Anatomy - Muscles of Facial Expression - Final

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The _____________ is the principal muscle of the cheek and the deepest muscle of the face and blends with the upper and lower lips


The transverse muscles move the corners of the lips laterally and compress the lips against the teeth. They are the _____________ and the __________.

Buccinator Risorius

The Levator _______ _____________ is superficial to the Levator ________ _____

Labii Superior Anguli Oris

Levator Labii Superior is an angular muscle but mostly just .....

elevates the lip as a whole

The Orbicularis Oris is a sphincter muscle that completely encircles the mouth opening. Not a single muscle though, it is composed of....

fibers from other facial muscles, as well as fibers exclusive to the lips -why we can stretch one have or raise 1 sections

Most of the facial muscles that move the lips...

insert into it

Some fibers decussate which means they

crisscross so the inferior fibers enter the upper lip and superior fibers enter lower lip

Levator Anguli Oris, lateral to ________ ____, draws the corners of mouth _____________ and assists in mouth __________ by ...

nasal ala (where cheek bone starts to protrude) superiorly closing by drawing lower lip (corner) superiorly

Transverse expression of the lips courses horizontally and can be acted on by...

pulling/compressing the lips against teeth

The Mentalis is the mental tuberosity of mandible. Some fibers are in the ______ of the chin, some into __________ _____. It acts to __________ ______, __________ lower lip, and is therefore referred to as the pouting muscle.

skin orbicularis oris wrinkle chin evert (protrude) lower lip

Zygomatic Major is the __________ muscle

smiling it brings corners of mouth up

Depressor Anguli Oris is __________ to depressor labii inferior, and is considered a frowning muscle. Some fibers ______ into the __________ ____. It depresses the lip angle and assists in __________ __________ by __________ __________ ___ __________ _____________

superficial cross into the upper lip mouth closing by drawing upper lip corners inferiorly

The vertical muscles insert into the orbicularis oris at the corners of the lips from either directly above or below. They are the __________ Anguli Oris, __________ Anguli Oris and __________

Levator Anguli Oris, Depressor Anguli Oris and Mentalis

The _________ is similar to the Buccinator but much smaller and assist in drawing mouth corner laterally by pulling outward/sideways


Which muscle is the smiling muscle and which one is the frowning muscle?

Smile: Zygomatic Major Frown: Depressor Anguli Oris

Angular expression of the lips approaches corners of mouth obliquely from above or below and can be acted on by...

Smiling or frowning

The angular muscles insert into the orbicularis oris at an angle from either above or below the lips. Those muscles are the __________ Major, __________ _________ ______ and __________ _______ _________

Zygomatic Major, Levator Labii Superior and Depressor Labii Inferior.

Vertical expression of the lips enters corners of the mouth from directly above or below, also contributes to smiling and frowning but also ....

aids in movement of the lips open and close

The Buccinator compress the ______________________________________________ and draw the ____________________ laterally

lips and cheeks against teeth mouth corners

Depressor Labii Inferior, located beneath the ________ _____, just lateral to midline, draws the lower lip __________ and __________

lower lip down (inferiorly) and outward (laterally)

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