Anatomy Unit 1 Exam

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Which pH has the highest concentration of hydrogen ion (H+)?


Which complementary base pairing is unique to RNA?


Which tRNA anticodon would be associated with the DNA triplet template strand, AAT?


Which is the most common high-energy compound?


In which process can the released chemicals be used to generate energy or to support growth?


With which method can one typically observe structure at the tissue level?

Dissecting microscope

Which subatomic particle has the smallest mass and a charge that is labeled "negative"?


Duplication of organelles and protein synthesis occur during which phase of interphase?


The maintenance of a constant internal environment in an organism is termed


Which of the following is a direct example of the study of physiology?

Measuring heart rate and noting blood pressure.

Which organ system removes carbon dioxide from the bloodstream?


Given that the mRNA codon AGC specifies the amino acid serine, which of the following is the tRNA anticodon?


The wrist is ________ to the elbow.


The ankle is ______ to the knee.

distal and inferior

Which of the following processes, for very small organisms, simply involves transferring materials across exposed surfaces?


What is the function of enzymes?

to lower the activation energy requirements of a reaction

Which of the following is a balanced equation?

· 2H2 + O2 →( 2H2O)

Which is the correct sequence of events when the RER delivers transport vesicles to the Golgi apparatus? 1 - Small vesicles move material from one cisterna to the next. 2 - Enzymatic modification occurs. 3 - Arrival at the trans face. 4 - Arrival at a cisterna known as the cis face.

· 4,2,1,3

As the chromatids approach the ends of the complex of spindle fibers, the cytoplasm constricts along the midline, forming which of the following?

· A cleavage furrow

Which surface of the cell is exposed to an internal or external environment?

· Apical

Where does translation occur?

· At the ribosomes

Which statement regarding the circulation of extracellular fluid is correct?

· Blood pressure at the arterial end of the capillary networks forces water and small solutes out of the bloodstream and into surrounding interstitial fluid.

Which of the following is reactive?

· Cl

What structure physically separates the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities?

· Diaphragm

What differentiates each type of tRNA from each other?

· Each type carries a specific amino acid.

In the homeostatic regulation example of ambient temperature control, the air conditioner functions as the __________.

· Effector

Vesicular transport through the plasma membrane involves which of the following?

· Endosomes

In transcription, __________.

· Gene activation begins with the temporary disruption of the hydrogen bonds between the complementary nitrogenous bases of the two DNA strands

A midsagittal section would pass through the

· Heart

What is the function of the cellular layer of the periosteum?

· It functions in appositional bone growth and participates in repairs after an injury.

Why would areolar tissue be considered the ideal type for connective tissue proper?

· It has all cell types found in other forms of connective tissue

Why is a 0.9 percent solution of sodium chloride often the fluid administered in clinical emergencies?

· It is an isotonic solution.

What is the one great advantage of carrier-mediated active transport?

· It is not dependent on a concentration gradient.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of DNA?

· It performs protein synthesis.

In receptor-mediated endocytosis, which event occurs immediately after the fusion of coated vesicles with lysosomes that are filled with digestive enzymes?

· Lysosomal enzymes and the acidic environment of the lysosome free the ligands from their receptors.

Which organelle functions in the intracellular removal of damaged organelles or pathogens?

· Lysosomes

Where do the reactions of the citric acid cycle occur within the mitochondrion?

· Matrix

Which membranous organelles in the cell are NOT interconnected or in communication with other organelles through the movement of vesicles?

· Mitochondria

Which type of tissue contracts to produce movements?

· Muscle

Which substance can freely diffuse across the lipid bilayer of the plasma membrane?

· O2 and CO2

Which characteristic of O2 is correct?

· One mole of O2 weighs 32 g.

In which body cavity are the female reproductive organs found?

· Pelvic

Which statement regarding peroxisomes is true?

· Peroxisomes are membranous organelles.

In the body, what type of functions do positive feedback loops perform?

· Positive feedback loops operate when a potentially dangerous or stressful process must be completed quickly before homeostasis can be restored.

Which functional class of membrane proteins do cells of the immune system detect?

· Recognition proteins

Which of the following statements regarding ribosomes is FALSE?

· Ribosomes also function in the synthesis of the phospholipids and cholesterol.

What do scientists mean when they use the term "Black Box"? (Module 1.6A)

· Scientists are referring to missing knowledge.

Which example correctly describes the relationship of form and function at the chemical level?

· The binding of chemical messengers to receptors often results in a shape change, which affects receptor function.

During translation, which is the correct action of the ribosome?

· The ribosome attaches the first amino acid delivered to the second amino acid delivered, forming a dipeptide.

Why are hydrogen, lithium, and sodium classified as reactive elements?

· They are elements with unfilled valence shells.

How are the skeletal system and muscular system related or similar in function?

· They both function in support within the human body.

Regarding neurons, which of the following is true?

· They exist in many different types and shapes.

Which is a characteristic of hydrophobic molecules?

· They have very few or no polar covalent bonds.

Which sectional plane would separate the thorax from the abdomen?

· Transverse

Which scenario(s) exemplifies exemplify the relationship between form and function?

· Weakened heart valves are unable to prevent blood from flowing backward in the heart. · The "thinning" of bone, which occurs as one ages, may lead to an increased risk of bone fracture. · Abnormally shaped hemoglobin leads to a reduced ability to carry oxygen. · All of the above listed responses are correct.

What is a tissue? (Module 4.1B)

· a group of similar cells and their cell products

What is defined as a sheath of water molecules around an ion in solution?

· a hydration sphere

In the example of blood clotting that occurs after a severe cut:

· a positive feedback loop occurs.

Which intercellular attachment in epithelial cells locks together the terminal webs of neighboring cells, strengthening the apical region and preventing distortion and leakage at the occluding junctions?

· adhesion belt

Nuclear pores are not/do not:

· allow proteins and DNA to freely cross the nuclear envelope.

Which functional group can accept protons (H+), depending on pH?

· amino group

Which mitotic phase begins when the centromere of each chromatid pair splits and the chromatids separate?

· anaphase

Anatomically, the forearm is known as which of the following?

· antebrachium

Sodium hydroxide is a strong __________, which releases sodium ions and hydroxide ions.

· base

Why is twisting movement not allowed at the elbow joint?

· because the humerus fits into a deep depression on the ulna, and projections of bone prevent twisting

If one were to identify a muscle in the sural region, it would be found in which of the following?

· calf

Firm, rubbery matrix is a structural feature of which connective tissue type?

· cartilage

The physical properties of __________ depend on the proteoglycans in the matrix and on the type and abundance of extracellular fibers.

· cartilage

Transmembrane proteins that bind to each other and to extracellular materials are known as:

· cell adhesion molecules (CAMs).

Regarding cells and the cell theory, __________.

· cells are the smallest structural units that perform all vital functions

Neurons have a very limited ability to divide after injury because most neurons lack which organelle(s)?

· centrioles

Which of the following is the correct relationship between a primary tissue type, or subtype, and one of its functions or characteristics?

· connective tissue; stores energy

Channel proteins that form a narrow passageway in gap junctions are known as which of the following?

· connexons

What is the general shape of the epithelial cells that are nearest the lumen in an empty urinary bladder?

· cuboidal

The following equation is an example of which type of reaction? LM → L + M + Energy

· decomposition reaction

What is one of the major functions of the lymphatic system?

· defense against infection and disease

In humans, cells:

· do not exist as independent entities.

Which connective tissue type is found in the walls of large blood vessels, in ligaments supporting transitional epithelia, and in the erectile tissues of the penis?

· elastic connective tissue

Glandular secretions are produced by which tissue type?

· epithelial

Keratin is a protein that is typically found in which tissue type?

· epithelial

Which tissue type lines the inner surfaces of the blood vessels and heart?

· epithelial tissue

What type of reaction is the following equation? LM + XY →( LX + MY)

· exchange reaction

Which tissue type, found within the knee joint and between the pubic bones of the pelvis, resists compression and limits relative movement?

· fibrocartilage

Sucrose undergoes which type of reaction to produce glucose and fructose?

· glycerides

Which type of bond between water molecules creates the surface tension of water?

· hydrogen bonds

Lysosomal enzymes and the acidic environment of the lysosome free the ligands from there receptors.

· involves DNA polymerase binding to nitrogenous bases that are exposed when DNA strands unwind

Which term refers to moving away from the body's midline?

· lateral

Steroids, which all share the same carbon-ring framework but differ in functional groups that are attached to the basic ring structure, are an example of __________.

· lipids

Reticular tissue is an example of __________.

· loose connective tissue proper

Which organ system functions to return tissue fluid to the bloodstream?

· lymphatic system

In the response to tissue injury, which cells release chemicals that stimulate nerve endings, producing the sensation of pain?

· mast cells

A red blood cell (RBC) in a hypotonic solution:

· may hemolyse

Which method(s) of secretion is/are involved in milk production in the mammary glands?

· merocrine and apocrine

The terminal web is a layer of __________ just inside the plasma membrane.

· microfilaments

Which formed element functions as a phagocyte?

· monocytes

Which compound or molecule is distributed in body fluids, manufactured in the body, and obtained from food?

· monosaccharides

Which organ system directs immediate responses to stimuli?

· nervous system

All the following are familiar indicators of inflammation EXCEPT:

· numbness

Which of the following is composed of a phosphate group linking a diglyceride to a nonlipid group and can be synthesized primarily from fatty acids in the body?

· phospholipids

Which element(s) are found in bones, teeth, and nucleic acids, as well as high-energy compounds?

· phosphorus

What type of bond is involved in the formation of a water molecule?

· polar covalent bonds

DNA polymerase:

· promotes bonding between nitrogenous bases of the DNA strand and complementary DNA nucleotides dissolved in the nucleoplasm.

Which of the following is an example of an eicosanoid?

· prostaglandins

The extracellular matrix of connective tissues consists of which of the following?

· protein fibers and ground substance

A neuroepithelium is an example of which epithelial tissue function?

· provide sensation

Which epithelial cells, found lining the nasal cavities and the trachea, typically possess cilia?

· pseudostratified columnar

Which level of structural complexity results from the interaction between individual polypeptide chains, resulting in the formation of a protein complex composed of two or more polypeptide subunits?

· quaternary

Homeostasis is not/does not:

· result in the presence of an unstable internal environment.

Which of the following often dissociates completely in water, releasing cations and anions?

· salts

Which membrane, lining the subdivisions of the body cavities of the trunk is extremely thin and delicate and is never directly connected to the exterior?

· serous membrane

The tissue level of organization is best described as __________.

· similar cells (and their products) working together to perform one or more specific functions

Which tissue type lines the heart and blood vessels?

· simple squamous epithelium

Which tissue type contains cells that can be described as long, cylindrical, multinucleated, and striated?

· skeletal muscle

Which epithelial tissue type is most often found lining large ducts, such as those of the salivary glands or pancreas?

· stratified columnar

Which structural feature consists entirely of areolar tissue?

· subserous fascia

In the process called facilitated diffusion, what limits the rate of transport into the cell at any given moment?

· the number of suitable carrier proteins

In cardiac physiology, why must blood pressure in the major arteries be maintained within normal limits?

· to prevent vessel damage and vessel collapse from high and low pressures, respectively

Mass number is defined as the

· total number of protons and neutrons in an atom.

Which of the following structures would you use to get the best resolution when viewing a sample?

· transmission electron microscope

Neuroglia do all of the following EXCEPT:

· transmit electrical impulses.

Which of the following features are significantly different in cartilage compared to bone?

· vascularity

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