bones on the wrist or carpus?

-14 phalanges: 5 proximal phalanges, 4 middle phalanges, and 5 distal phalanges.

What bones that make up the fingers or phalanges.

-It articulates with the head of the humerus.

What does glenoid cavity of scapula articulate with?

-The coronoid fossa. -The radial fossa.

What fossa can you see at the distal end of humerus from the anterior view?

-The olecranon fossa.

What fossa can you see at the distal end of humerus from the posterior view?

-Colles fracture is the fracture of the distal radius.

What is the Colles fracture?


What is the carpal bone that can only be seen from the anterior view?

-Since it's located laterally, it will articulate with the head of radius

What is the function of capitulum?

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